Finished adding logic to ignore messages invalidated by config

Added timestamps to the Profile table to avoid overriding current profile info with older info
Updated the MessageReceiver to ignore the rest of the messages invalidated by the config
Updated to the latest libSession
Updated the JobRunner to expose some more info about the currently running jobs
Made some tweaks to the ConfigurationSyncJob to better support concurrent jobs running for different targets
Morgan Pretty 1 year ago
parent 3b772b7f90
commit c455a13a7b

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 97084c69f86e67c675095b48efacc86113ccebb0
Subproject commit 9777b37e8545febcc082578341352dba7433db21

@ -219,11 +219,18 @@ enum Onboarding {
func completeRegistration() {
// Set the `lastDisplayNameUpdate` to the current date, so that we don't
// overwrite what the user set in the display name step with whatever we
// find in their swarm (otherwise the user could enter a display name and
// have it immediately overwritten due to the config request running slow)
UserDefaults.standard[.lastDisplayNameUpdate] = Date()
// Set the `lastNameUpdate` to the current date, so that we don't overwrite
// what the user set in the display name step with whatever we find in their
// swarm (otherwise the user could enter a display name and have it immediately
// overwritten due to the config request running slow)
Storage.shared.write { db in
try Profile
.filter(id: getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db))
Profile.Columns.lastNameUpdate.set(to: Date().timeIntervalSince1970)
// Notify the app that registration is complete

@ -158,7 +158,9 @@ enum MockDataGenerator {
id: randomSessionId,
name: (0..<contactNameLength)
.compactMap { _ in stringContent.randomElement(using: &dmThreadRandomGenerator) }
lastNameUpdate: Date().timeIntervalSince1970,
lastProfilePictureUpdate: Date().timeIntervalSince1970
@ -237,7 +239,9 @@ enum MockDataGenerator {
id: randomSessionId,
name: (0..<contactNameLength)
.compactMap { _ in stringContent.randomElement(using: &cgThreadRandomGenerator) }
lastNameUpdate: Date().timeIntervalSince1970,
lastProfilePictureUpdate: Date().timeIntervalSince1970
@ -365,7 +369,9 @@ enum MockDataGenerator {
id: randomSessionId,
name: (0..<contactNameLength)
.compactMap { _ in stringContent.randomElement(using: &ogThreadRandomGenerator) }
lastNameUpdate: Date().timeIntervalSince1970,
lastProfilePictureUpdate: Date().timeIntervalSince1970

@ -417,10 +417,12 @@ enum _003_YDBToGRDBMigration: Migration {
try Profile(
id: legacyContact.sessionID,
name: ( ?? legacyContact.sessionID),
lastNameUpdate: 0,
nickname: legacyContact.nickname,
profilePictureUrl: legacyContact.profilePictureURL,
profilePictureFileName: legacyContact.profilePictureFileName,
profileEncryptionKey: legacyContact.profileEncryptionKey?.keyData
profileEncryptionKey: legacyContact.profileEncryptionKey?.keyData,
lastProfilePictureUpdate: 0
/// **Note:** The blow "shouldForce" flags are here to allow us to avoid having to run legacy migrations they
@ -641,7 +643,9 @@ enum _003_YDBToGRDBMigration: Migration {
// constraint violation
try? Profile(
id: profileId,
name: profileId
name: profileId,
lastNameUpdate: 0,
lastProfilePictureUpdate: 0
@ -1053,7 +1057,9 @@ enum _003_YDBToGRDBMigration: Migration {
// constraint violation
try Profile(
id: quotedMessage.authorId,
name: quotedMessage.authorId
name: quotedMessage.authorId,
lastNameUpdate: 0,
lastProfilePictureUpdate: 0

@ -20,6 +20,16 @@ enum _013_SessionUtilChanges: Migration {
t.add(.pinnedPriority, .integer)
// Add `lastNameUpdate` and `lastProfilePictureUpdate` columns to the profile table
try db.alter(table: Profile.self) { t in
t.add(.lastNameUpdate, .integer)
.defaults(to: 0)
t.add(.lastProfilePictureUpdate, .integer)
.defaults(to: 0)
// SQLite doesn't support adding a new primary key after creation so we need to create a new table with
// the setup we want, copy data from the old table over, drop the old table and rename the new table
struct TmpGroupMember: Codable, TableRecord, FetchableRecord, PersistableRecord, ColumnExpressible {

