Bubble collapse.

Matthew Chen 6 years ago
parent 4a4e9d1ce2
commit e0e8eafb5d

@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ CG_INLINE CGSize CGSizeCeil(CGSize size)
@property (nonatomic, nullable) NSMutableArray<NSLayoutConstraint *> *viewConstraints;
@property (nonatomic) BOOL isPresentingMenuController;
@implementation OWSMessageCell
@ -88,17 +87,6 @@ CG_INLINE CGSize CGSizeCeil(CGSize size)
self.bubbleView.layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsetsZero;
[self.contentView addSubview:self.bubbleView];
// self.messageWrapperView = [UIView new];
// self.messageWrapperView.layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsetsZero;
// [self.messageWrapperView addSubview:self.payloadView];
// self.payloadView = [UIView new];
// self.payloadView.layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsetsZero;
// [self.contentView addSubview:self.payloadView];
// self.mediaMaskingView = [BubbleMaskingView new];
// self.mediaMaskingView.layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsetsZero;
// [self.payloadView addSubview:self.mediaMaskingView];
self.footerView = [UIView containerView];
[self.contentView addSubview:self.footerView];
@ -108,50 +96,7 @@ CG_INLINE CGSize CGSizeCeil(CGSize size)
self.dateHeaderLabel.textColor = [UIColor lightGrayColor];
[self.contentView addSubview:self.dateHeaderLabel];
//<<<<<<< HEAD
// self.textBubbleImageView = [UIImageView new];
// self.textBubbleImageView.layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsetsZero;
// // Enable userInteractionEnabled so that links in textView work.
// self.textBubbleImageView.userInteractionEnabled = YES;
// [self.payloadView addSubview:self.textBubbleImageView];
//||||||| merged common ancestors
// self.bubbleImageView = [UIImageView new];
// self.bubbleImageView.layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsetsZero;
// // Enable userInteractionEnabled so that links in textView work.
// self.bubbleImageView.userInteractionEnabled = YES;
// [self.payloadView addSubview:self.bubbleImageView];
// [self.bubbleImageView autoPinToSuperviewEdges];
// self.bubbleFillView = [BubbleFillView new];
// self.bubbleFillView.layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsetsZero;
// // TODO:
//// // Enable userInteractionEnabled so that links in textView work.
// self.bubbleFillView.userInteractionEnabled = YES;
// [self.payloadView addSubview:self.bubbleFillView];
// [self.bubbleFillView autoPinToSuperviewEdges];
//// self.bubbleImageView = [UIImageView new];
//// self.bubbleImageView.layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsetsZero;
//// // Enable userInteractionEnabled so that links in textView work.
//// self.bubbleImageView.userInteractionEnabled = YES;
//// [self.payloadView addSubview:self.bubbleImageView];
//// [self.bubbleImageView autoPinToSuperviewEdges];
//>>>>>>> SQUASHED
self.bodyTextViewCached = [self newTextView];
//<<<<<<< HEAD
// [self.textBubbleImageView addSubview:self.textView];
//||||||| merged common ancestors
// [self.bubbleImageView addSubview:self.textView];
// [self.bubbleFillView addSubview:self.textView];
//>>>>>>> SQUASHED
// OWSAssert(self.textView.superview);
self.footerLabel = [UILabel new];
self.footerLabel.font = [UIFont ows_regularFontWithSize:12.f];
@ -159,14 +104,6 @@ CG_INLINE CGSize CGSizeCeil(CGSize size)
[self.footerView addSubview:self.footerLabel];
// Hide these views by default.
