Update Screen Lock text. Clean up a few other strings and comments.

Joshua Lund 6 years ago committed by Michael Kirk
parent e2ed2de0ec
commit a17db6c2da

@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
/* Alert title when picking a document fails because user picked a directory/bundle */
/* Short text label for a voice message attachment, used for thread preview and on lockscreen */
/* Short text label for a voice message attachment, used for thread preview and on the lock screen */
/* action sheet button title to enable built in speaker during a call */
@ -157,13 +157,13 @@
/* button text for back button */
"BACK_BUTTON" = "Back";
/* Error indicating the a backup export could not export the user's data. */
/* Error indicating the backup export could not export the user's data. */
"BACKUP_EXPORT_ERROR_COULD_NOT_EXPORT" = "Backup data could not be exported.";
/* Error indicating that the app received an invalid response from CloudKit. */
/* Error indicating the a backup export failed to save a file to the cloud. */
/* Error indicating the backup export failed to save a file to the cloud. */
"BACKUP_EXPORT_ERROR_SAVE_FILE_TO_CLOUD_FAILED" = "Backup data could not be uploaded.";
/* Indicates that the cloud is being cleaned up. */
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
/* Indicates that the backup export data is being uploaded. */
"BACKUP_EXPORT_PHASE_UPLOAD" = "Uploading Backup";
/* Error indicating the a backup import could not import the user's data. */
/* Error indicating the backup import could not import the user's data. */
"BACKUP_IMPORT_ERROR_COULD_NOT_IMPORT" = "Backup could not be imported.";
/* Indicates that the backup import is checking for an existing backup. */
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@
/* Alert title when calling and permissions for microphone are missing */
"CALL_AUDIO_PERMISSION_TITLE" = "Microphone Access Required";
/* Accessibilty label for placing call button */
/* Accessibility label for placing call button */
"CALL_LABEL" = "Call";
/* Call setup status label after outgoing call times out */
@ -358,7 +358,7 @@
/* Table section header for invite listing when composing a new message */
/* Multiline label explaining why compose-screen contact picker is empty. */
/* Multi-line label explaining why compose-screen contact picker is empty. */
"COMPOSE_SCREEN_MISSING_CONTACTS_PERMISSION" = "To see which of your contacts are Signal users, allow contacts access in your system settings.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
@ -376,10 +376,10 @@
/* Button text */
/* Action sheet body presented when a user's SN have recently changed. Embeds {{contact's name or phone nubmer}} */
/* Action sheet body presented when a user's SN has recently changed. Embeds {{contact's name or phone number}} */
"CONFIRM_SENDING_TO_CHANGED_IDENTITY_BODY_FORMAT" = "%@ may have reinstalled or changed devices. Verify your safety number with them to ensure privacy.";
/* Action sheet title presented when a users's SN have recently changed. Embeds {{contact's name or phone number}} */
/* Action sheet title presented when a user's SN has recently changed. Embeds {{contact's name or phone number}} */
"CONFIRM_SENDING_TO_CHANGED_IDENTITY_TITLE_FORMAT" = "Safety number with %@ has changed";
/* Generic button text to proceed with an action */
@ -520,32 +520,32 @@
/* Error indicating that no debug logs could be found. */
"DEBUG_LOG_ALERT_NO_LOGS" = "Could not find any logs.";
/* Label for the 'Open a Bug Report' option of the the debug log alert. */
/* Label for the 'Open a Bug Report' option of the debug log alert. */
/* Label for the 'copy link' option of the the debug log alert. */
/* Label for the 'copy link' option of the debug log alert. */
/* Label for the 'email debug log' option of the the debug log alert. */
/* Label for the 'email debug log' option of the debug log alert. */
/* Label for the 'send to last thread' option of the the debug log alert. */
/* Label for the 'send to last thread' option of the debug log alert. */
/* Label for the 'send to self' option of the the debug log alert. */
/* Label for the 'send to self' option of the debug log alert. */
/* Label for the 'Share' option of the the debug log alert. */
/* Label for the 'Share' option of the debug log alert. */
/* Title of the alert shown for failures while uploading debug logs.
