Proximity playsback through earpiece

This is kind of unfortunate because playback doesn't allow the earpiece as an
output device.
Michael Kirk 6 years ago
parent 3b4188f34b
commit 4b4b18c625

@ -102,6 +102,8 @@ public class OWSAudioSession: NSObject {
if aggregateOptions.contains(.record) {
assert(avAudioSession.recordPermission() == .granted)
try avAudioSession.setCategory(AVAudioSessionCategoryRecord)
} else if aggregateOptions.contains(.proximitySwitchesToEarPiece) {
try ensureCategoryForProximityState()
} else if aggregateOptions.contains(.playback) {
try avAudioSession.setCategory(AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback)
} else {
@ -110,41 +112,36 @@ public class OWSAudioSession: NSObject {
if aggregateOptions.contains(.proximitySwitchesToEarPiece) {
self.device.isProximityMonitoringEnabled = true
self.shouldAdjustAudioForProximity = true
} else {
self.device.isProximityMonitoringEnabled = false
self.shouldAdjustAudioForProximity = false
return true
} catch {
owsFailDebug("failed with error: \(error)")
return false
var shouldAdjustAudioForProximity: Bool = false
func proximitySensorStateDidChange(notification: Notification) {
if shouldAdjustAudioForProximity {
do {
try ensureCategoryForProximityState()
} catch {
owsFailDebug("error in response to proximity change: \(error)")
// TODO: externally modified proximityState monitoring e.g. CallViewController
// TODO: make sure we *undo* anything as appropriate if there are concurrent audio activities
func ensureProximityState() {
if self.device.proximityState {
Logger.debug("proximityState: true")
func ensureCategoryForProximityState() throws {
if aggregateOptions.contains(.proximitySwitchesToEarPiece) {
if self.device.proximityState {
Logger.debug("proximityState: true")
try! self.avAudioSession.overrideOutputAudioPort(.none)
} else {
Logger.debug("proximityState: false")
do {
try self.avAudioSession.overrideOutputAudioPort(.speaker)
} catch {
Logger.error("error: \(error)")
try avAudioSession.setCategory(AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord)
try avAudioSession.overrideOutputAudioPort(.none)
} else {
Logger.debug("proximityState: false")
try avAudioSession.setCategory(AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback)
@ -157,16 +154,11 @@ public class OWSAudioSession: NSObject {
defer { objc_sync_exit(self) }
currentActivities = currentActivities.filter { return $0.value != audioActivity }
if aggregateOptions.contains(.proximitySwitchesToEarPiece) {
self.device.isProximityMonitoringEnabled = true
self.shouldAdjustAudioForProximity = true
} else {
self.device.isProximityMonitoringEnabled = false
self.shouldAdjustAudioForProximity = false
do {
try ensureCategoryForProximityState()
} catch {
owsFailDebug("error in ensureProximityState: \(error)")
