// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. import Foundation import GRDB import SessionUtilitiesKit enum _001_InitialSetupMigration: Migration { static let target: TargetMigrations.Identifier = .messagingKit static let identifier: String = "initialSetup" // stringlint:disable static let needsConfigSync: Bool = false static let minExpectedRunDuration: TimeInterval = 0.1 static let fetchedTables: [(TableRecord & FetchableRecord).Type] = [] static let createdOrAlteredTables: [(TableRecord & FetchableRecord).Type] = [ Contact.self, Profile.self, SessionThread.self, DisappearingMessagesConfiguration.self, ClosedGroup.self, ClosedGroupKeyPair.self, OpenGroup.self, Capability.self, BlindedIdLookup.self, GroupMember.self, Interaction.self, RecipientState.self, Attachment.self, InteractionAttachment.self, Quote.self, LinkPreview.self, ControlMessageProcessRecord.self, ThreadTypingIndicator.self ] static let droppedTables: [(TableRecord & FetchableRecord).Type] = [] public static let fullTextSearchTokenizer: FTS5TokenizerDescriptor = { // Define the tokenizer to be used in all the FTS tables // https://github.com/groue/GRDB.swift/blob/master/Documentation/FullTextSearch.md#fts5-tokenizers return .porter(wrapping: .unicode61()) }() static func migrate(_ db: Database) throws { try db.create(table: Contact.self) { t in t.column(.id, .text) .notNull() .primaryKey() t.column(.isTrusted, .boolean) .notNull() .defaults(to: false) t.column(.isApproved, .boolean) .notNull() .defaults(to: false) t.column(.isBlocked, .boolean) .notNull() .defaults(to: false) t.column(.didApproveMe, .boolean) .notNull() .defaults(to: false) t.column(.hasBeenBlocked, .boolean) .notNull() .defaults(to: false) } try db.create(table: Profile.self) { t in t.column(.id, .text) .notNull() .primaryKey() t.column(.name, .text).notNull() t.column(.nickname, .text) t.column(.profilePictureUrl, .text) t.column(.profilePictureFileName, .text) t.column(.profileEncryptionKey, .blob) } /// Create a full-text search table synchronized with the Profile table try db.create(virtualTable: Profile.fullTextSearchTableName, using: FTS5()) { t in t.synchronize(withTable: Profile.databaseTableName) t.tokenizer = _001_InitialSetupMigration.fullTextSearchTokenizer t.column(Profile.Columns.nickname.name) t.column(Profile.Columns.name.name) } try db.create(table: SessionThread.self) { t in t.column(.id, .text) .notNull() .primaryKey() t.column(.variant, .integer).notNull() t.column(.creationDateTimestamp, .double).notNull() t.column(.shouldBeVisible, .boolean).notNull() t.deprecatedColumn(name: "isPinned", .boolean).notNull() // stringlint:disable t.column(.messageDraft, .text) t.column(.notificationSound, .integer) t.column(.mutedUntilTimestamp, .double) t.column(.onlyNotifyForMentions, .boolean) .notNull() .defaults(to: false) } try db.create(table: DisappearingMessagesConfiguration.self) { t in t.column(.threadId, .text) .notNull() .primaryKey() .references(SessionThread.self, onDelete: .cascade) // Delete if Thread deleted t.column(.isEnabled, .boolean) .defaults(to: false) .notNull() t.column(.durationSeconds, .double) .defaults(to: 0) .notNull() } try db.create(table: ClosedGroup.self) { t in t.column(.threadId, .text) .notNull() .primaryKey() .references(SessionThread.self, onDelete: .cascade) // Delete if Thread deleted t.column(.name, .text).notNull() t.column(.formationTimestamp, .double).notNull() } /// Create a full-text search table synchronized with the ClosedGroup table try db.create(virtualTable: ClosedGroup.fullTextSearchTableName, using: FTS5()) { t in t.synchronize(withTable: ClosedGroup.databaseTableName) t.tokenizer = _001_InitialSetupMigration.fullTextSearchTokenizer t.column(ClosedGroup.Columns.name.name) } try db.create(table: ClosedGroupKeyPair.self) { t in t.column(.threadId, .text) .notNull() .indexed() // Quicker querying .references(ClosedGroup.self, onDelete: .cascade) // Delete if ClosedGroup deleted t.column(.publicKey, .blob).notNull() t.column(.secretKey, .blob).notNull() t.column(.receivedTimestamp, .double) .notNull() .indexed() // Quicker querying t.uniqueKey([.publicKey, .secretKey, .receivedTimestamp]) } try