// // Copyright (c) 2019 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved. // import Foundation /** * Strings re-used in multiple places should be added here. */ @objc public class CommonStrings: NSObject { @objc static public let dismissButton = NSLocalizedString("DISMISS_BUTTON_TEXT", comment: "Short text to dismiss current modal / actionsheet / screen") @objc static public let cancelButton = NSLocalizedString("TXT_CANCEL_TITLE", comment: "Label for the cancel button in an alert or action sheet.") @objc static public let doneButton = NSLocalizedString("BUTTON_DONE", comment: "Label for generic done button.") @objc static public let retryButton = "RETRY_BUTTON_TEXT".localized() @objc static public let openSettingsButton = NSLocalizedString("OPEN_SETTINGS_BUTTON", comment: "Button text which opens the settings app") @objc static public let errorAlertTitle = NSLocalizedString("ALERT_ERROR_TITLE", comment: "") } @objc public class MessageStrings: NSObject { @objc static public let replyNotificationAction = NSLocalizedString("PUSH_MANAGER_REPLY", comment: "Notification action button title") @objc static public let markAsReadNotificationAction = NSLocalizedString("PUSH_MANAGER_MARKREAD", comment: "Notification action button title") @objc static public let sendButton = "SEND_BUTTON_TITLE".localized() } @objc public class NotificationStrings: NSObject { @objc static public let incomingMessageBody = NSLocalizedString("APN_Message", comment: "notification body") @objc static public let incomingCollapsedMessagesBody = NSLocalizedString("APN_Collapsed_Messages", comment: "collapsed notification body for background polling") @objc static public let incomingGroupMessageTitleFormat = NSLocalizedString("NEW_GROUP_MESSAGE_NOTIFICATION_TITLE", comment: "notification title. Embeds {{author name}} and {{group name}}") @objc static public let failedToSendBody = "SEND_FAILED_NOTIFICATION_BODY".localized() } @objc public class CallStrings: NSObject { // MARK: Notification actions @objc static public let showThreadButtonTitle = "SHOW_THREAD_BUTTON_TITLE".localized() } @objc public class MediaStrings: NSObject { @objc static public let allMedia = NSLocalizedString("MEDIA_DETAIL_VIEW_ALL_MEDIA_BUTTON", comment: "nav bar button item") @objc static public let media = NSLocalizedString("MEDIA_TAB_TITLE", comment: "media tab title") @objc static public let document = NSLocalizedString("DOCUMENT_TAB_TITLE", comment: "document tab title") }