Split new conversation screen into tabs

Niels Andriesse 5 years ago
parent 8429b9d680
commit dbd71ab9a2

@ -591,11 +591,12 @@
B8BB82AB238F669C00BA5194 /* ConversationCell.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = B8BB82AA238F669C00BA5194 /* ConversationCell.swift */; };
B8BB82AD238F734800BA5194 /* ProfilePictureView.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = B8BB82AC238F734800BA5194 /* ProfilePictureView.swift */; };
B8BB82B12390C37000BA5194 /* SearchBar.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = B8BB82B02390C37000BA5194 /* SearchBar.swift */; };
B8BB82B323947E6B00BA5194 /* NewConversationVC.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = B8BB82B223947E6B00BA5194 /* NewConversationVC.swift */; };
B8BB82B523947F2D00BA5194 /* TextField.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = B8BB82B423947F2D00BA5194 /* TextField.swift */; };
B8BB82B92394911B00BA5194 /* Separator.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = B8BB82B82394911B00BA5194 /* Separator.swift */; };
B8BB82BE2394D4CE00BA5194 /* Fonts.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = B8BB82BD2394D4CE00BA5194 /* Fonts.swift */; };
B8CCF6352396005F0091D419 /* SpaceMono-Regular.ttf in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = B8CCF6342396005F0091D419 /* SpaceMono-Regular.ttf */; };
B8CCF63723961D6D0091D419 /* NewPrivateChatVC.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = B8CCF63623961D6D0091D419 /* NewPrivateChatVC.swift */; };
B8CCF639239721E20091D419 /* TabBar.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = B8CCF638239721E20091D419 /* TabBar.swift */; };
B90418E6183E9DD40038554A /* DateUtil.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = B90418E5183E9DD40038554A /* DateUtil.m */; };
B9EB5ABD1884C002007CBB57 /* MessageUI.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = B9EB5ABC1884C002007CBB57 /* MessageUI.framework */; };
BFF3FB9730634F37D25903F4 /* Pods_Signal.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = D17BB5C25D615AB49813100C /* Pods_Signal.framework */; };
@ -1415,11 +1416,12 @@
B8BB82AA238F669C00BA5194 /* ConversationCell.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = ConversationCell.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
B8BB82AC238F734800BA5194 /* ProfilePictureView.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = ProfilePictureView.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
B8BB82B02390C37000BA5194 /* SearchBar.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = SearchBar.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
B8BB82B223947E6B00BA5194 /* NewConversationVC.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = NewConversationVC.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
B8BB82B423947F2D00BA5194 /* TextField.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = TextField.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
B8BB82B82394911B00BA5194 /* Separator.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = Separator.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
B8BB82BD2394D4CE00BA5194 /* Fonts.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = Fonts.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
B8CCF6342396005F0091D419 /* SpaceMono-Regular.ttf */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file; path = "SpaceMono-Regular.ttf"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
B8CCF63623961D6D0091D419 /* NewPrivateChatVC.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = NewPrivateChatVC.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
B8CCF638239721E20091D419 /* TabBar.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = TabBar.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
B90418E4183E9DD40038554A /* DateUtil.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DateUtil.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
B90418E5183E9DD40038554A /* DateUtil.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = DateUtil.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
B97940251832BD2400BD66CB /* UIUtil.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = UIUtil.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
@ -2688,6 +2690,7 @@
B8BB82B423947F2D00BA5194 /* TextField.swift */,
B8BB82B82394911B00BA5194 /* Separator.swift */,
B8BB82AC238F734800BA5194 /* ProfilePictureView.swift */,
B8CCF638239721E20091D419 /* TabBar.swift */,
path = Loki;
sourceTree = "<group>";
@ -2766,7 +2769,7 @@
B825849F2315024B001B41CB /* LokiRSSFeedPoller.swift */,
B8B26C8E234D629C004ED98C /* MentionCandidateSelectionView.swift */,
B8B26C90234D8CBD004ED98C /* MentionCandidateSelectionViewDelegate.swift */,
B8BB82B223947E6B00BA5194 /* NewConversationVC.swift */,
B8CCF63623961D6D0091D419 /* NewPrivateChatVC.swift */,
24BD2608234DA2050008EB0A /* JoinPublicChatVC.swift */,
B893063E2383961A005EAA8E /* ScanQRCodeWrapperVC.swift */,
@ -3775,9 +3778,9 @@
isa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase;
buildActionMask = 2147483647;
files = (
B8CCF63723961D6D0091D419 /* NewPrivateChatVC.swift in Sources */,
4CC0B59C20EC5F2E00CF6EE0 /* ConversationConfigurationSyncOperation.swift in Sources */,
3461293E1FD1D72B00532771 /* ExperienceUpgradeFinder.swift in Sources */,
B8BB82B323947E6B00BA5194 /* NewConversationVC.swift in Sources */,
34C4E2582118957600BEA353 /* WebRTCProto.swift in Sources */,
34D1F0BD1F8D108C0066283D /* AttachmentUploadView.m in Sources */,
452EC6DF205E9E30000E787C /* MediaGalleryViewController.swift in Sources */,
@ -3909,6 +3912,7 @@
3448E16022134C89004B052E /* OnboardingSplashViewController.swift in Sources */,
34B6A903218B3F63007C4606 /* TypingIndicatorView.swift in Sources */,
B8BB82AD238F734800BA5194 /* ProfilePictureView.swift in Sources */,
B8CCF639239721E20091D419 /* TabBar.swift in Sources */,
B8162F0322891AD600D46544 /* FriendRequestView.swift in Sources */,
458E38371D668EBF0094BD24 /* OWSDeviceProvisioningURLParser.m in Sources */,
34B6A905218B4C91007C4606 /* TypingIndicatorInteraction.swift in Sources */,

@ -307,8 +307,8 @@ final class HomeVC : UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegat
@objc func createPrivateChat() {
let newConversationVC = NewConversationVC()
let navigationController = OWSNavigationController(rootViewController: newConversationVC)
let newPrivateChatVC = NewPrivateChatVC()
let navigationController = OWSNavigationController(rootViewController: newPrivateChatVC)
present(navigationController, animated: true, completion: nil)

@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
final class NewConversationVC : OWSViewController, OWSQRScannerDelegate {
private lazy var userHexEncodedPublicKey: String = {
let userDefaults = UserDefaults.standard
if let masterHexEncodedPublicKey = userDefaults.string(forKey: "masterDeviceHexEncodedPublicKey") {
return masterHexEncodedPublicKey
} else {
return OWSIdentityManager.shared().identityKeyPair()!.hexEncodedPublicKey
// MARK: Components
private lazy var publicKeyTextField = TextField(placeholder: NSLocalizedString("Enter public key of recipient", comment: ""))
private lazy var userPublicKeyLabel: UILabel = {
let result = UILabel()
result.textColor = Colors.text
result.font = Fonts.spaceMono(ofSize: Values.mediumFontSize)
result.numberOfLines = 0
result.textAlignment = .center
result.lineBreakMode = .byCharWrapping
return result
private lazy var copyButton: Button = {
let result = Button(style: .unimportant)
result.setTitle(NSLocalizedString("Copy", comment: ""), for: UIControl.State.normal)
result.addTarget(self, action: #selector(copyPublicKey), for: UIControl.Event.touchUpInside)
return result
// MARK: Lifecycle
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Set gradient background
view.backgroundColor = .clear
let gradient = Gradients.defaultLokiBackground
// Set navigation bar background color
if let navigationBar = navigationController?.navigationBar {
navigationBar.setBackgroundImage(UIImage(), for: UIBarMetrics.default)
navigationBar.shadowImage = UIImage()
navigationBar.isTranslucent = false
navigationBar.barTintColor = Colors.navigationBarBackground
// Set up navigation bar buttons
let closeButton = UIBarButtonItem(image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "X"), style: .plain, target: self, action: #selector(close))
closeButton.tintColor = Colors.text
navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = closeButton
// Customize title
let titleLabel = UILabel()
titleLabel.text = NSLocalizedString("New Conversation", comment: "")
titleLabel.textColor = Colors.text
titleLabel.font = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: Values.veryLargeFontSize)
navigationItem.titleView = titleLabel
// Set up explanation label
let explanationLabel = UILabel()
explanationLabel.textColor = Colors.text.withAlphaComponent(Values.unimportantElementOpacity)
explanationLabel.font = .systemFont(ofSize: Values.smallFontSize)
explanationLabel.text = NSLocalizedString("Users can share their public key by going into their account settings and tapping \"Share Public Key\", or by sharing their QR code.", comment: "")
explanationLabel.numberOfLines = 0
explanationLabel.textAlignment = .center
explanationLabel.lineBreakMode = .byWordWrapping
// Set up separator
let separator = Separator(title: NSLocalizedString("Your Public Key", comment: ""))
// Set up user public key label
userPublicKeyLabel.text = userHexEncodedPublicKey
// Set up share button
let shareButton = Button(style: .unimportant)
shareButton.setTitle(NSLocalizedString("Share", comment: ""), for: UIControl.State.normal)
shareButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(sharePublicKey), for: UIControl.Event.touchUpInside)
// Set up button container
let buttonContainer = UIStackView(arrangedSubviews: [ copyButton, shareButton ])
buttonContainer.axis = .horizontal
buttonContainer.spacing = Values.mediumSpacing