@ -20,11 +20,13 @@ public struct Profile: Codable, Identifiable, Equatable, Hashable, FetchableReco
case id
case name
case lastNameUpdate
case nickname
case profilePictureUrl
case profilePictureFileName
case profileEncryptionKey
case lastProfilePictureUpdate
/// The id for the user that owns the profile (Note: This could be a sessionId, a blindedId or some future variant)
@ -33,6 +35,9 @@ public struct Profile: Codable, Identifiable, Equatable, Hashable, FetchableReco
/// The name of the contact. Use this whenever you need the "real", underlying name of a user (e.g. when sending a message).
public let name: String
/// The timestamp (in seconds since epoch) that the name was last updated
public let lastNameUpdate: TimeInterval
/// A custom name for the profile set by the current user
public let nickname: String?
@ -45,22 +50,29 @@ public struct Profile: Codable, Identifiable, Equatable, Hashable, FetchableReco
/// The key with which the profile is encrypted.
public let profileEncryptionKey: Data?
/// The timestamp (in seconds since epoch) that the profile picture was last updated
public let lastProfilePictureUpdate: TimeInterval
// MARK: - Initialization
public init(
id: String,
name: String,
lastNameUpdate: TimeInterval,
nickname: String? = nil,
profilePictureUrl: String? = nil,
profilePictureFileName: String? = nil,
profileEncryptionKey: Data? = nil
profileEncryptionKey: Data? = nil,
lastProfilePictureUpdate: TimeInterval
) { = id = name
self.lastNameUpdate = lastNameUpdate
self.nickname = nickname
self.profilePictureUrl = profilePictureUrl
self.profilePictureFileName = profilePictureFileName
self.profileEncryptionKey = profileEncryptionKey
self.lastProfilePictureUpdate = lastProfilePictureUpdate
// MARK: - Description
@ -97,10 +109,12 @@ public extension Profile {
self = Profile(
id: try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .id),
name: try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .name),
lastNameUpdate: try container.decode(TimeInterval.self, forKey: .lastNameUpdate),
nickname: try? container.decode(String.self, forKey: .nickname),
profilePictureUrl: profilePictureUrl,
profilePictureFileName: try? container.decode(String.self, forKey: .profilePictureFileName),
profileEncryptionKey: profileKey
profileEncryptionKey: profileKey,
lastProfilePictureUpdate: try container.decode(TimeInterval.self, forKey: .lastProfilePictureUpdate)
@ -109,10 +123,12 @@ public extension Profile {
try container.encode(id, forKey: .id)
try container.encode(name, forKey: .name)
try container.encode(lastNameUpdate, forKey: .lastNameUpdate)
try container.encodeIfPresent(nickname, forKey: .nickname)
try container.encodeIfPresent(profilePictureUrl, forKey: .profilePictureUrl)
try container.encodeIfPresent(profilePictureFileName, forKey: .profilePictureFileName)
try container.encodeIfPresent(profileEncryptionKey, forKey: .profileEncryptionKey)
try container.encode(lastProfilePictureUpdate, forKey: .lastProfilePictureUpdate)
@ -124,6 +140,7 @@ public extension Profile {
var profileKey: Data?
var profilePictureUrl: String?
let sentTimestamp: TimeInterval = (proto.hasTimestamp ? (TimeInterval(proto.timestamp) / 1000) : 0)
// If we have both a `profileKey` and a `profilePicture` then the key MUST be valid
if let profileKeyData: Data = proto.profileKey, profileProto.profilePicture != nil {
@ -134,10 +151,12 @@ public extension Profile {
return Profile(
id: id,
name: displayName,
lastNameUpdate: sentTimestamp,
nickname: nil,
profilePictureUrl: profilePictureUrl,
profilePictureFileName: nil,
profileEncryptionKey: profileKey
profileEncryptionKey: profileKey,
lastProfilePictureUpdate: sentTimestamp
@ -218,10 +237,12 @@ public extension Profile {
return Profile(
id: id,
name: "",
lastNameUpdate: 0,
nickname: nil,
profilePictureUrl: nil,
profilePictureFileName: nil,
profileEncryptionKey: nil
profileEncryptionKey: nil,
lastProfilePictureUpdate: 0

@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ public enum AttachmentDownloadJob: JobExecutor {
// if an attachment ends up stuck in a "downloading" state incorrectly
guard attachment.state != .downloading else {
let otherCurrentJobAttachmentIds: Set<String> = JobRunner
.defailsForCurrentlyRunningJobs(of: .attachmentDownload)
.infoForCurrentlyRunningJobs(of: .attachmentDownload)
.filter { key, _ in key != }
.compactMap { data -> String? in
guard let data: Data = data else { return nil }
.compactMap { info -> String? in
guard let data: Data = info.detailsData else { return nil }
return (try? JSONDecoder().decode(Details.self, from: data))?

@ -16,17 +16,38 @@ public enum ConfigMessageReceiveJob: JobExecutor {
failure: @escaping (Job, Error?, Bool) -> (),
deferred: @escaping (Job) -> ()
) {
/// When the `configMessageReceive` job fails we want to unblock any `messageReceive` jobs it was blocking
/// to ensure the user isn't losing any messages - this generally _shouldn't_ happen but if it does then having a temporary
/// "outdated" state due to standard messages which would have been invalidated by a config change incorrectly being
/// processed is less severe then dropping a bunch on messages just because they were processed in the same poll as
/// invalid config messages
let removeDependencyOnMessageReceiveJobs: () -> () = {
guard let jobId: Int64 = else { return }
Storage.shared.write { db in
try JobDependencies
.filter(JobDependencies.Columns.dependantId == jobId)
required: JobDependencies.job
.filter(Job.Columns.variant == Job.Variant.messageReceive)
let detailsData: Data = job.details,
let details: Details = try? JSONDecoder().decode(Details.self, from: detailsData)
else {
failure(job, JobRunnerError.missingRequiredDetails, true)
// Ensure no standard messages are sent through this job
guard !details.messages.contains(where: { $0.variant != .sharedConfigMessage }) else {
SNLog("[ConfigMessageReceiveJob] Standard messages incorrectly sent to the 'configMessageReceive' job")
failure(job, MessageReceiverError.invalidMessage, true)
@ -49,8 +70,10 @@ public enum ConfigMessageReceiveJob: JobExecutor {
// Handle the result
switch lastError {
case let error as MessageReceiverError where !error.isRetryable: failure(job, error, true)
case .some(let error): failure(job, error, false)
case .some(let error):
failure(job, error, true)
case .none: success(job, false)