//<<<<<<< HEAD
// self.textBubbleImageView.hidden = YES;
//||||||| merged common ancestors
// self.bubbleImageView.hidden = YES;
// self.bubbleFillView.hidden = YES;
//// self.bubbleImageView.hidden = YES;
//>>>>>>> SQUASHED
self.bodyTextViewCached.hidden = YES;
self.dateHeaderLabel.hidden = YES;
self.footerLabel.hidden = YES;
@ -174,14 +111,6 @@ CG_INLINE CGSize CGSizeCeil(CGSize size)
[self.bubbleView autoPinEdge:ALEdgeTop toEdge:ALEdgeBottom ofView:self.dateHeaderLabel];
[self.footerView autoPinEdge:ALEdgeTop toEdge:ALEdgeBottom ofView:self.bubbleView];
// [self.payloadView autoPinEdge:ALEdgeTop toEdge:ALEdgeBottom ofView:self.dateHeaderLabel];
// [self.footerView autoPinEdge:ALEdgeTop toEdge:ALEdgeBottom ofView:self.bubbleView];
// [self.mediaMaskingView autoPinEdgeToSuperviewEdge:ALEdgeTop];
// [self.textBubbleImageView autoPinEdge:ALEdgeTop toEdge:ALEdgeBottom ofView:self.mediaMaskingView];
// [self.textBubbleImageView autoPinEdgeToSuperviewEdge:ALEdgeBottom];
[self.footerView autoPinEdgeToSuperviewEdge:ALEdgeBottom];
[self.footerView autoPinWidthToSuperview];
@ -199,29 +128,6 @@ CG_INLINE CGSize CGSizeCeil(CGSize size)
initWithDirection:(self.isRTL ? PanDirectionLeft : PanDirectionRight)target:self
[self addGestureRecognizer:panGesture];
// UITapGestureRecognizer *mediaTap =
// [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(handleMediaTapGesture:)];
// [self.mediaMaskingView addGestureRecognizer:mediaTap];
// UITapGestureRecognizer *textTap =
// [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(handleTextTapGesture:)];
// [self.textBubbleImageView addGestureRecognizer:textTap];
// UILongPressGestureRecognizer *mediaLongPress =
// [[UILongPressGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(handleMediaLongPressGesture:)];
// [self.mediaMaskingView addGestureRecognizer:mediaLongPress];
// UILongPressGestureRecognizer *textLongPress =
// [[UILongPressGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(handleTextLongPressGesture:)];
// [self.textBubbleImageView addGestureRecognizer:textLongPress];
// PanDirectionGestureRecognizer *panGesture =
// [[PanDirectionGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithDirection:(self.isRTL ? PanDirectionLeft :
// PanDirectionRight)
// target:self
// action:@selector(handlePanGesture:)];
// [self addGestureRecognizer:panGesture];
- (OWSMessageTextView *)newTextView
@ -233,6 +139,7 @@ CG_INLINE CGSize CGSizeCeil(CGSize size)
textView.selectable = YES;
textView.textContainerInset = UIEdgeInsetsZero;
textView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsZero;
textView.textContainer.lineFragmentPadding = 0;
textView.scrollEnabled = NO;
return textView;
@ -392,6 +299,10 @@ CG_INLINE CGSize CGSizeCeil(CGSize size)
OWSAssert([self.viewItem.interaction isKindOfClass:[TSMessage class]]);
OWSAssert(self.contentWidth > 0);
CGSize bodyMediaContentSize = [self bodyMediaSizeForContentWidth:self.contentWidth];
CGSize bodyTextContentSize = [self bodyTextSizeForContentWidth:self.contentWidth includeMargins:NO];
// TODO: We might not need to hide it.
self.bubbleView.hidden = NO;
@ -443,12 +354,6 @@ CG_INLINE CGSize CGSizeCeil(CGSize size)
UIView *_Nullable lastSubview = nil;
CGFloat bottomMargin = 0;
// for (UIView *subview in contentViews) {
// [self.bubbleView addSubview:subview];
// if (last
// lastSubview = subview;
// }
UIView *_Nullable bodyMediaView = nil;
BOOL bodyMediaViewHasGreedyWidth = NO;
switch (self.cellType) {
@ -488,43 +393,31 @@ CG_INLINE CGSize CGSizeCeil(CGSize size)
bodyMediaView.clipsToBounds = YES;
self.lastBodyMediaView = bodyMediaView;
bodyMediaView.userInteractionEnabled = NO;
if (self.isMediaBeingSent) {
bodyMediaView.layer.opacity = 0.75f;
// TODO: Is this right?
CGFloat contentWidth = self.width;
// Sometimes we want the media to "try to fill" the message bubble.
// For example, when the message bubble contains just an image, we
// want the image's bounds to exactly fill the message bubble.
// In other situations, we want to center the media within the message
// bubble.
// For example, when a message has a tall portrait image and a long
// caption.
