update protobuf

ryanzhao 2 years ago
parent 965c1c48e5
commit 651b271ba0

@ -1633,6 +1633,171 @@ extension SNProtoDataMessagePreview.SNProtoDataMessagePreviewBuilder {
// MARK: - SNProtoDataMessageReaction
@objc public class SNProtoDataMessageReaction: NSObject {
// MARK: - SNProtoDataMessageReactionAction
@objc public enum SNProtoDataMessageReactionAction: Int32 {
case react = 0
case remove = 1
private class func SNProtoDataMessageReactionActionWrap(_ value: SessionProtos_DataMessage.Reaction.Action) -> SNProtoDataMessageReactionAction {
switch value {
case .react: return .react
case .remove: return .remove
private class func SNProtoDataMessageReactionActionUnwrap(_ value: SNProtoDataMessageReactionAction) -> SessionProtos_DataMessage.Reaction.Action {
switch value {
case .react: return .react
case .remove: return .remove
// MARK: - SNProtoDataMessageReactionBuilder
@objc public class func builder(id: UInt64, author: String, action: SNProtoDataMessageReactionAction) -> SNProtoDataMessageReactionBuilder {
return SNProtoDataMessageReactionBuilder(id: id, author: author, action: action)
// asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents.
@objc public func asBuilder() -> SNProtoDataMessageReactionBuilder {
let builder = SNProtoDataMessageReactionBuilder(id: id, author: author, action: action)
if let _value = emoji {
return builder
@objc public class SNProtoDataMessageReactionBuilder: NSObject {
private var proto = SessionProtos_DataMessage.Reaction()
@objc fileprivate override init() {}
@objc fileprivate init(id: UInt64, author: String, action: SNProtoDataMessageReactionAction) {
@objc public func setId(_ valueParam: UInt64) {
proto.id = valueParam
@objc public func setAuthor(_ valueParam: String) {
proto.author = valueParam
@objc public func setEmoji(_ valueParam: String) {
proto.emoji = valueParam
@objc public func setAction(_ valueParam: SNProtoDataMessageReactionAction) {
proto.action = SNProtoDataMessageReactionActionUnwrap(valueParam)
@objc public func build() throws -> SNProtoDataMessageReaction {
return try SNProtoDataMessageReaction.parseProto(proto)
@objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data {
return try SNProtoDataMessageReaction.parseProto(proto).serializedData()
fileprivate let proto: SessionProtos_DataMessage.Reaction
@objc public let id: UInt64
@objc public let author: String
@objc public let action: SNProtoDataMessageReactionAction
@objc public var emoji: String? {
guard proto.hasEmoji else {
return nil
return proto.emoji
@objc public var hasEmoji: Bool {
return proto.hasEmoji
private init(proto: SessionProtos_DataMessage.Reaction,
id: UInt64,
author: String,
action: SNProtoDataMessageReactionAction) {
self.proto = proto
self.id = id
self.author = author
self.action = action
public func serializedData() throws -> Data {
return try self.proto.serializedData()
@objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SNProtoDataMessageReaction {
let proto = try SessionProtos_DataMessage.Reaction(serializedData: serializedData)
return try parseProto(proto)
fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SessionProtos_DataMessage.Reaction) throws -> SNProtoDataMessageReaction {
guard proto.hasID else {
throw SNProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: id")
let id = proto.id
guard proto.hasAuthor else {
throw SNProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: author")
let author = proto.author
guard proto.hasAction else {
throw SNProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: action")
let action = SNProtoDataMessageReactionActionWrap(proto.action)
// MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SNProtoDataMessageReaction -
// MARK: - End Validation Logic for SNProtoDataMessageReaction -
let result = SNProtoDataMessageReaction(proto: proto,
id: id,
author: author,
action: action)
return result
@objc public override var debugDescription: String {
return "\(proto)"
extension SNProtoDataMessageReaction {
@objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? {
return try! self.serializedData()
extension SNProtoDataMessageReaction.SNProtoDataMessageReactionBuilder {
@objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SNProtoDataMessageReaction? {
return try! self.build()
// MARK: - SNProtoDataMessageLokiProfile
@objc public class SNProtoDataMessageLokiProfile: NSObject {

@ -821,6 +821,86 @@ struct SessionProtos_DataMessage {
fileprivate var _image: SessionProtos_AttachmentPointer? = nil
struct Reaction {
// SwiftProtobuf.Message conformance is added in an extension below. See the
// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files in the SwiftProtobuf library for
// methods supported on all messages.
/// @required
var id: UInt64 {
get {return _id ?? 0}
set {_id = newValue}
/// Returns true if `id` has been explicitly set.
var hasID: Bool {return self._id != nil}
/// Clears the value of `id`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value.
mutating func clearID() {self._id = nil}
/// @required
var author: String {
get {return _author ?? String()}
set {_author = newValue}
/// Returns true if `author` has been explicitly set.
var hasAuthor: Bool {return self._author != nil}
/// Clears the value of `author`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value.
mutating func clearAuthor() {self._author = nil}
var emoji: String {
get {return _emoji ?? String()}
set {_emoji = newValue}
/// Returns true if `emoji` has been explicitly set.
var hasEmoji: Bool {return self._emoji != nil}
/// Clears the value of `emoji`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value.
mutating func clearEmoji() {self._emoji = nil}
/// @required
var action: SessionProtos_DataMessage.Reaction.Action {
get {return _action ?? .react}
set {_action = newValue}
/// Returns true if `action` has been explicitly set.
var hasAction: Bool {return self._action != nil}
/// Clears the value of `action`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value.
mutating func clearAction() {self._action = nil}
var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage()
enum Action: SwiftProtobuf.Enum {
typealias RawValue = Int
case react // = 0
case remove // = 1
init() {
self = .react
init?(rawValue: Int) {
switch rawValue {
case 0: self = .react
case 1: self = .remove
default: return nil
var rawValue: Int {
switch self {
case .react: return 0
case .remove: return 1
init() {}
fileprivate var _id: UInt64? = nil
fileprivate var _author: String? = nil
fileprivate var _emoji: String? = nil
fileprivate var _action: SessionProtos_DataMessage.Reaction.Action? = nil
struct LokiProfile {
// SwiftProtobuf.Message conformance is added in an extension below. See the
// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files in the SwiftProtobuf library for
@ -1052,6 +1132,10 @@ extension SessionProtos_DataMessage.Quote.QuotedAttachment.Flags: CaseIterable {
// Support synthesized by the compiler.
extension SessionProtos_DataMessage.Reaction.Action: CaseIterable {
// Support synthesized by the compiler.
extension SessionProtos_DataMessage.ClosedGroupControlMessage.TypeEnum: CaseIterable {
// Support synthesized by the compiler.
@ -2428,6 +2512,70 @@ extension SessionProtos_DataMessage.Preview: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProtobu
extension SessionProtos_DataMessage.Reaction: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding {
static let protoMessageName: String = SessionProtos_DataMessage.protoMessageName + ".Reaction"
static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [
1: .same(proto: "id"),
2: .same(proto: "author"),
3: .same(proto: "emoji"),
4: .same(proto: "action"),
public var isInitialized: Bool {
if self._id == nil {return false}
if self._author == nil {return false}
if self._action == nil {return false}
return true
mutating func decodeMessage<D: SwiftProtobuf.Decoder>(decoder: inout D) throws {
while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() {
// The use of inline closures is to circumvent an issue where the compiler
// allocates stack space for every case branch when no optimizations are
// enabled. https://github.com/apple/swift-protobuf/issues/1034
switch fieldNumber {
case 1: try { try decoder.decodeSingularUInt64Field(value: &self._id) }()
case 2: try { try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self._author) }()
case 3: try { try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self._emoji) }()
case 4: try { try decoder.decodeSingularEnumField(value: &self._action) }()
default: break
func traverse<V: SwiftProtobuf.Visitor>(visitor: inout V) throws {
if let v = self._id {
try visitor.visitSingularUInt64Field(value: v, fieldNumber: 1)
if let v = self._author {
try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: v, fieldNumber: 2)
if let v = self._emoji {
try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: v, fieldNumber: 3)
if let v = self._action {
try visitor.visitSingularEnumField(value: v, fieldNumber: 4)
try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor)
static func ==(lhs: SessionProtos_DataMessage.Reaction, rhs: SessionProtos_DataMessage.Reaction) -> Bool {
if lhs._id != rhs._id {return false}
if lhs._author != rhs._author {return false}
if lhs._emoji != rhs._emoji {return false}
if lhs._action != rhs._action {return false}
if lhs.unknownFields != rhs.unknownFields {return false}
return true
extension SessionProtos_DataMessage.Reaction.Action: SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding {
static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [
0: .same(proto: "REACT"),
1: .same(proto: "REMOVE"),
extension SessionProtos_DataMessage.LokiProfile: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding {
static let protoMessageName: String = SessionProtos_DataMessage.protoMessageName + ".LokiProfile"
static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [

@ -133,6 +133,20 @@ message DataMessage {
optional AttachmentPointer image = 3;
message Reaction {
enum Action {
REACT = 0;
// @required
required uint64 id = 1; // Message timestamp
// @required
required string author = 2;
optional string emoji = 3;
// @required
required Action action = 4;
message LokiProfile {
optional string displayName = 1;
optional string profilePicture = 2;
