Convert remaining file server usages

Niels Andriesse 3 years ago
parent 0ceb434215
commit f7613e09bf

@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ import SessionSnodeKit
public final class FileServerAPIV2 : NSObject {
public static let server = ""
@objc public static let server = ""
public static let serverPublicKey = "7cb31905b55cd5580c686911debf672577b3fb0bff81df4ce2d5c4cb3a7aaa69"
public static let useV2FileServer = true
@objc public static let useV2FileServer = false
private override init() { }
@ -71,6 +71,11 @@ public final class FileServerAPIV2 : NSObject {
// MARK: File Storage
public static func objc_upload(file: Data) -> AnyPromise {
return AnyPromise.from(upload(file))
public static func upload(_ file: Data) -> Promise<UInt64> {
let base64EncodedFile = file.base64EncodedString()
let parameters = [ "file" : base64EncodedFile ]
@ -81,6 +86,11 @@ public final class FileServerAPIV2 : NSObject {
public static func objc_download(file: UInt64) -> AnyPromise {
return AnyPromise.from(download(file))
public static func download(_ file: UInt64) -> Promise<Data> {
let request = Request(verb: .get, endpoint: "files/\(file)")
return send(request).map(on: .userInitiated)) { json in

@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ public final class AttachmentUploadJob : NSObject, Job, NSCoding { // NSObject/N
guard !stream.isUploaded else { return handleSuccess() } // Should never occur
let storage =
if let v2OpenGroup = storage.getV2OpenGroup(for: threadID) {
upload(stream, using: { data in return OpenGroupAPIV2.upload(data, to:, on: v2OpenGroup.server) }, encrypt: false)
AttachmentUploadJob.upload(stream, using: { data in return OpenGroupAPIV2.upload(data, to:, on: v2OpenGroup.server) }, encrypt: false, onSuccess: handleSuccess, onFailure: handleFailure)
} else if FileServerAPIV2.useV2FileServer && storage.getOpenGroup(for: threadID) == nil {
upload(stream, using: FileServerAPIV2.upload, encrypt: true)
AttachmentUploadJob.upload(stream, using: FileServerAPIV2.upload, encrypt: true, onSuccess: handleSuccess, onFailure: handleFailure)
} else { // Legacy
let openGroup = storage.getOpenGroup(for: threadID)
let server = openGroup?.server ?? FileServerAPI.server
@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ public final class AttachmentUploadJob : NSObject, Job, NSCoding { // NSObject/N
private func upload(_ stream: TSAttachmentStream, using upload: (Data) -> Promise<UInt64>, encrypt: Bool) {
public static func upload(_ stream: TSAttachmentStream, using upload: (Data) -> Promise<UInt64>, encrypt: Bool, onSuccess: (() -> Void)?, onFailure: ((Swift.Error) -> Void)?) {
// Get the attachment
guard var data = try? stream.readDataFromFile() else {
SNLog("Couldn't read attachment from disk.")
return handleFailure(error: Error.noAttachment)
onFailure?(Error.noAttachment); return
// Encrypt the attachment if needed
if encrypt {
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ public final class AttachmentUploadJob : NSObject, Job, NSCoding { // NSObject/N
var digest = NSData()
guard let ciphertext = Cryptography.encryptAttachmentData(data, shouldPad: false, outKey: &encryptionKey, outDigest: &digest) else {
SNLog("Couldn't encrypt attachment.")
return handleFailure(error: Error.encryptionFailed)
onFailure?(Error.encryptionFailed); return
stream.encryptionKey = encryptionKey as Data
stream.digest = digest as Data
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ public final class AttachmentUploadJob : NSObject, Job, NSCoding { // NSObject/N
// Check the file size
SNLog("File size: \(data.count) bytes.")
if Double(data.count) > Double(FileServerAPI.maxFileSize) / FileServerAPI.fileSizeORMultiplier {
return handleFailure(error: FileServerAPI.Error.maxFileSizeExceeded)
onFailure?(FileServerAPI.Error.maxFileSizeExceeded); return
// Send the request
stream.isUploaded = false
@ -119,9 +119,9 @@ public final class AttachmentUploadJob : NSObject, Job, NSCoding { // NSObject/N
stream.isUploaded = true
stream.downloadURL = downloadURL
}.catch { error in
self.handleFailure(error: error)