Title of the debug log alert. */
"DEBUG_LOG_ALERT_TITLE" = "One More Step";
/* Message of the alert before redirecting to Github Issues. */
/* Message of the alert before redirecting to GitHub Issues. */
"DEBUG_LOG_GITHUB_ISSUE_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "The gist link was copied in your clipboard. You are about to be redirected to the GitHub issue list.";
/* Title of the alert before redirecting to Github Issues. */
/* Title of the alert before redirecting to GitHub Issues. */
/* {{Short Date}} when device last communicated with Signal Server. */
@ -623,7 +623,7 @@
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"EDIT_TXT" = "Edit";
/* body of email sent to contacts when inviting to install Signal. Embeds {{link to install Signal}} and {{link to WhisperSystems home page}} */
/* body of email sent to contacts when inviting to install Signal. Embeds {{link to install Signal}} and {{link to the Signal home page}} */
"EMAIL_INVITE_BODY" = "Hey,\n\nLately I've been using Signal to keep the conversations on my iPhone private. I'd like you to install it too, so we can be confident that only you and I can read our messages or hear our calls.\n\nSignal is available for iPhones and Android. Get it here: %@\n\nSignal works like your existing messaging app. We can send pictures and video, make calls, and start group chats. The best part is, no one else can see any of it, not even the people who make Signal!\n\nYou can read more about Open Whisper Systems, the people who make Signal, here: %@";
/* subject of email sent to contacts when inviting to install Signal */
@ -701,16 +701,16 @@
/* Generic notice when message failed to send. */
/* Error mesage indicating that message send is disabled due to prekey update failures */
/* Error message indicating that message send is disabled due to prekey update failures */
/* Error mesage indicating that message send failed due to block list */
/* Error message indicating that message send failed due to block list */
"ERROR_DESCRIPTION_MESSAGE_SEND_FAILED_DUE_TO_BLOCK_LIST" = "Failed to message user because you blocked them.";
/* Error mesage indicating that message send failed due to failed attachment write */
/* Error message indicating that message send failed due to failed attachment write */
/* Generic error used whenver Signal can't contact the server */
/* Generic error used whenever Signal can't contact the server */
"ERROR_DESCRIPTION_NO_INTERNET" = "Signal was unable to connect to the internet. Please try from another WiFi network or use mobile data.";
/* Error indicating that an outgoing message had no valid recipients. */
@ -773,7 +773,7 @@
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Accessibilty label for finishing new group */
/* Accessibility label for finishing new group */
"FINISH_GROUP_CREATION_LABEL" = "Finish creating group";
/* Label indicating media gallery is empty */
@ -791,28 +791,28 @@
/* A label for generic attachments. */
/* Error displayed when there is a failure fetching gifs from the remote service. */
/* Error displayed when there is a failure fetching a GIF from the remote service. */
"GIF_PICKER_ERROR_FETCH_FAILURE" = "Failed to fetch the requested GIF. Please verify you are online.";
/* Generic error displayed when picking a gif */
"GIF_PICKER_ERROR_GENERIC" = "An unknown error occured.";
/* Generic error displayed when picking a GIF */
"GIF_PICKER_ERROR_GENERIC" = "An unknown error occurred.";
/* Shown when selected gif couldn't be fetched */
/* Shown when selected GIF couldn't be fetched */
/* Alert message shown when user tries to search for GIFs without entering any search terms. */
"GIF_PICKER_VIEW_MISSING_QUERY" = "Please enter your search.";
/* Title for the 'gif picker' dialog. */
/* Title for the 'GIF picker' dialog. */
/* Indicates that an error occured while searching. */
/* Indicates that an error occurred while searching. */
"GIF_VIEW_SEARCH_ERROR" = "Error. Tap to Retry.";
/* Indicates that the user's search had no results. */
/* Placeholder text for the search field in gif view */
/* Placeholder text for the search field in GIF view */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
@ -890,7 +890,7 @@
/* Label reminding the user that they are in archive mode. */
"INBOX_VIEW_ARCHIVE_MODE_REMINDER" = "You are viewing your archived messages. Tap to return to your Inbox.";
/* Multiline label explaining how to show names instead of phone numbers in your inbox */
/* Multi-line label explaining how to show names instead of phone numbers in your inbox */
"INBOX_VIEW_MISSING_CONTACTS_PERMISSION" = "To see the names of your contacts, update your system settings to allow contact access.";
/* notification body */
@ -953,7 +953,7 @@
/* attempt another linking */
/* QR Scanning screen instructions, placed alongside a camera view for scanning QRCodes */
/* QR Scanning screen instructions, placed alongside a camera view for scanning QR Codes */
"LINK_DEVICE_SCANNING_INSTRUCTIONS" = "Scan the QR code displayed on the device to link.";
/* Subheading for 'Link New Device' navigation */
@ -1270,7 +1270,7 @@
