Rework things in advance of new snode pool updating method

Niels Andriesse 3 years ago
parent 1002cc51ae
commit 8aa25af4d5

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ public final class Snode : NSObject, NSCoding { // NSObject/NSCoding conformance
case getMessages = "retrieve"
case getSessionIDForONSName = "get_lns_mapping"
case sendMessage = "store"
case getAllSnodes = "get_all_service_nodes"
public struct KeySet {

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import Sodium
public final class SnodeAPI : NSObject {
private static var hasLoadedSnodePool = false
private static var loadedSwarms: Set<String> = []
private static var getSnodePoolPromise: Promise<Set<Snode>>?
/// - Note: Should only be accessed from `Threading.workQueue` to avoid race conditions.
internal static var snodeFailureCount: [Snode:UInt] = [:]
@ -17,10 +18,11 @@ public final class SnodeAPI : NSObject {
// MARK: Settings
private static let maxRetryCount: UInt = 8
private static let minimumSwarmSnodeCount = 3
private static let minSwarmSnodeCount = 3
private static let seedNodePool: Set<String> = useTestnet ? [ "" ] : [ "", "", "" ]
private static let snodeFailureThreshold = 3
private static let targetSwarmSnodeCount = 2
private static let minSnodePoolCount = 24;
/// - Note: Changing this on the fly is not recommended.
internal static var useOnionRequests = true
@ -61,14 +63,18 @@ public final class SnodeAPI : NSObject {
hasLoadedSnodePool = true
private static func setSnodePool(to newValue: Set<Snode>, persist: Bool = true) {
private static func setSnodePool(to newValue: Set<Snode>, using transaction: Any? = nil) {
dispatchPrecondition(condition: .onQueue(Threading.workQueue))
snodePool = newValue
guard persist else { return } { transaction in newValue, using: transaction)
let storage =
if let transaction = transaction {
storage.setSnodePool(to: newValue, using: transaction)
} else {
storage.writeSync { transaction in
storage.setSnodePool(to: newValue, using: transaction)
@ -130,62 +136,96 @@ public final class SnodeAPI : NSObject {
internal static func getRandomSnode() -> Promise<Snode> {
// randomElement() uses the system's default random generator, which is cryptographically secure
return getSnodePool().map2 { $0.randomElement()! }
private static func getSnodePool() -> Promise<Set<Snode>> {
if let getSnodePoolPromise = getSnodePoolPromise { return getSnodePoolPromise }
let now = Date()
let isSnodePoolExpired = given(Storage.shared.getLastSnodePoolRefreshDate()) { now.timeIntervalSince($0) > 24 * 60 * 60 } ?? true
let isRefreshNeeded = (snodePool.isEmpty || isSnodePoolExpired)
if isRefreshNeeded { { transaction in
Storage.shared.setLastSnodePoolRefreshDate(to: now, using: transaction)
let hasSnodePoolExpired = given(Storage.shared.getLastSnodePoolRefreshDate()) { now.timeIntervalSince($0) > 2 * 60 * 60 } ?? true
let snodePool = SnodeAPI.snodePool
let hasInsufficientSnodes = (snodePool.count < minSnodePoolCount)
if hasInsufficientSnodes || hasSnodePoolExpired {
let promise: Promise<Set<Snode>>
if snodePool.isEmpty {
promise = getSnodePoolFromSeedNode()
} else {
promise = getSnodePoolFromSnode().recover2 { _ in
let target = seedNodePool.randomElement()!
let url = "\(target)/json_rpc"
let parameters: JSON = [
"method" : "get_n_service_nodes",
"params" : [
"active_only" : true,
"fields" : [
"public_ip" : true, "storage_port" : true, "pubkey_ed25519" : true, "pubkey_x25519" : true
SNLog("Populating snode pool using: \(target).")
let (promise, seal) = Promise<Snode>.pending()
Threading.workQueue.async {
attempt(maxRetryCount: 4, recoveringOn: Threading.workQueue) {
HTTP.execute(.post, url, parameters: parameters, useSeedNodeURLSession: true).map2 { json -> Snode in
guard let intermediate = json["result"] as? JSON, let rawSnodes = intermediate["service_node_states"] as? [JSON] else { throw Error.snodePoolUpdatingFailed }
let snodePool: Set<Snode> = Set(rawSnodes.compactMap { rawSnode in
guard let address = rawSnode["public_ip"] as? String, let port = rawSnode["storage_port"] as? Int,
let ed25519PublicKey = rawSnode["pubkey_ed25519"] as? String, let x25519PublicKey = rawSnode["pubkey_x25519"] as? String, address != "" else {
SNLog("Failed to parse snode from: \(rawSnode).")
return nil
return Snode(address: "https://\(address)", port: UInt16(port), publicKeySet: Snode.KeySet(ed25519Key: ed25519PublicKey, x25519Key: x25519PublicKey))
setSnodePool(to: snodePool)
// randomElement() uses the system's default random generator, which is cryptographically secure
if !snodePool.isEmpty {
return snodePool.randomElement()!
} else {
throw Error.snodePoolUpdatingFailed
}.done2 { snode in
SNLog("Successfully updated snode pool.")
}.catch2 { error in
SNLog("Failed to contact seed node at: \(target).")
getSnodePoolPromise = promise
promise.map2 { snodePool -> Set<Snode> in
if snodePool.isEmpty {
throw Error.snodePoolUpdatingFailed
} else {
return snodePool
promise.then2 { snodePool -> Promise<Set<Snode>> in
let (promise, seal) = Promise<Set<Snode>>.pending() { transaction in
Storage.shared.setLastSnodePoolRefreshDate(to: now, using: transaction)
setSnodePool(to: snodePool, using: transaction)
}, completion: {
return promise
promise.done2 { _ in
getSnodePoolPromise = nil
promise.catch2 { _ in
getSnodePoolPromise = nil
return promise
} else {
return Promise<Snode> { seal in
// randomElement() uses the system's default random generator, which is cryptographically secure
return Promise.value(snodePool)
private static func getSnodePoolFromSeedNode() -> Promise<Set<Snode>> {
let target = seedNodePool.randomElement()!
let url = "\(target)/json_rpc"
let parameters: JSON = [
"method" : "get_n_service_nodes",
"params" : [
"active_only" : true,
"fields" : [
"public_ip" : true, "storage_port" : true, "pubkey_ed25519" : true, "pubkey_x25519" : true
SNLog("Populating snode pool using seed node: \(target).")
let (promise, seal) = Promise<Set<Snode>>.pending()
Threading.workQueue.async {
attempt(maxRetryCount: 4, recoveringOn: Threading.workQueue) {
HTTP.execute(.post, url, parameters: parameters, useSeedNodeURLSession: true).map2 { json -> Set<Snode> in
guard let intermediate = json["result"] as? JSON, let rawSnodes = intermediate["service_node_states"] as? [JSON] else { throw Error.snodePoolUpdatingFailed }
return Set(rawSnodes.compactMap { rawSnode in
guard let address = rawSnode["public_ip"] as? String, let port = rawSnode["storage_port"] as? Int,
let ed25519PublicKey = rawSnode["pubkey_ed25519"] as? String, let x25519PublicKey = rawSnode["pubkey_x25519"] as? String, address != "" else {
SNLog("Failed to parse snode from: \(rawSnode).")
return nil
return Snode(address: "https://\(address)", port: UInt16(port), publicKeySet: Snode.KeySet(ed25519Key: ed25519PublicKey, x25519Key: x25519PublicKey))
}.done2 { snodePool in
SNLog("Got snode pool from seed node: \(target).")
}.catch2 { error in
SNLog("Failed to contact seed node at: \(target).")
return promise
private static func getSnodePoolFromSnode() -> Promise<Set<Snode>> {
return Promise(error: Error.generic)
// MARK: Public API
@ -261,7 +301,7 @@ public final class SnodeAPI : NSObject {
public static func getSwarm(for publicKey: String) -> Promise<Set<Snode>> {
loadSwarmIfNeeded(for: publicKey)
if let cachedSwarm = swarmCache[publicKey], cachedSwarm.count >= minimumSwarmSnodeCount {
if let cachedSwarm = swarmCache[publicKey], cachedSwarm.count >= minSwarmSnodeCount {
return Promise<Set<Snode>> { $0.fulfill(cachedSwarm) }
} else {
SNLog("Getting swarm for: \((publicKey == ? "self" : publicKey).")

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ public protocol SessionSnodeKitStorageProtocol {
func write(with block: @escaping (Any) -> Void) -> Promise<Void>
func write(with block: @escaping (Any) -> Void, completion: @escaping () -> Void) -> Promise<Void>
func writeSync(with block: @escaping (Any) -> Void)
func getUserPublicKey() -> String?
