You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1870 lines
95 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import AVKit
import GRDB
import YapDatabase
import Curve25519Kit
import SessionUtilitiesKit
import SessionSnodeKit
// Note: Looks like the oldest iOS device we support (min iOS 13.0) has 2Gb of RAM, processing
// ~250k messages and ~1000 threads seems to take up
enum _003_YDBToGRDBMigration: Migration {
static let target: TargetMigrations.Identifier = .messagingKit
static let identifier: String = "YDBToGRDBMigration"
static let needsConfigSync: Bool = true
static let minExpectedRunDuration: TimeInterval = 20
static func migrate(_ db: Database) throws {
guard let dbConnection: YapDatabaseConnection = SUKLegacy.newDatabaseConnection() else {
// We want this setting to be on by default (even if there isn't a legacy database)
db[.trimOpenGroupMessagesOlderThanSixMonths] = true
SNLog("[Migration Warning] No legacy database, skipping \(target.key(with: self))")
// MARK: - Read from Legacy Database
let timestampNow: TimeInterval = Date().timeIntervalSince1970
var shouldFailMigration: Bool = false
var legacyMigrations: Set<SMKLegacy._DBMigration> = []
var contacts: Set<SMKLegacy._Contact> = []
var legacyBlockedSessionIds: Set<String> = []
var validProfileIds: Set<String> = []
var contactThreadIds: Set<String> = []
var legacyThreadIdToIdMap: [String: String] = [:]
var legacyThreads: Set<SMKLegacy._Thread> = []
var disappearingMessagesConfiguration: [String: SMKLegacy._DisappearingMessagesConfiguration] = [:]
var closedGroupKeys: [String: [TimeInterval: SUKLegacy.KeyPair]] = [:]
var closedGroupName: [String: String] = [:]
var closedGroupFormation: [String: UInt64] = [:]
var closedGroupModel: [String: SMKLegacy._GroupModel] = [:]
var closedGroupZombieMemberIds: [String: Set<String>] = [:]
var openGroupServer: [String: String] = [:]
var openGroupInfo: [String: SMKLegacy._OpenGroup] = [:]
var openGroupUserCount: [String: Int64] = [:]
var openGroupImage: [String: Data] = [:]
var interactions: [String: [SMKLegacy._DBInteraction]] = [:]
var attachments: [String: SMKLegacy._Attachment] = [:]
var processedAttachmentIds: Set<String> = []
var outgoingReadReceiptsTimestampsMs: [String: Set<Int64>] = [:]
var receivedMessageTimestamps: Set<UInt64> = []
var receivedCallUUIDs: [String: Set<String>] = [:]
var notifyPushServerJobs: Set<SMKLegacy._NotifyPNServerJob> = []
var messageReceiveJobs: Set<SMKLegacy._MessageReceiveJob> = []
var messageSendJobs: Set<SMKLegacy._MessageSendJob> = []
var attachmentUploadJobs: Set<SMKLegacy._AttachmentUploadJob> = []
var attachmentDownloadJobs: Set<SMKLegacy._AttachmentDownloadJob> = []
var legacyPreferences: [String: Any] = [:]
// Map the Legacy types for the NSKeyedUnarchivez
self.mapLegacyTypesForNSKeyedUnarchiver() { transaction in
// MARK: --Migrations
// Process the migrations (we don't want to bother running the old migrations as it would be
// a waste of time, rather we include the logic from the old migrations in here and make the
// same changes if the migration hasn't already run)
transaction.enumerateKeys(inCollection: SMKLegacy.databaseMigrationCollection) { key, _ in
guard let legacyMigration: SMKLegacy._DBMigration = SMKLegacy._DBMigration(rawValue: key) else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] Found unknown migration")
shouldFailMigration = true
Storage.update(progress: 0.01, for: self, in: target)
// MARK: --Contacts
SNLog("[Migration Info] \(target.key(with: self)) - Processing Contacts")
transaction.enumerateRows(inCollection: SMKLegacy.contactCollection) { _, object, _, _ in
guard let contact = object as? SMKLegacy._Contact else { return }
/// Store a record of the all valid profiles (so we can create dummy entries if we need to for closed group members)
