Debug clearnet changes

Niels Andriesse 5 years ago
parent 936287683f
commit 2111e73675

@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ public extension LokiAPI {
if randomSnodePool.isEmpty {
let url = URL(string: "")!
let request = TSRequest(url: url, method: "POST", parameters: [ "method" : "get_service_nodes" ])
print("[Loki] Invoking get_service_nodes on")
return TSNetworkManager.shared().makePromise(request: request).map { intermediate in
let rawResponse = intermediate.responseObject
guard let json = rawResponse as? JSON, let intermediate = json["result"] as? JSON, let rawTargets = intermediate["service_node_states"] as? [JSON] else { throw "Failed to update random snode pool from: \(rawResponse)." }
@ -82,8 +83,11 @@ public extension LokiAPI {
return []
return rawSnodes.flatMap { rawSnode in
guard let address = rawSnode["ip"] as? String, let port = rawSnode["port"] as? Int else { return nil }
return LokiAPITarget(address: address, port: UInt16(port))
guard let address = rawSnode["ip"] as? String, let portAsString = rawSnode["port"] as? String, let port = UInt16(portAsString) else {
print("[Loki] Failed to parse target from: \(rawSnode).")
return nil
return LokiAPITarget(address: "https://\(address)", port: port)

@ -44,7 +44,13 @@ public final class LokiAPI : NSObject {
if let timeout = timeout { request.timeoutInterval = timeout ?? defaultTimeout }
let headers = request.allHTTPHeaderFields ?? [:]
let headersDescription = headers.isEmpty ? "no custom headers specified" : headers.description
print("[Loki] Invoking \(method.rawValue) on \(url) with \(parameters) (\(headersDescription)).")
let parametersDescription = "[ " + { key, value in
let valueDescription = String(describing: value)
let maxLength = 20
let truncatedValueDescription = valueDescription.count > maxLength ? valueDescription.prefix(maxLength) + "..." : valueDescription
return key + " : " + truncatedValueDescription
}.joined(separator: ", ") + " ]"
print("[Loki] Invoking \(method.rawValue) on \(target) with \(parametersDescription) (\(headersDescription)).")
return TSNetworkManager.shared().makePromise(request: request).map { $0.responseObject }
.handlingSwarmSpecificErrorsIfNeeded(for: target, associatedWith: hexEncodedPublicKey).recoveringNetworkErrorsIfNeeded()

@ -31,5 +31,5 @@ internal final class LokiAPITarget : NSObject, NSCoding {
// MARK: Description
override var description: String { return "\(address):\(port)" }
override var description: String { return "https://\(address):\(port)" }

@ -185,11 +185,8 @@ NSString *const kNSNotificationName_IsCensorshipCircumventionActiveDidChange =
- (AFHTTPSessionManager *)defaultSignalServiceSessionManager
NSURL *baseURL = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:textSecureServerURL];
NSURLSessionConfiguration *sessionConf = NSURLSessionConfiguration.ephemeralSessionConfiguration;
AFHTTPSessionManager *sessionManager =
[[AFHTTPSessionManager alloc] initWithBaseURL:baseURL sessionConfiguration:sessionConf];
AFHTTPSessionManager *sessionManager = [[AFHTTPSessionManager alloc] initWithSessionConfiguration:sessionConf];
AFSecurityPolicy *securityPolicy = AFSecurityPolicy.defaultPolicy;
securityPolicy.allowInvalidCertificates = YES;

@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, TSWhisperMessageType) {
// Production
#define textSecureWebSocketAPI @"wss://"
#define textSecureServerURL @""
#define textSecureCDNServerURL @""
// Use same reflector for service and CDN
#define textSecureServiceReflectorHost @""
