// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. import Foundation extension SnodeAPI { public class UpdateExpiryRequest: SnodeAuthenticatedRequestBody { enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { case messageHashes = "messages" case expiryMs = "expiry" case shorten case extend } /// Array of message hash strings (as provided by the storage server) to update. Messages can be from any namespace(s) let messageHashes: [String] /// The new expiry timestamp (milliseconds since unix epoch). Must be >= 60s ago. The new expiry can be anywhere from /// current time up to the maximum TTL (30 days) from now; specifying a later timestamp will be truncated to the maximum let expiryMs: UInt64 /// If provided and set to true then the expiry is only shortened, but not extended. If the expiry is already at or before the given /// `expiry` timestamp then expiry will not be changed /// /// **Note:** This option is only supported starting at network version 19.3). This option is not permitted when using /// subkey authentication let shorten: Bool? /// If provided and set to true then the expiry is only extended, but not shortened. If the expiry is already at or beyond /// the given `expiry` timestamp then expiry will not be changed /// /// **Note:** This option is only supported starting at network version 19.3. This option is mutually exclusive of "shorten" let extend: Bool? // MARK: - Init public init( messageHashes: [String], expiryMs: UInt64, shorten: Bool? = nil, extend: Bool? = nil, pubkey: String, ed25519PublicKey: [UInt8], ed25519SecretKey: [UInt8], subkey: String? ) { self.messageHashes = messageHashes self.expiryMs = expiryMs self.shorten = shorten self.extend = extend super.init( pubkey: pubkey, ed25519PublicKey: ed25519PublicKey, ed25519SecretKey: ed25519SecretKey, subkey: subkey ) } // MARK: - Coding override public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws { var container: KeyedEncodingContainer = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self) try container.encode(messageHashes, forKey: .messageHashes) try container.encode(expiryMs, forKey: .expiryMs) try container.encodeIfPresent(shorten, forKey: .shorten) try container.encodeIfPresent(extend, forKey: .extend) try super.encode(to: encoder) } // MARK: - Abstract Methods override func generateSignature() throws -> [UInt8] { /// Ed25519 signature of `("expire" || ShortenOrExtend || expiry || messages[0] || ...` /// ` || messages[N])` where `expiry` is the expiry timestamp expressed as a string. /// `ShortenOrExtend` is string signature must be base64 "shorten" if the shorten option is given (and true), /// "extend" if `extend` is true, and empty otherwise. The signature must be base64 encoded (json) or bytes (bt). let verificationBytes: [UInt8] = SnodeAPI.Endpoint.expire.rawValue.bytes .appending(contentsOf: (shorten == true ? "shorten".bytes : [])) .appending(contentsOf: (extend == true ? "extend".bytes : [])) .appending(contentsOf: "\(expiryMs)".data(using: .ascii)?.bytes) .appending(contentsOf: messageHashes.joined().bytes) guard let signatureBytes: [UInt8] = sodium.wrappedValue.sign.signature( message: verificationBytes, secretKey: ed25519SecretKey ) else { throw SnodeAPIError.signingFailed } return signatureBytes } } }