replying to notification marks thread as read

Michael Kirk 6 years ago
parent 1e0504e8ff
commit 6c08f98fbb

@ -613,15 +613,7 @@ class NotificationActionHandler {
throw NotificationError.failDebug("unable to find thread with id: \(threadId)")
return Promise { resolver in
self.dbConnection.asyncReadWrite({ transaction in
thread.markAllAsRead(with: transaction)
completionBlock: {
self.notificationPresenter.cancelNotifications(threadId: threadId)
return markAsRead(thread: thread)
func reply(userInfo: [AnyHashable: Any], replyText: String) throws -> Promise<Void> {
@ -633,12 +625,16 @@ class NotificationActionHandler {
throw NotificationError.failDebug("unable to find thread with id: \(threadId)")
return ThreadUtil.sendMessageNonDurably(text: replyText,
thread: thread,
quotedReplyModel: nil,
messageSender: messageSender).recover { error in
Logger.warn("Failed to send reply message from notification with error: \(error)")
self.notificationPresenter.notifyForFailedSend(inThread: thread)
return markAsRead(thread: thread).then { () -> Promise<Void> in
let sendPromise = ThreadUtil.sendMessageNonDurably(text: replyText,
thread: thread,
quotedReplyModel: nil,
messageSender: self.messageSender)
return sendPromise.recover { error in
Logger.warn("Failed to send reply message from notification with error: \(error)")
self.notificationPresenter.notifyForFailedSend(inThread: thread)
@ -654,6 +650,12 @@ class NotificationActionHandler {
signalApp.presentConversation(forThreadId: threadId, animated: shouldAnimate)
return Promise.value(())
private func markAsRead(thread: TSThread) -> Promise<Void> {
return dbConnection.readWritePromise { transaction in
thread.markAllAsRead(with: transaction)
extension ThreadUtil {

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import PromiseKit
public extension YapDatabaseConnection {
func readWritePromise(_ block: @escaping (YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) -> Void) -> AnyPromise {
return AnyPromise(readWritePromise(block) as Promise<Void>)
func readWritePromise(_ block: @escaping (YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) -> Void) -> Promise<Void> {
return Promise { resolver in
self.asyncReadWrite(block, completionBlock: resolver.fulfill)