Always remove metadata

Michael Kirk 6 years ago
parent fbb88729c2
commit 9adf79c546

@ -117,15 +117,6 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
[contents addSection:screenSecuritySection];
OWSTableSection *removeMetadataSection = [OWSTableSection new];
removeMetadataSection.headerTitle = NSLocalizedString(@"SETTINGS_REMOVE_METADATA_TITLE", @"Remove metadata section header");
removeMetadataSection.footerTitle = NSLocalizedString(@"SETTINGS_REMOVE_METADATA_DETAIL", @"Remove metadata section footer");
[removeMetadataSection addItem:[OWSTableItem switchItemWithText:NSLocalizedString(@"SETTINGS_REMOVE_METADATA", @"Remove metadata table cell label")
isOn:[Environment.preferences isRemoveMetadataEnabled]
[contents addSection:removeMetadataSection];
// Allow calls to connect directly vs. using TURN exclusively
OWSTableSection *callingSection = [OWSTableSection new];
@ -244,13 +235,6 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
[Environment.preferences setScreenSecurity:enabled];
- (void)didToggleRemoveMetadataSwitch:(UISwitch *)sender
BOOL enabled = sender.isOn;
DDLogInfo(@"%@ toggled remove metadata: %@", self.logTag, enabled ? @"ON" : @"OFF");
[Environment.preferences setIsRemoveMetadataEnabled:enabled];
- (void)didToggleReadReceiptsSwitch:(UISwitch *)sender
BOOL enabled = sender.isOn;

@ -105,9 +105,6 @@ public enum TSImageQuality: UInt {
public class SignalAttachment: NSObject {
static let TAG = "[SignalAttachment]"
let TAG = "[SignalAttachment]"
// MARK: Properties
@ -156,7 +153,7 @@ public class SignalAttachment: NSObject {
assert(oldValue == nil)
Logger.verbose("\(SignalAttachment.TAG) Attachment has error: \(String(describing: error))")
Logger.verbose("\(logTag) Attachment has error: \(String(describing: error))")
@ -204,7 +201,7 @@ public class SignalAttachment: NSObject {
public var errorName: String? {
guard let error = error else {
// This method should only be called if there is an error.
owsFail("\(TAG) Missing error")
owsFail("\(logTag) Missing error")
return nil
@ -215,7 +212,7 @@ public class SignalAttachment: NSObject {
public var localizedErrorDescription: String? {
guard let error = self.error else {
// This method should only be called if there is an error.
owsFail("\(TAG) Missing error")
owsFail("\(logTag) Missing error")
return nil
@ -266,7 +263,7 @@ public class SignalAttachment: NSObject {
return image
} catch let error {
Logger.verbose("\(TAG) Could not generate video thumbnail: \(error.localizedDescription)")
Logger.verbose("\(logTag) Could not generate video thumbnail: \(error.localizedDescription)")
return nil
@ -504,7 +501,7 @@ public class SignalAttachment: NSObject {
for dataUTI in inputImageUTISet {
if pasteboardUTISet.contains(dataUTI) {
guard let data = dataForFirstPasteboardItem(dataUTI: dataUTI) else {
owsFail("\(TAG) Missing expected pasteboard data for UTI: \(dataUTI)")
owsFail("\(logTag) Missing expected pasteboard data for UTI: \(dataUTI)")
return nil
let dataSource = DataSourceValue.dataSource(with: data, utiType: dataUTI)
@ -515,7 +512,7 @@ public class SignalAttachment: NSObject {
for dataUTI in videoUTISet {
if pasteboardUTISet.contains(dataUTI) {
guard let data = dataForFirstPasteboardItem(dataUTI: dataUTI) else {
owsFail("\(TAG) Missing expected pasteboard data for UTI: \(dataUTI)")
owsFail("\(logTag) Missing expected pasteboard data for UTI: \(dataUTI)")
return nil
let dataSource = DataSourceValue.dataSource(with: data, utiType: dataUTI)
@ -525,7 +522,7 @@ public class SignalAttachment: NSObject {