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import SessionUtilitiesKit
public enum ConfigurationSyncJob: JobExecutor {
public static let maxFailureCount: Int = -1
public static let requiresThreadId: Bool = false
public static let requiresThreadId: Bool = true
public static let requiresInteractionId: Bool = false
private static let maxRunFrequency: TimeInterval = 3
@ -25,13 +25,29 @@ public enum ConfigurationSyncJob: JobExecutor {
else { return success(job, true) }
// On startup it's possible for multiple ConfigSyncJob's to run at the same time (which is
// redundant) so check if there is another job already running and, if so, defer this job
let jobDetails: [Int64: Data?] = JobRunner.defailsForCurrentlyRunningJobs(of: .configurationSync)
guard jobDetails.setting(, nil).count == 0 else {
deferred(job) // We will re-enqueue when needed
// It's possible for multiple ConfigSyncJob's with the same target (user/group) to try to run at the
// same time since as soon as one is started we will enqueue a second one, rather than adding dependencies
// between the jobs we just continue to defer the subsequent job while the first one is running in
// order to prevent multiple configurationSync jobs with the same target from running at the same time
.infoForCurrentlyRunningJobs(of: .configurationSync)
.filter({ key, info in
key != && // Exclude this job
info.threadId == job.threadId // Exclude jobs for different ids
else {
// Defer the job to run 'maxRunFrequency' from when this one ran (if we don't it'll try start
// it again immediately which is pointless)
let updatedJob: Job? = Storage.shared.write { db in
try job
.with(nextRunTimestamp: Date().timeIntervalSince1970 + maxRunFrequency)
SNLog("[ConfigurationSyncJob] For \(job.threadId ?? "UnknownId") deferred due to in progress job")
return deferred(updatedJob ?? job)
// If we don't have a userKeyPair yet then there is no need to sync the configuration
@ -42,16 +58,15 @@ public enum ConfigurationSyncJob: JobExecutor {
let pendingConfigChanges: [SessionUtil.OutgoingConfResult] = Storage.shared
.read({ db in try SessionUtil.pendingChanges(db, publicKey: publicKey) })
else {
failure(job, StorageError.generic, false)
SNLog("[ConfigurationSyncJob] For \(job.threadId ?? "UnknownId") failed due to invalid data")
return failure(job, StorageError.generic, false)
// If there are no pending changes then the job can just complete (next time something
// is updated we want to try and run immediately so don't scuedule another run in this case)
guard !pendingConfigChanges.isEmpty else {
SNLog("[ConfigurationSyncJob] Completed with no pending changes")
success(job, true)
SNLog("[ConfigurationSyncJob] For \(publicKey) completed with no pending changes")
return success(job, true)
// Identify the destination and merge all obsolete hashes into a single set
@ -63,6 +78,8 @@ public enum ConfigurationSyncJob: JobExecutor {
.map { $0.obsoleteHashes }
.reduce([], +)
let jobStartTimestamp: TimeInterval = Date().timeIntervalSince1970
SNLog("[ConfigurationSyncJob] For \(publicKey) started with \(pendingConfigChanges.count) change\(pendingConfigChanges.count == 1 ? "" : "s")")
.readPublisher { db in
@ -119,9 +136,9 @@ public enum ConfigurationSyncJob: JobExecutor {
receiveCompletion: { result in
switch result {
case .finished: SNLog("[ConfigurationSyncJob] Completed")
case .finished: SNLog("[ConfigurationSyncJob] For \(publicKey) completed")
case .failure(let error):
SNLog("[ConfigurationSyncJob] Failed due to error: \(error)")
SNLog("[ConfigurationSyncJob] For \(publicKey) failed due to error: \(error)")
failure(job, error, false)
@ -137,7 +154,7 @@ public enum ConfigurationSyncJob: JobExecutor {
// When we complete the 'ConfigurationSync' job we want to immediately schedule
// another one with a 'nextRunTimestamp' set to the 'maxRunFrequency' value to
// throttle the config sync requests
let nextRunTimestamp: TimeInterval = (Date().timeIntervalSince1970 + maxRunFrequency)
let nextRunTimestamp: TimeInterval = (jobStartTimestamp + maxRunFrequency)
// If another 'ConfigurationSync' job was scheduled then update that one
// to run at 'nextRunTimestamp' and make the current job stop
@ -146,6 +163,7 @@ public enum ConfigurationSyncJob: JobExecutor {
.filter( !=
.filter(Job.Columns.variant == Job.Variant.configurationSync)
.filter(Job.Columns.threadId == publicKey)
// If the next job isn't currently running then delay it's start time
@ -175,7 +193,6 @@ public enum ConfigurationSyncJob: JobExecutor {
// MARK: - Convenience
public extension ConfigurationSyncJob {
static func enqueue(_ db: Database, publicKey: String) {
// FIXME: Remove this once `useSharedUtilForUserConfig` is permanent
guard SessionUtil.userConfigsEnabled(db) else {

@ -21,13 +21,14 @@ public enum MessageReceiverError: LocalizedError {
case noGroupKeyPair
case invalidSharedConfigMessageHandling
case requiredThreadNotInConfig
case outdatedMessage
public var isRetryable: Bool {
switch self {
case .duplicateMessage, .duplicateMessageNewSnode, .duplicateControlMessage,
.invalidMessage, .unknownMessage, .unknownEnvelopeType, .invalidSignature,
.noData, .senderBlocked, .noThread, .selfSend, .decryptionFailed,
.invalidSharedConfigMessageHandling, .requiredThreadNotInConfig:
.invalidSharedConfigMessageHandling, .requiredThreadNotInConfig, .outdatedMessage:
return false
default: return true
@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ public enum MessageReceiverError: LocalizedError {
case .invalidSharedConfigMessageHandling: return "Invalid handling of a shared config message."
case .requiredThreadNotInConfig: return "Required thread not in config."
case .outdatedMessage: return "Message was sent before a config change which would have removed the message."

