script to generate and merge global .strings file

* make auto-genstrings executable
nixnuex 8 years ago committed by Michael Kirk
parent 89ee74f134
commit 722356db58

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
TARGETS="Signal/src Pods/SignalServiceKit Pods/JSQMessagesViewController"
TMP="$(mktemp -d)"
# Make sure we are in the right place
if [ ! -d "Signal/src" ]; then
echo "Please run this tool from the repository's base directory"
exit 1
# Search directories for .m & .h files and collect string definitions with genstrings
find $TARGETS -name "*.m" -print0 -name "*.h" -print0 | xargs -0 genstrings -o $TMP
# We have to convert the old and new .strings files to UTF-8 in order to deal with them
OLDUTF8=$(iconv -f UTF-16 -t UTF-8 $STRINGFILE)
NEWUTF8=$(iconv -f UTF-16 -t UTF-8 $TMP/Localizable.strings)
# Let's merge the old with the new .strings file:
# 1. Select old string definition lines
# 2. Setup field separators
# 3. Read old string definitions as associative array
# 4. In new file, if possible, insert old definition
# 5. Add separator and semicolon only for string definition lines
# 6. Convert output back to UTF-16 to final location
echo "$OLDUTF8" | grep -Eo '^".*"' | \
awk 'BEGIN {FS = "[ ]*=[ ]*"; OFS = ""} \
NR == FNR {a[$1] = $2; next} \
{$2 = ($1 in a ? a[$1] : $2); \
if($2 ~ /"[;]*$/){$2 = " = "$2}; \
if($2 ~ /"$/){$2 = $2";"}; \
print}' - <(echo "$NEWUTF8") | \
iconv -f UTF-8 -t UTF-16 > $STRINGFILE