db.create(table: OpenGroup.self) { t in // Note: There is no foreign key constraint here because we need an OpenGroup entry to // exist to be able to retrieve the default open group rooms - as a result we need to // manually handle deletion of this object (in both OpenGroupManager and GarbageCollectionJob) t.column(.threadId, .text) .notNull() .primaryKey() t.column(.server, .text) .indexed() // Quicker querying .notNull() t.column(.roomToken, .text).notNull() t.column(.publicKey, .text).notNull() t.column(.isActive, .boolean) .notNull() .defaults(to: false) t.column(.name, .text).notNull() t.column(.roomDescription, .text) t.column(.imageId, .text) t.column(.imageData, .blob) t.column(.userCount, .integer).notNull() t.column(.infoUpdates, .integer).notNull() t.column(.sequenceNumber, .integer).notNull() t.column(.inboxLatestMessageId, .integer).notNull() t.column(.outboxLatestMessageId, .integer).notNull() t.column(.pollFailureCount, .integer) .notNull() .defaults(to: 0) } /// Create a full-text search table synchronized with the OpenGroup table try db.create(virtualTable: OpenGroup.fullTextSearchTableName, using: FTS5()) { t in t.synchronize(withTable: OpenGroup.databaseTableName) t.tokenizer = _001_InitialSetupMigration.fullTextSearchTokenizer t.column(OpenGroup.Columns.name.name) } try db.create(table: Capability.self) { t in t.column(.openGroupServer, .text) .notNull() .indexed() // Quicker querying t.column(.variant, .text).notNull() t.column(.isMissing, .boolean).notNull() t.primaryKey([.openGroupServer, .variant]) } try db.create(table: BlindedIdLookup.self) { t in t.column(.blindedId, .text) .primaryKey() t.column(.sessionId, .text) .indexed() // Quicker querying t.column(.openGroupServer, .text) .notNull() .indexed() // Quicker querying t.column(.openGroupPublicKey, .text) .notNull() } try db.create(table: GroupMember.self) { t in // Note: Since we don't know whether this will be stored against a 'ClosedGroup' or // an 'OpenGroup' we add the foreign key constraint against the thread itself (which // shares the same 'id' as the 'groupId') so we can cascade delete automatically t.column(.groupId, .text) .notNull() .indexed() // Quicker querying .references(SessionThread.self, onDelete: .cascade) // Delete if Thread deleted t.column(.profileId, .text) .notNull() .indexed() // Quicker querying t.column(.role, .integer).notNull() } try db.create(table: Interaction.self) { t in t.column(.id, .integer) .notNull() .primaryKey(autoincrement: true) t.column(.serverHash, .text) t.column(.messageUuid, .text) .indexed() // Quicker querying t.column(.threadId, .text) .notNull() .indexed() // Quicker querying .references(SessionThread.self, onDelete: .cascade) // Delete if Thread deleted t.column(.authorId, .text) .notNull() .indexed() // Quicker querying t.column(.variant, .integer).notNull() t.column(.body, .text) t.column(.timestampMs, .integer) .notNull() .indexed() // Quicker querying t.column(.receivedAtTimestampMs, .integer).notNull() t.column(.wasRead, .boolean) .notNull() .indexed() // Quicker querying .defaults(to: false) t.column(.hasMention, .boolean) .notNull() .indexed() // Quicker querying .defaults(to: false) t.column(.expiresInSeconds, .double) t.column(.expiresStartedAtMs, .double) t.column(.linkPreviewUrl, .text) t.column(.openGroupServerMessageId, .integer) .indexed() // Quicker querying t.column(.openGroupWhisperMods, .boolean) .notNull() .defaults(to: false) t.column(.openGroupWhisperTo, .text) /// The below unique constraints are added to prevent messages being duplicated, we need /// multiple constraints to handle the different situations which can result in duplicate messages, /// the following describes the different cases where messages can be duplicated: /// /// Threads with variants: [`contact`, `closedGroup`]: /// "Sync" messages (messages we resend to the current to ensure it appears on all linked devices): /// `threadId` - Unique per thread /// `authorId` - Unique per user /// `timestampMs` - Very low chance of collision (especially combined with other two) /// /// Standard messages #1: /// `threadId` - Unique per thread /// `serverHash` - Unique per message (deterministically generated) /// /// Standard messages #1: /// `threadId` - Unique per thread /// `messageUuid` - Very low chance of collision (especially combined with threadId) /// /// Threads with variants: [`openGroup`]: /// `threadId` - Unique per thread /// `openGroupServerMessageId` - Unique for VisibleMessage's on an OpenGroup server t.uniqueKey([.threadId, .authorId, .timestampMs]) t.uniqueKey([.threadId, .serverHash]) t.uniqueKey([.threadId, .messageUuid]) t.uniqueKey([.threadId, .openGroupServerMessageId]) } /// Create a full-text search table synchronized with the Interaction table try db.create(virtualTable: Interaction.fullTextSearchTableName, using: FTS5()) { t in t.synchronize(withTable: Interaction.databaseTableName) t.tokenizer = _001_InitialSetupMigration.fullTextSearchTokenizer t.column(Interaction.Columns.body.name) } try db.create(table: RecipientState.self) { t in t.column(.interactionId, .integer) .notNull() .indexed() // Quicker querying .references(Interaction.self, onDelete: .cascade) // Delete if interaction deleted t.column(.recipientId, .text) .notNull() .indexed() // Quicker querying t.column(.state, .integer) .notNull() .indexed() // Quicker querying t.column(.readTimestampMs, .double) t.column(.mostRecentFailureText, .text) // We want to ensure that a recipient can only have a single state for // each interaction t.primaryKey([.interactionId, .recipientId]) } try db.create(table: Attachment.self) { t in t.column(.id, .text) .notNull() .primaryKey() t.column(.serverId, .text) t.column(.variant, .integer).notNull() t.column(.state, .integer) .notNull() .indexed() // Quicker querying t.column(.contentType, .text).notNull() t.column(.byteCount, .integer) .notNull() .defaults(to: 0) t.column(.creationTimestamp, .double) t.column(.sourceFilename, .text) t.column(.downloadUrl, .text) t.column(.localRelativeFilePath, .text) t.column(.width, .integer) t.column(.height, .integer) t.column(.duration, .double) t.column(.isVisualMedia, .boolean) .notNull() .defaults(to: false) t.column(.isValid, .boolean) .notNull() .defaults(to: false) t.column(.encryptionKey, .blob) t.column(.digest, .blob) t.column(.caption, .text) } try db.create(table: InteractionAttachment.self) { t in t.column(.albumIndex, .integer).notNull() t.column(.interactionId, .integer) .notNull() .indexed() // Quicker querying .references(Interaction.self, onDelete: .cascade) // Delete if interaction deleted t.column(.attachmentId, .text) .notNull() .indexed() // Quicker querying .references(Attachment.self, onDelete: .cascade) // Delete if attachment deleted } try db.create(table: Quote.self) { t in t.column(.interactionId, .integer) .notNull() .primaryKey() .references(Interaction.self, onDelete: .cascade) // Delete if interaction deleted t.column(.authorId, .text) .notNull() .indexed() // Quicker querying .references(Profile.self) t.column(.timestampMs, .double).notNull() t.column(.body, .text) t.column(.attachmentId, .text) .indexed() // Quicker querying .references(Attachment.self, onDelete: .setNull) // Clear if attachment deleted } try db.create(table: LinkPreview.self) { t in t.column(.url, .text) .notNull() .indexed() // Quicker querying t.column(.timestamp, .double) .notNull() .indexed() // Quicker querying t.column(.variant, .integer).notNull() t.column(.title, .text) t.column(.attachmentId, .text) .indexed() // Quicker querying .references(Attachment.self) // Managed via garbage collection t.primaryKey([.url, .timestamp]) } try db.create(table: ControlMessageProcessRecord.self) { t in t.column(.threadId, .text) .notNull() .indexed() // Quicker querying t.column(.variant, .integer).notNull() t.column(.timestampMs, .integer).notNull() t.column(.serverExpirationTimestamp, .double) t.uniqueKey([.threadId, .variant, .timestampMs]) } try db.create(table: ThreadTypingIndicator.self) { t in t.column(.threadId, .text) .primaryKey() .references(SessionThread.self, onDelete: .cascade) // Delete if thread deleted t.column(.timestampMs, .integer).notNull() } Storage.update(progress: 1, for: self, in: target) // In case this is the last migration } }