fix the issue with cache

ryanzhao 4 years ago
parent 9ac7159a2f
commit 6e2189b461

@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ public final class LokiFileServerAPI : LokiDotNetAPI {
/// Gets the device links associated with the given hex encoded public key from the
/// server and stores and returns the valid ones.
public static func getDeviceLinks(associatedWith hexEncodedPublicKey: String, in transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction? = nil) -> Promise<Set<DeviceLink>> {
return getDeviceLinks(associatedWith: [ hexEncodedPublicKey ], in: transaction)
public static func getDeviceLinks(associatedWith hexEncodedPublicKey: String, usingCache: Bool = false) -> Promise<Set<DeviceLink>> {
return getDeviceLinks(associatedWith: [ hexEncodedPublicKey ], usingCache: usingCache)
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ public final class LokiFileServerAPI : LokiDotNetAPI {
/// Gets the device links associated with the given hex encoded public keys from the
/// server and stores and returns the valid ones.
public static func getDeviceLinks(associatedWith hexEncodedPublicKeys: Set<String>, in transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction? = nil) -> Promise<Set<DeviceLink>> {
public static func getDeviceLinks(associatedWith hexEncodedPublicKeys: Set<String>, usingCache: Bool = false) -> Promise<Set<DeviceLink>> {
let hexEncodedPublicKeysDescription = "[ \(hexEncodedPublicKeys.joined(separator: ", ")) ]"
print("[Loki] Getting device links for: \(hexEncodedPublicKeysDescription).")
return getAuthToken(for: server).then(on: { token -> Promise<Set<DeviceLink>> in
@ -86,18 +86,19 @@ public final class LokiFileServerAPI : LokiDotNetAPI {
}.then(on: { deviceLinks -> Promise<Set<DeviceLink>> in
let (promise, seal) = Promise<Set<DeviceLink>>.pending()
// Dispatch async on the main queue to avoid nested write transactions
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if let trans = transaction {
storage.setDeviceLinks(deviceLinks, in: trans)
} else {
storage.dbReadWriteConnection.readWrite { transaction in
if usingCache {
} else {
// Dispatch async on the main queue to avoid nested write transactions
DispatchQueue.main.async {
storage.dbReadWriteConnection.readWrite{ transaction in
storage.setDeviceLinks(deviceLinks, in: transaction)
// We have to wait for the device links to be stored because a lot of our logic relies
// on them being in the database
// We have to wait for the device links to be stored because a lot of our logic relies
// on them being in the database
return promise

@ -4,6 +4,17 @@ public extension OWSPrimaryStorage {
private func getDeviceLinkCollection(for masterHexEncodedPublicKey: String) -> String {
return "LokiDeviceLinkCollection-\(masterHexEncodedPublicKey)"
public func setDeviceLinksInCache(_ deviceLinks: Set<DeviceLink>) {
self.deviceLinkCache = deviceLinks
public func syncDeviceLinkCacheToDatabase(in transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) {
if !self.deviceLinkCache.isEmpty {
self.setDeviceLinks(self.deviceLinkCache, in: transaction)
public func setDeviceLinks(_ deviceLinks: Set<DeviceLink>, in transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) {
// TODO: Clear collections first?
@ -21,6 +32,9 @@ public extension OWSPrimaryStorage {
public func getDeviceLinks(for masterHexEncodedPublicKey: String, in transaction: YapDatabaseReadTransaction) -> Set<DeviceLink> {
if !self.deviceLinkCache.isEmpty {
return self.deviceLinkCache
let collection = getDeviceLinkCollection(for: masterHexEncodedPublicKey)
guard !transaction.allKeys(inCollection: collection).isEmpty else { return [] } // Fixes a crash that used to occur on Josh's device
var result: Set<DeviceLink> = []