legacyBlockedSessionIds = Set(transaction.object(
forKey: SMKLegacy.blockedPhoneNumbersKey,
inCollection: SMKLegacy.blockListCollection
) as? [String] ?? [])
Storage.update(progress: 0.02, for: self, in: target)
// MARK: --Threads
SNLog("[Migration Info] \(target.key(with: self)) - Processing Threads")
transaction.enumerateKeysAndObjects(inCollection: SMKLegacy.threadCollection) { key, object, _ in
guard let thread: SMKLegacy._Thread = object as? SMKLegacy._Thread else { return }
// Want to exclude threads which aren't visible (ie. threads which we started
// but the user never ended up sending a message)
if key.starts(with: SMKLegacy.contactThreadPrefix) && thread.shouldBeVisible {
// Get the disappearing messages config
disappearingMessagesConfiguration[thread.uniqueId] = transaction
.object(forKey: thread.uniqueId, inCollection: SMKLegacy.disappearingMessagesCollection)
// Process group-specific info
guard let groupThread: SMKLegacy._GroupThread = thread as? SMKLegacy._GroupThread else {
legacyThreadIdToIdMap[thread.uniqueId] = thread.uniqueId.substring(
from: SMKLegacy.contactThreadPrefix.count
if groupThread.isClosedGroup {
// The old threadId for closed groups was in the below format, we don't
// really need the unnecessary complexity so process the key and extract
// the publicKey from it
// `g{base64String(Data(__textsecure_group__!{publicKey}))}
let base64GroupId: String = String(thread.uniqueId.suffix(from: thread.uniqueId.index(after: thread.uniqueId.startIndex)))
let groupIdData: Data = Data(base64Encoded: base64GroupId),
let groupId: String = String(data: groupIdData, encoding: .utf8),
let publicKey: String = groupId.split(separator: "!"){ String($0) })
else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] Unable to decode Closed Group")
shouldFailMigration = true
legacyThreadIdToIdMap[thread.uniqueId] = publicKey
closedGroupName[thread.uniqueId] = groupThread.groupModel.groupName
closedGroupModel[thread.uniqueId] = groupThread.groupModel
closedGroupFormation[thread.uniqueId] = ((transaction.object(forKey: publicKey, inCollection: SMKLegacy.closedGroupFormationTimestampCollection) as? UInt64) ?? 0)
closedGroupZombieMemberIds[thread.uniqueId] = transaction.object(
forKey: publicKey,
inCollection: SMKLegacy.closedGroupZombieMembersCollection
) as? Set<String>
// Note: If the user is no longer in a closed group then the group will still exist but the user
// won't have the closed group public key anymore
let keyCollection: String = "\(SMKLegacy.closedGroupKeyPairPrefix)\(publicKey)"
transaction.enumerateKeysAndObjects(inCollection: keyCollection) { key, object, _ in
let timestamp: TimeInterval = TimeInterval(key),
let keyPair: SUKLegacy.KeyPair = object as? SUKLegacy.KeyPair
else { return }
closedGroupKeys[thread.uniqueId] = (closedGroupKeys[thread.uniqueId] ?? [:])
.setting(timestamp, keyPair)
else if groupThread.isOpenGroup {
guard let openGroup: SMKLegacy._OpenGroup = transaction.object(forKey: thread.uniqueId, inCollection: SMKLegacy.openGroupCollection) as? SMKLegacy._OpenGroup else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] Unable to find open group info")
shouldFailMigration = true
// We want to migrate everyone over to using the domain name for open group
// servers rather than the IP, also best to use HTTPS over HTTP where possible
// so catch the case where we have the domain with HTTP (the 'defaultServer'
// value contains a HTTPS scheme so we get IP HTTP -> HTTPS for free as well)
let processedOpenGroupServer: String = {
// Check if the server is a Session-run one based on it's
guard OpenGroupManager.isSessionRunOpenGroup(server: openGroup.server) else {
return openGroup.server
