Don't append short IDs to display names

nielsandriesse 4 years ago
parent 036ebb5231
commit 7768d9cd88

@ -116,19 +116,7 @@ public final class SessionMetaProtocol : NSObject {
public static func updateDisplayNameIfNeeded(for publicKey: String, using dataMessage: SSKProtoDataMessage, in transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) {
guard let profile = dataMessage.profile, let rawDisplayName = profile.displayName, !rawDisplayName.isEmpty else { return }
let displayName: String
// if UserDefaults.standard[.masterHexEncodedPublicKey] == publicKey {
// displayName = rawDisplayName
// } else {
let shortID = publicKey.substring(from: publicKey.index(publicKey.endIndex, offsetBy: -8))
let suffix = "(...\(shortID))"
if rawDisplayName.hasSuffix(suffix) {
displayName = rawDisplayName // FIXME: Workaround for a bug where the raw display name already has the short ID attached to it
} else {
displayName = "\(rawDisplayName) \(suffix)"
// }
guard let profile = dataMessage.profile, let displayName = profile.displayName, !displayName.isEmpty else { return }
let profileManager = SSKEnvironment.shared.profileManager
profileManager.updateProfileForContact(withID: publicKey, displayName: displayName, with: transaction)
