Respond to CR.

Matthew Chen 7 years ago
parent b17a7c5751
commit fa7a2407bf

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
#define kOWSAnalyticsParameterEnvelopeIsLegacy @"envelope_is_legacy"
#define kOWSAnalyticsParameterEnvelopeHasContent @"has_content"
#define kOWSAnalyticsParameterEnvelopeDescription @"envelope_description"
#define kOWSAnalyticsParameterEnvelopeType @"envelope_type"
#define kOWSAnalyticsParameterEnvelopeEncryptedLength @"encrypted_length"
#define AnalyticsParametersFromEnvelope(__envelope) \
@ -53,11 +53,15 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
return (@{ \
kOWSAnalyticsParameterEnvelopeIsLegacy : @(__envelope.hasLegacyMessage), \
kOWSAnalyticsParameterEnvelopeHasContent : @(__envelope.hasContent), \
kOWSAnalyticsParameterEnvelopeDescription : [self descriptionForEnvelopeType:__envelope], \
kOWSAnalyticsParameterEnvelopeType : [self descriptionForEnvelopeType:__envelope], \
kOWSAnalyticsParameterEnvelopeEncryptedLength : @(__encryptedData.length), \
}); \
// The debug logs can be more verbose than the analytics events.
// In this case `descriptionForEnvelope` is valuable enough to
// log but too dangerous to include in the analytics event.
#define OWSProdErrorWEnvelope(__analyticsEventName, __envelope) \
{ \
DDLogError(@"%s:%d %@: %@", \

@ -129,12 +129,20 @@ typedef NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *_Nonnull (^OWSProdAssertParametersBlock)()
#define OWSProdCFail(__analyticsEventName) OWSProdCFailWParams(__analyticsEventName, nil)
// The debug logs can be more verbose than the analytics events.
// In this case `debugDescription` is valuable enough to
// log but too dangerous to include in the analytics event.
#define OWSProdFailWNSError(__analyticsEventName, __nserror) \
{ \
DDLogError(@"%s:%d %@: %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, __analyticsEventName, __nserror.debugDescription); \
OWSProdFailWParams(__analyticsEventName, AnalyticsParametersFromNSError(__nserror)) \
// The debug logs can be more verbose than the analytics events.
// In this case `exception` is valuable enough to
// log but too dangerous to include in the analytics event.
#define OWSProdFailWNSException(__analyticsEventName, __exception) \
{ \
DDLogError(@"%s:%d %@: %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, __analyticsEventName, __exception); \
@ -168,12 +176,20 @@ typedef NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *_Nonnull (^OWSProdAssertParametersBlock)()
#define OWSProdError(__analyticsEventName) OWSProdEventWParams(OWSAnalyticsSeverityError, __analyticsEventName, nil)
// The debug logs can be more verbose than the analytics events.
// In this case `debugDescription` is valuable enough to
// log but too dangerous to include in the analytics event.
#define OWSProdErrorWNSError(__analyticsEventName, __nserror) \
{ \
DDLogError(@"%s:%d %@: %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, __analyticsEventName, __nserror.debugDescription); \
OWSProdErrorWParams(__analyticsEventName, AnalyticsParametersFromNSError(__nserror)) \
// The debug logs can be more verbose than the analytics events.
// In this case `exception` is valuable enough to
// log but too dangerous to include in the analytics event.
#define OWSProdErrorWNSException(__analyticsEventName, __exception) \
{ \
DDLogError(@"%s:%d %@: %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, __analyticsEventName, __exception); \
@ -194,6 +210,10 @@ typedef NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *_Nonnull (^OWSProdAssertParametersBlock)()
OWSProdCriticalWParams(__analyticsEventName, AnalyticsParametersFromNSError(__nserror)) \
// The debug logs can be more verbose than the analytics events.
// In this case `exception` is valuable enough to
// log but too dangerous to include in the analytics event.
#define OWSProdCriticalWNSException(__analyticsEventName, __exception) \
{ \
DDLogError(@"%s:%d %@: %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, __analyticsEventName, __exception); \
