Fix handling of URL shares.

Matthew Chen 7 years ago
parent 6a80db7844
commit 112e369435

@ -441,6 +441,30 @@ public class ShareViewController: UINavigationController, ShareViewDelegate, SAE
private func utiTypeForItem(itemProvider: NSItemProvider) -> String? {
// Special case URLs. Most shares will confirm to kUTTypeURL, but
// URLs will have kUTTypeURL as their only registered UTI type.
if itemProvider.registeredTypeIdentifiers.count == 1 {
if let firstUtiType = itemProvider.registeredTypeIdentifiers.first {
if firstUtiType == kUTTypeURL as String {
return kUTTypeURL as String
// Order matters if we want to take advantage of share conversion in loadItem,
// Though currently we just use "data" for most things and rely on our SignalAttachment
// class to convert types for us.
let utiTypes: [String] = [kUTTypeImage as String,
kUTTypeData as String]
Logger.verbose("\(self.logTag) in \(#function): registeredTypeIdentifiers: \(itemProvider.registeredTypeIdentifiers)")
let matchingUtiType = utiTypes.first { (utiType: String) -> Bool in
return matchingUtiType
private func buildAttachment() -> Promise<SignalAttachment> {
guard let inputItem: NSExtensionItem = self.extensionContext?.inputItems.first as? NSExtensionItem else {
let error = ShareViewControllerError.assertionError(description: "no input item")
@ -455,18 +479,7 @@ public class ShareViewController: UINavigationController, ShareViewDelegate, SAE
}"\(self.logTag) attachment: \(itemProvider)")
// Order matters if we want to take advantage of share conversion in loadItem,
// Though currently we just use "data" for most things and rely on our SignalAttachment
// class to convert types for us.
let utiTypes: [String] = [kUTTypeImage as String,
kUTTypeURL as String,
kUTTypeData as String]
let matchingUtiType = utiTypes.first { (utiType: String) -> Bool in
guard let utiType = matchingUtiType else {
guard let utiType = utiTypeForItem(itemProvider: itemProvider) else {
let error = ShareViewControllerError.unsupportedMedia
return Promise(error: error)