return OpenGroupAPI.defaultServer
legacyThreadIdToIdMap[thread.uniqueId] = OpenGroup.idFor(
server: processedOpenGroupServer
openGroupServer[thread.uniqueId] = processedOpenGroupServer
openGroupInfo[thread.uniqueId] = openGroup
openGroupUserCount[thread.uniqueId] = ((transaction.object(forKey:, inCollection: SMKLegacy.openGroupUserCountCollection) as? Int64) ?? 0)
openGroupImage[thread.uniqueId] = transaction.object(forKey:, inCollection: SMKLegacy.openGroupImageCollection) as? Data
Storage.update(progress: 0.04, for: self, in: target)
// MARK: --Interactions
SNLog("[Migration Info] \(target.key(with: self)) - Processing Interactions")
/// **Note:** There is no index on the collection column so unfortunately it takes the same amount of time to enumerate through all
/// collections as it does to just get the count of collections, due to this, if the database is very large, importing thecollections can be
/// very slow (~15s with 2,000,000 rows) - we want to show some kind of progress while enumerating so the below code creates a
/// very rought guess of the number of collections based on the file size of the database (this shouldn't affect most users at all)
let roughKbPerRow: CGFloat = 2.25
let oldDatabaseSizeBytes: CGFloat = (try? FileManager.default
.attributesOfItem(atPath: SUKLegacy.legacyDatabaseFilepath)[.size]
.defaulting(to: 0)
let roughNumRows: CGFloat = ((oldDatabaseSizeBytes / 1024) / roughKbPerRow)
let startProgress: CGFloat = 0.04
let interactionsCompleteProgress: CGFloat = 0.19
var rowIndex: CGFloat = 0
transaction.enumerateKeysAndObjects(inCollection: SMKLegacy.interactionCollection) { _, object, _ in
guard let interaction: SMKLegacy._DBInteraction = object as? SMKLegacy._DBInteraction else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] Unable to process interaction")
shouldFailMigration = true
/// Prune interactions from OpenGroup thread interactions which are older than 6 months
/// The old structure for the open group id was `g{base64String(Data(__loki_public_chat_group__!{}))}
/// so we process the uniqueThreadId to see if it matches that
interaction.uniqueThreadId.starts(with: SMKLegacy.groupThreadPrefix),
let base64Data: Data = Data(base64Encoded: interaction.uniqueThreadId.substring(from: SMKLegacy.groupThreadPrefix.count)),
let groupIdString: String = String(data: base64Data, encoding: .utf8),
groupIdString.starts(with: SMKLegacy.openGroupIdPrefix) ||
groupIdString.starts(with: "http")
interaction.timestamp < UInt64(floor((timestampNow - GarbageCollectionJob.approxSixMonthsInSeconds) * 1000))
interactions[interaction.uniqueThreadId] = (interactions[interaction.uniqueThreadId] ?? [])
rowIndex += 1
progress: min(
((rowIndex / roughNumRows) * (interactionsCompleteProgress - startProgress))
for: self,
in: target
Storage.update(progress: interactionsCompleteProgress, for: self, in: target)
// MARK: --Attachments
SNLog("[Migration Info] \(target.key(with: self)) - Processing Attachments")
transaction.enumerateKeysAndObjects(inCollection: SMKLegacy.attachmentsCollection) { key, object, _ in
guard let attachment: SMKLegacy._Attachment = object as? SMKLegacy._Attachment else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] Unable to process attachment")
shouldFailMigration = true
attachments[key] = attachment
Storage.update(progress: 0.21, for: self, in: target)
// MARK: --Read Receipts
transaction.enumerateKeysAndObjects(inCollection: SMKLegacy.outgoingReadReceiptManagerCollection) { key, object, _ in
guard let timestampsMs: Set<Int64> = object as? Set<Int64> else { return }
outgoingReadReceiptsTimestampsMs[key] = (outgoingReadReceiptsTimestampsMs[key] ?? Set())
// MARK: --De-duping
receivedMessageTimestamps = receivedMessageTimestamps.inserting(
