Bugfix: Caused private message to not be processed correctly

Protocol buffers do serialise the group structure even if properties
are missing. Always check with .hasGroup instead.
Frederic Jacobs 10 years ago
parent af9f8579b6
commit 2082c2ada7

@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
- (void)handleIncomingMessage:(IncomingPushMessageSignal*)incomingMessage withPushContent:(PushMessageContent*)content{
if(content.group!= nil ) {
if(content.hasGroup) {
__block BOOL ignoreMessage = NO;
[self.dbConnection readWithBlock:^(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *transaction) {
GroupModel *emptyModelToFillOutId = [[GroupModel alloc] initWithTitle:nil memberIds:nil image:nil groupId:content.group.id]; // TODO refactor the TSGroupThread to just take in an ID (as it is all that it uses). Should not take in more than it uses
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
DDLogVerbose(@"Received end session message...");
[self handleEndSessionMessage:incomingMessage withContent:content];
else if (content.attachments.count > 0 || (content.group!= nil && content.group.type == PushMessageContentGroupContextTypeUpdate && content.group.hasAvatar)) {
else if (content.attachments.count > 0 || (content.hasGroup && content.group.type == PushMessageContentGroupContextTypeUpdate && content.group.hasAvatar)) {
DDLogVerbose(@"Received push media message (attachment) or group with an avatar...");
[self handleReceivedMediaMessage:incomingMessage withContent:content];