@ -13,8 +13,31 @@ extension MessageReceiver {
threadVariant: SessionThread.Variant,
message: CallMessage
) throws {
let timestampMs: Int64 = ( { Int64($0) } ?? SnodeAPI.currentOffsetTimestampMs())
// Only support calls from contact threads
guard threadVariant == .contact else { return }
threadVariant == .contact,
/// Only process the message if the thread `shouldBeVisible` or it was sent after the libSession buffer period
.filter(id: threadId)
.filter(SessionThread.Columns.shouldBeVisible == true)
.isNotEmpty(db) ||
threadId: threadId,
threadVariant: threadVariant,
visibleOnly: true
) ||
threadId: threadId,
targetConfig: .contacts,
changeTimestampMs: timestampMs
else { return }
switch message.kind {
case .preOffer: try MessageReceiver.handleNewCallMessage(db, message: message)

@ -77,7 +77,28 @@ extension MessageReceiver {
targetConfig: .userGroups,
changeTimestampMs: Int64(sentTimestamp)
else { return SNLog("Ignoring outdated NEW legacy group message due to more recent config state") }
else {
// If the closed group already exists then store the encryption keys (just in case - there can be
// some weird edge-cases where we don't have keys we need if we don't store them)
let groupPublicKey: String = publicKeyAsData.toHexString()
let receivedTimestamp: TimeInterval = (TimeInterval(SnodeAPI.currentOffsetTimestampMs()) / 1000)
let newKeyPair: ClosedGroupKeyPair = ClosedGroupKeyPair(
threadId: groupPublicKey,
publicKey: Data(encryptionKeyPair.publicKey),
secretKey: Data(encryptionKeyPair.secretKey),
receivedTimestamp: receivedTimestamp
ClosedGroup.filter(id: groupPublicKey).isNotEmpty(db),
.filter(ClosedGroupKeyPair.Columns.threadKeyPairHash == newKeyPair.threadKeyPairHash)
else { return SNLog("Ignoring outdated NEW legacy group message due to more recent config state") }
try newKeyPair.insert(db)
try handleNewClosedGroup(
@ -591,9 +612,10 @@ extension MessageReceiver { { Int64($0) } ??
// Only actually make the change if SessionUtil says we can (we always want to insert the info
// message though)
if SessionUtil.canPerformChange(db, threadId: threadId, targetConfig: .userGroups, changeTimestampMs: timestampMs ) {
if SessionUtil.canPerformChange(db, threadId: threadId, targetConfig: .userGroups, changeTimestampMs: timestampMs) {
// Legacy groups used these control messages for making changes, new groups only use them
// for information purposes
switch threadVariant {

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
import Foundation
import GRDB
import SessionSnodeKit
import SessionUtilitiesKit
extension MessageReceiver {
internal static func handleDataExtractionNotification(
@ -11,11 +12,45 @@ extension MessageReceiver {
threadVariant: SessionThread.Variant,
message: DataExtractionNotification
) throws {
let timestampMs: Int64 = ( { Int64($0) } ??
threadVariant == .contact,
let sender: String = message.sender,
let messageKind: DataExtractionNotification.Kind = message.kind
else { return }
else { throw MessageReceiverError.invalidMessage }
/// Only process the message if the thread `shouldBeVisible` or it was sent after the libSession buffer period
.filter(id: threadId)
.filter(SessionThread.Columns.shouldBeVisible == true)
.isNotEmpty(db) ||
threadId: threadId,
threadVariant: threadVariant,
visibleOnly: true
) ||
threadId: threadId,
targetConfig: {
switch threadVariant {
case .contact:
let currentUserPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db)
return (threadId == currentUserPublicKey ? .userProfile : .contacts)
default: return .userGroups
changeTimestampMs: timestampMs
else { throw MessageReceiverError.outdatedMessage }
_ = try Interaction(
serverHash: message.serverHash,
@ -27,10 +62,7 @@ extension MessageReceiver {
case .mediaSaved: return .infoMediaSavedNotification
timestampMs: ( { Int64($0) } ??
timestampMs: timestampMs

@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ extension MessageReceiver {
// Only process these for contact and legacy groups (new groups handle it separately)
(threadVariant == .contact || threadVariant == .legacyGroup),
let sender: String = message.sender
else { return }
else { throw MessageReceiverError.invalidMessage }
// Update the configuration
// Generate an updated configuration
// Note: Messages which had been sent during the previous configuration will still
// use it's settings (so if you enable, send a message and then disable disappearing
@ -34,18 +34,40 @@ extension MessageReceiver {
let timestampMs: Int64 = Int64(message.sentTimestamp ?? 0) // Default to `0` if not set
// Legacy closed groups need to update the SessionUtil
switch threadVariant {
case .legacyGroup:
try SessionUtil
groupPublicKey: threadId,
disappearingConfig: config
default: break
// Only actually make the change if SessionUtil says we can (we always want to insert the info
// message though)
let canPerformChange: Bool = SessionUtil.canPerformChange(
threadId: threadId,
targetConfig: {
switch threadVariant {
case .contact:
let currentUserPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db)
return (threadId == currentUserPublicKey ? .userProfile : .contacts)
default: return .userGroups
changeTimestampMs: timestampMs
// Only update libSession if we can perform the change
if canPerformChange {
// Legacy closed groups need to update the SessionUtil
switch threadVariant {
case .legacyGroup:
try SessionUtil
groupPublicKey: threadId,
disappearingConfig: config
default: break
// Add an info message for the user
@ -60,11 +82,14 @@ extension MessageReceiver {
timestampMs: Int64(message.sentTimestamp ?? 0) // Default to `0` if not set
timestampMs: timestampMs
// Finally save the changes to the DisappearingMessagesConfiguration (If it's a duplicate
// then the interaction unique constraint will prevent the code from getting here)
// Only save the updated config if we can perform the change
if canPerformChange {
// Finally save the changes to the DisappearingMessagesConfiguration (If it's a duplicate
// then the interaction unique constraint will prevent the code from getting here)

@ -13,11 +13,37 @@ extension MessageReceiver {
dependencies: SMKDependencies
) throws {
let userPublicKey = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db, dependencies: dependencies)
let timestampMs: Int64 = ( { Int64($0) } ??
var blindedContactIds: [String] = []
// Ignore messages which were sent from the current user
guard message.sender != userPublicKey else { return }
guard let senderId: String = message.sender else { return }
message.sender != userPublicKey,
let senderId: String = message.sender
else { throw MessageReceiverError.invalidMessage }
/// Only process the message if the thread `shouldBeVisible` or it was sent after the libSession buffer period
.filter(id: senderId)
.filter(SessionThread.Columns.shouldBeVisible == true)
.isNotEmpty(db) ||
threadId: senderId,
threadVariant: .contact,
visibleOnly: true
) ||
threadId: senderId,
targetConfig: .contacts,
changeTimestampMs: timestampMs
else { throw MessageReceiverError.outdatedMessage }
// Update profile if needed (want to do this regardless of whether the message exists or
// not to ensure the profile info gets sync between a users devices at every chance)
@ -134,10 +160,7 @@ extension MessageReceiver {
authorId: senderId,
variant: .infoMessageRequestAccepted,
timestampMs: ( { Int64($0) } ??
timestampMs: timestampMs

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
import Foundation
import GRDB
import Sodium
import SessionSnodeKit
import SessionUtilitiesKit
extension MessageReceiver {
@ -22,6 +23,32 @@ extension MessageReceiver {
// seconds to maintain the accuracy)
let messageSentTimestamp: TimeInterval = (TimeInterval(message.sentTimestamp ?? 0) / 1000)
let isMainAppActive: Bool = (UserDefaults.sharedLokiProject?[.isMainAppActive]).defaulting(to: false)
let currentUserPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db, dependencies: dependencies)
/// Only process the message if the thread `shouldBeVisible` or it was sent after the libSession buffer period
.filter(id: threadId)
.filter(SessionThread.Columns.shouldBeVisible == true)
.isNotEmpty(db) ||
threadId: threadId,
threadVariant: threadVariant,
visibleOnly: true
) ||
threadId: threadId,
targetConfig: {
switch threadVariant {
case .contact: return (threadId == currentUserPublicKey ? .userProfile : .contacts)
default: return .userGroups
changeTimestampMs: ( { Int64($0) } ?? SnodeAPI.currentOffsetTimestampMs())
else { throw MessageReceiverError.outdatedMessage }
// Update profile if needed (want to do this regardless of whether the message exists or
// not to ensure the profile info gets sync between a users devices at every chance)
@ -63,7 +90,6 @@ extension MessageReceiver {
// Store the message variant so we can run variant-specific behaviours
let currentUserPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db, dependencies: dependencies)
let thread: SessionThread = try SessionThread
.fetchOrCreate(db, id: threadId, variant: threadVariant, shouldBeVisible: nil)
let maybeOpenGroup: OpenGroup? = {

@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ internal extension SessionUtil {
static func handleContactsUpdate(
_ db: Database,
in conf: UnsafeMutablePointer<config_object>?,
mergeNeedsDump: Bool
mergeNeedsDump: Bool,
latestConfigSentTimestampMs: Int64
) throws {
typealias ContactData = [
String: (
@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ internal extension SessionUtil {
let profileResult: Profile = Profile(
id: contactId,
name: String(libSessionVal:,
lastNameUpdate: (TimeInterval(latestConfigSentTimestampMs) / 1000),
nickname: String(libSessionVal: contact.nickname, nullIfEmpty: true),
profilePictureUrl: profilePictureUrl,
profileEncryptionKey: (profilePictureUrl == nil ? nil :
@ -71,7 +73,8 @@ internal extension SessionUtil {
libSessionVal: contact.profile_pic.key,
count: ProfileManager.avatarAES256KeyByteLength
lastProfilePictureUpdate: (TimeInterval(latestConfigSentTimestampMs) / 1000)
contactData[contactId] = (
@ -99,12 +102,23 @@ internal extension SessionUtil {
// observation system can't differ between update calls which do and don't change anything)
let contact: Contact = Contact.fetchOrCreate(db, id: sessionId)
let profile: Profile = Profile.fetchOrCreate(db, id: sessionId)
let profileNameShouldBeUpdated: Bool = (
! && != &&
profile.lastNameUpdate < data.profile.lastNameUpdate
let profilePictureShouldBeUpdated: Bool = (
profile.profilePictureUrl != data.profile.profilePictureUrl ||
profile.profileEncryptionKey != data.profile.profileEncryptionKey
) &&
profile.lastProfilePictureUpdate < data.profile.lastProfilePictureUpdate
(! && != ||
profileNameShouldBeUpdated ||
profile.nickname != data.profile.nickname ||
profile.profilePictureUrl != data.profile.profilePictureUrl ||
profile.profileEncryptionKey != data.profile.profileEncryptionKey
try Profile
@ -112,9 +126,12 @@ internal extension SessionUtil {
.updateAll( // Handling a config update so don't use `updateAllAndConfig`
( || == ? nil :
(!profileNameShouldBeUpdated ? nil :
(!profileNameShouldBeUpdated ? nil :
Profile.Columns.lastNameUpdate.set(to: data.profile.lastNameUpdate)
(profile.nickname == data.profile.nickname ? nil :
Profile.Columns.nickname.set(to: data.profile.nickname)
@ -123,6 +140,9 @@ internal extension SessionUtil {
(profile.profileEncryptionKey != data.profile.profileEncryptionKey ? nil :
Profile.Columns.profileEncryptionKey.set(to: data.profile.profileEncryptionKey)
(!profilePictureShouldBeUpdated ? nil :
Profile.Columns.lastProfilePictureUpdate.set(to: data.profile.lastProfilePictureUpdate)
].compactMap { $0 }

