Disable half-working call-holding feature all together

consolidated feature-disable logic for incoming/outgoing calls to make
it easier to document, and less likely to break when we *do* implement

Michael Kirk 8 years ago
parent 969b73cad8
commit 141a1bd176

@ -91,10 +91,7 @@ final class CallKitCallUIAdaptee: NSObject, CallUIAdaptee, CXProviderDelegate {
let update = CXCallUpdate()
update.remoteHandle = CXHandle(type: .phoneNumber, value: call.remotePhoneNumber)
update.hasVideo = call.hasLocalVideo
update.supportsHolding = false
update.supportsGrouping = false
update.supportsUngrouping = false
update.supportsDTMF = false
disableUnsupportedFeatures(callUpdate: update)
// Report the incoming call to the system
provider.reportNewIncomingCall(with: call.localId, update: update) { error in
@ -139,6 +136,11 @@ final class CallKitCallUIAdaptee: NSObject, CallUIAdaptee, CXProviderDelegate {
self.provider.reportOutgoingCall(with: call.localId, connectedAt: nil)
let update = CXCallUpdate()
disableUnsupportedFeatures(callUpdate: update)
provider.reportCall(with: call.localId, updated: update)
func localHangupCall(_ call: SignalCall) {
@ -358,4 +360,19 @@ final class CallKitCallUIAdaptee: NSObject, CallUIAdaptee, CXProviderDelegate {
de-activated after having its priority restored to normal.
// MARK: - Util
private func disableUnsupportedFeatures(callUpdate: CXCallUpdate) {
// Call Holding is failing to restart audio when "swapping" calls on the CallKit screen
// until user returns to in-app call screen.
callUpdate.supportsHolding = false
// Not yet supported
callUpdate.supportsGrouping = false
callUpdate.supportsUngrouping = false
// Is there any reason to support this?
callUpdate.supportsDTMF = false