@ -42,13 +42,22 @@ extension MessageSender {
let attachments = attachmentIDs.compactMap { TSAttachment.fetch(uniqueId: $0, transaction: transaction) as? TSAttachmentStream }
let attachmentsToUpload = attachments.filter { !$0.isUploaded }
let attachmentUploadPromises: [Promise<Void>] = { stream in
let openGroup = thread.uniqueId!)
let openGroupV2 = thread.uniqueId!)
let server = openGroupV2?.server ?? openGroup?.server ?? FileServerAPI.server
// FIXME: This is largely a duplication of the code in AttachmentUploadJob
let maxRetryCount: UInt = (openGroup != nil) ? 24 : 8
return attempt(maxRetryCount: maxRetryCount, recoveringOn: .userInitiated)) {
FileServerAPI.uploadAttachment(stream, with: stream.uniqueId!, to: server)
let storage =
if let v2OpenGroup = storage.getV2OpenGroup(for: thread.uniqueId!) {
let (promise, seal) = Promise<Void>.pending()
AttachmentUploadJob.upload(stream, using: { data in return OpenGroupAPIV2.upload(data, to:, on: v2OpenGroup.server) }, encrypt: false, onSuccess: { seal.fulfill(()) }, onFailure: { seal.reject($0) })
return promise
} else if FileServerAPIV2.useV2FileServer && storage.getOpenGroup(for: thread.uniqueId!) == nil {
let (promise, seal) = Promise<Void>.pending()
AttachmentUploadJob.upload(stream, using: FileServerAPIV2.upload, encrypt: true, onSuccess: { seal.fulfill(()) }, onFailure: { seal.reject($0) })
return promise
} else { // Legacy
let openGroup = storage.getOpenGroup(for: thread.uniqueId!)
let server = openGroup?.server ?? FileServerAPI.server
let maxRetryCount: UInt = (openGroup != nil) ? 24 : 8
return attempt(maxRetryCount: maxRetryCount, recoveringOn: .userInitiated)) {
FileServerAPI.uploadAttachment(stream, with: stream.uniqueId!, to: server)
return when(resolved: attachmentUploadPromises).then(on: .userInitiated)) { results -> Promise<Void> in

@ -362,8 +362,14 @@ typedef void (^ProfileManagerFailureBlock)(NSError *error);
NSData *encryptedAvatarData = [self encryptProfileData:avatarData profileKey:newProfileKey];
OWSAssertDebug(encryptedAvatarData.length > 0);
[[SNFileServerAPI uploadProfilePicture:encryptedAvatarData]
.thenOn(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(NSString *downloadURL) {
AnyPromise *promise;
if (SNFileServerAPIV2.useV2FileServer) {
promise = [SNFileServerAPIV2 upload:encryptedAvatarData];
} else {
promise = [SNFileServerAPI uploadProfilePicture:encryptedAvatarData];
[promise.thenOn(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(NSString *downloadURL) {
[self.localUserProfile updateWithProfileKey:newProfileKey dbConnection:self.dbConnection completion:^{
@ -801,7 +807,16 @@ typedef void (^ProfileManagerFailureBlock)(NSError *error);
OWSLogVerbose(@"downloading profile avatar: %@", userProfile.uniqueId);
NSString *profilePictureURL = userProfile.avatarUrlPath;
[[SNFileServerAPI downloadAttachmentFrom:profilePictureURL].then(^(NSData *data) {
AnyPromise *promise;
if ([profilePictureURL containsString:SNFileServerAPIV2.server]) {
uint64_t *file = (uint64_t)[[profilePictureURL lastPathComponent] intValue];
promise = [SNFileServerAPIV2 download:file];
} else {
promise = [SNFileServerAPI downloadAttachmentFrom:profilePictureURL];
[promise.then(^(NSData *data) {
[self.currentAvatarDownloads removeObject:userProfile.recipientId];
