// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. import Foundation import Sodium import SessionUtil import SessionUtilitiesKit import SessionMessagingKit import Quick import Nimble /// This spec is designed to replicate the initial test cases for the libSession-util to ensure the behaviour matches class ConfigUserProfileSpec { // MARK: - Spec static func spec() { it("generates UserProfile configs correctly") { let seed: Data = Data(hex: "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef") // FIXME: Would be good to move these into the libSession-util instead of using Sodium separately let identity = try! Identity.generate(from: seed) var edSK: [UInt8] = identity.ed25519KeyPair.secretKey expect(edSK.toHexString().suffix(64)) .to(equal("4cb76fdc6d32278e3f83dbf608360ecc6b65727934b85d2fb86862ff98c46ab7")) expect(identity.x25519KeyPair.publicKey.toHexString()) .to(equal("d2ad010eeb72d72e561d9de7bd7b6989af77dcabffa03a5111a6c859ae5c3a72")) expect(String(edSK.toHexString().prefix(32))).to(equal(seed.toHexString())) // Initialize a brand new, empty config because we have no dump data to deal with. let error: UnsafeMutablePointer? = nil var conf: UnsafeMutablePointer? = nil expect(user_profile_init(&conf, &edSK, nil, 0, error)).to(equal(0)) error?.deallocate() // We don't need to push anything, since this is an empty config expect(config_needs_push(conf)).to(beFalse()) // And we haven't changed anything so don't need to dump to db expect(config_needs_dump(conf)).to(beFalse()) // Since it's empty there shouldn't be a name. let namePtr: UnsafePointer? = user_profile_get_name(conf) expect(namePtr).to(beNil()) // We don't need to push since we haven't changed anything, so this call is mainly just for // testing: let pushData1: UnsafeMutablePointer = config_push(conf) expect(pushData1.pointee).toNot(beNil()) expect(pushData1.pointee.seqno).to(equal(0)) expect(pushData1.pointee.config_len).to(equal(256)) let encDomain: [CChar] = "UserProfile" .bytes .map { CChar(bitPattern: $0) } expect(String(cString: config_encryption_domain(conf))).to(equal("UserProfile")) var toPushDecSize: Int = 0 let toPushDecrypted: UnsafeMutablePointer? = config_decrypt(pushData1.pointee.config, pushData1.pointee.config_len, edSK, encDomain, &toPushDecSize) let prefixPadding: String = (0..<193) .map { _ in "\0" } .joined() expect(toPushDecrypted).toNot(beNil()) expect(toPushDecSize).to(equal(216)) // 256 - 40 overhead expect(String(pointer: toPushDecrypted, length: toPushDecSize)) .to(equal("\(prefixPadding)d1:#i0e1:&de1:? = user_profile_get_name(conf) expect(namePtr2).toNot(beNil()) expect(String(cString: namePtr2!)).to(equal("Kallie")) let pic2: user_profile_pic = user_profile_get_pic(conf); expect(String(libSessionVal: pic2.url)).to(equal("http://example.org/omg-pic-123.bmp")) expect(Data(libSessionVal: pic2.key, count: ProfileManager.avatarAES256KeyByteLength)) .to(equal("secret78901234567890123456789012".data(using: .utf8))) expect(user_profile_get_nts_priority(conf)).to(equal(9)) // Since we've made changes, we should need to push new config to the swarm, *and* should need // to dump the updated state: expect(config_needs_push(conf)).to(beTrue()) expect(config_needs_dump(conf)).to(beTrue()) // incremented since we made changes (this only increments once between // dumps; even though we changed two fields here). let pushData2: UnsafeMutablePointer = config_push(conf) expect(pushData2.pointee.seqno).to(equal(1)) // Note: This hex value differs from the value in the library tests because // it looks like the library has an "end of cell mark" character added at the // end (0x07 or '0007') so we need to manually add it to work let expHash0: [UInt8] = Data(hex: "ea173b57beca8af18c3519a7bbf69c3e7a05d1c049fa9558341d8ebb48b0c965") .bytes // The data to be actually pushed, expanded like this to make it somewhat human-readable: let expPush1Decrypted: [UInt8] = [""" d 1:#i1e 1:& d 1:+ i9e 1:n 6:Kallie 1:p 34:http://example.org/omg-pic-123.bmp 1:q 32:secret78901234567890123456789012 e 1:< l l i0e 32: """.removeCharacters(characterSet: CharacterSet.whitespacesAndNewlines) // For readability .bytes, expHash0, """ de e e 1:= d 1:+ 0: 1:n 0: 1:p 0: 1:q 0: e e """.removeCharacters(characterSet: CharacterSet.whitespacesAndNewlines) // For readability .bytes ].flatMap { $0 } let expPush1Encrypted: [UInt8] = Data(hex: [ "9693a69686da3055f1ecdfb239c3bf8e746951a36d888c2fb7c02e856a5c2091b24e39a7e1af828f", "1fa09fe8bf7d274afde0a0847ba143c43ffb8722301b5ae32e2f078b9a5e19097403336e50b18c84", "aade446cd2823b011f97d6ad2116a53feb814efecc086bc172d31f4214b4d7c630b63bbe575b0868", "2d146da44915063a07a78556ab5eff4f67f6aa26211e8d330b53d28567a931028c393709a325425d", "e7486ccde24416a7fd4a8ba5fa73899c65f4276dfaddd5b2100adcf0f793104fb235b31ce32ec656", "056009a9ebf58d45d7d696b74e0c7ff0499c4d23204976f19561dc0dba6dc53a2497d28ce03498ea", "49bf122762d7bc1d6d9c02f6d54f8384" ].joined()).bytes let pushData2Str: String = String(pointer: pushData2.pointee.config, length: pushData2.pointee.config_len, encoding: .ascii)! let expPush1EncryptedStr: String = String(pointer: expPush1Encrypted, length: expPush1Encrypted.count, encoding: .ascii)! expect(pushData2Str).to(equal(expPush1EncryptedStr)) // Raw decryption doesn't unpad (i.e. the padding is part of the encrypted data) var pushData2DecSize: Int = 0 let pushData2Decrypted: UnsafeMutablePointer? = config_decrypt( pushData2.pointee.config, pushData2.pointee.config_len, edSK, encDomain, &pushData2DecSize ) let prefixPadding2: String = (0..<(256 - 40 - expPush1Decrypted.count)) .map { _ in "\0" } .joined() expect(pushData2DecSize).to(equal(216)) // 256 - 40 overhead let pushData2DecryptedStr: String = String(pointer: pushData2Decrypted, length: pushData2DecSize, encoding: .ascii)! let expPush1DecryptedStr: String = String(pointer: expPush1Decrypted, length: expPush1Decrypted.count, encoding: .ascii) .map { "\(prefixPadding2)\($0)" }! expect(pushData2DecryptedStr).to(equal(expPush1DecryptedStr)) pushData2Decrypted?.deallocate() // We haven't dumped, so still need to dump: expect(config_needs_dump(conf)).to(beTrue()) // We did call push, but we haven't confirmed it as stored yet, so this will still return true: expect(config_needs_push(conf)).to(beTrue()) var dump1: UnsafeMutablePointer? = nil var dump1Len: Int = 0 config_dump(conf, &dump1, &dump1Len) // (in a real client we'd now store this to disk) expect(config_needs_dump(conf)).to(beFalse()) let expDump1: [CChar] = [ """ d 1:! i2e 1:$ \(expPush1Decrypted.count): """ .removeCharacters(characterSet: CharacterSet.whitespacesAndNewlines) .bytes .map { CChar(bitPattern: $0) }, expPush1Decrypted .map { CChar(bitPattern: $0) }, """ 1:(0: 1:)le e """.removeCharacters(characterSet: CharacterSet.whitespacesAndNewlines) .bytes .map { CChar(bitPattern: $0) } ].flatMap { $0 } expect(String(pointer: dump1, length: dump1Len, encoding: .ascii)) .to(equal(String(pointer: expDump1, length: expDump1.count, encoding: .ascii))) dump1?.deallocate() // So now imagine we got back confirmation from the swarm that the push has been stored: let fakeHash1: String = "fakehash1" var cFakeHash1: [CChar] = fakeHash1.cArray.nullTerminated() config_confirm_pushed(conf, pushData2.pointee.seqno, &cFakeHash1) pushData2.deallocate() expect(config_needs_push(conf)).to(beFalse()) expect(config_needs_dump(conf)).to(beTrue()) // The confirmation changes state, so this makes us need a