Respond to CR.

Matthew Chen 6 years ago
parent 8811c61d28
commit 304f0824fe

@ -135,22 +135,15 @@ import PromiseKit
public class func saveRecordsToCloud(records: [CKRecord]) -> Promise<Void> {
var remainder = records
var promise = Promise.value(())
// CloudKit's internal limit is 400, but I haven't found a constant for this.
let kMaxBatchSize = 100
while remainder.count > 0 {
let batch = Array(remainder[0..<kMaxBatchSize])
remainder = Array(remainder[kMaxBatchSize..<remainder.count])
promise = promise.then(on: { _ in
return saveRecordsToCloud(records: batch,
remainingRetries: maxRetries)
}.then(on: { _ -> Promise<Void> in
Logger.verbose("Saved batch: \(batch.count)")
return Promise.value(())
return records.chunked(by: kMaxBatchSize).reduce(Promise.value(())) { (promise, batch) -> Promise<Void> in
return promise.then(on: .global()) {
saveRecordsToCloud(records: batch, remainingRetries: maxRetries)
}.done {
Logger.verbose("Saved batch: \(batch.count)")
return promise
private class func saveRecordsToCloud(records: [CKRecord],

@ -794,7 +794,7 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
// OWSAttachmentExport is used to lazily write an encrypted copy of the
// attachment to disk.
if (![attachmentExport prepareForUpload]) {
// Attachment files are non-critical so any error uploading them is recoverable.
// Attachment files are non-critical so any error preparing them is recoverable.
return @(1);
OWSAssertDebug(attachmentExport.relativeFilePath.length > 0);
@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
if (!fileUrl) {
// Attachment files are non-critical so any error uploading them is recoverable.
// Attachment files are non-critical so any error preparing them is recoverable.
return @(1);
@ -828,21 +828,20 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
void (^cleanup)(void) = ^{
for (OWSAttachmentExport *attachmentExport in items) {
if (![attachmentExport cleanUp]) {
OWSLogError(@"couldn't clean up attachment export.");
// Attachment files are non-critical so any error uploading them is recoverable.
// TODO: Expose progress.
dispatch_queue_t backgroundQueue = dispatch_get_global_queue(0, 0);
return promise
return [OWSBackupAPI saveRecordsToCloudObjcWithRecords:records];
for (OWSAttachmentExport *attachmentExport in items) {
if (![attachmentExport cleanUp]) {
OWSLogError(@"couldn't clean up attachment export.");
// Attachment files are non-critical so any error uploading them is recoverable.
OWSAssertDebug(items.count == records.count);
NSUInteger count = MIN(items.count, records.count);
@ -874,9 +873,13 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
// Attachment files are non-critical so any error uploading them is recoverable.
return [AnyPromise promiseWithValue:@(1)];
.catchInBackground(^(NSError *error) {
return error;
