Fixed broken unit tests, tweak to CI script

Morgan Pretty 2 months ago
parent eccaa29c4a
commit 4b4c69a533

@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ local update_cocoapods_cache(depends_on) = {
local boot_simulator(device_type) = {
name: 'Boot Test Simulator',
commands: [
'xcrun simctl create "$devname" ' + device_type,
'sim_uuid=$(xcrun simctl list devices -je | jq -re \'[.devices[][] | select(.name == "\'$devname\'").udid][0]\')',
'xcrun simctl boot $sim_uuid',
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ local sim_delete_cmd = 'if [ -f build/artifacts/sim_uuid ]; then rm -f /Users/$U
name: 'Build and Run Tests',

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit c7c68fb6b344d431f6a5b7652eab0fd8f7be8286
Subproject commit e49e379fe2f40256d7b57aaca4f211c905096c29

@ -96,7 +96,10 @@ class MessageSendJobSpec: QuickSpec {
it("fails when given incorrect details") {
job = Job(
variant: .messageSend,
details: MessageReceiveJob.Details(messages: [], calledFromBackgroundPoller: false)
details: MessageReceiveJob.Details(
messages: [MessageReceiveJob.Details.MessageInfo](),
calledFromBackgroundPoller: false
var error: Error? = nil

@ -147,9 +147,16 @@ class DatabaseSpec: QuickSpec {
/// Ensure all of the `fetchedTables` records can still be decoded correctly after the migrations have completed (since
/// we perform multiple migrations above it's possible these won't work after the `initialMigrations` but actually will
/// work when required as an intermediate migration could have satisfied the data requirements)
let droppedTables: Set<ObjectIdentifier> = test.migrationsToTest
.flatMap { _, _, migration in migration.droppedTables }
.map { ObjectIdentifier($0) }
let tablesToTest: [(TableRecord & FetchableRecord).Type] = test.migrationsToTest
.flatMap { _, _, migration in migration.fetchedTables }
.filter { table in !droppedTables.contains(ObjectIdentifier(table)) } { db in
test.migrationsToTest.forEach { _, _, migration in
migration.fetchedTables.forEach { table in
tablesToTest.forEach { table in
expect { try table.fetchAll(db) }.toNot(throwError())
@ -158,7 +165,6 @@ class DatabaseSpec: QuickSpec {
// MARK: - Convenience
@ -220,6 +226,11 @@ private class MigrationTest {
static func extractDatabaseTypes(_ allMigrations: [Storage.KeyedMigration]) -> [(TableRecord & FetchableRecord).Type] {
let droppedTables: Set<ObjectIdentifier> = allMigrations
.flatMap { _, _, migration in migration.droppedTables }
.map { ObjectIdentifier($0) }
return allMigrations
.reduce(into: [:]) { result, next in
next.migration.fetchedTables.forEach { table in
@ -231,7 +242,7 @@ private class MigrationTest {
.filter { table in !droppedTables.contains(ObjectIdentifier(table)) }
// MARK: - Mock Data
@ -296,6 +307,16 @@ private class MigrationTest {
Identity(variant: .ed25519SecretKey, data: TestConstants.edSecretKey)!)
].forEach { try $0.insert(db) }
case JobDependencies.databaseTableName:
// Unsure why but for some reason this causes foreign key constraint errors during tests
// so just validate that the columns haven't changed since this was added
JobDependencies.Columns.allCases.count == 2 && == "jobId" && == "dependantId"
else { throw StorageError.invalidData }
case .some(let name):
// No need to insert dummy data if it already exists in the table
guard try Int.fetchOne(db, sql: "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '\(name)'") == 0 else { return }

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ public struct JobDependencies: Codable, Equatable, Hashable, FetchableRecord, Pe
public static let dependant = hasOne(Job.self, using: Job.dependencyForeignKey)
public typealias Columns = CodingKeys
public enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey, ColumnExpression {
public enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey, ColumnExpression, CaseIterable {
case jobId
case dependantId

@ -138,11 +138,15 @@ public extension Array where Element == String {
pointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>?>?,
count: Int?
) {
let count: Int = count,
count > 0,
let pointee: UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar> = pointer?.pointee
else { return nil }
guard let count: Int = count else { return nil }
// If we were given a count but it's 0 then trying to access the pointer could
// crash (as it could be bad memory) so just return an empty array
guard count > 0 else {
self = []
guard let pointee: UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar> = pointer?.pointee else { return nil }
self = (0..<count)
.reduce(into: []) { result, index in