dump var dump2: UnsafeMutablePointer? = nil var dump2Len: Int = 0 config_dump(conf, &dump2, &dump2Len) let expDump2: [CChar] = [ """ d 1:! i0e 1:$ \(expPush1Decrypted.count): """ .removeCharacters(characterSet: CharacterSet.whitespacesAndNewlines) .bytes .map { CChar(bitPattern: $0) }, expPush1Decrypted .map { CChar(bitPattern: $0) }, """ 1:(9:fakehash1 1:)le e """.removeCharacters(characterSet: CharacterSet.whitespacesAndNewlines) .bytes .map { CChar(bitPattern: $0) } ].flatMap { $0 } expect(String(pointer: dump2, length: dump2Len, encoding: .ascii)) .to(equal(String(pointer: expDump2, length: expDump2.count, encoding: .ascii))) dump2?.deallocate() expect(config_needs_dump(conf)).to(beFalse()) // Now we're going to set up a second, competing config object (in the real world this would be // another Session client somewhere). // Start with an empty config, as above: let error2: UnsafeMutablePointer? = nil var conf2: UnsafeMutablePointer? = nil expect(user_profile_init(&conf2, &edSK, nil, 0, error2)).to(equal(0)) expect(config_needs_dump(conf2)).to(beFalse()) error2?.deallocate() // Now imagine we just pulled down the `exp_push1` string from the swarm; we merge it into // conf2: var mergeHashes: [UnsafePointer?] = [cFakeHash1].unsafeCopy() var mergeData: [UnsafePointer?] = [expPush1Encrypted].unsafeCopy() var mergeSize: [Int] = [expPush1Encrypted.count] expect(config_merge(conf2, &mergeHashes, &mergeData, &mergeSize, 1)).to(equal(1)) mergeHashes.forEach { $0?.deallocate() } mergeData.forEach { $0?.deallocate() } // Our state has changed, so we need to dump: expect(config_needs_dump(conf2)).to(beTrue()) var dump3: UnsafeMutablePointer? = nil var dump3Len: Int = 0 config_dump(conf2, &dump3, &dump3Len) // (store in db) dump3?.deallocate() expect(config_needs_dump(conf2)).to(beFalse()) // We *don't* need to push: even though we updated, all we did is update to the merged data (and // didn't have any sort of merge conflict needed): expect(config_needs_push(conf2)).to(beFalse()) // Now let's create a conflicting update: // Change the name on both clients: user_profile_set_name(conf, "Nibbler") user_profile_set_name(conf2, "Raz") // And, on conf2, we're also going to change the profile pic: let p2: user_profile_pic = user_profile_pic( url: "http://new.example.com/pic".toLibSession(), key: "qwert\0yuio1234567890123456789012".data(using: .utf8)!.toLibSession() ) user_profile_set_pic(conf2, p2) // Both have changes, so push need a push expect(config_needs_push(conf)).to(beTrue()) expect(config_needs_push(conf2)).to(beTrue()) let fakeHash2: String = "fakehash2" var cFakeHash2: [CChar] = fakeHash2.cArray.nullTerminated() let pushData3: UnsafeMutablePointer = config_push(conf) expect(pushData3.pointee.seqno).to(equal(2)) // incremented, since we made a field change config_confirm_pushed(conf, pushData3.pointee.seqno, &cFakeHash2) let fakeHash3: String = "fakehash3" var cFakeHash3: [CChar] = fakeHash3.cArray.nullTerminated() let pushData4: UnsafeMutablePointer = config_push(conf2) expect(pushData4.pointee.seqno).to(equal(2)) // incremented, since we made a field change config_confirm_pushed(conf, pushData4.pointee.seqno, &cFakeHash3) var dump4: UnsafeMutablePointer? = nil var dump4Len: Int = 0 config_dump(conf, &dump4, &dump4Len); var dump5: UnsafeMutablePointer? = nil var dump5Len: Int = 0 config_dump(conf2, &dump5, &dump5Len); // (store in db) dump4?.deallocate() dump5?.deallocate() // Since we set different things, we're going to get back different serialized data to be // pushed: let pushData3Str: String? = String(pointer: pushData3.pointee.config, length: pushData3.pointee.config_len, encoding: .ascii) let pushData4Str: String? = String(pointer: pushData4.pointee.config, length: pushData4.pointee.config_len, encoding: .ascii) expect(pushData3Str).toNot(equal(pushData4Str)) // Now imagine that each client pushed its `seqno=2` config to the swarm, but then each client // also fetches new messages and pulls down the other client's `seqno=2` value. // Feed the new config into each other. (This array could hold multiple configs if we pulled // down more than one). var mergeHashes2: [UnsafePointer?] = [cFakeHash2].unsafeCopy() var mergeData2: [UnsafePointer?] = [UnsafePointer(pushData3.pointee.config)] var mergeSize2: [Int] = [pushData3.pointee.config_len] expect(config_merge(conf2, &mergeHashes2, &mergeData2, &mergeSize2, 1)).to(equal(1)) pushData3.deallocate() var mergeHashes3: [UnsafePointer?] = [cFakeHash3].unsafeCopy() var mergeData3: [UnsafePointer?] = [UnsafePointer(pushData4.pointee.config)] var mergeSize3: [Int] = [pushData4.pointee.config_len] expect(config_merge(conf, &mergeHashes3, &mergeData3, &mergeSize3, 1)).to(equal(1)) pushData4.deallocate() // Now after the merge we *will* want to push from both client, since both will have generated a // merge conflict update (with seqno = 3). expect(config_needs_push(conf)).to(beTrue()) expect(config_needs_push(conf2)).to(beTrue()) let pushData5: UnsafeMutablePointer = config_push(conf) let pushData6: UnsafeMutablePointer = config_push(conf2) expect(pushData5.pointee.seqno).to(equal(3)) expect(pushData6.pointee.seqno).to(equal(3)) // They should have resolved the conflict to the same thing: expect(String(cString: user_profile_get_name(conf)!)).to(equal("Nibbler")) expect(String(cString: user_profile_get_name(conf2)!)).to(equal("Nibbler")) // (Note that they could have also both resolved to "Raz" here, but the hash of the serialized // message just happens to have a higher hash -- and thus gets priority -- for this particular // test). // Since only one of them set a profile pic there should be no conflict there: let pic3: user_profile_pic = user_profile_get_pic(conf) expect(pic3.url).toNot(beNil()) expect(String(libSessionVal: pic3.url)).to(equal("http://new.example.com/pic")) expect(pic3.key).toNot(beNil()) expect(Data(libSessionVal: pic3.key, count: 32).toHexString()) .to(equal("7177657274007975696f31323334353637383930313233343536373839303132")) let pic4: user_profile_pic = user_profile_get_pic(conf2) expect(pic4.url).toNot(beNil()) expect(String(libSessionVal: pic4.url)).to(equal("http://new.example.com/pic")) expect(pic4.key).toNot(beNil()) expect(Data(libSessionVal: pic4.key, count: 32).toHexString()) .to(equal("7177657274007975696f31323334353637383930313233343536373839303132")) expect(user_profile_get_nts_priority(conf)).to(equal(9)) expect(user_profile_get_nts_priority(conf2)).to(equal(9)) let fakeHash4: String = "fakehash4" var cFakeHash4: [CChar] = fakeHash4.cArray.nullTerminated() let fakeHash5: String = "fakehash5" var cFakeHash5: [CChar] = fakeHash5.cArray.nullTerminated() config_confirm_pushed(conf, pushData5.pointee.seqno, &cFakeHash4) config_confirm_pushed(conf2, pushData6.pointee.seqno, &cFakeHash5) pushData5.deallocate() pushData6.deallocate() var dump6: UnsafeMutablePointer? = nil var dump6Len: Int = 0 config_dump(conf, &dump6, &dump6Len); var dump7: UnsafeMutablePointer? = nil var dump7Len: Int = 0 config_dump(conf2, &dump7, &dump7Len); // (store in db) dump6?.deallocate() dump7?.deallocate() expect(config_needs_dump(conf)).to(beFalse()) expect(config_needs_dump(conf2)).to(beFalse()) expect(config_needs_push(conf)).to(beFalse()) expect(config_needs_push(conf2)).to(beFalse()) // Wouldn't do this in a normal session but doing it here to properly clean up // after the test conf?.deallocate() conf2?.deallocate() } } }