buttonContainer.distribution = .fillEqually
// Next button
let nextButton = Button(style: .prominent)
nextButton.setTitle(NSLocalizedString("Next", comment: ""), for: UIControl.State.normal)
nextButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(handleNextButtonTapped), for: UIControl.Event.touchUpInside)
let nextButtonContainer = UIView()
nextButton.pin(.leading, to: .leading, of: nextButtonContainer, withInset: 80)
nextButton.pin(.top, to: .top, of: nextButtonContainer)
nextButtonContainer.pin(.trailing, to: .trailing, of: nextButton, withInset: 80)
nextButtonContainer.pin(.bottom, to: .bottom, of: nextButton)
// Stack view
let stackView = UIStackView(arrangedSubviews: [ publicKeyTextField, UIView.spacer(withHeight: Values.smallSpacing), explanationLabel, UIView.spacer(withHeight: Values.veryLargeSpacing), separator, UIView.spacer(withHeight: Values.veryLargeSpacing), userPublicKeyLabel, UIView.spacer(withHeight: Values.veryLargeSpacing), buttonContainer, UIView.spacer(withHeight: Values.veryLargeSpacing), nextButtonContainer, UIView.vStretchingSpacer() ])
stackView.axis = .vertical
stackView.alignment = .fill
stackView.layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsets(top: Values.mediumSpacing, left: Values.largeSpacing, bottom: Values.mediumSpacing, right: Values.largeSpacing)
stackView.isLayoutMarginsRelativeArrangement = true
stackView.pin(to: view)
// Dismiss keyboard on tap
let tapGestureRecognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(dismissKeyboard))
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
// MARK: General
@objc private func dismissKeyboard() {
@objc private func enableCopyButton() {
copyButton.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
UIView.transition(with: copyButton, duration: 0.25, options: .transitionCrossDissolve, animations: {
self.copyButton.setTitle(NSLocalizedString("Copy", comment: ""), for: UIControl.State.normal)
}, completion: nil)
// MARK: Interaction
@objc private func close() {
dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
@objc private func copyPublicKey() {
UIPasteboard.general.string = userHexEncodedPublicKey
copyButton.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
UIView.transition(with: copyButton, duration: 0.25, options: .transitionCrossDissolve, animations: {
self.copyButton.setTitle(NSLocalizedString("Copied", comment: ""), for: UIControl.State.normal)
}, completion: nil)
Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 4, target: self, selector: #selector(enableCopyButton), userInfo: nil, repeats: false)
@objc private func sharePublicKey() {
let shareVC = UIActivityViewController(activityItems: [ userHexEncodedPublicKey ], applicationActivities: nil)
navigationController?.present(shareVC, animated: true, completion: nil)
// @objc private func scanQRCode() {
// ows_ask(forCameraPermissions: { [weak self] hasCameraAccess in
// if hasCameraAccess {
// let message = NSLocalizedString("Scan the QR code of the person you'd like to securely message. They can find their QR code by going into Loki Messenger's in-app settings and clicking \"Show QR Code\".", comment: "")
// let scanQRCodeWrapperVC = ScanQRCodeWrapperVC(message: message)
// scanQRCodeWrapperVC.delegate = self
// self?.navigationController!.pushViewController(scanQRCodeWrapperVC, animated: true)
// } else {
// // Do nothing
// }
// })
// }
// func controller(_ controller: OWSQRCodeScanningViewController, didDetectQRCodeWith string: String) {
// Analytics.shared.track("QR Code Scanned")
// let hexEncodedPublicKey = string
// startNewConversationIfPossible(with: hexEncodedPublicKey)
// }
@objc private func handleNextButtonTapped() {
let hexEncodedPublicKey = publicKeyTextField.text?.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces) ?? ""
startNewConversationIfPossible(with: hexEncodedPublicKey)
private func startNewConversationIfPossible(with hexEncodedPublicKey: String) {
if !ECKeyPair.isValidHexEncodedPublicKey(candidate: hexEncodedPublicKey) {
let alert = UIAlertController(title: NSLocalizedString("Invalid Public Key", comment: ""), message: NSLocalizedString("Please check the public key you entered and try again.", comment: ""), preferredStyle: .alert)
alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: NSLocalizedString("OK", comment: ""), style: .default, handler: nil))
} else {
let thread = TSContactThread.getOrCreateThread(contactId: hexEncodedPublicKey)
presentingViewController!.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
SignalApp.shared().presentConversation(for: thread, action: .compose, animated: false)

@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
final class NewPrivateChatVC : UIViewController, UIPageViewControllerDataSource, UIPageViewControllerDelegate, OWSQRScannerDelegate {
private let pageVC = UIPageViewController(transitionStyle: .scroll, navigationOrientation: .horizontal, options: nil)
private var pages: [UIViewController] = []
private var targetVCIndex: Int?
