Added more OpenGroupManager unit tests

Morgan Pretty 2 years ago
parent ff480a37d5
commit 93dbc2f63c

@ -8,9 +8,8 @@ public enum OpenGroupAPI {
public static let defaultServer = ""
public static let defaultServerPublicKey = "a03c383cf63c3c4efe67acc52112a6dd734b3a946b9545f488aaa93da7991238"
public static let workQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "OpenGroupAPI.workQueue", qos: .userInitiated) // It's important that this is a serial queue
public static let workQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "OpenGroupAPI.workQueue", qos: .userInitiated) // It's important that this is a serial queue
// MARK: - Batching & Polling

@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ public final class OpenGroupManager: NSObject {
OpenGroupManager.shared.mutableCache.mutate { cache in
dependencies.mutableCache.mutate { cache in
cache.defaultRoomsPromise = promise

@ -222,12 +222,12 @@ class OpenGroupManagerSpec: QuickSpec {
.when { $0.write(with: { _ in }) }
.then { args in (args.first as? ((Any) -> Void))?(testTransaction as Any) }
.then { [testTransaction] args in (args.first as? ((Any) -> Void))?(testTransaction! as Any) }
.when { $0.write(with: { _ in }, completion: { }) }
.then { args in
(args.first as? ((Any) -> Void))?(testTransaction as Any)
.then { [testTransaction] args in
(args.first as? ((Any) -> Void))?(testTransaction! as Any)
(args.last as? (() -> Void))?()
@ -3008,6 +3008,238 @@ class OpenGroupManagerSpec: QuickSpec {
// MARK: - --getDefaultRoomsIfNeeded
context("when getting the default rooms if needed") {
beforeEach {
class TestRoomsApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
static let roomsData: [OpenGroupAPI.Room] = [
token: "test2",
name: "test2",
roomDescription: nil,
infoUpdates: 11,
messageSequence: 0,
created: 0,
activeUsers: 0,
activeUsersCutoff: 0,
imageId: 12,
pinnedMessages: nil,
admin: false,
globalAdmin: false,
admins: [],
hiddenAdmins: nil,
moderator: false,
globalModerator: false,
moderators: [],
hiddenModerators: nil,
read: false,
defaultRead: nil,
defaultAccessible: nil,
write: false,
defaultWrite: nil,
upload: false,
defaultUpload: nil
override class var mockResponse: Data? {
return try! JSONEncoder().encode(roomsData)
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestRoomsApi.self)
mockOGMCache.when { $0.defaultRoomsPromise }.thenReturn(nil)
mockOGMCache.when { $0.groupImagePromises }.thenReturn([:])
.when { $0.setOpenGroupPublicKey(for: any(), to: any(), using: anyAny())}
mockStorage.when { $0.getOpenGroupImage(for: any(), on: any()) }.thenReturn(nil)
.when { $0.setOpenGroupImage(to: any(), for: any(), on: any(), using: anyAny()) }
mockUserDefaults.when { $0.object(forKey: any()) }.thenReturn(nil)
it("caches the promise if there is no cached promise") {
let promise = OpenGroupManager.getDefaultRoomsIfNeeded(using: dependencies)
.to(call(matchingParameters: true) {
$0.defaultRoomsPromise = promise
it("returns the cached promise if there is one") {
let (promise, _) = Promise<[OpenGroupAPI.Room]>.pending()
mockOGMCache.when { $0.defaultRoomsPromise }.thenReturn(promise)
expect(OpenGroupManager.getDefaultRoomsIfNeeded(using: dependencies))
it("stores the public key information") {
OpenGroupManager.getDefaultRoomsIfNeeded(using: dependencies)
.to(call(matchingParameters: true) {
for: "",
to: "a03c383cf63c3c4efe67acc52112a6dd734b3a946b9545f488aaa93da7991238",
using: testTransaction! as Any
it("fetches rooms for the server") {
var response: [OpenGroupAPI.Room]?
OpenGroupManager.getDefaultRoomsIfNeeded(using: dependencies)
.done { response = $0 }
token: "test2",
name: "test2",
roomDescription: nil,
infoUpdates: 11,
messageSequence: 0,
created: 0,
activeUsers: 0,
activeUsersCutoff: 0,
imageId: 12,
pinnedMessages: nil,
admin: false,
globalAdmin: false,
admins: [],
hiddenAdmins: nil,
moderator: false,
globalModerator: false,
moderators: [],
hiddenModerators: nil,
read: false,
defaultRead: nil,
defaultAccessible: nil,
write: false,
defaultWrite: nil,
upload: false,
defaultUpload: nil
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
it("will retry fetching rooms 8 times before it fails") {
class TestRoomsApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
static var callCounter: Int = 0
override class var mockResponse: Data? {
callCounter += 1
return nil
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestRoomsApi.self)
var error: Error?
OpenGroupManager.getDefaultRoomsIfNeeded(using: dependencies)
.catch { error = $0 }
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
expect(TestRoomsApi.callCounter).to(equal(9)) // First attempt + 8 retries
it("removes the cache promise if all retries fail") {
class TestRoomsApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
override class var mockResponse: Data? { return nil }
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestRoomsApi.self)
var error: Error?
OpenGroupManager.getDefaultRoomsIfNeeded(using: dependencies)
.catch { error = $0 }
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
.to(call(matchingParameters: true) {
$0.defaultRoomsPromise = nil
it("fetches the image for any rooms with images") {
class TestRoomsApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
static let roomsData: [OpenGroupAPI.Room] = [
token: "test2",
name: "test2",
roomDescription: nil,
infoUpdates: 11,
messageSequence: 0,
created: 0,
activeUsers: 0,
activeUsersCutoff: 0,
imageId: 12,
pinnedMessages: nil,
admin: false,
globalAdmin: false,
admins: [],
hiddenAdmins: nil,
moderator: false,
globalModerator: false,
moderators: [],
hiddenModerators: nil,
read: false,
defaultRead: nil,
defaultAccessible: nil,
write: false,
defaultWrite: nil,
upload: false,
defaultUpload: nil
override class var mockResponse: Data? {
return try! JSONEncoder().encode(roomsData)
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestRoomsApi.self)
OpenGroupManager.getDefaultRoomsIfNeeded(using: dependencies)
call(matchingParameters: true) {
to: TestRoomsApi.mockResponse!,
for: "test2",
on: "",
using: testTransaction! as Any
timeout: .milliseconds(100)

@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ class TestOnionRequestAPI: OnionRequestAPIType {
static func sendOnionRequest(to snode: Snode, invoking method: Snode.Method, with parameters: JSON, using version: OnionRequestAPI.Version, associatedWith publicKey: String?) -> Promise<Data> {
// TODO: Test the 'responseInfo' somehow?
return Promise.value(mockResponse!)