/* Label for 'HomeFAX' phone numbers. */
/* Label for 'IPhone' phone numbers. */
/* Label for 'iPhone' phone numbers. */
/* Label for 'Main' phone numbers. */
@ -1297,7 +1297,7 @@
/* Label for 'Work FAX' phone numbers. */
/* accessability label for button to start media playback */
/* Accessibility label for button to start media playback */
/* Label indicating that the user is not verified. Embeds {{the user's name or phone number}}. */
@ -1501,16 +1501,16 @@
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"RELAY_REGISTERED_ERROR_RECOVERY" = "The phone number you are trying to register has already been registered on another server, please unregister from there and try again.";
/* Body text for when user is peridoically prompted to enter their registration lock PIN */
/* Body text for when user is periodically prompted to enter their registration lock PIN */
"REMINDER_2FA_BODY" = "Registration Lock is enabled for your phone number. To help you memorize your Registration Lock PIN, Signal will periodically ask you to confirm it.";
/* Body header for when user is peridoically prompted to enter their registration lock PIN */
/* Body header for when user is periodically prompted to enter their registration lock PIN */
/* Alert message explaining what happens if you forget your 'two-factor auth pin' */
"REMINDER_2FA_FORGOT_PIN_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "Registration Lock helps protect your phone number from unauthorized registration attempts. This feature can be disabled at any time in your Signal privacy settings.";
/* Navbar title for when user is peridoically prompted to enter their registration lock PIN */
/* Navbar title for when user is periodically prompted to enter their registration lock PIN */
"REMINDER_2FA_NAV_TITLE" = "Enter Your Registration Lock PIN";
/* Alert body after wrong guess for 'two-factor auth pin' reminder activity */
@ -1562,25 +1562,25 @@
/* Indicates that Touch ID/Face ID/Phone Passcode is 'locked out' on this device due to authentication failures. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_ERROR_LOCAL_AUTHENTICATION_LOCKOUT" = "Too many failures. Please try again later.";
"SCREEN_LOCK_ERROR_LOCAL_AUTHENTICATION_LOCKOUT" = "Too many failed authentication attempts. Please try again later.";
/* Indicates that Touch ID/Face ID/Phone Passcode are not available on this device. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_ERROR_LOCAL_AUTHENTICATION_NOT_AVAILABLE" = "You must configure a passcode on your phone to use Screen Lock.";
"SCREEN_LOCK_ERROR_LOCAL_AUTHENTICATION_NOT_AVAILABLE" = "You must enable a passcode in your iOS Settings in order to use Screen Lock.";
/* Indicates that Touch ID/Face ID/Phone Passcode is not configured on this device. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_ERROR_LOCAL_AUTHENTICATION_NOT_ENROLLED" = "You must configure a passcode on your phone to use Screen Lock.";
"SCREEN_LOCK_ERROR_LOCAL_AUTHENTICATION_NOT_ENROLLED" = "You must enable a passcode in your iOS Settings in order to use Screen Lock.";
/* Indicates that Touch ID/Face ID/Phone Passcode passcode is not set. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_ERROR_LOCAL_AUTHENTICATION_PASSCODE_NOT_SET" = "You must configure a passcode on your phone to use Screen Lock.";
"SCREEN_LOCK_ERROR_LOCAL_AUTHENTICATION_PASSCODE_NOT_SET" = "You must enable a passcode in your iOS Settings in order to use Screen Lock.";
/* Description of how and why Signal iOS uses Touch ID/Face ID/Phone Passcode to disable 'screen lock'. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_REASON_DISABLE_SCREEN_LOCK" = "Authenticate to disable Screen Lock.";
/* Description of how and why Signal iOS uses Touch ID/Face ID/Phone Passcode to enable 'screen lock'. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_REASON_ENABLE_SCREEN_LOCK" = "Authenticate to lock access to Signal.";
"SCREEN_LOCK_REASON_ENABLE_SCREEN_LOCK" = "Authenticate to enable Screen Lock.";
/* Description of how and why Signal iOS uses Touch ID/Face ID/Phone Passcode to unlock 'screen lock'. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_REASON_UNLOCK_SCREEN_LOCK" = "Authenticate to access Signal.";
"SCREEN_LOCK_REASON_UNLOCK_SCREEN_LOCK" = "Authenticate to open Signal.";
/* Title for alert indicating that screen lock could not be unlocked. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_UNLOCK_FAILED" = "Authentication Failed";
@ -1591,7 +1591,7 @@
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"SECURE_SESSION_RESET" = "Secure session was reset.";
/* Label for 'select gif to attach' action sheet button */
/* Label for 'select GIF to attach' action sheet button */
/* Table section header for conversations you haven't recently used. */
@ -1612,7 +1612,7 @@
/* Alert body after invite succeeded */
"SEND_INVITE_SUCCESS" = "You've invited your friend to use Signal!";
/* Text for button to send a Signal invite via SMS. %@ is placeholder for the receipient's phone number. */
/* Text for button to send a Signal invite via SMS. %@ is placeholder for the recipient's phone number. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