// MARK: Components
private lazy var tabBar: TabBar = {
let tabs = [
TabBar.Tab(title: "Enter Public Key") { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.pageVC.setViewControllers([ self.pages[0] ], direction: .forward, animated: false, completion: nil)
TabBar.Tab(title: "Scan QR Code") { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.pageVC.setViewControllers([ self.pages[1] ], direction: .forward, animated: false, completion: nil)
return TabBar(tabs: tabs)
private lazy var enterPublicKeyVC: EnterPublicKeyVC = {
let result = EnterPublicKeyVC()
result.newPrivateChatVC = self
return result
private lazy var scanQRCodePlaceholderVC: ScanQRCodePlaceholderVC = {
let result = ScanQRCodePlaceholderVC()
result.newPrivateChatVC = self
return result
private lazy var scanQRCodeWrapperVC: ScanQRCodeWrapperVC = {
let message = NSLocalizedString("Scan the QR code of the person you'd like to securely message. They can find their QR code by going into Loki Messenger's in-app settings and tapping \"Show QR Code\".", comment: "")
let result = ScanQRCodeWrapperVC(message: message)
result.delegate = self
return result
// MARK: Lifecycle
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Set gradient background
view.backgroundColor = .clear
let gradient = Gradients.defaultLokiBackground
// Set navigation bar background color
let navigationBar = navigationController!.navigationBar
navigationBar.setBackgroundImage(UIImage(), for: UIBarMetrics.default)
navigationBar.shadowImage = UIImage()
navigationBar.isTranslucent = false
navigationBar.barTintColor = Colors.navigationBarBackground
// Set up navigation bar buttons
let closeButton = UIBarButtonItem(image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "X"), style: .plain, target: self, action: #selector(close))
closeButton.tintColor = Colors.text
navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = closeButton
// Customize title
let titleLabel = UILabel()
titleLabel.text = NSLocalizedString("New Conversation", comment: "")
titleLabel.textColor = Colors.text
titleLabel.font = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: Values.veryLargeFontSize)
navigationItem.titleView = titleLabel
// Set up page VC
let hasCameraAccess = (AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatus(for: .video) == .authorized)
pages = [ enterPublicKeyVC, (hasCameraAccess ? scanQRCodeWrapperVC : scanQRCodePlaceholderVC) ]
pageVC.dataSource = self
pageVC.delegate = self
pageVC.setViewControllers([ enterPublicKeyVC ], direction: .forward, animated: false, completion: nil)
// Set up tab bar
tabBar.pin(.leading, to: .leading, of: view)
tabBar.pin(.top, to: .top, of: view, withInset: navigationBar.height())
view.pin(.trailing, to: .trailing, of: tabBar)
// Set up page VC constraints
let pageVCView = pageVC.view!