for dataUTI in audioUTISet {
if pasteboardUTISet.contains(dataUTI) {
guard let data = dataForFirstPasteboardItem(dataUTI: dataUTI) else {
owsFail("\(TAG) Missing expected pasteboard data for UTI: \(dataUTI)")
owsFail("\(logTag) Missing expected pasteboard data for UTI: \(dataUTI)")
return nil
let dataSource = DataSourceValue.dataSource(with: data, utiType: dataUTI)
@ -535,7 +532,7 @@ public class SignalAttachment: NSObject {
let dataUTI = pasteboardUTISet[pasteboardUTISet.startIndex]
guard let data = dataForFirstPasteboardItem(dataUTI: dataUTI) else {
owsFail("\(TAG) Missing expected pasteboard data for UTI: \(dataUTI)")
owsFail("\(logTag) Missing expected pasteboard data for UTI: \(dataUTI)")
return nil
let dataSource = DataSourceValue.dataSource(with: data, utiType: dataUTI)
@ -547,15 +544,15 @@ public class SignalAttachment: NSObject {
private class func dataForFirstPasteboardItem(dataUTI: String) -> Data? {
let itemSet = IndexSet(integer: 0)
guard let datas = dataUTI, inItemSet: itemSet) else {
owsFail("\(TAG) Missing expected pasteboard data for UTI: \(dataUTI)")
owsFail("\(logTag) Missing expected pasteboard data for UTI: \(dataUTI)")
return nil
guard datas.count > 0 else {
owsFail("\(TAG) Missing expected pasteboard data for UTI: \(dataUTI)")
owsFail("\(logTag) Missing expected pasteboard data for UTI: \(dataUTI)")
return nil
guard let data = datas[0] as? Data else {
owsFail("\(TAG) Missing expected pasteboard data for UTI: \(dataUTI)")
owsFail("\(logTag) Missing expected pasteboard data for UTI: \(dataUTI)")
return nil
return data
@ -585,7 +582,7 @@ public class SignalAttachment: NSObject {
guard dataSource.dataLength() > 0 else {
owsFail("\(self.TAG) in \(#function) imageData was empty")
owsFail("\(self.logTag) in \(#function) imageData was empty")
attachment.error = .invalidData
return attachment
@ -597,7 +594,7 @@ public class SignalAttachment: NSObject {
// Never re-encode animated images (i.e. GIFs) as JPEGs.
Logger.verbose("\(TAG) Sending raw \(attachment.mimeType) to retain any animation")
Logger.verbose("\(logTag) Sending raw \(attachment.mimeType) to retain any animation")
return attachment
} else {
guard let image = UIImage(data: else {
@ -621,22 +618,17 @@ public class SignalAttachment: NSObject {
// However the problem comes in when you edit an HEIC image in - the image is saved
// in the as a JPEG, but retains the (now incongruous) HEIC extension in the filename.
assert(dataUTI == kUTTypeJPEG as String || !isValidOutput)
Logger.verbose("\(self.TAG) changing extension: \(sourceFileExtension) to match jpg uti type")
Logger.verbose("\(self.logTag) changing extension: \(sourceFileExtension) to match jpg uti type")
let baseFilename = sourceFilename.filenameWithoutExtension
dataSource.sourceFilename = baseFilename.appendingFileExtension("jpg")
if isValidOutput {
if Environment.preferences().isRemoveMetadataEnabled() {
Logger.verbose("\(TAG) Rewriting attachment with metadata removed \(attachment.mimeType)")
return removeImageMetadata(attachment : attachment)
} else {
Logger.verbose("\(TAG) Sending raw \(attachment.mimeType)")
return attachment
Logger.verbose("\(logTag) Rewriting attachment with metadata removed \(attachment.mimeType)")
return removeImageMetadata(attachment: attachment)
} else {
Logger.verbose("\(TAG) Compressing attachment as image/jpeg, \(dataSource.dataLength()) bytes")
Logger.verbose("\(logTag) Compressing attachment as image/jpeg, \(dataSource.dataLength()) bytes")
