Clean up ahead of PR.

Matthew Chen 7 years ago
parent 8e427111ef
commit 963d0547ad

@ -857,6 +857,17 @@ static NSString *const kURLHostVerifyPrefix = @"verify";
[[OWSProfileManager sharedManager] ensureLocalProfileCached];
#ifdef DEBUG
// A bug in orphan cleanup could be disastrous so let's only
// run it in DEBUG builds for a few releases.
// TODO: Release to production once we have analytics.
// TODO: Orphan cleanup is somewhat expensive - not least in doing a bunch
// of disk access. We might want to only run it "once per version"
// or something like that in production.
[OWSOrphanedDataCleaner auditAndCleanupAsync:nil];
[OWSProfileManager.sharedManager fetchLocalUsersProfile];
[[OWSReadReceiptManager sharedManager] prepareCachedValues];

@ -27,10 +27,8 @@ extern NSString *const TSSecondaryDevicesDatabaseViewExtensionName;
// otherwise it returns the "unread" database view.
+ (id)unseenDatabaseViewExtension:(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *)transaction;
// NOTE: It is not safe to call this method while hasPendingViewRegistrations is YES.
+ (id)threadOutgoingMessageDatabaseView:(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *)transaction;
// NOTE: It is not safe to call this method while hasPendingViewRegistrations is YES.
+ (id)threadSpecialMessagesDatabaseView:(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *)transaction;
#pragma mark - Registration