@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ internal extension SessionUtil {
.defaulting(to: 0)
// Ensure the change occurred after the last config message was handled (minus the buffer period)
return (changeTimestampMs > (configDumpTimestampMs - Int64(SessionUtil.configChangeBufferPeriod * 1000)))
return (changeTimestampMs >= (configDumpTimestampMs - Int64(SessionUtil.configChangeBufferPeriod * 1000)))

@ -461,7 +461,8 @@ public enum SessionUtil {
try SessionUtil.handleContactsUpdate(
in: conf,
mergeNeedsDump: config_needs_dump(conf)
mergeNeedsDump: config_needs_dump(conf),
latestConfigSentTimestampMs: latestConfigSentTimestampMs
case .convoInfoVolatile:

@ -495,47 +495,28 @@ public struct ProfileManager {
// Name
if let name: String = name, !name.isEmpty, name != {
let shouldUpdate: Bool = {
guard isCurrentUser else { return true }
return UserDefaults.standard[.lastDisplayNameUpdate]
.map { sentTimestamp > $0.timeIntervalSince1970 }
.defaulting(to: true)
if shouldUpdate {
if isCurrentUser {
UserDefaults.standard[.lastDisplayNameUpdate] = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: sentTimestamp)
// FIXME: Remove the `userConfigsEnabled` check once `useSharedUtilForUserConfig` is permanent
if sentTimestamp > profile.lastNameUpdate || (isCurrentUser && (calledFromConfigHandling || !SessionUtil.userConfigsEnabled(db))) {
profileChanges.append( name))
profileChanges.append(Profile.Columns.lastNameUpdate.set(to: sentTimestamp))
// Profile picture & profile key
var avatarNeedsDownload: Bool = false
var targetAvatarUrl: String? = nil
let shouldUpdateAvatar: Bool = {
guard isCurrentUser else { return true }
return UserDefaults.standard[.lastProfilePictureUpdate]
.map { sentTimestamp > $0.timeIntervalSince1970 }
.defaulting(to: true)
if shouldUpdateAvatar {
// FIXME: Remove the `userConfigsEnabled` check once `useSharedUtilForUserConfig` is permanent
if sentTimestamp > profile.lastProfilePictureUpdate || (isCurrentUser && (calledFromConfigHandling || !SessionUtil.userConfigsEnabled(db))) {
switch avatarUpdate {
case .none: break
case .uploadImageData: preconditionFailure("Invalid options for this function")
case .remove:
if isCurrentUser {
UserDefaults.standard[.lastProfilePictureUpdate] = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: sentTimestamp)
profileChanges.append(Profile.Columns.profilePictureUrl.set(to: nil))
profileChanges.append(Profile.Columns.profileEncryptionKey.set(to: nil))
profileChanges.append(Profile.Columns.profilePictureFileName.set(to: nil))
profileChanges.append(Profile.Columns.lastProfilePictureUpdate.set(to: sentTimestamp))
case .updateTo(let url, let key, let fileName):
if url != profile.profilePictureUrl {
@ -558,6 +539,9 @@ public struct ProfileManager {
!ProfileManager.hasProfileImageData(with: fileName)
// Update the 'lastProfilePictureUpdate' timestamp for either external or local changes
profileChanges.append(Profile.Columns.lastProfilePictureUpdate.set(to: sentTimestamp))

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ public final class ProfilePictureView: UIView {
var iconSize: CGFloat {
switch self {
case .navigation, .message: return 8
case .navigation, .message: return 10 // Intentionally not a multiple of 4
case .list: return 16
case .hero: return 24

@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ public struct JobDependencies: Codable, Equatable, Hashable, FetchableRecord, Pe
public static var databaseTableName: String { "jobDependencies" }
internal static let jobForeignKey = ForeignKey([Columns.jobId], to: [])
internal static let dependantForeignKey = ForeignKey([Columns.dependantId], to: [])
internal static let job = belongsTo(Job.self, using: jobForeignKey)
internal static let dependant = hasOne(Job.self, using: Job.dependencyForeignKey)
public static let job = belongsTo(Job.self, using: jobForeignKey)
public static let dependant = hasOne(Job.self, using: Job.dependencyForeignKey)
public typealias Columns = CodingKeys
public enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey, ColumnExpression {

@ -38,8 +38,6 @@ public enum SNUserDefaults {
public enum Date: Swift.String {
case lastConfigurationSync
case lastDisplayNameUpdate
case lastProfilePictureUpdate
case lastProfilePictureUpload
case lastOpenGroupImageUpdate
case lastOpen

