// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. import Foundation import SessionUtilitiesKit import SessionMessagingKit import SignalCoreKit import SessionUIKit public struct SessionApp { // FIXME: Refactor this to be protocol based for unit testing (or even dynamic based on view hierarchy - do want to avoid needing to use the main thread to access them though) static let homeViewController: Atomic = Atomic(nil) static let currentlyOpenConversationViewController: Atomic = Atomic(nil) static var versionInfo: String { let buildNumber: String = (Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["CFBundleVersion"] as? String) .map { " (\($0))" } .defaulting(to: "") let appVersion: String? = (Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["CFBundleShortVersionString"] as? String) .map { "App: \($0)\(buildNumber)" } #if DEBUG let commitInfo: String? = (Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["GitCommitHash"] as? String).map { "Commit: \($0)" } #else let commitInfo: String? = nil #endif let versionInfo: [String] = [ "iOS \(UIDevice.current.systemVersion)", appVersion, "libSession: \(LibSession.libSessionVersion)", commitInfo ].compactMap { $0 } return versionInfo.joined(separator: ", ") } // MARK: - View Convenience Methods public static func presentConversationCreatingIfNeeded( for threadId: String, variant: SessionThread.Variant, action: ConversationViewModel.Action = .none, dismissing presentingViewController: UIViewController?, animated: Bool ) { let threadInfo: (threadExists: Bool, isMessageRequest: Bool)? = Storage.shared.read { db in let isMessageRequest: Bool = { switch variant { case .contact: return SessionThread .isMessageRequest( id: threadId, variant: .contact, currentUserPublicKey: getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db), shouldBeVisible: nil, contactIsApproved: (try? Contact .filter(id: threadId) .select(.isApproved) .asRequest(of: Bool.self) .fetchOne(db)) .defaulting(to: false), includeNonVisible: true ) default: return false } }() return (SessionThread.filter(id: threadId).isNotEmpty(db), isMessageRequest) } // Store the post-creation logic in a closure to avoid duplication let afterThreadCreated: () -> () = { presentingViewController?.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil) homeViewController.wrappedValue?.show( threadId, variant: variant, isMessageRequest: (threadInfo?.isMessageRequest == true), with: action, focusedInteractionInfo: nil, animated: animated ) } /// The thread should generally exist at the time of calling this method, but on the off chance it doesn't then we need to `fetchOrCreate` it and /// should do it on a background thread just in case something is keeping the DBWrite thread busy as in the past this could cause the app to hang guard threadInfo?.threadExists == true else { DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInitiated).async { Storage.shared.write { db in try SessionThread.fetchOrCreate(db, id: threadId, variant: variant, shouldBeVisible: nil) } // Send back to main thread for UI transitions DispatchQueue.main.async { afterThreadCreated() } } return } // Send to main thread if needed guard Thread.isMainThread else { DispatchQueue.main.async { afterThreadCreated() } return } afterThreadCreated() } // MARK: - Functions public static func resetAppData(onReset: (() -> ())? = nil) { // This _should_ be wiped out below. Logger.error("") DDLog.flushLog() LibSession.clearMemoryState() Storage.resetAllStorage() ProfileManager.resetProfileStorage() Attachment.resetAttachmentStorage() AppEnvironment.shared.notificationPresenter.clearAllNotifications() onReset?() exit(0) } public static func showHomeView() { guard Thread.isMainThread else { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.showHomeView() } return } let homeViewController: HomeVC = HomeVC() let navController: UINavigationController = StyledNavigationController(rootViewController: homeViewController) (UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate)?.window?.rootViewController = navController } }