CGSize bodyMediaSize = [self bodyMediaSizeForContentWidth:(int)contentWidth];
BOOL hasValidMediaSize = bodyMediaSize.width > 0.01 && bodyMediaSize.height > 0.01;
if (!hasValidMediaSize) {
bodyMediaViewHasGreedyWidth = YES;
} else if (!self.hasText) {
bodyMediaViewHasGreedyWidth = YES;
[self.bubbleView addSubview:bodyMediaView];
if (bodyMediaViewHasGreedyWidth) {
[self.viewConstraints addObjectsFromArray:@[
[bodyMediaView autoPinLeadingToSuperviewWithMargin:0],
[bodyMediaView autoPinTrailingToSuperviewWithMargin:0],
} else {
CGFloat aspectRatio = bodyMediaSize.width / bodyMediaSize.height;
[self.viewConstraints addObjectsFromArray:@[
[bodyMediaView autoHCenterInSuperview],
[bodyMediaView autoPinToAspectRatio:aspectRatio],
// This layout can lead to extreme cropping of media content,
// e.g. a very tall portrait image + long caption. The media
// view will have "max width", so the image will be cropped to
// roughly a square.
// TODO: Myles is considering alternatives.
[self.viewConstraints addObjectsFromArray:@[
[bodyMediaView autoPinLeadingToSuperviewWithMargin:0],
[bodyMediaView autoPinTrailingToSuperviewWithMargin:0],
addObject:[bodyMediaView autoSetDimension:ALDimensionHeight toSize:bodyMediaContentSize.height]];
if (lastSubview) {
addObject:[bodyMediaView autoPinEdge:ALEdgeTop toEdge:ALEdgeBottom ofView:lastSubview withOffset:0]];
@ -535,7 +428,7 @@ CG_INLINE CGSize CGSizeCeil(CGSize size)
bottomMargin = 0;
UIView *_Nullable bodyTextView = nil;
OWSMessageTextView *_Nullable bodyTextView = nil;
// We render malformed messages as "empty text" messages,
// so create a text view if there is no body media view.
if (self.hasText || !bodyMediaView) {
@ -547,6 +440,12 @@ CG_INLINE CGSize CGSizeCeil(CGSize size)
[bodyTextView autoPinLeadingToSuperviewWithMargin:self.textLeadingMargin],
[bodyTextView autoPinTrailingToSuperviewWithMargin:self.textTrailingMargin],
addObject:[bodyTextView autoSetDimension:ALDimensionHeight toSize:bodyTextContentSize.height]];
if (lastSubview) {
[self.viewConstraints addObject:[bodyTextView autoPinEdge:ALEdgeTop
@ -560,6 +459,22 @@ CG_INLINE CGSize CGSizeCeil(CGSize size)
bottomMargin = self.textBottomMargin;
#ifdef DEBUG
@"%@ --- bodyMediaView: %@ [%@].", self.logTag, bodyMediaView, NSStringFromCGSize(bodyMediaContentSize));
DDLogVerbose(@"%@ --- bodyTextView: %@ (%zd) [%@].",
[bodyMediaView logFrameLaterWithLabel:@"bodyMediaView"];
[bodyTextView logFrameLaterWithLabel:@"bodyTextView"];
[self.bubbleView logFrameLaterWithLabel:@"bubbleView"];
[self.contentView logFrameLaterWithLabel:@"contentView"];
// [bodyMediaView addRedBorder];
// [bodyTextView addRedBorder];
UIView *_Nullable tapForMoreLabel = [self createTapForMoreLabelIfNecessary];
if (tapForMoreLabel) {
@ -725,9 +640,7 @@ CG_INLINE CGSize CGSizeCeil(CGSize size)
showFooter = NO;
return (showFooter ? MAX(kExpirationTimerViewSize,
: 0.f);
return (showFooter ? (CGFloat)ceil(MAX(kExpirationTimerViewSize, self.footerLabel.font.lineHeight)) : 0.f);
- (void)updateFooter
@ -834,14 +747,6 @@ CG_INLINE CGSize CGSizeCeil(CGSize size)
font:(UIFont *)font
//<<<<<<< HEAD
// self.textBubbleImageView.hidden = NO;
//||||||| merged common ancestors
// self.bubbleImageView.hidden = NO;
// self.bubbleFillView.hidden = NO;
//// self.bubbleImageView.hidden = NO;
//>>>>>>> SQUASHED
textView.hidden = NO;
textView.text = text;
textView.textColor = textColor;
@ -888,9 +793,7 @@ CG_INLINE CGSize CGSizeCeil(CGSize size)
// some performance cost.
stillImageView.layer.minificationFilter = kCAFilterTrilinear;
stillImageView.layer.magnificationFilter = kCAFilterTrilinear;
// [self setMediaView:self.stillImageView];
[self addAttachmentUploadViewIfNecessary:stillImageView];
// [self addCaptionIfNecessary];
__weak OWSMessageCell *weakSelf = self;
self.loadCellContentBlock = ^{
@ -924,9 +827,7 @@ CG_INLINE CGSize CGSizeCeil(CGSize size)
// We need to specify a contentMode since the size of the image
// might not match the aspect ratio of the view.
