Rework concurrency in the signaling logic.

Matthew Chen 8 years ago
parent d6c849eab3
commit dd374afdaa

@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ protocol PeerConnectionClientDelegate: class {
func peerConnectionClientIceFailed(_ peerconnectionClient: PeerConnectionClient)
* During the Signaling process each client generates IceCandidates locally, which contain information about how to
* reach the local client via the internet. The delegate must shuttle these IceCandates to the other (remote) client
* During the Signaling process each client generates IceCandidates locally, which contain information about how to
* reach the local client via the internet. The delegate must shuttle these IceCandates to the other (remote) client
* out of band, as part of establishing a connection over WebRTC.
func peerConnectionClient(_ peerconnectionClient: PeerConnectionClient, addedLocalIceCandidate iceCandidate: RTCIceCandidate)
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ protocol PeerConnectionClientDelegate: class {
* `PeerConnectionClient` is our interface to WebRTC.
* It is primarily a wrapper around `RTCPeerConnection`, which is responsible for sending and receiving our call data
* It is primarily a wrapper around `RTCPeerConnection`, which is responsible for sending and receiving our call data
* including audio, video, and some post-connected signaling (hangup, add video)
class PeerConnectionClient: NSObject, RTCPeerConnectionDelegate, RTCDataChannelDelegate {
@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ class PeerConnectionClient: NSObject, RTCPeerConnectionDelegate, RTCDataChannelD
let TAG = "[PeerConnectionClient]"
enum Identifiers: String {
case mediaStream = "ARDAMS",
videoTrack = "ARDAMSv0",
audioTrack = "ARDAMSa0",
dataChannelSignaling = "signaling"
videoTrack = "ARDAMSv0",
audioTrack = "ARDAMSa0",
dataChannelSignaling = "signaling"
// A state in this class should only be accessed on this queue in order to
@ -155,11 +155,11 @@ class PeerConnectionClient: NSObject, RTCPeerConnectionDelegate, RTCDataChannelD
fileprivate func createVideoSender() {
Logger.debug("\(self.TAG) in \(#function)")
Logger.debug("\(TAG) in \(#function)")
assert(self.videoSender == nil, "\(#function) should only be called once.")
guard !Platform.isSimulator else {
Logger.warn("\(self.TAG) Refusing to create local video track on simulator which has no capture device.")
Logger.warn("\(TAG) Refusing to create local video track on simulator which has no capture device.")
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ class PeerConnectionClient: NSObject, RTCPeerConnectionDelegate, RTCDataChannelD
fileprivate func createAudioSender() {
Logger.debug("\(self.TAG) in \(#function)")
Logger.debug("\(TAG) in \(#function)")
assert(self.audioSender == nil, "\(#function) should only be called once.")
let audioSource = factory.audioSource(with: self.audioConstraints)
@ -253,10 +253,15 @@ class PeerConnectionClient: NSObject, RTCPeerConnectionDelegate, RTCDataChannelD
public func createOffer() -> Promise<HardenedRTCSessionDescription> {
var result: Promise<HardenedRTCSessionDescription>? = nil
PeerConnectionClient.signalingQueue.sync {
result = Promise { fulfill, reject in
peerConnection.offer(for: self.defaultOfferConstraints, completionHandler: { (sdp: RTCSessionDescription?, error: Error?) in
return Promise { fulfill, reject in
PeerConnectionClient.signalingQueue.async {
self.peerConnection.offer(for: self.defaultOfferConstraints, completionHandler: { (sdp: RTCSessionDescription?, error: Error?) in
PeerConnectionClient.signalingQueue.async {
guard error == nil else {
@ -275,63 +280,55 @@ class PeerConnectionClient: NSObject, RTCPeerConnectionDelegate, RTCDataChannelD
// TODO: Propagate exception
return result!
public func setLocalSessionDescriptionInternal(_ sessionDescription: HardenedRTCSessionDescription) -> Promise<Void> {
return PromiseKit.wrap {
return PromiseKit.wrap { resolve in
Logger.verbose("\(self.TAG) setting local session description: \(sessionDescription)")
peerConnection.setLocalDescription(sessionDescription.rtcSessionDescription, completionHandler: $0)
self.peerConnection.setLocalDescription(sessionDescription.rtcSessionDescription, completionHandler:resolve)
public func setLocalSessionDescription(_ sessionDescription: HardenedRTCSessionDescription) -> Promise<Void> {
var result: Promise<Void>? = nil
PeerConnectionClient.signalingQueue.sync {
result = setLocalSessionDescriptionInternal(sessionDescription)
// TODO: Propagate exception
return result!