@ -42,6 +42,12 @@ public final class JobRunner {
case notFound
public struct JobInfo {
public let threadId: String?
public let interactionId: Int64?
public let detailsData: Data?
private static let blockingQueue: Atomic<JobQueue?> = Atomic(
type: .blocking,
@ -381,8 +387,8 @@ public final class JobRunner {
return (queues.wrappedValue[job.variant]?.isCurrentlyRunning(jobId) == true)
public static func defailsForCurrentlyRunningJobs(of variant: Job.Variant) -> [Int64: Data?] {
return (queues.wrappedValue[variant]?.detailsForAllCurrentlyRunningJobs())
public static func infoForCurrentlyRunningJobs(of variant: Job.Variant) -> [Int64: JobInfo] {
return (queues.wrappedValue[variant]?.infoForAllCurrentlyRunningJobs())
.defaulting(to: [:])
@ -395,11 +401,24 @@ public final class JobRunner {
queue.afterCurrentlyRunningJob(jobId, callback: callback)
public static func hasPendingOrRunningJob<T: Encodable>(with variant: Job.Variant, details: T) -> Bool {
public static func hasPendingOrRunningJob<T: Encodable>(
with variant: Job.Variant,
threadId: String? = nil,
interactionId: Int64? = nil,
details: T? = nil
) -> Bool {
guard let targetQueue: JobQueue = queues.wrappedValue[variant] else { return false }
guard let detailsData: Data = try? JSONEncoder().encode(details) else { return false }
return targetQueue.hasPendingOrRunningJob(with: detailsData)
// Ensure we can encode the details (if provided)
let detailsData: Data? = { try? JSONEncoder().encode($0) }
guard details == nil || detailsData != nil else { return false }
return targetQueue.hasPendingOrRunningJobWith(
threadId: threadId,
interactionId: interactionId,
detailsData: detailsData
public static func removePendingJob(_ job: Job?) {
@ -513,9 +532,9 @@ private final class JobQueue {
private var nextTrigger: Atomic<Trigger?> = Atomic(nil)
fileprivate var isRunning: Atomic<Bool> = Atomic(false)
private var queue: Atomic<[Job]> = Atomic([])
private var jobsCurrentlyRunning: Atomic<Set<Int64>> = Atomic([])
private var jobCallbacks: Atomic<[Int64: [(JobRunner.JobResult) -> ()]]> = Atomic([:])
private var detailsForCurrentlyRunningJobs: Atomic<[Int64: Data?]> = Atomic([:])
private var currentlyRunningJobIds: Atomic<Set<Int64>> = Atomic([])
private var currentlyRunningJobInfo: Atomic<[Int64: JobRunner.JobInfo]> = Atomic([:])
private var deferLoopTracker: Atomic<[Int64: (count: Int, times: [TimeInterval])]> = Atomic([:])
fileprivate var hasPendingJobs: Bool { !queue.wrappedValue.isEmpty }
@ -620,7 +639,7 @@ private final class JobQueue {
fileprivate func appDidBecomeActive(with jobs: [Job], canStart: Bool) {
let currentlyRunningJobIds: Set<Int64> = jobsCurrentlyRunning.wrappedValue
let currentlyRunningJobIds: Set<Int64> = currentlyRunningJobIds.wrappedValue
queue.mutate { queue in
// Avoid re-adding jobs to the queue that are already in it (this can
@ -642,11 +661,11 @@ private final class JobQueue {
fileprivate func isCurrentlyRunning(_ jobId: Int64) -> Bool {
return jobsCurrentlyRunning.wrappedValue.contains(jobId)
return currentlyRunningJobIds.wrappedValue.contains(jobId)
fileprivate func detailsForAllCurrentlyRunningJobs() -> [Int64: Data?] {
return detailsForCurrentlyRunningJobs.wrappedValue
fileprivate func infoForAllCurrentlyRunningJobs() -> [Int64: JobRunner.JobInfo] {
return currentlyRunningJobInfo.wrappedValue
fileprivate func afterCurrentlyRunningJob(_ jobId: Int64, callback: @escaping (JobRunner.JobResult) -> ()) {
@ -660,14 +679,65 @@ private final class JobQueue {
fileprivate func hasPendingOrRunningJob(with detailsData: Data?) -> Bool {
guard let detailsData: Data = detailsData else { return false }
fileprivate func hasPendingOrRunningJobWith(
threadId: String? = nil,
interactionId: Int64? = nil,
detailsData: Data? = nil
) -> Bool {
let pendingJobs: [Job] = queue.wrappedValue
let currentlyRunningJobInfo: [Int64: JobRunner.JobInfo] = currentlyRunningJobInfo.wrappedValue
var possibleJobIds: Set<Int64> = Set(currentlyRunningJobInfo.keys)
.inserting(contentsOf: pendingJobs.compactMap { $ }.asSet())
// Remove any which don't have the matching threadId (if provided)
if let targetThreadId: String = threadId {
let pendingJobIdsWithWrongThreadId: Set<Int64> = pendingJobs
.filter { $0.threadId != targetThreadId }
.compactMap { $ }
let runningJobIdsWithWrongThreadId: Set<Int64> = currentlyRunningJobInfo
.filter { _, info -> Bool in info.threadId != targetThreadId }
.map { key, _ in key }
possibleJobIds = possibleJobIds
// Remove any which don't have the matching interactionId (if provided)
if let targetInteractionId: Int64 = interactionId {
let pendingJobIdsWithWrongInteractionId: Set<Int64> = pendingJobs
.filter { $0.interactionId != targetInteractionId }
.compactMap { $ }
let runningJobIdsWithWrongInteractionId: Set<Int64> = currentlyRunningJobInfo
.filter { _, info -> Bool in info.interactionId != targetInteractionId }
.map { key, _ in key }
possibleJobIds = possibleJobIds
// Remove any which don't have the matching details (if provided)
if let targetDetailsData: Data = detailsData {
let pendingJobIdsWithWrongDetailsData: Set<Int64> = pendingJobs
.filter { $0.details != targetDetailsData }
.compactMap { $ }
let runningJobIdsWithWrongDetailsData: Set<Int64> = currentlyRunningJobInfo
.filter { _, info -> Bool in info.detailsData != detailsData }
.map { key, _ in key }
possibleJobIds = possibleJobIds
guard !pendingJobs.contains(where: { job in job.details == detailsData }) else { return true }
