// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. import Foundation import Combine import GRDB import DifferenceKit import SessionUIKit import SessionMessagingKit import SessionUtilitiesKit class NotificationSoundViewModel: SessionTableViewModel, NavigationItemSource, NavigatableStateHolder, ObservableTableSource { typealias TableItem = Preferences.Sound public let dependencies: Dependencies public let navigatableState: NavigatableState = NavigatableState() public let state: TableDataState = TableDataState() public let observableState: ObservableTableSourceState = ObservableTableSourceState() // FIXME: Remove `threadId` once we ditch the per-thread notification sound private let threadId: String? private var audioPlayer: OWSAudioPlayer? private var storedSelection: Preferences.Sound? private var currentSelection: CurrentValueSubject = CurrentValueSubject(nil) // MARK: - Initialization init(threadId: String? = nil, using dependencies: Dependencies = Dependencies()) { self.dependencies = dependencies self.threadId = threadId } deinit { self.audioPlayer?.stop() self.audioPlayer = nil } // MARK: - Config enum NavItem: Equatable { case cancel case save } public enum Section: SessionTableSection { case content } // MARK: - Navigation lazy var leftNavItems: AnyPublisher<[SessionNavItem], Never> = [ SessionNavItem( id: .cancel, systemItem: .cancel, accessibilityIdentifier: "Cancel button" ) { [weak self] in self?.dismissScreen() } ] lazy var rightNavItems: AnyPublisher<[SessionNavItem], Never> = currentSelection .removeDuplicates() .map { [weak self] currentSelection in (self?.storedSelection != currentSelection) } .map { isChanged in guard isChanged else { return [] } return [ SessionNavItem( id: .save, systemItem: .save, accessibilityIdentifier: "Save button" ) { [weak self] in self?.saveChanges() self?.dismissScreen() } ] } .eraseToAnyPublisher() // MARK: - Content let title: String = "NOTIFICATIONS_STYLE_SOUND_TITLE".localized() lazy var observation: TargetObservation = ObservationBuilder .databaseObservation(self) { [threadId] db -> Preferences.Sound in guard let threadId: String = threadId else { return db[.defaultNotificationSound] .defaulting(to: .defaultNotificationSound) } return try SessionThread .filter(id: threadId) .select(.notificationSound) .asRequest(of: Preferences.Sound.self) .fetchOne(db) .defaulting( to: db[.defaultNotificationSound] .defaulting(to: .defaultNotificationSound) ) } .map { [weak self] storedSelection in self?.storedSelection = storedSelection self?.currentSelection.send(self?.currentSelection.value ?? storedSelection) return [ SectionModel( model: .content, elements: Preferences.Sound.notificationSounds .map { sound in SessionCell.Info( id: sound, title: { guard sound != .note else { return String( format: "SETTINGS_AUDIO_DEFAULT_TONE_LABEL_FORMAT".localized(), sound.displayName ) } return sound.displayName }(), rightAccessory: .radio( isSelected: { (self?.currentSelection.value == sound) } ), onTap: { self?.currentSelection.send(sound) self?.audioPlayer?.stop() // Stop the old sound immediately // Play the sound (to prevent UI lag we dispatch after a short delay) DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + .milliseconds(100)) { self?.audioPlayer = Preferences.Sound.audioPlayer( for: sound, behavior: .playback ) self?.audioPlayer?.isLooping = false self?.audioPlayer?.play() } } ) } ) ] } // MARK: - Functions private func saveChanges() { guard let currentSelection: Preferences.Sound = self.currentSelection.value else { return } let threadId: String? = self.threadId Storage.shared.writeAsync { db in guard let threadId: String = threadId else { db[.defaultNotificationSound] = currentSelection return } try SessionThread .filter(id: threadId) .updateAll( db, SessionThread.Columns.notificationSound.set(to: currentSelection) ) } } }