Length-limit profile name field

Michael Kirk 7 years ago
parent b648165dbc
commit 362b383785

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ extern NSString *const kNSNotificationKey_ProfileRecipientId;
extern NSString *const kNSNotificationKey_ProfileGroupId;
extern const NSUInteger kOWSProfileManager_MaxAvatarDiameter;
extern const NSUInteger kOWSProfileManager_NameDataLength;
@class TSThread;
@class OWSAES256Key;

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ NSString *const kOWSProfileManager_GroupWhitelistCollection = @"kOWSProfileManag
// The max bytes for a user's profile name, encoded in UTF8.
// Before encrypting and submitting we NULL pad the name data to this length.
static const NSUInteger kOWSProfileManager_NameDataLength = 26;
const NSUInteger kOWSProfileManager_NameDataLength = 26;
const NSUInteger kOWSProfileManager_MaxAvatarDiameter = 640;
@interface OWSProfileManager ()

@ -448,12 +448,52 @@ NSString *const kProfileView_LastPresentedDate = @"kProfileView_LastPresentedDat
#pragma mark - UITextFieldDelegate
- (BOOL)textField:(UITextField *)textField
replacementString:(NSString *)insertionText
// TODO: Possibly filter invalid input.
// TODO: Possibly prevent user from typing overlong name.
return YES;
// Prevent crashing undo bug
if (editingRange.length + editingRange.location > textField.text.length) {
return NO;
NSUInteger (^byteLength)(NSString *) = ^NSUInteger(NSString *string) {
if (string == nil) {
return 0;
return [string dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding].length;
NSUInteger lengthOfRemainingExistingString
= byteLength(textField.text) - byteLength([textField.text substringWithRange:editingRange]);
NSUInteger newLength = lengthOfRemainingExistingString + byteLength(insertionText);
DDLogVerbose(@"%@ newLength: %lu", self.tag, (unsigned long)newLength);
if (newLength <= kOWSProfileManager_NameDataLength) {
return YES;
// Don't allow any change if inserting a single char (typically this means typing)
if (insertionText.length < 2) {
return NO;
// However if pasting, accept as much of the string as possible.
NSUInteger availableSpace = kOWSProfileManager_NameDataLength - lengthOfRemainingExistingString;
NSString *acceptableSubstring = @"";
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i <= insertionText.length; i++) {
NSString *maybeAcceptableSubstring = [insertionText substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, i)];
if (byteLength(maybeAcceptableSubstring) <= availableSpace) {
acceptableSubstring = maybeAcceptableSubstring;
textField.text = [textField.text stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:editingRange withString:acceptableSubstring];
// We've already handled any valid editing manually, so prevent further changes.
return NO;
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField
