Code generate Swift wrappers for protocol buffers.

Matthew Chen 6 years ago
parent 70b6382d0f
commit 9846a529f7

@ -0,0 +1,711 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import datetime
import argparse
import commands
import re
git_repo_path = os.path.abspath(subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-toplevel']).strip())
# class include:
# def __init__(self, isInclude, isQuote, body, comment):
# self.isInclude = isInclude
# self.isQuote = isQuote
# self.body = body
# self.comment = comment
# def format(self):
# result = '%s %s%s%s' % (
# ('#include' if self.isInclude else '#import'),
# ('"' if self.isQuote else '<'),
# self.body.strip(),
# ('"' if self.isQuote else '>'),
# )
# if self.comment.strip():
# result += ' ' + self.comment.strip()
# return result
# def is_include_or_import(line):
# line = line.strip()
# if line.startswith('#include '):
# return True
# elif line.startswith('#import '):
# return True
# else:
# return False
# def parse_include(line):
# remainder = line.strip()
# if remainder.startswith('#include '):
# isInclude = True
# remainder = remainder[len('#include '):]
# elif remainder.startswith('#import '):
# isInclude = False
# remainder = remainder[len('#import '):]
# elif remainder == '//':
# return None
# elif not remainder:
# return None
# else:
# print ('Unexpected import or include: '+ line)
# sys.exit(1)
# comment = None
# if remainder.startswith('"'):
# isQuote = True
# endIndex = remainder.find('"', 1)
# if endIndex < 0:
# print ('Unexpected import or include: '+ line)
# sys.exit(1)
# body = remainder[1:endIndex]
# comment = remainder[endIndex+1:]
# elif remainder.startswith('<'):
# isQuote = False
# endIndex = remainder.find('>', 1)
# if endIndex < 0:
# print ('Unexpected import or include: '+ line)
# sys.exit(1)
# body = remainder[1:endIndex]
# comment = remainder[endIndex+1:]
# else:
# print ('Unexpected import or include: '+ remainder)
# sys.exit(1)
# return include(isInclude, isQuote, body, comment)
# def parse_includes(text):
# lines = text.split('\n')
# includes = []
# for line in lines:
# include = parse_include(line)
# if include:
# includes.append(include)
# return includes
# def sort_include_block(text, filepath, filename, file_extension):
# lines = text.split('\n')
# includes = parse_includes(text)
# blocks = []
# file_extension = file_extension.lower()
# for include in includes:
# include.isInclude = False
# if file_extension in ('c', 'cpp', 'hpp'):
# for include in includes:
# include.isInclude = True
# elif file_extension in ('m'):
# for include in includes:
# include.isInclude = False
# # Make sure matching header is first.
# matching_header_includes = []
# other_includes = []
# def is_matching_header(include):
# filename_wo_ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
# include_filename_wo_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(include.body))[0]
# return filename_wo_ext == include_filename_wo_ext
# for include in includes:
# if is_matching_header(include):
# matching_header_includes.append(include)
# else:
# other_includes.append(include)
# includes = other_includes
# def formatBlock(includes):
# lines = [include.format() for include in includes]
# lines = list(set(lines))
# def include_sorter(a, b):
# # return cmp(a.lower(), b.lower())
# return cmp(a, b)
# # print 'before'
# # for line in lines:
# # print '\t', line
# # print
# lines.sort(include_sorter)
# # print 'after'
# # for line in lines:
# # print '\t', line
# # print
# # print
# # print 'filepath'
# # for line in lines:
# # print '\t', line
# # print
# return '\n'.join(lines)
# includeAngles = [include for include in includes if include.isInclude and not include.isQuote]
# includeQuotes = [include for include in includes if include.isInclude and include.isQuote]
# importAngles = [include for include in includes if (not include.isInclude) and not include.isQuote]
# importQuotes = [include for include in includes if (not include.isInclude) and include.isQuote]
# if matching_header_includes:
# blocks.append(formatBlock(matching_header_includes))
# if includeQuotes:
# blocks.append(formatBlock(includeQuotes))
# if includeAngles:
# blocks.append(formatBlock(includeAngles))
# if importQuotes:
# blocks.append(formatBlock(importQuotes))
# if importAngles:
# blocks.append(formatBlock(importAngles))
# return '\n'.join(blocks) + '\n'
# def sort_class_statement_block(text, filepath, filename, file_extension):
# lines = text.split('\n')
# lines = [line.strip() for line in lines if line.strip()]
# lines = list(set(lines))
# lines.sort()
# return '\n' + '\n'.join(lines) + '\n'
# def find_matching_section(text, match_test):
# lines = text.split('\n')
# first_matching_line_index = None
# for index, line in enumerate(lines):
# if match_test(line):
# first_matching_line_index = index
# break
# if first_matching_line_index is None:
# return None
# # Absorb any leading empty lines.
# while first_matching_line_index > 0:
# prev_line = lines[first_matching_line_index - 1]
# if prev_line.strip():
# break
# first_matching_line_index = first_matching_line_index - 1
# first_non_matching_line_index = None
# for index, line in enumerate(lines[first_matching_line_index:]):
# if not line.strip():
# # Absorb any trailing empty lines.
# continue
# if not match_test(line):
# first_non_matching_line_index = index + first_matching_line_index
# break
# text0 = '\n'.join(lines[:first_matching_line_index])
# if first_non_matching_line_index is None:
# text1 = '\n'.join(lines[first_matching_line_index:])
# text2 = None
# else:
# text1 = '\n'.join(lines[first_matching_line_index:first_non_matching_line_index])
# text2 = '\n'.join(lines[first_non_matching_line_index:])
# return text0, text1, text2
# def sort_matching_blocks(sort_name, filepath, filename, file_extension, text, match_func, sort_func):
# unprocessed = text
# processed = None
# while True:
# section = find_matching_section(unprocessed, match_func)
# # print '\t', 'sort_matching_blocks', section
# if not section:
# if processed:
# processed = '\n'.join((processed, unprocessed,))
# else:
# processed = unprocessed
# break
# text0, text1, text2 = section
# if processed:
# processed = '\n'.join((processed, text0,))
# else:
# processed = text0
# # print 'before:'
# # temp_lines = text1.split('\n')
# # for index, line in enumerate(temp_lines):
# # if index < 3 or index + 3 >= len(temp_lines):
# # print '\t', index, line
# # # print text1
# # print
# text1 = sort_func(text1, filepath, filename, file_extension)
# # print 'after:'
# # # print text1
# # temp_lines = text1.split('\n')
# # for index, line in enumerate(temp_lines):
# # if index < 3 or index + 3 >= len(temp_lines):
# # print '\t', index, line
# # print
# processed = '\n'.join((processed, text1,))
# if text2:
# unprocessed = text2
# else:
# break
# if text != processed:
# print sort_name, filepath
# return processed
# def find_class_statement_section(text):
# def is_class_statement(line):
# return line.strip().startswith('@class ')
# return find_matching_section(text, is_class_statement)
# def find_include_section(text):
# def is_include_line(line):
# return is_include_or_import(line)
# # return is_include_or_import_or_empty(line)
# return find_matching_section(text, is_include_line)
# def sort_includes(filepath, filename, file_extension, text):
# # print 'sort_includes', filepath
# if file_extension not in ('.h', '.m', '.mm'):
# return text
# return sort_matching_blocks('sort_includes', filepath, filename, file_extension, text, find_include_section, sort_include_block)
# def sort_class_statements(filepath, filename, file_extension, text):
# # print 'sort_class_statements', filepath
# if file_extension not in ('.h', '.m', '.mm'):
# return text
# return sort_matching_blocks('sort_class_statements', filepath, filename, file_extension, text, find_class_statement_section, sort_class_statement_block)
# def splitall(path):
# allparts = []
# while 1:
# parts = os.path.split(path)
# if parts[0] == path: # sentinel for absolute paths
# allparts.insert(0, parts[0])
# break
# elif parts[1] == path: # sentinel for relative paths
# allparts.insert(0, parts[1])
# break
# else:
# path = parts[0]
# allparts.insert(0, parts[1])
# return allparts
# def process(filepath):
# short_filepath = filepath[len(git_repo_path):]
# if short_filepath.startswith(os.sep):
# short_filepath = short_filepath[len(os.sep):]
# filename = os.path.basename(filepath)
# if filename.startswith('.'):
# return
# file_ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]
# if file_ext in ('.swift'):
# env_copy = os.environ.copy()
# env_copy["SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_COUNT"] = "1"
# env_copy["SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_0"] = '%s' % ( short_filepath, )
# lint_output = subprocess.check_output(['swiftlint', 'autocorrect', '--use-script-input-files'], env=env_copy)
# print lint_output
# try:
# lint_output = subprocess.check_output(['swiftlint', 'lint', '--use-script-input-files'], env=env_copy)
# except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e:
# lint_output = e.output
# print lint_output
# with open(filepath, 'rt') as f:
# text =
# original_text = text
# text = sort_includes(filepath, filename, file_ext, text)
# text = sort_class_statements(filepath, filename, file_ext, text)