public func negotiateSessionDescription(remoteDescription: RTCSessionDescription, constraints: RTCMediaConstraints) -> Promise<HardenedRTCSessionDescription> {
var result: Promise<HardenedRTCSessionDescription>? = nil
PeerConnectionClient.signalingQueue.sync {
result = firstly {
return self.setRemoteSessionDescriptionInternal(remoteDescription)
}.then(on: PeerConnectionClient.signalingQueue) {
return self.negotiateAnswerSessionDescription(constraints: constraints)
return PromiseKit.wrap { resolve in
PeerConnectionClient.signalingQueue.async {
Logger.verbose("\(self.TAG) setting local session description: \(sessionDescription)")
self.peerConnection.setLocalDescription(sessionDescription.rtcSessionDescription, completionHandler:resolve)
// TODO: Propagate exception
return result!
private func setRemoteSessionDescriptionInternal(_ sessionDescription: RTCSessionDescription) -> Promise<Void> {
public func negotiateSessionDescription(remoteDescription: RTCSessionDescription, constraints: RTCMediaConstraints) -> Promise<HardenedRTCSessionDescription> {
return PromiseKit.wrap {
Logger.verbose("\(self.TAG) setting remote description: \(sessionDescription)")
peerConnection.setRemoteDescription(sessionDescription, completionHandler: $0)
return setRemoteSessionDescription(remoteDescription)
.then(on: PeerConnectionClient.signalingQueue) {
return self.negotiateAnswerSessionDescription(constraints: constraints)
public func setRemoteSessionDescription(_ sessionDescription: RTCSessionDescription) -> Promise<Void> {
var result: Promise<Void>? = nil
PeerConnectionClient.signalingQueue.sync {
result = setRemoteSessionDescriptionInternal(sessionDescription)
return PromiseKit.wrap { resolve in
PeerConnectionClient.signalingQueue.async {
Logger.verbose("\(self.TAG) setting remote description: \(sessionDescription)")
self.peerConnection.setRemoteDescription(sessionDescription, completionHandler: resolve)
// TODO: Propagate exception
return result!
private func negotiateAnswerSessionDescription(constraints: RTCMediaConstraints) -> Promise<HardenedRTCSessionDescription> {
return Promise { fulfill, reject in
Logger.debug("\(self.TAG) negotiating answer session.")
peerConnection.answer(for: constraints, completionHandler: { (sdp: RTCSessionDescription?, error: Error?) in
@ -370,36 +367,46 @@ class PeerConnectionClient: NSObject, RTCPeerConnectionDelegate, RTCDataChannelD
public func terminate() {
PeerConnectionClient.signalingQueue.async {
// Some notes on preventing crashes while disposing of peerConnection for video calls
// from:!searchin/discuss-webrtc/objc$20crash$20dealloc%7Csort:relevance/discuss-webrtc/7D-vk5yLjn8/rBW2D6EW4GYJ
// The sequence to make it work appears to be
// [capturer stop]; // I had to add this as a method to RTCVideoCapturer
// [localRenderer stop];
// [remoteRenderer stop];
// [peerConnection close];
// audioTrack is a strong property because we need access to it to mute/unmute, but I was seeing it
// become nil when it was only a weak property. So we retain it and manually nil the reference here, because
// we are likely to crash if we retain any peer connection properties when the peerconnection is released
Logger.debug("\(self.TAG) in \(#function)")
self.audioTrack = nil
self.localVideoTrack = nil
self.remoteVideoTrack = nil
self.dataChannel = nil
self.audioSender = nil
self.videoSender = nil
self.peerConnection.delegate = nil
private func terminateInternal() {
// Some notes on preventing crashes while disposing of peerConnection for video calls
// from:!searchin/discuss-webrtc/objc$20crash$20dealloc%7Csort:relevance/discuss-webrtc/7D-vk5yLjn8/rBW2D6EW4GYJ
// The sequence to make it work appears to be
