Make opening a transaction the responsibility of the caller

nielsandriesse 4 years ago
parent 93c7c94204
commit 021d583d75

@ -38,16 +38,12 @@ public final class PublicChatAPI : DotNetAPI {
return result
private static func setLastMessageServerID(for group: UInt64, on server: String, to newValue: UInt64) {
try! Storage.writeSync { transaction in
transaction.setObject(newValue, forKey: "\(server).\(group)", inCollection: lastMessageServerIDCollection)
private static func setLastMessageServerID(for group: UInt64, on server: String, to newValue: UInt64, using transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) {
transaction.setObject(newValue, forKey: "\(server).\(group)", inCollection: lastMessageServerIDCollection)
private static func removeLastMessageServerID(for group: UInt64, on server: String) {
try! Storage.writeSync { transaction in
transaction.removeObject(forKey: "\(server).\(group)", inCollection: lastMessageServerIDCollection)
private static func removeLastMessageServerID(for group: UInt64, on server: String, using transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) {
transaction.removeObject(forKey: "\(server).\(group)", inCollection: lastMessageServerIDCollection)
private static func getLastDeletionServerID(for group: UInt64, on server: String) -> UInt? {
@ -58,22 +54,18 @@ public final class PublicChatAPI : DotNetAPI {
return result
private static func setLastDeletionServerID(for group: UInt64, on server: String, to newValue: UInt64) {
try! Storage.writeSync { transaction in
transaction.setObject(newValue, forKey: "\(server).\(group)", inCollection: lastDeletionServerIDCollection)
private static func setLastDeletionServerID(for group: UInt64, on server: String, to newValue: UInt64, using transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) {
transaction.setObject(newValue, forKey: "\(server).\(group)", inCollection: lastDeletionServerIDCollection)
private static func removeLastDeletionServerID(for group: UInt64, on server: String) {
try! Storage.writeSync { transaction in
transaction.removeObject(forKey: "\(server).\(group)", inCollection: lastDeletionServerIDCollection)
private static func removeLastDeletionServerID(for group: UInt64, on server: String, using transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) {
transaction.removeObject(forKey: "\(server).\(group)", inCollection: lastDeletionServerIDCollection)
public static func clearCaches(for channel: UInt64, on server: String) {
removeLastMessageServerID(for: channel, on: server)
removeLastDeletionServerID(for: channel, on: server)
try! Storage.writeSync { transaction in
removeLastMessageServerID(for: channel, on: server, using: transaction)
removeLastDeletionServerID(for: channel, on: server, using: transaction)
Storage.removeOpenGroupPublicKey(for: server, using: transaction)
@ -139,7 +131,11 @@ public final class PublicChatAPI : DotNetAPI {
profilePicture = PublicChatMessage.ProfilePicture(profileKey: profileKey, url: url)
let lastMessageServerID = getLastMessageServerID(for: channel, on: server)
if serverID > (lastMessageServerID ?? 0) { setLastMessageServerID(for: channel, on: server, to: serverID) }
if serverID > (lastMessageServerID ?? 0) {
try! Storage.writeSync { transaction in
setLastMessageServerID(for: channel, on: server, to: serverID, using: transaction)
let quote: PublicChatMessage.Quote?
if let quoteAsJSON = value["quote"] as? JSON, let quotedMessageTimestamp = quoteAsJSON["id"] as? UInt64, let quoteePublicKey = quoteAsJSON["author"] as? String,
let quotedMessageBody = quoteAsJSON["text"] as? String {
@ -258,7 +254,11 @@ public final class PublicChatAPI : DotNetAPI {
return nil
let lastDeletionServerID = getLastDeletionServerID(for: channel, on: server)
if serverID > (lastDeletionServerID ?? 0) { setLastDeletionServerID(for: channel, on: server, to: serverID) }
if serverID > (lastDeletionServerID ?? 0) {
try! Storage.writeSync { transaction in
setLastDeletionServerID(for: channel, on: server, to: serverID, using: transaction)
return messageServerID