pageVCView.pin(.leading, to: .leading, of: view)
pageVCView.pin(.top, to: .bottom, of: tabBar)
view.pin(.trailing, to: .trailing, of: pageVCView)
view.pin(.bottom, to: .bottom, of: pageVCView)
let screen = UIScreen.main.bounds
pageVCView.set(.width, to: screen.width)
let height = navigationController!.view.bounds.height - navigationBar.height() - Values.tabBarHeight
pageVCView.set(.height, to: height)
enterPublicKeyVC.constrainHeight(to: height)
scanQRCodePlaceholderVC.constrainHeight(to: height)
// MARK: General
func pageViewController(_ pageViewController: UIPageViewController, viewControllerBefore viewController: UIViewController) -> UIViewController? {
guard let index = pages.firstIndex(of: viewController), index != 0 else { return nil }
return pages[index - 1]
func pageViewController(_ pageViewController: UIPageViewController, viewControllerAfter viewController: UIViewController) -> UIViewController? {
guard let index = pages.firstIndex(of: viewController), index != (pages.count - 1) else { return nil }
return pages[index + 1]
fileprivate func handleCameraAccessGranted() {
pages[1] = scanQRCodeWrapperVC
pageVC.setViewControllers([ scanQRCodeWrapperVC ], direction: .forward, animated: false, completion: nil)
// MARK: Updating
func pageViewController(_ pageViewController: UIPageViewController, willTransitionTo pendingViewControllers: [UIViewController]) {
guard let targetVC = pendingViewControllers.first, let index = pages.firstIndex(of: targetVC) else { return }
targetVCIndex = index
func pageViewController(_ pageViewController: UIPageViewController, didFinishAnimating isFinished: Bool, previousViewControllers: [UIViewController], transitionCompleted isCompleted: Bool) {
guard isCompleted, let index = targetVCIndex else { return }
tabBar.selectTab(at: index)
// MARK: Interaction
@objc private func close() {
dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
func controller(_ controller: OWSQRCodeScanningViewController, didDetectQRCodeWith string: String) {
let hexEncodedPublicKey = string
startNewPrivateChatIfPossible(with: hexEncodedPublicKey)
fileprivate func startNewPrivateChatIfPossible(with hexEncodedPublicKey: String) {
if !ECKeyPair.isValidHexEncodedPublicKey(candidate: hexEncodedPublicKey) {
let alert = UIAlertController(title: NSLocalizedString("Invalid Public Key", comment: ""), message: NSLocalizedString("Please check the public key you entered and try again.", comment: ""), preferredStyle: .alert)
alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: NSLocalizedString("OK", comment: ""), style: .default, handler: nil))
} else {
let thread = TSContactThread.getOrCreateThread(contactId: hexEncodedPublicKey)
presentingViewController?.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
SignalApp.shared().presentConversation(for: thread, action: .compose, animated: false)
private final class EnterPublicKeyVC : UIViewController {
var newPrivateChatVC: NewPrivateChatVC?
private lazy var userHexEncodedPublicKey: String = {
let userDefaults = UserDefaults.standard
if let masterHexEncodedPublicKey = userDefaults.string(forKey: "masterDeviceHexEncodedPublicKey") {
return masterHexEncodedPublicKey
} else {
return OWSIdentityManager.shared().identityKeyPair()!.hexEncodedPublicKey
// MARK: Components
private lazy var publicKeyTextField = TextField(placeholder: NSLocalizedString("Enter public key of recipient", comment: ""))
private lazy var copyButton: Button = {
let result = Button(style: .unimportant)
result.setTitle(NSLocalizedString("Copy", comment: ""), for: UIControl.State.normal)
result.addTarget(self, action: #selector(copyPublicKey), for: UIControl.Event.touchUpInside)
return result
// MARK: Lifecycle
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Remove background color
view.backgroundColor = .clear
// Set up explanation label
let explanationLabel = UILabel()
explanationLabel.textColor = Colors.text.withAlphaComponent(Values.unimportantElementOpacity)
explanationLabel.font = .systemFont(ofSize: Values.smallFontSize)
explanationLabel.text = NSLocalizedString("Users can share their public key by going into their account settings and tapping \"Share Public Key\", or by sharing their QR code.", comment: "")
explanationLabel.numberOfLines = 0
explanationLabel.textAlignment = .center
explanationLabel.lineBreakMode = .byWordWrapping
// Set up separator
let separator = Separator(title: NSLocalizedString("Your Public Key", comment: ""))
// Set up user public key label
let userPublicKeyLabel = UILabel()
userPublicKeyLabel.textColor = Colors.text
userPublicKeyLabel.font = Fonts.spaceMono(ofSize: Values.mediumFontSize)
userPublicKeyLabel.numberOfLines = 0
userPublicKeyLabel.textAlignment = .center
userPublicKeyLabel.lineBreakMode = .byCharWrapping
userPublicKeyLabel.text = userHexEncodedPublicKey
// Set up share button
let shareButton = Button(style: .unimportant)
shareButton.setTitle(NSLocalizedString("Share", comment: ""), for: UIControl.State.normal)
shareButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(sharePublicKey), for: UIControl.Event.touchUpInside)
// Set up button container
let buttonContainer = UIStackView(arrangedSubviews: [ copyButton, shareButton ])
buttonContainer.axis = .horizontal