# lines = text.split('\n')
# while lines and lines[0].startswith('//'):
# lines = lines[1:]
# text = '\n'.join(lines)
# text = text.strip()
# header = '''//
# // Copyright (c) %s Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
# //
# ''' % (
# )
# text = header + text + '\n'
# if original_text == text:
# return
# print 'Updating:', short_filepath
# with open(filepath, 'wt') as f:
# f.write(text)
# def should_ignore_path(path):
# ignore_paths = [
# os.path.join(git_repo_path, '.git')
# ]
# for ignore_path in ignore_paths:
# if path.startswith(ignore_path):
# return True
# for component in splitall(path):
# if component.startswith('.'):
# return True
# if component.endswith('.framework'):
# return True
# if component in ('Pods', 'ThirdParty', 'Carthage',):
# return True
# return False
# def process_if_appropriate(filepath):
# filename = os.path.basename(filepath)
# if filename.startswith('.'):
# return
# file_ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]
# if file_ext not in ('.h', '.hpp', '.cpp', '.m', '.mm', '.pch', '.swift'):
# return
# if should_ignore_path(filepath):
# return
# process(filepath)
# class LineParser:
# def __init__(self, lines):
# self.lines = lines
# def
# def process_proto_file(proto_file_path, dst_dir_path, is_verbose):
class FileContext:
def __init__(self):
self.messages = []
self.enums = []
self.package = None
class MessageContext:
def __init__(self): = None
self.messages = []
self.enums = []
self.fields = []
self.field_names = set()
self.field_indices = set()
class EnumContext:
def __init__(self): = None
self.item_names = set()
self.item_indices = set()
self.item_map = {}
def line_parser(text, is_verbose):
# lineParser = LineParser(text.split('\n'))
for line in text.split('\n'):
line = line.strip()
# if not line:
# continue
comment_index = line.find('//')
if comment_index >= 0:
line = line[:comment_index].strip()
if not line:
if is_verbose:
print 'line:', line
yield line
def parse_enum(proto_file_path, parser, parent_context, enum_name, is_verbose):
if is_verbose:
print '# enum:', enum_name
context = EnumContext() = enum_name
while True:
line =
except StopIteration:
raise Exception('Incomplete enum: %s' % proto_file_path)
if line == '}':
if is_verbose:
item_regex = re.compile(r'^(.+?)\s*=\s*(\d+?)\s*;$')
item_match =
if item_match:
item_name =
item_index =
if is_verbose:
print '\t enum item[%s]: %s' % (item_index, item_name)
if item_name in context.item_names:
raise Exception('Duplicate enum name[%s]: %s' % (proto_file_path, item_name))
if item_index in context.item_indices:
raise Exception('Duplicate enum index[%s]: %s' % (proto_file_path, item_name))
context.item_map[item_index] = item_name
raise Exception('Invalid enum syntax[%s]: %s' % (proto_file_path, line))
def optional_match_group(match, index):
group =
if group is None:
return None
return group.strip()
def parse_message(proto_file_path, parser, parent_context, message_name, is_verbose):
if is_verbose:
print '# message:', message_name
context = MessageContext() = message_name
while True:
line =
except StopIteration:
raise Exception('Incomplete message: %s' % proto_file_path)
if line == '}':
if is_verbose:
enum_regex = re.compile(r'^enum\s+(.+?)\s+\{$')
enum_match =
if enum_match:
enum_name =
parse_enum(proto_file_path, parser, context, enum_name, is_verbose)
message_regex = re.compile(r'^message\s+(.+?)\s+\{$')
message_match =
if message_match:
message_name =
parse_message(proto_file_path, parser, context, message_name, is_verbose)
# Examples:
# optional bytes id = 1;
# optional bool isComplete = 2 [default = false];
item_regex = re.compile(r'^(optional|required|repeated)?\s*([\w\d]+?)\s+([\w\d]+?)\s*=\s*(\d+?)\s*(\[default = (true|false)\])?;$')
item_match =
if item_match:
# print 'item_rules:', item_match.groups()
item_rules = optional_match_group(item_match, 1)
item_type = optional_match_group(item_match, 2)
item_name = optional_match_group(item_match, 3)
item_index = optional_match_group(item_match, 4)
# item_defaults_1 = optional_match_group(item_match, 5)
item_default = optional_match_group(item_match, 6)
# print 'item_rules:', item_rules
# print 'item_type:', item_type
# print 'item_name:', item_name
# print 'item_index:', item_index
# print 'item_default:', item_default
message_field = {
'rules': item_rules,
'type': item_type,
'name': item_name,
'index': item_index,
'default': item_default,
# print 'message_field:', message_field
if is_verbose:
print '\t message field[%s]: %s' % (item_index, str(message_field))
if item_name in context.field_names:
raise Exception('Duplicate message field name[%s]: %s' % (proto_file_path, item_name))