contentsOf: transaction
forKey: SMKLegacy.receivedMessageTimestampsKey,
inCollection: SMKLegacy.receivedMessageTimestampsCollection
.defaulting(to: [])
transaction.enumerateKeysAndObjects(inCollection: SMKLegacy.receivedCallsCollection) { key, object, _ in
guard let uuids: Set<String> = object as? Set<String> else { return }
receivedCallUUIDs[key] = (receivedCallUUIDs[key] ?? Set())
// MARK: --Jobs
SNLog("[Migration Info] \(target.key(with: self)) - Processing Jobs")
transaction.enumerateRows(inCollection: SMKLegacy.notifyPushServerJobCollection) { _, object, _, _ in
guard let job = object as? SMKLegacy._NotifyPNServerJob else { return }
transaction.enumerateRows(inCollection: SMKLegacy.messageReceiveJobCollection) { _, object, _, _ in
guard let job = object as? SMKLegacy._MessageReceiveJob else { return }
transaction.enumerateRows(inCollection: SMKLegacy.messageSendJobCollection) { _, object, _, _ in
guard let job = object as? SMKLegacy._MessageSendJob else { return }
transaction.enumerateRows(inCollection: SMKLegacy.attachmentUploadJobCollection) { _, object, _, _ in
guard let job = object as? SMKLegacy._AttachmentUploadJob else { return }
transaction.enumerateRows(inCollection: SMKLegacy.attachmentDownloadJobCollection) { _, object, _, _ in
guard let job = object as? SMKLegacy._AttachmentDownloadJob else { return }
Storage.update(progress: 0.22, for: self, in: target)
// MARK: --Preferences
SNLog("[Migration Info] \(target.key(with: self)) - Processing Preferences")
transaction.enumerateKeysAndObjects(inCollection: SMKLegacy.preferencesCollection) { key, object, _ in
legacyPreferences[key] = object
transaction.enumerateKeysAndObjects(inCollection: SMKLegacy.additionalPreferencesCollection) { key, object, _ in
legacyPreferences[key] = object
// Note: The 'int(forKey:inCollection:)' defaults to `0` which is an incorrect value
// for the notification sound so catch it and default
legacyPreferences[SMKLegacy.soundsGlobalNotificationKey] = (transaction
forKey: SMKLegacy.soundsGlobalNotificationKey,
inCollection: SMKLegacy.soundsStorageNotificationCollection
.defaulting(to: Preferences.Sound.defaultNotificationSound.rawValue)
legacyPreferences[SMKLegacy.readReceiptManagerAreReadReceiptsEnabled] = (transaction
forKey: SMKLegacy.readReceiptManagerAreReadReceiptsEnabled,
inCollection: SMKLegacy.readReceiptManagerCollection
.defaulting(to: false)
legacyPreferences[SMKLegacy.typingIndicatorsEnabledKey] = (transaction
forKey: SMKLegacy.typingIndicatorsEnabledKey,
inCollection: SMKLegacy.typingIndicatorsCollection
.defaulting(to: false)
legacyPreferences[SMKLegacy.screenLockIsScreenLockEnabledKey] = (transaction
forKey: SMKLegacy.screenLockIsScreenLockEnabledKey,
inCollection: SMKLegacy.screenLockCollection
.defaulting(to: false)
legacyPreferences[SMKLegacy.screenLockScreenLockTimeoutSecondsKey] = (transaction
forKey: SMKLegacy.screenLockScreenLockTimeoutSecondsKey,
inCollection: SMKLegacy.screenLockCollection)
.defaulting(to: (15 * 60))
Storage.update(progress: 0.23, for: self, in: target)
// We can't properly throw within the 'enumerateKeysAndObjects' block so have to throw here
guard !shouldFailMigration else { throw StorageError.migrationFailed }
// Insert the data into GRDB
let currentUserPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db)
// MARK: - Insert Contacts
SNLog("[Migration Info] \(target.key(with: self)) - Inserting Contacts")
try autoreleasepool {
// Values for contact progress
let contactStartProgress: CGFloat = 0.23
let progressPerContact: CGFloat = (0.05 / CGFloat(contacts.count))
try contacts.enumerated().forEach { index, legacyContact in
let isCurrentUser: Bool = (legacyContact.sessionID == currentUserPublicKey)