animatedImageView.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill;
// [self setMediaView:self.animatedImageView];
[self addAttachmentUploadViewIfNecessary:animatedImageView];
// [self addCaptionIfNecessary];
__weak OWSMessageCell *weakSelf = self;
self.loadCellContentBlock = ^{
@ -967,9 +868,7 @@ CG_INLINE CGSize CGSizeCeil(CGSize size)
self.viewItem.lastAudioMessageView = audioMessageView;
[audioMessageView createContents];
// [self setMediaView:self.audioMessageView];
[self addAttachmentUploadViewIfNecessary:audioMessageView];
// [self addCaptionIfNecessary];
self.loadCellContentBlock = ^{
// Do nothing.
@ -994,7 +893,6 @@ CG_INLINE CGSize CGSizeCeil(CGSize size)
// some performance cost.
stillImageView.layer.minificationFilter = kCAFilterTrilinear;
stillImageView.layer.magnificationFilter = kCAFilterTrilinear;
// [self setMediaView:stillImageView];
UIImage *videoPlayIcon = [UIImage imageNamed:@"play_button"];
UIImageView *videoPlayButton = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:videoPlayIcon];
@ -1004,7 +902,6 @@ CG_INLINE CGSize CGSizeCeil(CGSize size)
attachmentStateCallback:^(BOOL isAttachmentReady) {
videoPlayButton.hidden = !isAttachmentReady;
// [self addCaptionIfNecessary];
__weak OWSMessageCell *weakSelf = self;
self.loadCellContentBlock = ^{
@ -1036,9 +933,7 @@ CG_INLINE CGSize CGSizeCeil(CGSize size)
OWSGenericAttachmentView *attachmentView =
[[OWSGenericAttachmentView alloc] initWithAttachment:self.attachmentStream isIncoming:self.isIncoming];
[attachmentView createContents];
// [self setMediaView:attachmentView];
[self addAttachmentUploadViewIfNecessary:attachmentView];
// [self addCaptionIfNecessary];
self.loadCellContentBlock = ^{
// Do nothing.
@ -1068,14 +963,12 @@ CG_INLINE CGSize CGSizeCeil(CGSize size)
customView.backgroundColor = [UIColor grayColor];
// [self setMediaView:self.customView];
AttachmentPointerView *attachmentPointerView =
[[AttachmentPointerView alloc] initWithAttachmentPointer:self.attachmentPointer isIncoming:self.isIncoming];
[customView addSubview:attachmentPointerView];
[attachmentPointerView autoPinWidthToSuperviewWithMargin:20.f];
[attachmentPointerView autoVCenterInSuperview];
// [self addCaptionIfNecessary];
self.loadCellContentBlock = ^{
// Do nothing.
@ -1113,18 +1006,6 @@ CG_INLINE CGSize CGSizeCeil(CGSize size)
//- (void)cropMediaViewToBubbbleShape:(UIView *)view
// OWSAssert(view);
// OWSAssert(view.superview == self.mediaMaskingView);
// self.mediaMaskingView.isOutgoing = self.isOutgoing;
// // Hide tail on attachments followed by a caption
// self.mediaMaskingView.hideTail = self.hasText;
// self.mediaMaskingView.maskedSubview = view;
// [self.mediaMaskingView updateMask];
- (void)showAttachmentErrorView:(UIView *)mediaView
@ -1140,7 +1021,7 @@ CG_INLINE CGSize CGSizeCeil(CGSize size)
#pragma mark - Measurement
// Size of "message body" text, not quoted reply text.