// [capturer stop]; // I had to add this as a method to RTCVideoCapturer
// [localRenderer stop];
// [remoteRenderer stop];
// [peerConnection close];
// audioTrack is a strong property because we need access to it to mute/unmute, but I was seeing it
// become nil when it was only a weak property. So we retain it and manually nil the reference here, because
// we are likely to crash if we retain any peer connection properties when the peerconnection is released
Logger.debug("\(TAG) in \(#function)")
audioTrack = nil
localVideoTrack = nil
remoteVideoTrack = nil
dataChannel = nil
audioSender = nil
videoSender = nil
peerConnection.delegate = nil
// MARK: - Data Channel
public func sendDataChannelMessage(data: Data) -> Bool {
var result = false
PeerConnectionClient.signalingQueue.sync {
guard let dataChannel = self.dataChannel else {
Logger.error("\(self.TAG) in \(#function) ignoring sending \(data) for nil dataChannel")
result = false
@ -416,7 +423,7 @@ class PeerConnectionClient: NSObject, RTCPeerConnectionDelegate, RTCDataChannelD
/** The data channel state changed. */
internal func dataChannelDidChangeState(_ dataChannel: RTCDataChannel) {
Logger.debug("\(self.TAG) dataChannelDidChangeState: \(dataChannel)")
Logger.debug("\(TAG) dataChannelDidChangeState: \(dataChannel)")
/** The data channel successfully received a data buffer. */
@ -440,14 +447,14 @@ class PeerConnectionClient: NSObject, RTCPeerConnectionDelegate, RTCDataChannelD
/** The data channel's |bufferedAmount| changed. */
internal func dataChannel(_ dataChannel: RTCDataChannel, didChangeBufferedAmount amount: UInt64) {
Logger.debug("\(self.TAG) didChangeBufferedAmount: \(amount)")
Logger.debug("\(TAG) didChangeBufferedAmount: \(amount)")
// MARK: - RTCPeerConnectionDelegate
/** Called when the SignalingState changed. */
internal func peerConnection(_ peerConnection: RTCPeerConnection, didChange stateChanged: RTCSignalingState) {
Logger.debug("\(self.TAG) didChange signalingState:\(stateChanged.debugDescription)")
Logger.debug("\(TAG) didChange signalingState:\(stateChanged.debugDescription)")
/** Called when media is received on a new stream from remote peer. */
@ -469,12 +476,12 @@ class PeerConnectionClient: NSObject, RTCPeerConnectionDelegate, RTCDataChannelD
/** Called when a remote peer closes a stream. */
internal func peerConnection(_ peerConnection: RTCPeerConnection, didRemove stream: RTCMediaStream) {
Logger.debug("\(self.TAG) didRemove Stream:\(stream)")
Logger.debug("\(TAG) didRemove Stream:\(stream)")
/** Called when negotiation is needed, for example ICE has restarted. */
internal func peerConnectionShouldNegotiate(_ peerConnection: RTCPeerConnection) {
Logger.debug("\(self.TAG) shouldNegotiate")
Logger.debug("\(TAG) shouldNegotiate")
/** Called any time the IceConnectionState changes. */
@ -505,7 +512,7 @@ class PeerConnectionClient: NSObject, RTCPeerConnectionDelegate, RTCDataChannelD
/** Called any time the IceGatheringState changes. */
internal func peerConnection(_ peerConnection: RTCPeerConnection, didChange newState: RTCIceGatheringState) {
Logger.debug("\(self.TAG) didChange IceGatheringState:\(newState.debugDescription)")
Logger.debug("\(TAG) didChange IceGatheringState:\(newState.debugDescription)")
/** New ice candidate has been found. */
@ -522,7 +529,7 @@ class PeerConnectionClient: NSObject, RTCPeerConnectionDelegate, RTCDataChannelD
/** Called when a group of local Ice candidates have been removed. */
internal func peerConnection(_ peerConnection: RTCPeerConnection, didRemove candidates: [RTCIceCandidate]) {
Logger.debug("\(self.TAG) didRemove IceCandidates:\(candidates)")
Logger.debug("\(TAG) didRemove IceCandidates:\(candidates)")
/** New data channel has been opened. */
