Move CNContact logic into our system contact adapter

Michael Kirk 6 years ago
parent 0c469764f1
commit bf37f41164

@ -8,8 +8,12 @@ import ContactsUI
class AddContactShareToExistingContactViewController: ContactsPicker, ContactsPickerDelegate, CNContactViewControllerDelegate {
// TODO actual protocol?
weak var addToExistingContactDelegate: UIViewController?
// TODO - there are some hard coded assumptions in this VC that assume we are *pushed* onto a
// navigation controller. That seems fine for now, but if we need to be presented as a modal,
// or need to notify our presenter about our dismisall or other contact actions, a delegate
// would be helpful. It seems like this would require some broad changes to the ContactShareViewHelper,
// so I've left it as is for now, since it happens to work.
// weak var addToExistingContactDelegate: AddContactShareToExistingContactViewControllerDelegate?
let contactShare: ContactShareViewModel
@ -55,8 +59,7 @@ class AddContactShareToExistingContactViewController: ContactsPicker, ContactsPi
Logger.debug("\(self.logTag) in \(#function)")
guard let mergedContact: CNContact = self.contactShare.cnContact(mergedWithExistingContact: contact) else {
// TODO maybe this should not be optional and return a blank contact so we can still save the (not-actually merged) contact
owsFail("\(logTag) in \(#function) navigationController was unexpectedly nil")
owsFail("\(logTag) in \(#function) mergedContact was unexpectedly nil")
@ -104,7 +107,16 @@ class AddContactShareToExistingContactViewController: ContactsPicker, ContactsPi
// We want to pop *this* view and the still presented CNContactViewController in a single animation.
// TODO this is weird - ideally we'd do something like
// self.delegate?.didFinishAddingContact
// and the delegate, which knows about our presentation context could do the right thing.
// As it is, we happen to always be *pushing* this view controller onto a navcontroller, so the
// following works in all current cases.
// If we ever wanted to do something different, like present this in a modal, we'd have to rethink.
// We want to pop *this* view *and* the still presented CNContactViewController in a single animation.
// Note this happens for *cancel* and for *done*. Unfortunately, I don't know of a way to detect the difference
// between the two, since both just call this method.
guard let myIndex = navigationController.viewControllers.index(of: self) else {

@ -111,61 +111,12 @@ public class ContactShareViewModel: NSObject {
public func cnContact(mergedWithExistingContact existingContact: Contact) -> CNContact? {
guard let mergedCNContact: CNMutableContact = existingContact.cnContact?.mutableCopy() as? CNMutableContact else {
owsFail("\(logTag) in \(#function) mergedCNContact was unexpectedly nil")
return nil
guard let newCNContact = OWSContacts.systemContact(for: self.dbRecord) else {
owsFail("\(logTag) in \(#function) newCNContact was unexpectedly nil")
return nil
let normalize = { (input: String) -> String in
return (input as NSString).ows_stripped()
// TODO display name - but only if existing is blank
var existingPhoneNumberSet: Set<String> = Set() { $0.value }.forEach { (existingPhoneNumber: CNPhoneNumber) in
// compare e164?
let normalizedValue = normalize(existingPhoneNumber.stringValue as String)
newCNContact.phoneNumbers.forEach { (newLabeledPhoneNumber: CNLabeledValue<CNPhoneNumber>) in
let normalizedValue = normalize(newLabeledPhoneNumber.value.stringValue as String)
guard !existingPhoneNumberSet.contains(normalizedValue) else {
Logger.debug("\(self.logTag) in \(#function) ignoring matching phone number: \(normalizedValue)")
Logger.debug("\(self.logTag) in \(#function) adding new phone number: \(normalizedValue)")
// // TODO emails
// var existingEmailSet: Set<String> = Set()
// mergedCNContact.emailAddresses.forEach { (existingEmail: CNLabeledValue<NSString>) in
// existingEmailSet.insert(normalize(existingEmail.value as String))
// }
// TODO address
// newCNContact.emailAddresses.forEach { newEmail in
// let match = mergedCNContact.emailAddresses.first { existingEmail in
// return normalize(existingEmail) == normalize(newEmail)
// }
// if match == nil {
// mergedCNContact.emailAddresses.add
// }
// }
return mergedCNContact.copy() as? CNContact
return existingContact.buildCNContact(mergedWithNewContact: newCNContact)
public func copy(withNamePrefix namePrefix: String?,

@ -7,10 +7,7 @@
* Contact represents relevant information related to a contact from the user's
* contact list.
* An adapter for the system contacts
@class CNContact;
@ -49,6 +46,9 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
#endif // TARGET_OS_IOS
+ (NSComparator)comparatorSortingNamesByFirstThenLast:(BOOL)firstNameOrdering;
+ (NSString *)formattedFullNameWithCNContact:(CNContact *)cnContact NS_SWIFT_NAME(formattedFullName(cnContact:));
- (CNContact *)buildCNContactMergedWithNewContact:(CNContact *)newCNContact NS_SWIFT_NAME(buildCNContact(mergedWithNewContact:));