- (CGSize)bodyTextSizeForContentWidth:(int)contentWidth
- (CGSize)bodyTextSizeForContentWidth:(int)contentWidth includeMargins:(BOOL)includeMargins
if (!self.hasText) {
return CGSizeZero;
@ -1157,38 +1038,15 @@ CG_INLINE CGSize CGSizeCeil(CGSize size)
// Honor dynamic type in the message bodies.
self.bodyTextViewCached.font = [self textMessageFont];
CGSize textSize = CGSizeCeil([self.bodyTextViewCached sizeThatFits:CGSizeMake(maxTextWidth, CGFLOAT_MAX)]);
CGFloat tapForMoreHeight = (self.displayableText.isTextTruncated ? [self tapForMoreHeight] : 0.f);
CGSize textViewSize = CGSizeCeil(CGSizeMake(textSize.width + leftMargin + rightMargin,
textSize.height + self.textTopMargin + self.textBottomMargin + tapForMoreHeight));
CGSize textViewSize = textSize;
return textViewSize;
if (includeMargins) {
textViewSize.width += leftMargin + rightMargin;
textViewSize.height += self.textTopMargin + self.textBottomMargin;
return CGSizeCeil(textViewSize);
//+ (CGSize)textSizeForContentWidth:(int)contentWidth
// displayableText:(DisplayableText *)displayableText
// textView:(OWSMessageTextView *)textView
// OWSAssert(text);
// OWSAssert(textView);
// BOOL isRTL = self.isRTL;
// CGFloat leftMargin = isRTL ? self.textTrailingMargin : self.textLeadingMargin;
// CGFloat rightMargin = isRTL ? self.textLeadingMargin : self.textTrailingMargin;
// const int maxMessageWidth = [self maxMessageWidthForContentWidth:contentWidth];
// const int maxTextWidth = (int)floor(maxMessageWidth - (leftMargin + rightMargin));
// textView.text = displayableText.displayText;
// // Honor dynamic type in the message bodies.
// textView.font = [self textMessageFont];
// CGSize textSize = CGSizeCeil([textView sizeThatFits:CGSizeMake(maxTextWidth, CGFLOAT_MAX)]);
// CGFloat tapForMoreHeight = (displayableText.isTextTruncated ? [self tapForMoreHeight] : 0.f);
// CGSize textViewSize = CGSizeCeil(CGSizeMake(textSize.width + leftMargin + rightMargin,
// textSize.height + self.textTopMargin + self.textBottomMargin +
// tapForMoreHeight));
// return textViewSize;
- (CGSize)bodyMediaSizeForContentWidth:(int)contentWidth
@ -1247,7 +1105,7 @@ CG_INLINE CGSize CGSizeCeil(CGSize size)
OWSAssert([self.viewItem.interaction isKindOfClass:[TSMessage class]]);
CGSize mediaContentSize = [self bodyMediaSizeForContentWidth:contentWidth];
CGSize textContentSize = [self bodyTextSizeForContentWidth:contentWidth];
CGSize textContentSize = [self bodyTextSizeForContentWidth:contentWidth includeMargins:YES];
CGFloat cellContentWidth = fmax(mediaContentSize.width, textContentSize.width);
CGFloat cellContentHeight = mediaContentSize.height + textContentSize.height;
@ -1257,13 +1115,23 @@ CG_INLINE CGSize CGSizeCeil(CGSize size)
cellSize.height += self.dateHeaderHeight;
cellSize.height += self.footerHeight;
if (self.hasText && self.displayableText.isTextTruncated) {
cellSize.height += self.tapForMoreHeight;
if (self.shouldHaveFailedSendBadge) {
cellSize.width += self.failedSendBadgeSize;
cellSize.width = ceil(cellSize.width);
cellSize.height = ceil(cellSize.height);
cellSize = CGSizeCeil(cellSize);
DDLogVerbose(@"%@ --- cellSizeForViewWidth: %@ + %@ + %f + %f = %@.",
return cellSize;
@ -1272,7 +1140,7 @@ CG_INLINE CGSize CGSizeCeil(CGSize size)
if (self.viewItem.shouldShowDate) {
// Add 5pt spacing above and below the date header.