if item_index in context.field_indices:
raise Exception('Duplicate message field index[%s]: %s' % (proto_file_path, item_name))
# if item_name in context.item_names:
# raise Exception('Duplicate message field[%s]: %s' % (proto_file_path, item_name))
# context.item_names.add(item_name)
# if item_index in context.item_map:
# raise Exception('Duplicate message field[%s]: %s' % (proto_file_path, item_index))
# context.item_map[item_index] = item_name
raise Exception('Invalid message syntax[%s]: %s' % (proto_file_path, line))
def process_proto_file(proto_file_path, dst_dir_path, is_verbose):
with open(proto_file_path, 'rt') as f:
text =
multiline_comment_regex = re.compile(r'/\*.*?\*/', re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)
text = multiline_comment_regex.sub('', text)
syntax_regex = re.compile(r'^syntax ')
package_regex = re.compile(r'^package\s+(.+);')
option_regex = re.compile(r'^option ')
parser = line_parser(text, is_verbose)
# lineParser = LineParser(text.split('\n'))
context = FileContext()
while True:
line =
except StopIteration:
# if not line:
# break
# for line in text.split('\n'):
# line = line.strip()
# if not line:
# continue
# if is_verbose:
# print 'line:', line
if is_verbose:
print '# Ignoring syntax'
if is_verbose:
print '# Ignoring option'
package_match =
if package_match:
if context.package:
raise Exception('More than one package statement: %s' % proto_file_path)
context.package =
if is_verbose:
print '# package:', context.package
message_regex = re.compile(r'^message\s+(.+?)\s+\{$')
message_match =
if message_match:
message_name =
parse_message(proto_file_path, parser, context, message_name, is_verbose)
raise Exception('Invalid syntax[%s]: %s' % (proto_file_path, line))
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Protocol Buffer Swift Wrapper Generator.')
# parser.add_argument('--all', action='store_true', help='process all files in or below current dir')
# parser.add_argument('--path', help='used to specify a path to a file.')
parser.add_argument('--proto-dir', help='dir path of the proto schema file.')
parser.add_argument('--proto-file', help='filename of the proto schema file.')
parser.add_argument('--wrapper-prefix', help='name prefix for generated wrappers.')
parser.add_argument('--proto-prefix', help='name prefix for proto bufs.')
parser.add_argument('--dst-dir', help='path to the destination directory.')
parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true', help='enables verbose logging')
args = parser.parse_args()
proto_file_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(args.proto_dir, args.proto_file))
if not os.path.exists(proto_file_path):
raise Exception('File does not exist: %s' % proto_file_path)
dst_dir_path = os.path.abspath(args.dst_dir)
if not os.path.exists(dst_dir_path):
raise Exception('Destination does not exist: %s' % dst_dir_path)
is_verbose = args.verbose
process_proto_file(proto_file_path, dst_dir_path, is_verbose)
print 'complete.'
# if args.all:
# for rootdir, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(git_repo_path):
# for filename in filenames:
# file_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(rootdir, filename))
# process_if_appropriate(file_path)
# elif args.path:
# for rootdir, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(args.path):
# for filename in filenames:
# file_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(rootdir, filename))
# process_if_appropriate(file_path)
# else:
# filepaths = []
# # Staging
# output = commands.getoutput('git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR')
# filepaths.extend([line.strip() for line in output.split('\n')])
# # Working
# output = commands.getoutput('git diff --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR')
# filepaths.extend([line.strip() for line in output.split('\n')])
# # Only process each path once.
# filepaths = sorted(set(filepaths))
# for filepath in filepaths:
# filepath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(git_repo_path, filepath))
# process_if_appropriate(filepath)
# print 'git clang-format...'
# print commands.getoutput('git clang-format')

@ -2,12 +2,16 @@
PROTOC=protoc \
WRAPPER_SCRIPT=../../Scripts/ \
--proto-dir='./' --verbose
all: signal_service_protos provisioning_protos fingerprint_protos websocket_protos signal_ios_protos
signal_service_protos: SignalService.proto
$(PROTOC) --swift_out=../src/Protos/Generated \
$(WRAPPER_SCRIPT) --dst-dir=../src/Protos/Generated \
--wrapper-prefix=SSKProto --proto-prefix=SignalServiceProtos --proto-file=SignalService.proto
provisioning_protos: Provisioning.proto
$(PROTOC) --swift_out=../src/Protos/Generated \