return compressImageAsJPEG(image: image, attachment: attachment, filename: dataSource.sourceFilename, imageQuality: imageQuality)
@ -683,7 +675,7 @@ public class SignalAttachment: NSObject {
let attachment = SignalAttachment(dataSource: dataSource, dataUTI: dataUTI)
attachment.cachedImage = image
Logger.verbose("\(TAG) Writing \(attachment.mimeType) as image/jpeg")
Logger.verbose("\(logTag) Writing \(attachment.mimeType) as image/jpeg")
return compressImageAsJPEG(image: image, attachment: attachment, filename: filename, imageQuality: imageQuality)
@ -725,7 +717,7 @@ public class SignalAttachment: NSObject {
dataSource.dataLength() <= kMaxFileSizeImage {
let recompressedAttachment = SignalAttachment(dataSource: dataSource, dataUTI: kUTTypeJPEG as String)
recompressedAttachment.cachedImage = dstImage
Logger.verbose("\(TAG) Converted \(attachment.mimeType) to image/jpeg, \(jpgImageData.count) bytes")
Logger.verbose("\(logTag) Converted \(attachment.mimeType) to image/jpeg, \(jpgImageData.count) bytes")
return recompressedAttachment
@ -810,29 +802,29 @@ public class SignalAttachment: NSObject {
return 0.5
private class func removeImageMetadata(attachment: SignalAttachment) -> SignalAttachment {
guard let source = CGImageSourceCreateWithData( as CFData, nil) else {
let attachment = SignalAttachment(dataSource : DataSourceValue.emptyDataSource(), dataUTI: attachment.dataUTI)
let attachment = SignalAttachment(dataSource: DataSourceValue.emptyDataSource(), dataUTI: attachment.dataUTI)
attachment.error = .missingData
return attachment
guard let type = CGImageSourceGetType(source) else {
let attachment = SignalAttachment(dataSource : DataSourceValue.emptyDataSource(), dataUTI: attachment.dataUTI)
let attachment = SignalAttachment(dataSource: DataSourceValue.emptyDataSource(), dataUTI: attachment.dataUTI)
attachment.error = .invalidFileFormat
return attachment
let count = CGImageSourceGetCount(source)
let mutableData = NSMutableData()
guard let destination = CGImageDestinationCreateWithData(mutableData as CFMutableData, type, count, nil) else {
attachment.error = .couldNotRemoveMetadata
return attachment
let removeMetadataProperties : [String : AnyObject] =
let removeMetadataProperties: [String: AnyObject] =
kCGImagePropertyExifDictionary as String : kCFNull,
kCGImagePropertyExifAuxDictionary as String : kCFNull,
@ -843,22 +835,22 @@ public class SignalAttachment: NSObject {
kCGImagePropertyIPTCDictionary as String : kCFNull,
kCGImagePropertyMakerAppleDictionary as String : kCFNull
for index in 0...count-1 {
CGImageDestinationAddImageFromSource(destination, source, index, removeMetadataProperties as CFDictionary)
if CGImageDestinationFinalize(destination) {
guard let dataSource = DataSourceValue.dataSource(with:mutableData as Data, utiType:attachment.dataUTI) else {
guard let dataSource = DataSourceValue.dataSource(with: mutableData as Data, utiType: attachment.dataUTI) else {
attachment.error = .couldNotRemoveMetadata
return attachment
let strippedAttachment = SignalAttachment(dataSource : dataSource, dataUTI: attachment.dataUTI)
let strippedAttachment = SignalAttachment(dataSource: dataSource, dataUTI: attachment.dataUTI)
return strippedAttachment
} else {
Logger.verbose("\(TAG) CGImageDestinationFinalize failed")
Logger.verbose("\(logTag) CGImageDestinationFinalize failed")
attachment.error = .couldNotRemoveMetadata
return attachment
@ -906,7 +898,7 @@ public class SignalAttachment: NSObject {
public class func compressVideoAsMp4(dataSource: DataSource, dataUTI: String) -> (Promise<SignalAttachment>, AVAssetExportSession?) {