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#import "Contact.h"
#import "Cryptography.h"
#import "NSString+SSK.h"
#import "OWSPrimaryStorage.h"
#import "PhoneNumber.h"
#import "SignalRecipient.h"
@ -38,9 +39,9 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
_cnContact = contact;
_firstName = [self trimName:contact.givenName];
_lastName = [self trimName:contact.familyName];
_fullName = [CNContactFormatter stringFromContact:contact style:CNContactFormatterStyleFullName];
_firstName = contact.givenName.ows_stripped;
_lastName = contact.familyName.ows_stripped;
_fullName = [Contact formattedFullNameWithCNContact:contact];
_uniqueId = contact.identifier;
NSMutableArray<NSString *> *phoneNumbers = [NSMutableArray new];
@ -125,11 +126,6 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
return _image;
- (NSString *)trimName:(NSString *)name
return [name stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];
+ (MTLPropertyStorage)storageBehaviorForPropertyWithKey:(NSString *)propertyKey
if ([propertyKey isEqualToString:@"cnContact"] || [propertyKey isEqualToString:@"image"]) {
@ -250,6 +246,11 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
+ (NSString *)formattedFullNameWithCNContact:(CNContact *)cnContact
return [CNContactFormatter stringFromContact:cnContact style:CNContactFormatterStyleFullName].ows_stripped;
- (NSString *)nameForPhoneNumber:(NSString *)recipientId
OWSAssert(recipientId.length > 0);
@ -290,6 +291,62 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
return hash;
- (CNContact *)buildCNContactMergedWithNewContact:(CNContact *)newCNContact
CNMutableContact *_Nullable mergedCNContact = [self.cnContact mutableCopy];
if (!mergedCNContact) {
OWSFail(@"%@ in %s mergedCNContact was unexpectedly nil", self.logTag, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
return [CNContact new];
// Name
NSString *formattedFullName = [self.class formattedFullNameWithCNContact:mergedCNContact];
// merged all or nothing - do not try to piece-meal merge.
if (formattedFullName.length == 0) {
mergedCNContact.namePrefix = newCNContact.namePrefix.ows_stripped;
mergedCNContact.givenName = newCNContact.givenName.ows_stripped;
mergedCNContact.middleName = newCNContact.middleName.ows_stripped;
mergedCNContact.familyName = newCNContact.familyName.ows_stripped;
mergedCNContact.nameSuffix = newCNContact.nameSuffix.ows_stripped;
// Phone Numbers
NSSet<PhoneNumber *> *existingPhoneNumberSet = [NSSet setWithArray:self.parsedPhoneNumbers];
NSMutableArray<CNLabeledValue<CNPhoneNumber *> *> *mergedPhoneNumbers = [mergedCNContact.phoneNumbers mutableCopy];
for (CNLabeledValue<CNPhoneNumber *> *labeledPhoneNumber in newCNContact.phoneNumbers) {
PhoneNumber *_Nullable parsedPhoneNumber = [PhoneNumber tryParsePhoneNumberFromUserSpecifiedText:labeledPhoneNumber.value.stringValue];
if (parsedPhoneNumber && ![existingPhoneNumberSet containsObject:parsedPhoneNumber]) {
[mergedPhoneNumbers addObject:labeledPhoneNumber];
mergedCNContact.phoneNumbers = mergedPhoneNumbers;
// Emails
NSSet<NSString *> *existingEmailSet = [NSSet setWithArray:self.emails];
NSMutableArray<CNLabeledValue<NSString *> *> *mergedEmailAddresses = [mergedCNContact.emailAddresses mutableCopy];
for (CNLabeledValue<NSString *> *labeledEmail in newCNContact.emailAddresses) {
NSString *normalizedValue = labeledEmail.value.ows_stripped;
if (![existingEmailSet containsObject:normalizedValue]) {
[mergedEmailAddresses addObject:labeledEmail];
mergedCNContact.emailAddresses = mergedEmailAddresses;
// Address
// merged all or nothing - do not try to piece-meal merge.
BOOL hasExistingAddress = NO;
for (CNLabeledValue<CNPostalAddress *> *labeledPostalAddress in mergedCNContact.postalAddresses) {
hasExistingAddress = YES;
if (!hasExistingAddress) {
mergedCNContact.postalAddresses = newCNContact.postalAddresses;
return [mergedCNContact copy];

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#import "OWSContact.h"
#import "Contact.h"
#import "MimeTypeUtil.h"
#import "NSString+SSK.h"
#import "OWSContact+Private.h"
@ -371,8 +372,9 @@ NSString *NSStringForContactAddressType(OWSContactAddressType value)
- (void)ensureDisplayName
if (_displayName.length < 1) {
CNContact *_Nullable systemContact = [OWSContacts systemContactForContact:self];
_displayName = [CNContactFormatter stringFromContact:systemContact style:CNContactFormatterStyleFullName];
CNContact *_Nullable cnContact = [OWSContacts systemContactForContact:self];
_displayName = [Contact formattedFullNameWithCNContact:cnContact];
if (_displayName.length < 1) {
// Fall back to using the organization name.