return detailsForCurrentlyRunningJobs.wrappedValue.values.contains(detailsData)
return !possibleJobIds.isEmpty
fileprivate func removePendingJob(_ jobId: Int64) {
@ -706,7 +776,7 @@ private final class JobQueue {
// Get any pending jobs
let jobIdsAlreadyRunning: Set<Int64> = jobsCurrentlyRunning.wrappedValue
let jobIdsAlreadyRunning: Set<Int64> = currentlyRunningJobIds.wrappedValue
let jobsAlreadyInQueue: Set<Int64> = queue.wrappedValue.compactMap { $ }.asSet()
let jobsToRun: [Job] = { db in
try Job
@ -765,7 +835,7 @@ private final class JobQueue {
guard let (nextJob, numJobsRemaining): (Job, Int) = queue.mutate({ queue in queue.popFirst().map { ($0, queue.count) } }) else {
// If it's a serial queue, or there are no more jobs running then update the 'isRunning' flag
if executionType != .concurrent || jobsCurrentlyRunning.wrappedValue.isEmpty {
if executionType != .concurrent || currentlyRunningJobIds.wrappedValue.isEmpty {
isRunning.mutate { $0 = false }
@ -827,7 +897,7 @@ private final class JobQueue {
/// **Note:** We don't add the current job back the the queue because it should only be re-added if it's dependencies
/// are successfully completed
let currentlyRunningJobIds: [Int64] = Array(detailsForCurrentlyRunningJobs.wrappedValue.keys)
let currentlyRunningJobIds: [Int64] = Array(currentlyRunningJobIds.wrappedValue)
let dependencyJobsNotCurrentlyRunning: [Job] =
.filter { job in !currentlyRunningJobIds.contains( ?? -1) }
.sorted { lhs, rhs in ( ?? -1) < ( ?? -1) }
@ -851,11 +921,20 @@ private final class JobQueue {
trigger?.invalidate() // Need to invalidate to prevent a memory leak
trigger = nil
jobsCurrentlyRunning.mutate { jobsCurrentlyRunning in
jobsCurrentlyRunning = jobsCurrentlyRunning.inserting(
numJobsRunning = jobsCurrentlyRunning.count
currentlyRunningJobIds.mutate { currentlyRunningJobIds in
currentlyRunningJobIds = currentlyRunningJobIds.inserting(
numJobsRunning = currentlyRunningJobIds.count
currentlyRunningJobInfo.mutate { currentlyRunningJobInfo in
currentlyRunningJobInfo = currentlyRunningJobInfo.setting(,
threadId: nextJob.threadId,
interactionId: nextJob.interactionId,
detailsData: nextJob.details
detailsForCurrentlyRunningJobs.mutate { $0 = $0.setting(, nextJob.details) }
SNLog("[JobRunner] \(queueContext) started \(nextJob.variant) job (\(executionType == .concurrent ? "\(numJobsRunning) currently running, " : "")\(numJobsRemaining) remaining)")
/// As it turns out Combine doesn't plat too nicely with concurrent Dispatch Queues, in Combine events are dispatched asynchronously to
@ -894,7 +973,7 @@ private final class JobQueue {
private func scheduleNextSoonestJob() {
let jobIdsAlreadyRunning: Set<Int64> = jobsCurrentlyRunning.wrappedValue
let jobIdsAlreadyRunning: Set<Int64> = currentlyRunningJobIds.wrappedValue
let nextJobTimestamp: TimeInterval? = { db in
try Job
@ -911,7 +990,7 @@ private final class JobQueue {
// If there are no remaining jobs or the JobRunner isn't allowed to start any queues then trigger
// the 'onQueueDrained' callback and stop
guard let nextJobTimestamp: TimeInterval = nextJobTimestamp, JobRunner.canStartQueues.wrappedValue else {
if executionType != .concurrent || jobsCurrentlyRunning.wrappedValue.isEmpty {
if executionType != .concurrent || currentlyRunningJobIds.wrappedValue.isEmpty {
@ -922,7 +1001,7 @@ private final class JobQueue {
guard secondsUntilNextJob > 0 else {
// Only log that the queue is getting restarted if this queue had actually been about to stop
if executionType != .concurrent || jobsCurrentlyRunning.wrappedValue.isEmpty {
if executionType != .concurrent || currentlyRunningJobIds.wrappedValue.isEmpty {
let timingString: String = (nextJobTimestamp == 0 ?
"that should be in the queue" :
"scheduled \(Int(ceil(abs(secondsUntilNextJob)))) second\(Int(ceil(abs(secondsUntilNextJob))) == 1 ? "" : "s") ago"
@ -940,7 +1019,7 @@ private final class JobQueue {
// Only schedule a trigger if this queue has actually completed
guard executionType != .concurrent || jobsCurrentlyRunning.wrappedValue.isEmpty else { return }
guard executionType != .concurrent || currentlyRunningJobIds.wrappedValue.isEmpty else { return }
// Setup a trigger
SNLog("[JobRunner] Stopping \(queueContext) until next job in \(Int(ceil(abs(secondsUntilNextJob)))) second\(Int(ceil(abs(secondsUntilNextJob))) == 1 ? "" : "s")")
@ -1029,7 +1108,7 @@ private final class JobQueue {
/// **Note:** If any of these `dependantJobs` have other dependencies then when they attempt to start they will be
/// removed from the queue, replaced by their dependencies
if !dependantJobs.isEmpty {
let currentlyRunningJobIds: [Int64] = Array(detailsForCurrentlyRunningJobs.wrappedValue.keys)
let currentlyRunningJobIds: [Int64] = Array(currentlyRunningJobIds.wrappedValue)
let dependantJobsNotCurrentlyRunning: [Job] = dependantJobs
.filter { job in !currentlyRunningJobIds.contains( ?? -1) }
.sorted { lhs, rhs in ( ?? -1) < ( ?? -1) }
@ -1211,8 +1290,8 @@ private final class JobQueue {
private func performCleanUp(for job: Job, result: JobRunner.JobResult, shouldTriggerCallbacks: Bool = true) {
// The job is removed from the queue before it runs so all we need to to is remove it
// from the 'currentlyRunning' set
jobsCurrentlyRunning.mutate { $0 = $0.removing( }
detailsForCurrentlyRunningJobs.mutate { $0 = $0.removingValue(forKey: }
currentlyRunningJobIds.mutate { $0 = $0.removing( }
currentlyRunningJobInfo.mutate { $0 = $0.removingValue(forKey: }
guard shouldTriggerCallbacks else { return }