Logger.debug("\(self.TAG) in \(#function)")
Logger.debug("\(self.logTag) in \(#function)")
guard let url = dataSource.dataUrl() else {
let attachment = SignalAttachment(dataSource: DataSourceValue.emptyDataSource(), dataUTI: dataUTI)
@ -924,18 +916,16 @@ public class SignalAttachment: NSObject {
exportSession.shouldOptimizeForNetworkUse = true
exportSession.outputFileType = AVFileTypeMPEG4
if Environment.preferences().isRemoveMetadataEnabled() {
exportSession.metadataItemFilter = AVMetadataItemFilter.forSharing()
exportSession.metadataItemFilter = AVMetadataItemFilter.forSharing()
let exportURL = videoTempPath.appendingPathComponent(UUID().uuidString).appendingPathExtension("mp4")
exportSession.outputURL = exportURL
let (promise, fulfill, _) = Promise<SignalAttachment>.pending()
Logger.debug("\(self.TAG) starting video export")
Logger.debug("\(self.logTag) starting video export")
exportSession.exportAsynchronously {
Logger.debug("\(self.TAG) Completed video export")
Logger.debug("\(self.logTag) Completed video export")
let baseFilename = dataSource.sourceFilename
let mp4Filename = baseFilename?.filenameWithoutExtension.appendingFileExtension("mp4")
@ -1066,7 +1056,7 @@ public class SignalAttachment: NSObject {
public class func attachment(dataSource: DataSource?, dataUTI: String) -> SignalAttachment {
if inputImageUTISet.contains(dataUTI) {
owsFail("\(TAG) must specify image quality type")
owsFail("\(logTag) must specify image quality type")
return attachment(dataSource: dataSource, dataUTI: dataUTI, imageQuality: .original)
@ -1120,7 +1110,7 @@ public class SignalAttachment: NSObject {
guard dataSource.dataLength() > 0 else {
owsFail("\(TAG) Empty attachment")
owsFail("\(logTag) Empty attachment")
assert(dataSource.dataLength() > 0)
attachment.error = .invalidData
return attachment

@ -45,9 +45,6 @@ extern NSString *const OWSPreferencesCallLoggingDidChangeNotification;
- (BOOL)screenSecurityIsEnabled;
- (void)setScreenSecurity:(BOOL)flag;
- (BOOL)isRemoveMetadataEnabled;
- (void)setIsRemoveMetadataEnabled:(BOOL)enabled;
- (NotificationType)notificationPreviewType;
- (void)setNotificationPreviewType:(NotificationType)type;
- (NSString *)nameForNotificationPreviewType:(NotificationType)notificationType;

@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ NSString *const OWSPreferencesKeyLastRecordedVoipToken = @"LastRecordedVoipToken
NSString *const OWSPreferencesKeyCallKitEnabled = @"CallKitEnabled";
NSString *const OWSPreferencesKeyCallKitPrivacyEnabled = @"CallKitPrivacyEnabled";
NSString *const OWSPreferencesKeyCallsHideIPAddress = @"CallsHideIPAddress";
NSString *const OWSPreferencesKeyRemoveMetadata = @"Remove Metadata Key";
NSString *const OWSPreferencesKeyHasDeclinedNoContactsView = @"hasDeclinedNoContactsView";
NSString *const OWSPreferencesKeyHasGeneratedThumbnails = @"OWSPreferencesKeyHasGeneratedThumbnails";
NSString *const OWSPreferencesKeyIOSUpgradeNagDate = @"iOSUpgradeNagDate";
@ -120,17 +119,6 @@ NSString *const OWSPreferencesKeySystemCallLogEnabled = @"OWSPreferencesKeySyste
[self setValueForKey:OWSPreferencesKeyScreenSecurity toValue:@(flag)];
- (BOOL)isRemoveMetadataEnabled
NSNumber *preference = [self tryGetValueForKey:OWSPreferencesKeyRemoveMetadata];
return preference ? [preference boolValue] : YES;
- (void)setIsRemoveMetadataEnabled:(BOOL)enabled
[self setValueForKey:OWSPreferencesKeyRemoveMetadata toValue:@(enabled)];
- (BOOL)getHasSentAMessage
NSNumber *preference = [self tryGetValueForKey:OWSPreferencesKeyHasSentAMessage];