@ -144,11 +144,16 @@ public final class MultiDeviceProtocol : NSObject {
public static func updateDeviceLinksIfNeeded(for hexEncodedPublicKey: String, in transaction: YapDatabaseReadTransaction) -> AnyPromise {
let promise = getMultiDeviceDestinations(for: hexEncodedPublicKey, in: transaction)
public static func updateDeviceLinksIfNeeded(for hexEncodedPublicKey: String, in transaction: YapDatabaseReadTransaction, usingCache: Bool = false) -> AnyPromise {
let promise = getMultiDeviceDestinations(for: hexEncodedPublicKey, in: transaction, usingCache: usingCache)
return AnyPromise.from(promise)
public static func syncDeviceLinkCacheToDatabase(in transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) {
storage.syncDeviceLinkCacheToDatabase(in: transaction)
/// See [Auto-Generated Friend Requests]( for more information.
@ -284,7 +289,7 @@ public final class MultiDeviceProtocol : NSObject {
// Here (in a non-@objc extension) because it doesn't interoperate well with Obj-C
public extension MultiDeviceProtocol {
fileprivate static func getMultiDeviceDestinations(for hexEncodedPublicKey: String, in transaction: YapDatabaseReadTransaction) -> Promise<Set<MultiDeviceDestination>> {
fileprivate static func getMultiDeviceDestinations(for hexEncodedPublicKey: String, in transaction: YapDatabaseReadTransaction, usingCache: Bool = false) -> Promise<Set<MultiDeviceDestination>> {
let (promise, seal) = Promise<Set<MultiDeviceDestination>>.pending()
func getDestinations(in transaction: YapDatabaseReadTransaction? = nil) { { transaction in
@ -306,7 +311,7 @@ public extension MultiDeviceProtocol {
if timeSinceLastUpdate > deviceLinkUpdateInterval {
let masterHexEncodedPublicKey = storage.getMasterHexEncodedPublicKey(for: hexEncodedPublicKey, in: transaction) ?? hexEncodedPublicKey
LokiFileServerAPI.getDeviceLinks(associatedWith: masterHexEncodedPublicKey, in: transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction).done(on: { _ in
LokiFileServerAPI.getDeviceLinks(associatedWith: masterHexEncodedPublicKey, usingCache: usingCache).done(on: { _ in
lastDeviceLinkUpdate[hexEncodedPublicKey] = Date()
}.catch(on: { error in

@ -1266,17 +1266,18 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
// Loki: Update device links in a blocking way
// FIXME: This is horrible for performance
// FIXME: ========
// FIX: Using the same transaction for write to avoid deadlock
// FIX: Using the cache for write to avoid deadlock
// The envelope source is set during UD decryption
if ([ECKeyPair isValidHexEncodedPublicKeyWithCandidate:envelope.source] && dataMessage.publicChatInfo == nil) { // Handled in LokiPublicChatPoller for open group messages
dispatch_semaphore_t semaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);
dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
[[LKMultiDeviceProtocol updateDeviceLinksIfNeededForHexEncodedPublicKey:envelope.source in:transaction].ensureOn(queue, ^() {
[[LKMultiDeviceProtocol updateDeviceLinksIfNeededForHexEncodedPublicKey:envelope.source in:transaction usingCache: true].ensureOn(queue, ^() {
}).catchOn(queue, ^(NSError *error) {
}) retainUntilComplete];
dispatch_semaphore_wait(semaphore, dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 10 * NSEC_PER_SEC));
[LKMultiDeviceProtocol syncDeviceLinkCacheToDatabaseInTransaction:transaction];
// FIXME: ========

@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ extern NSString *const OWSUIDatabaseConnectionWillUpdateExternallyNotification;
extern NSString *const OWSUIDatabaseConnectionDidUpdateExternallyNotification;
extern NSString *const OWSUIDatabaseConnectionNotificationsKey;
@class LKDeviceLink;
@interface OWSPrimaryStorage : OWSStorage
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
@ -23,6 +25,7 @@ extern NSString *const OWSUIDatabaseConnectionNotificationsKey;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) YapDatabaseConnection *uiDatabaseConnection;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) YapDatabaseConnection *dbReadConnection;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) YapDatabaseConnection *dbReadWriteConnection;
@property (nonatomic) NSSet<LKDeviceLink*> *deviceLinkCache;
- (void)updateUIDatabaseConnectionToLatest;

@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ void VerifyRegistrationsForPrimaryStorage(OWSStorage *storage)
if (self) {
[self loadDatabase];
_deviceLinkCache = [NSSet set];
_dbReadPool = [[YapDatabaseConnectionPool alloc] initWithDatabase:self.database];
_dbReadWriteConnection = [self newDatabaseConnection];