buttonContainer.spacing = Values.mediumSpacing
buttonContainer.distribution = .fillEqually
// Next button
let nextButton = Button(style: .prominent)
nextButton.setTitle(NSLocalizedString("Next", comment: ""), for: UIControl.State.normal)
nextButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(startNewPrivateChatIfPossible), for: UIControl.Event.touchUpInside)
let nextButtonContainer = UIView()
nextButton.pin(.leading, to: .leading, of: nextButtonContainer, withInset: 80)
nextButton.pin(.top, to: .top, of: nextButtonContainer)
nextButtonContainer.pin(.trailing, to: .trailing, of: nextButton, withInset: 80)
nextButtonContainer.pin(.bottom, to: .bottom, of: nextButton)
// Stack view
let stackView = UIStackView(arrangedSubviews: [ publicKeyTextField, UIView.spacer(withHeight: Values.smallSpacing), explanationLabel, UIView.spacer(withHeight: Values.veryLargeSpacing), separator, UIView.spacer(withHeight: Values.veryLargeSpacing), userPublicKeyLabel, UIView.spacer(withHeight: Values.veryLargeSpacing), buttonContainer, UIView.spacer(withHeight: Values.veryLargeSpacing), nextButtonContainer, UIView.vStretchingSpacer() ])
stackView.axis = .vertical
stackView.alignment = .fill
stackView.layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsets(top: Values.mediumSpacing, left: Values.largeSpacing, bottom: Values.mediumSpacing, right: Values.largeSpacing)
stackView.isLayoutMarginsRelativeArrangement = true
stackView.pin(to: view)
// Set up width constraint
view.set(.width, to: UIScreen.main.bounds.width)
// Dismiss keyboard on tap
let tapGestureRecognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(dismissKeyboard))
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
// MARK: General
func constrainHeight(to height: CGFloat) {
view.set(.height, to: height)
@objc private func dismissKeyboard() {
@objc private func enableCopyButton() {
copyButton.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
UIView.transition(with: copyButton, duration: 0.25, options: .transitionCrossDissolve, animations: {
self.copyButton.setTitle(NSLocalizedString("Copy", comment: ""), for: UIControl.State.normal)
}, completion: nil)
// MARK: Interaction
@objc private func copyPublicKey() {
UIPasteboard.general.string = userHexEncodedPublicKey
copyButton.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
UIView.transition(with: copyButton, duration: 0.25, options: .transitionCrossDissolve, animations: {
self.copyButton.setTitle(NSLocalizedString("Copied", comment: ""), for: UIControl.State.normal)
}, completion: nil)
Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 4, target: self, selector: #selector(enableCopyButton), userInfo: nil, repeats: false)
@objc private func sharePublicKey() {
let shareVC = UIActivityViewController(activityItems: [ userHexEncodedPublicKey ], applicationActivities: nil)
newPrivateChatVC!.navigationController!.present(shareVC, animated: true, completion: nil)
@objc private func startNewPrivateChatIfPossible() {
let hexEncodedPublicKey = publicKeyTextField.text?.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces) ?? ""
newPrivateChatVC!.startNewPrivateChatIfPossible(with: hexEncodedPublicKey)
private final class ScanQRCodePlaceholderVC : UIViewController {
var newPrivateChatVC: NewPrivateChatVC?
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Remove background color
view.backgroundColor = .clear
// Set up explanation label
let explanationLabel = UILabel()
explanationLabel.textColor = Colors.text
explanationLabel.font = .systemFont(ofSize: Values.smallFontSize)
explanationLabel.text = NSLocalizedString("Loki Messenger needs camera access to scan QR codes", comment: "")
explanationLabel.numberOfLines = 0
explanationLabel.textAlignment = .center
explanationLabel.lineBreakMode = .byWordWrapping
// Set up call to action button
let callToActionButton = UIButton()
callToActionButton.titleLabel!.font = .boldSystemFont(ofSize: Values.mediumFontSize)
callToActionButton.setTitleColor(Colors.accent, for: UIControl.State.normal)
callToActionButton.setTitle(NSLocalizedString("Enable Camera Access", comment: ""), for: UIControl.State.normal)
callToActionButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(requestCameraAccess), for: UIControl.Event.touchUpInside)
// Set up stack view
let stackView = UIStackView(arrangedSubviews: [ explanationLabel, callToActionButton ])
stackView.axis = .vertical
stackView.spacing = Values.mediumSpacing
stackView.alignment = .center
// Set up constraints
view.set(.width, to: UIScreen.main.bounds.width)
stackView.pin(.leading, to: .leading, of: view, withInset: Values.massiveSpacing)
view.pin(.trailing, to: .trailing, of: stackView, withInset: Values.massiveSpacing)
let verticalCenteringConstraint = stackView.center(.vertical, in: view)
verticalCenteringConstraint.constant = -16 // Makes things appear centered visually
func constrainHeight(to height: CGFloat) {
view.set(.height, to: height)
@objc private func requestCameraAccess() {
ows_ask(forCameraPermissions: { [weak self] hasCameraAccess in
if hasCameraAccess {
} else {
// Do nothing

@ -15,21 +15,23 @@ final class ScanQRCodeWrapperVC : UIViewController {
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
preconditionFailure("Use init(title:) instead.")