let contactThreadId: String = SMKLegacy._ContactThread.threadId(from: legacyContact.sessionID)
// Create the "Profile" for the legacy contact
try Profile(
id: legacyContact.sessionID,
name: ( ?? legacyContact.sessionID),
nickname: legacyContact.nickname,
profilePictureUrl: legacyContact.profilePictureURL,
profilePictureFileName: legacyContact.profilePictureFileName,
profileEncryptionKey: legacyContact.profileEncryptionKey
/// **Note:** The blow "shouldForce" flags are here to allow us to avoid having to run legacy migrations they
/// replicate the behaviour of a number of the migrations and perform the changes if the migrations had never run
/// `ContactsMigration` - Marked all existing contacts as trusted
let shouldForceTrustContact: Bool = (!legacyMigrations.contains(.contactsMigration))
/// `MessageRequestsMigration` - Marked all existing contacts as isApproved and didApproveMe
let shouldForceApproveContact: Bool = (!legacyMigrations.contains(.messageRequestsMigration))
/// `BlockingManagerRemovalMigration` - Removed the old blocking manager and updated contacts isBlocked flag accordingly
let shouldForceBlockContact: Bool = (
!legacyMigrations.contains(.messageRequestsMigration) &&
/// Looks like there are some cases where conversations would be visible in the old version but wouldn't in the new version
/// it seems to be related to the `isApproved` and `didApproveMe` not being set correctly somehow, this logic is to
/// ensure the flags are set correctly based on sent/received messages
let interactionsForContact: [SMKLegacy._DBInteraction] = (interactions["\(SMKLegacy.contactThreadPrefix)\(legacyContact.sessionID)"] ?? [])
let shouldForceIsApproved: Bool = interactionsForContact
.contains(where: { $0 is SMKLegacy._DBOutgoingMessage })
let shouldForceDidApproveMe: Bool = interactionsForContact
.contains(where: { $0 is SMKLegacy._DBIncomingMessage })
// Determine if this contact is a "real" contact (don't want to create contacts for
// every user in the new structure but still want profiles for every user)
isCurrentUser ||
contactThreadIds.contains(contactThreadId) ||
legacyContact.isApproved ||
legacyContact.didApproveMe ||
legacyContact.isBlocked ||
legacyContact.hasBeenBlocked ||
shouldForceTrustContact ||
shouldForceApproveContact ||
shouldForceBlockContact ||
shouldForceIsApproved ||
// Create the contact
try Contact(
id: legacyContact.sessionID,
isTrusted: (
isCurrentUser ||
legacyContact.isTrusted ||
isApproved: (
isCurrentUser ||
legacyContact.isApproved ||
shouldForceApproveContact ||
isBlocked: (
!isCurrentUser && (
legacyContact.isBlocked ||
didApproveMe: (
isCurrentUser ||
legacyContact.didApproveMe ||
shouldForceApproveContact ||
hasBeenBlocked: (!isCurrentUser && (legacyContact.hasBeenBlocked || legacyContact.isBlocked))
// Increment the progress for each contact
progress: contactStartProgress + (progressPerContact * CGFloat(index + 1)),
for: self,
in: target
// Clear out processed data (give the memory a change to be freed)
contacts = []
legacyBlockedSessionIds = []
contactThreadIds = []
// MARK: - Insert Threads
SNLog("[Migration Info] \(target.key(with: self)) - Inserting Threads & Interactions")
var legacyInteractionToIdMap: [String: Int64] = [:]
var legacyInteractionIdentifierToIdMap: [String: Int64] = [:]
var legacyInteractionIdentifierToIdFallbackMap: [String: Int64] = [:]
func identifier(
for threadId: String,
sentTimestamp: UInt64,
recipients: [String],
destination: Message.Destination?,
variant: Interaction.Variant?,
useFallback: Bool
) -> String {
let recipientString: String = {
if let destination: Message.Destination = destination {
switch destination {
case .contact(let publicKey): return publicKey
default: break
return (recipients.first ?? "0")
return [
(useFallback ?