return MAX(self.dateHeaderDateFont.lineHeight, self.dateHeaderTimeFont.lineHeight) + 10.f;
return (CGFloat)ceil(MAX(self.dateHeaderDateFont.lineHeight, self.dateHeaderTimeFont.lineHeight) + 10.f);
} else {
return 0.f;
@ -1293,23 +1161,11 @@ CG_INLINE CGSize CGSizeCeil(CGSize size)
- (CGFloat)textLeadingMargin
return (self.isIncoming ? kBubbleTextHInset + kBubbleThornSideInset : kBubbleTextHInset);
// static const CGFloat kBubbleVRounding = 8.f;
// static const CGFloat kBubbleHRounding = 10.f;
// static const CGFloat kBubbleThornSideInset = 3.f;
// static const CGFloat kBubbleThornVInset = 3.f;
// static const CGFloat kBubbleTextHInset = 10.f;
// static const CGFloat kBubbleTextVInset = 10.f;
// static const CGFloat kBubbleTextTopInset = kBubbleTextVInset;
// static const CGFloat kBubbleTextBottomInset = kBubbleThornVInset + kBubbleTextVInset;
// return self.isIncoming ? 15 : 10;
- (CGFloat)textTrailingMargin
return (self.isIncoming ? kBubbleTextHInset : kBubbleTextHInset + kBubbleThornSideInset);
// return self.isIncoming ? 10 : 15;
- (CGFloat)textTopMargin
@ -1322,11 +1178,6 @@ CG_INLINE CGSize CGSizeCeil(CGSize size)
return kBubbleTextVInset + kBubbleThornVInset;
//- (CGFloat)textVMargin
// return 10;
- (UIColor *)textColor
return self.isIncoming ? [UIColor blackColor] : [UIColor whiteColor];

@ -403,6 +403,12 @@ NSString *NSStringForOWSMessageCellType(OWSMessageCellType cellType)
DDLogVerbose(@"%@ --- message. hasAttachments: %d, body: %@ (%zd).",
// Ignore message body for oversize text attachments.
if (message.body.length > 0) {
if (self.hasText) {

@ -51,10 +51,6 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
for (DebugUIMessagesAction *action in @[
[DebugUIMessages sendMessageVariationsAction:thread],
// Send Media
[DebugUIMessages sendJpegAction:thread],
[DebugUIMessages sendGifAction:thread],
[DebugUIMessages sendMp3Action:thread],
[DebugUIMessages sendMp4Action:thread],
[DebugUIMessages sendAllMediaAction:thread],
[DebugUIMessages sendRandomMediaAction:thread],
// Fake Media
@ -755,7 +751,11 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
NSString *messageBody = nil;
if (hasCaption) {
messageBody = [[@(index).stringValue stringByAppendingString:@" "] stringByAppendingString:[self randomText]];
// We want a message body that is "more than one line on all devices,
// using all dynamic type sizes."
NSString *sampleText = @"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, "
@"consectetur adipiscing elit.";
messageBody = [[@(index).stringValue stringByAppendingString:@" "] stringByAppendingString:sampleText];
if (hasCaption) {
messageBody = [messageBody stringByAppendingString:@" 🔤"];
@ -771,13 +771,9 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
NSString *_Nullable randomCaption;
if (arc4random() % 2 == 2) {
randomCaption = [self randomText];
TSOutgoingMessage *message = [[TSOutgoingMessage alloc] initWithTimestamp:timestamp
[message setReceivedAtTimestamp:timestamp];
@ -1051,7 +1047,11 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
NSString *messageBody = nil;
if (hasCaption) {
messageBody = [[@(index).stringValue stringByAppendingString:@" "] stringByAppendingString:[self randomText]];
// We want a message body that is "more than one line on all devices,
// using all dynamic type sizes."
NSString *sampleText = @"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, "
@"consectetur adipiscing elit.";
messageBody = [[@(index).stringValue stringByAppendingString:@" "] stringByAppendingString:sampleText];
if (hasCaption) {
messageBody = [messageBody stringByAppendingString:@" 🔤"];

@ -125,4 +125,22 @@ CGFloat ScaleFromIPhone5(CGFloat iPhone5Value);
//#pragma mark -
//@interface NSLayoutConstraint (OWS)
//- (NSLayoutConstraint *)withLowPriority;
//- (NSLayoutConstraint *)withHighPriority;
//#pragma mark -
//@interface NSArray (OWSLayout)
//- (NSArray *)withLowPriorities;
//- (NSArray *)withHighPriorities;

@ -487,4 +487,44 @@ CGFloat ScaleFromIPhone5(CGFloat iPhone5Value)
//#pragma mark -
//@implementation NSLayoutConstraint (OWS)
//- (NSLayoutConstraint *)withLowPriority
// self.priority = UILayoutPriorityDefaultLow;
// return self;
//- (NSLayoutConstraint *)withHighPriority
// self.priority = UILayoutPriorityDefaultHigh;
// return self;
//#pragma mark -
//@implementation NSArray (OWSLayout)
//- (instancetype)withLowPriorities
// for (NSLayoutConstraint *constraint in self) {
// constraint.priority = UILayoutPriorityDefaultLow;
// }
// return self;
//- (instancetype)withHighPriorities
// for (NSLayoutConstraint *constraint in self) {
// constraint.priority = UILayoutPriorityDefaultHigh;
// }
// return self;