@ -1748,7 +1748,7 @@
"SETTINGS_INVITE_TITLE" = "Invite Your Friends";
/* content of tweet when inviting via twitter */
"SETTINGS_INVITE_TWITTER_TEXT" = "You can reach me using Signal by @WhisperSystems, get it now.";
"SETTINGS_INVITE_TWITTER_TEXT" = "You can reach me using @signalapp. Get it now: https://signal.org/download/";
/* Label for settings view that allows user to change the notification sound. */
@ -1790,7 +1790,7 @@
"SETTINGS_REMOVE_METADATA" = "Remove Media Metadata";
/* Remove metadata section footer */
"SETTINGS_REMOVE_METADATA_DETAIL" = "Removes user-identifying metadata and GPS information when sending image and video messages.";
"SETTINGS_REMOVE_METADATA_DETAIL" = "Remove user-identifying metadata and GPS information when sending image and video messages.";
/* Remove metadata section header */
@ -1799,7 +1799,7 @@
/* Footer for the 'screen lock' section of the privacy settings. */
"SETTINGS_SCREEN_LOCK_SECTION_FOOTER" = "Lock Signal when it hasn't been used recently. Unlock it with Touch ID, Face ID or your passcode.";
"SETTINGS_SCREEN_LOCK_SECTION_FOOTER" = "Unlock Signal's screen using Touch ID, Face ID, or your iOS device passcode.";
/* Title for the 'screen lock' section of the privacy settings. */
@ -1906,25 +1906,25 @@
/* {{number of days}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{5 days}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
"TIME_AMOUNT_DAYS" = "%@ days";
/* Label text below navbar button, embeds {{number of days}}. Must be very short, like 1 or 2 characters, The space is intentionally ommitted between the text and the embedded duration so that we get, e.g. '5d' not '5 d'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* Label text below navbar button, embeds {{number of days}}. Must be very short, like 1 or 2 characters, The space is intentionally omitted between the text and the embedded duration so that we get, e.g. '5d' not '5 d'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* {{number of hours}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{5 hours}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
"TIME_AMOUNT_HOURS" = "%@ hours";
/* Label text below navbar button, embeds {{number of hours}}. Must be very short, like 1 or 2 characters, The space is intentionally ommitted between the text and the embedded duration so that we get, e.g. '5h' not '5 h'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* Label text below navbar button, embeds {{number of hours}}. Must be very short, like 1 or 2 characters, The space is intentionally omitted between the text and the embedded duration so that we get, e.g. '5h' not '5 h'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* {{number of minutes}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{5 minutes}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
"TIME_AMOUNT_MINUTES" = "%@ minutes";
/* Label text below navbar button, embeds {{number of minutes}}. Must be very short, like 1 or 2 characters, The space is intentionally ommitted between the text and the embedded duration so that we get, e.g. '5m' not '5 m'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* Label text below navbar button, embeds {{number of minutes}}. Must be very short, like 1 or 2 characters, The space is intentionally omitted between the text and the embedded duration so that we get, e.g. '5m' not '5 m'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* {{number of seconds}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{5 seconds}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
"TIME_AMOUNT_SECONDS" = "%@ seconds";
/* Label text below navbar button, embeds {{number of seconds}}. Must be very short, like 1 or 2 characters, The space is intentionally ommitted between the text and the embedded duration so that we get, e.g. '5s' not '5 s'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* Label text below navbar button, embeds {{number of seconds}}. Must be very short, like 1 or 2 characters, The space is intentionally omitted between the text and the embedded duration so that we get, e.g. '5s' not '5 s'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* {{1 day}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{1 day}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
@ -1942,7 +1942,7 @@
/* {{number of weeks}}, embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{5 weeks}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
"TIME_AMOUNT_WEEKS" = "%@ weeks";
/* Label text below navbar button, embeds {{number of weeks}}. Must be very short, like 1 or 2 characters, The space is intentionally ommitted between the text and the embedded duration so that we get, e.g. '5w' not '5 w'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* Label text below navbar button, embeds {{number of weeks}}. Must be very short, like 1 or 2 characters, The space is intentionally omitted between the text and the embedded duration so that we get, e.g. '5w' not '5 w'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* Label for the cancel button in an alert or action sheet. */