// Fallback to seconds-based accuracy (instead of milliseconds)
String("\(sentTimestamp)".prefix("\(Int(Date().timeIntervalSince1970))".count)) :
(useFallback ? { "\($0)" } : nil),
.compactMap { $0 }
.joined(separator: "-")
// Values for thread progress
var interactionCounter: CGFloat = 0
let allInteractionsCount: Int = { $0.value.count }.reduce(0, +)
let threadInteractionsStartProgress: CGFloat = 0.28
let progressPerInteraction: CGFloat = (0.70 / CGFloat(allInteractionsCount))
// Sort by id just so we can make the migration process more determinstic
try legacyThreads.sorted(by: { lhs, rhs in lhs.uniqueId < rhs.uniqueId }).forEach { legacyThread in
guard let threadId: String = legacyThreadIdToIdMap[legacyThread.uniqueId] else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] Unable to migrate thread with no id mapping")
throw StorageError.migrationFailed
let threadVariant: SessionThread.Variant
let onlyNotifyForMentions: Bool
switch legacyThread {
case let groupThread as SMKLegacy._GroupThread:
threadVariant = (groupThread.isOpenGroup ? .openGroup : .closedGroup)
onlyNotifyForMentions = groupThread.isOnlyNotifyingForMentions
threadVariant = .contact
onlyNotifyForMentions = false
try autoreleasepool {
try SessionThread(
id: threadId,
variant: threadVariant,
creationDateTimestamp: legacyThread.creationDate.timeIntervalSince1970,
shouldBeVisible: legacyThread.shouldBeVisible,
isPinned: legacyThread.isPinned,
messageDraft: ((legacyThread.messageDraft ?? "").isEmpty ?
nil :
mutedUntilTimestamp: legacyThread.mutedUntilDate?.timeIntervalSince1970,
onlyNotifyForMentions: onlyNotifyForMentions
// Disappearing Messages Configuration
if let config: SMKLegacy._DisappearingMessagesConfiguration = disappearingMessagesConfiguration[threadId] {
try DisappearingMessagesConfiguration(
threadId: threadId,
isEnabled: config.isEnabled,
durationSeconds: TimeInterval(config.durationSeconds),
lastChangeTimestampMs: 0
else {
try DisappearingMessagesConfiguration
// Closed Groups
if legacyThread.isClosedGroup {
let name: String = closedGroupName[legacyThread.uniqueId],
let groupModel: SMKLegacy._GroupModel = closedGroupModel[legacyThread.uniqueId],
let formationTimestamp: UInt64 = closedGroupFormation[legacyThread.uniqueId]
else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] Closed group missing required data")
throw StorageError.migrationFailed
try ClosedGroup(
threadId: threadId,
name: name,
formationTimestamp: TimeInterval(formationTimestamp)
// Note: If a user has left a closed group then they won't actually have any keys
// but they should still be able to browse the old messages so we do want to allow
// this case and migrate the rest of the info
try closedGroupKeys[legacyThread.uniqueId]?.forEach { timestamp, legacyKeys in
try ClosedGroupKeyPair(
threadId: threadId,
publicKey: legacyKeys.publicKey,
secretKey: legacyKeys.privateKey,
receivedTimestamp: timestamp
// Create the 'GroupMember' models for the group (even if the current user is no longer
// a member as these objects are used to generate the group avatar icon)
func createDummyProfile(profileId: String) {
SNLog("[Migration Warning] Closed group member with unknown user found - Creating empty profile")
// Note: Need to upsert here because it's possible multiple quotes
// will use the same invalid 'authorId' value resulting in a unique
// constraint violation
try? Profile(
id: profileId,
name: profileId
try groupModel.groupMemberIds.forEach { memberId in
try GroupMember(
groupId: threadId,
profileId: memberId,
role: .standard,
isHidden: false // Ignored: Didn't exist at time of migration
if !validProfileIds.contains(memberId) {
createDummyProfile(profileId: memberId)
try groupModel.groupAdminIds.forEach { adminId in
try GroupMember(
groupId: threadId,
profileId: adminId,
role: .admin,
isHidden: false // Ignored: Didn't exist at time of migration
if !validProfileIds.contains(adminId) {
createDummyProfile(profileId: adminId)
try (closedGroupZombieMemberIds[legacyThread.uniqueId] ?? []).forEach { zombieId in
try GroupMember(
groupId: threadId,
profileId: zombieId,
role: .zombie,
isHidden: false // Ignored: Didn't exist at time of migration
if !validProfileIds.contains(zombieId) {
createDummyProfile(profileId: zombieId)
// Open Groups
if legacyThread.isOpenGroup {
let openGroup: SMKLegacy._OpenGroup = openGroupInfo[legacyThread.uniqueId],
let targetOpenGroupServer: String = openGroupServer[legacyThread.uniqueId]
else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] Open group missing required data")
throw StorageError.migrationFailed
try OpenGroup(
server: targetOpenGroupServer,
publicKey: openGroup.publicKey,
isActive: true,
roomDescription: nil,
imageId: openGroup.imageID,
imageData: openGroupImage[legacyThread.uniqueId],
userCount: (openGroupUserCount[legacyThread.uniqueId] ?? 0), // Will be updated next poll
infoUpdates: 0,
sequenceNumber: 0,
inboxLatestMessageId: 0,
outboxLatestMessageId: 0
try autoreleasepool {
try interactions[legacyThread.uniqueId]?