preconditionFailure("Use init(message:) instead.")
override init(nibName: String?, bundle: Bundle?) {
preconditionFailure("Use init(title:) instead.")
preconditionFailure("Use init(message:) instead.")
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Navigation bar
// Set up navigation bar if needed
if isPresentedModally {
navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: .stop, target: self, action: #selector(objc_dismiss))
navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: .stop, target: self, action: #selector(close))
// Background color
view.backgroundColor = Theme.backgroundColor
// Scan QR code VC
// Set gradient background
view.backgroundColor = .clear
let gradient = Gradients.defaultLokiBackground
// Set up scan QR code VC
scanQRCodeVC.scanDelegate = delegate
let scanQRCodeVCView = scanQRCodeVC.view!
@ -37,18 +39,18 @@ final class ScanQRCodeWrapperVC : UIViewController {
scanQRCodeVCView.pin(.trailing, to: .trailing, of: view)
scanQRCodeVCView.autoPin(toTopLayoutGuideOf: self, withInset: 0)
// Bottom view
// Set up bottom view
let bottomView = UIView()
bottomView.pin(.top, to: .bottom, of: scanQRCodeVCView)
bottomView.pin(.leading, to: .leading, of: view)
bottomView.pin(.trailing, to: .trailing, of: view)
bottomView.pin(.bottom, to: .bottom, of: view)
// Explanation label
// Set up explanation label
let explanationLabel = UILabel()
explanationLabel.text = message
explanationLabel.textColor = Theme.primaryColor
explanationLabel.font = .ows_dynamicTypeSubheadlineClamped
explanationLabel.textColor = Colors.text
explanationLabel.font = .systemFont(ofSize: Values.smallFontSize)
explanationLabel.numberOfLines = 0
explanationLabel.lineBreakMode = .byWordWrapping
explanationLabel.textAlignment = .center
@ -68,7 +70,7 @@ final class ScanQRCodeWrapperVC : UIViewController {
// MARK: Interaction
@objc private func objc_dismiss() {
@objc private func close() {
presentingViewController?.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
final class TabBar : UIView {
private let tabs: [Tab]
private var accentLineViewHorizontalCenteringConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
private var accentLineViewWidthConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
// MARK: Components
private lazy var tabLabels: [UILabel] = tabs.map { tab in
let result = UILabel()
result.font = .boldSystemFont(ofSize: Values.mediumFontSize)
result.textColor = Colors.text.withAlphaComponent(Values.unimportantElementOpacity)
result.textAlignment = .center
result.text = tab.title
result.set(.height, to: Values.tabBarHeight - Values.separatorThickness - Values.accentLineThickness)
return result
private lazy var accentLineView: UIView = {
let result = UIView()
result.backgroundColor = Colors.accent
return result
// MARK: Types
struct Tab {
let title: String
let onTap: () -> Void
// MARK: Lifecycle
init(tabs: [Tab]) {
self.tabs = tabs
super.init(frame: CGRect.zero)
override init(frame: CGRect) {
preconditionFailure("Use init(tabs:) instead.")
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
preconditionFailure("Use init(tabs:) instead.")
private func setUpViewHierarchy() {
set(.height, to: Values.tabBarHeight)
tabLabels.forEach { tabLabel in
let tapGestureRecognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handleTabLabelTapped(_:)))
let tabLabelStackView = UIStackView(arrangedSubviews: tabLabels)
tabLabelStackView.axis = .horizontal
tabLabelStackView.distribution = .fillEqually
tabLabelStackView.spacing = Values.mediumSpacing
let tapGestureRecognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handleTabLabelTapped(_:)))
tabLabelStackView.set(.height, to: Values.tabBarHeight - Values.separatorThickness - Values.accentLineThickness)
let separator = UIView()
separator.backgroundColor = Colors.separator
separator.set(.height, to: Values.separatorThickness)
accentLineView.set(.height, to: Values.accentLineThickness)
tabLabelStackView.pin(.leading, to: .leading, of: self)
tabLabelStackView.pin(.top, to: .top, of: self)
pin(.trailing, to: .trailing, of: tabLabelStackView)
separator.pin(.leading, to: .leading, of: self)
separator.pin(.top, to: .bottom, of: tabLabelStackView)
pin(.trailing, to: .trailing, of: separator)
accentLineView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
selectTab(at: 0, withAnimatedTransition: false)
accentLineView.pin(.top, to: .bottom, of: separator)
pin(.bottom, to: .bottom, of: accentLineView)
// MARK: Updating
func selectTab(at index: Int, withAnimatedTransition isAnimated: Bool = true) {
let tabLabel = tabLabels[index]
accentLineViewHorizontalCenteringConstraint?.isActive = false
accentLineViewHorizontalCenteringConstraint = accentLineView.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: tabLabel.centerXAnchor)
accentLineViewHorizontalCenteringConstraint.isActive = true
accentLineViewWidthConstraint?.isActive = false
accentLineViewWidthConstraint = accentLineView.widthAnchor.constraint(equalTo: tabLabel.widthAnchor)
accentLineViewWidthConstraint.isActive = true
var tabLabelsCopy = tabLabels
tabLabelsCopy.remove(at: index)
UIView.animate(withDuration: isAnimated ? 0.25 : 0) {
tabLabel.textColor = Colors.text
tabLabelsCopy.forEach { $0.textColor = Colors.text.withAlphaComponent(Values.unimportantElementOpacity) }
// MARK: Interaction
@objc private func handleTabLabelTapped(_ sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
guard let tabLabel = tabLabels.first(where: { $0.bounds.contains(sender.location(in: $0)) }), let index = tabLabels.firstIndex(of: tabLabel) else { return }
selectTab(at: index)
let tab = tabs[index]

@ -30,11 +30,13 @@ final class Values : NSObject {
@objc static let textFieldCornerRadius = CGFloat(8)
@objc static let separatorLabelHeight = CGFloat(24)
@objc static var separatorThickness: CGFloat { return 1 / UIScreen.main.scale }
@objc static let tabBarHeight = CGFloat(48)
// MARK: - Distances
@objc static let smallSpacing = CGFloat(8)
@objc static let mediumSpacing = CGFloat(16)
@objc static let largeSpacing = CGFloat(24)
@objc static let veryLargeSpacing = CGFloat(35)
@objc static let massiveSpacing = CGFloat(64)
@objc static let newConversationButtonBottomOffset = CGFloat(52)

@ -841,9 +841,9 @@ typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, HomeViewControllerSection) {
- (void)showNewConversationVC
LKNewConversationVC *newConversationVC = [LKNewConversationVC new];
OWSNavigationController *navigationController = [[OWSNavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:newConversationVC];
[self.navigationController presentViewController:navigationController animated:YES completion:nil];
// LKNewConversationVC *newConversationVC = [LKNewConversationVC new];
// OWSNavigationController *navigationController = [[OWSNavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:newConversationVC];
// [self.navigationController presentViewController:navigationController animated:YES completion:nil];

@ -2616,7 +2616,6 @@
"Scan a QR Code Instead" = "Scan a QR Code Instead";
"Loki Messenger needs camera access to scan QR codes." = "Loki Messenger needs camera access to scan QR codes.";
"You can enable camera access in your device settings." = "You can enable camera access in your device settings.";
"Scan the QR code of the person you'd like to securely message. They can find their QR code by going into Loki Messenger's in-app settings and clicking \"Show QR Code\"." = "Scan the QR code of the person you'd like to securely message. They can find their QR code by going into Loki Messenger's in-app settings and clicking \"Show QR Code\".";
"Scan QR Code" = "Scan QR Code";
"Loki" = "Loki";
"Can't Start Conversation" = "Can't Start Conversation";
@ -2687,3 +2686,6 @@
"Copied" = "Copied";
"Share" = "Share";
"Next" = "Next";
"Loki Messenger needs camera access to scan QR codes" = "Loki Messenger needs camera access to scan QR codes";
"Enable Camera Access" = "Enable Camera Access";
"Scan the QR code of the person you'd like to securely message. They can find their QR code by going into Loki Messenger's in-app settings and tapping \"Show QR Code\"." = "Scan the QR code of the person you'd like to securely message. They can find their QR code by going into Loki Messenger's in-app settings and tapping \"Show QR Code\".";
