// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. import UIKit import WebRTC import SessionUIKit final class MiniCallView: UIView, RTCVideoViewDelegate { var callVC: CallVC // MARK: UI private static let defaultSize: CGFloat = UIDevice.current.isIPad ? 200 : 100 private static let defaultVideoSize: CGFloat = UIDevice.current.isIPad ? 320 : 160 private let topMargin = (UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.safeAreaInsets.top ?? 0) + Values.veryLargeSpacing private let bottomMargin = (UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.safeAreaInsets.bottom ?? 0) private var width: NSLayoutConstraint? private var height: NSLayoutConstraint? private var left: NSLayoutConstraint? private var right: NSLayoutConstraint? private var top: NSLayoutConstraint? private var bottom: NSLayoutConstraint? private let backgroundView: UIView = { let result: UIView = UIView() result.themeBackgroundColor = .textPrimary result.alpha = 0.8 return result }() #if targetEnvironment(simulator) /// **Note:** `RTCMTLVideoView` doesn't seem to work on the simulator so use `RTCEAGLVideoView` instead /// /// Unfortunately this seems to have some issues on M1 macs where an `EXC_BAD_ACCESS` can be thrown when stopping and /// starting playback (eg. when swapping to the `MiniCallView` while on a video call, as such there isn't much we can do to /// resolve this issue but it should only occur on the Simulator on M1 Macs /// (see https://code.videolan.org/videolan/VLCKit/-/issues/566 for more information) private lazy var remoteVideoView: RTCEAGLVideoView = { let result = RTCEAGLVideoView() result.delegate = self result.themeBackgroundColor = .backgroundSecondary result.alpha = (self.callVC.call.isRemoteVideoEnabled ? 1 : 0) return result }() #else private lazy var remoteVideoView: RTCMTLVideoView = { let result = RTCMTLVideoView() result.delegate = self result.videoContentMode = .scaleAspectFit result.themeBackgroundColor = .backgroundSecondary result.alpha = (self.callVC.call.isRemoteVideoEnabled ? 1 : 0) return result }() #endif // MARK: - Initialization public static var current: MiniCallView? init(from callVC: CallVC) { self.callVC = callVC super.init(frame: CGRect.zero) setUpViewHierarchy() setUpGestureRecognizers() MiniCallView.current = self self.callVC.call.remoteVideoStateDidChange = { isEnabled in DispatchQueue.main.async { UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.25) { self.remoteVideoView.alpha = isEnabled ? 1 : 0 if !isEnabled { self.width?.constant = MiniCallView.defaultSize self.height?.constant = MiniCallView.defaultSize } } } } NotificationCenter.default.addObserver( self, selector: #selector(windowSubviewsChanged), name: .windowSubviewsChanged, object: nil ) } override init(frame: CGRect) { preconditionFailure("Use init(message:) instead.") } required init?(coder: NSCoder) { preconditionFailure("Use init(coder:) instead.") } deinit { NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self) } private func setUpViewHierarchy() { self.clipsToBounds = true self.layer.cornerRadius = UIDevice.current.isIPad ? 20 : 10 self.width = self.set(.width, to: MiniCallView.defaultSize) self.height = self.set(.height, to: MiniCallView.defaultSize) // Background let background = getBackgroudView() self.addSubview(background) background.pin(to: self) // Remote video view callVC.call.attachRemoteVideoRenderer(remoteVideoView) self.addSubview(remoteVideoView) remoteVideoView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false remoteVideoView.pin(to: self) } private func getBackgroudView() -> UIView { let result: UIView = UIView() let background: UIView = UIView() background.themeBackgroundColor = .textPrimary background.alpha = 0.8 result.addSubview(background) background.pin(to: result) let imageView = UIImageView() imageView.clipsToBounds = true imageView.layer.cornerRadius = 32 imageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill imageView.image = callVC.call.profilePicture result.addSubview(imageView) imageView.set(.width, to: 64) imageView.set(.height, to: 64) imageView.center(in: result) return result } private func setUpGestureRecognizers() { let tapGestureRecognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handleTap)) tapGestureRecognizer.numberOfTapsRequired = 1 addGestureRecognizer(tapGestureRecognizer) makeViewDraggable() } // MARK: - Interaction @objc private func handleTap(_ gestureRecognizer: UITapGestureRecognizer) { dismiss() guard let presentingVC = CurrentAppContext().frontmostViewController() else { preconditionFailure() } // FIXME: Handle more gracefully presentingVC.present(callVC, animated: true, completion: nil) } public func show() { self.alpha = 0.0 guard let window: UIWindow = CurrentAppContext().mainWindow else { return } window.addSubview(self) left = self.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewEdge: .left) left?.isActive = false right = self.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewEdge: .right, withInset: Values.smallSpacing) top = self.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewEdge: .top, withInset: topMargin) bottom = self.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewEdge: .bottom, withInset: bottomMargin) bottom?.isActive = false UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.5, delay: 0, options: [], animations: { self.alpha = 1.0 }, completion: nil) } public func dismiss() { UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.5, delay: 0, options: [], animations: { self.alpha = 0.0 }, completion: { [weak self] _ in if let remoteVideoView: RTCVideoRenderer = self?.remoteVideoView { self?.callVC.call.removeRemoteVideoRenderer(remoteVideoView) } self?.callVC.setupStateChangeCallbacks() MiniCallView.current = nil self?.removeFromSuperview() }) } // MARK: - RTCVideoViewDelegate func videoView(_ videoView: RTCVideoRenderer, didChangeVideoSize size: CGSize) { let newSize = CGSize( width: min(Self.defaultVideoSize, Self.defaultVideoSize * size.width / size.height), height: min(Self.defaultVideoSize, Self.defaultVideoSize * size.height / size.width) ) persistCurrentPosition(newSize: newSize) self.width?.constant = newSize.width self.height?.constant = newSize.height } func persistCurrentPosition(newSize: CGSize) { let currentCenter = self.center if currentCenter.x < ((self.superview?.width() ?? 0) / 2) { left?.isActive = true right?.isActive = false } else { left?.isActive = false right?.isActive = true } let willTouchTop: Bool = (currentCenter.y < ((newSize.height / 2) + topMargin)) let willTouchBottom: Bool = ((currentCenter.y + (newSize.height / 2)) >= (self.superview?.height() ?? 0)) if willTouchBottom { top?.isActive = false bottom?.isActive = true } else { let constant = (willTouchTop ? topMargin : (currentCenter.y - (newSize.height / 2))) top?.constant = constant top?.isActive = true bottom?.isActive = false } } @objc private func windowSubviewsChanged() { // Ensure the MiniCallView always stays in front when presenting screens (need to update the // constraints to match the current values so when the re-layout occurs it doesn't move) if self.top?.isActive == true { self.top?.constant = self.frame.minY } if self.left?.isActive == true { self.left?.constant = self.frame.minX } if self.right?.isActive == true { self.right?.constant = (self.frame.maxX - (self.superview?.width() ?? 0)) } if self.bottom?.isActive == true { self.bottom?.constant = (self.frame.maxY - (self.superview?.height() ?? 0)) } self.window?.bringSubviewToFront(self) } }