.sorted(by: { lhs, rhs in lhs.timestamp < rhs.timestamp }) // Maintain sort order
.forEach { legacyInteraction in
let serverHash: String?
let variant: Interaction.Variant
let authorId: String
let body: String?
let wasRead: Bool
let expiresInSeconds: UInt32?
let expiresStartedAtMs: UInt64?
let openGroupServerMessageId: Int64?
let recipientStateMap: [String: SMKLegacy._DBOutgoingMessageRecipientState]?
let mostRecentFailureText: String?
let quotedMessage: SMKLegacy._DBQuotedMessage?
let linkPreview: SMKLegacy._DBLinkPreview?
let linkPreviewVariant: LinkPreview.Variant
var attachmentIds: [String]
// Handle the common 'SMKLegacy._DBMessage' values first
if let legacyMessage: SMKLegacy._DBMessage = legacyInteraction as? SMKLegacy._DBMessage {
serverHash = legacyMessage.serverHash
// The legacy code only considered '!= 0' ids as valid so set those
// values to be null to avoid the unique constraint (it's also more
// correct for the values to be null)
// Note: Looks like it was also possible for this to be set to the max
// value which overflows when trying to convert to a signed version so
// we essentially discard the information in those cases)
openGroupServerMessageId = (Int64.zeroingOverflow(legacyMessage.openGroupServerMessageID) == 0 ?
nil :
quotedMessage = legacyMessage.quotedMessage
// Convert the 'OpenGroupInvitation' into a LinkPreview
if let openGroupInvitationName: String = legacyMessage.openGroupInvitationName, let openGroupInvitationUrl: String = legacyMessage.openGroupInvitationURL {
linkPreviewVariant = .openGroupInvitation
linkPreview = SMKLegacy._DBLinkPreview(
urlString: openGroupInvitationUrl,
title: openGroupInvitationName,
imageAttachmentId: nil
else {
linkPreviewVariant = .standard
linkPreview = legacyMessage.linkPreview
// Attachments for deleted messages won't exist
attachmentIds = (legacyMessage.isDeleted ?
[] :
else {
serverHash = nil
openGroupServerMessageId = nil
quotedMessage = nil
linkPreviewVariant = .standard
linkPreview = nil
attachmentIds = []
// Then handle the behaviours for each message type
switch legacyInteraction {
case let incomingMessage as SMKLegacy._DBIncomingMessage:
// Note: We want to distinguish deleted messages from normal ones
variant = (incomingMessage.isDeleted ?
.standardIncomingDeleted :
authorId = incomingMessage.authorId
body = incomingMessage.body
wasRead = incomingMessage.wasRead
expiresInSeconds = incomingMessage.expiresInSeconds
expiresStartedAtMs = incomingMessage.expireStartedAt
recipientStateMap = [:]
mostRecentFailureText = nil
case let outgoingMessage as SMKLegacy._DBOutgoingMessage:
variant = .standardOutgoing
authorId = currentUserPublicKey
body = outgoingMessage.body
wasRead = true // Outgoing messages are read by default
expiresInSeconds = outgoingMessage.expiresInSeconds
expiresStartedAtMs = outgoingMessage.expireStartedAt
recipientStateMap = outgoingMessage.recipientStateMap
mostRecentFailureText = outgoingMessage.mostRecentFailureText
case let infoMessage as SMKLegacy._DBInfoMessage:
// Note: The legacy 'TSInfoMessage' didn't store the author id so there is no
// way to determine who actually triggered the info message
authorId = currentUserPublicKey
body = {
// Note: Some message types stored additional info and constructed a string
// at display time, instead we encode the data into the body of the message
// as JSON so we want to continue that behaviour but not change the database
// structure for some edge cases
switch infoMessage.messageType {
case .disappearingMessagesUpdate:
let updateMessage: SMKLegacy._DisappearingConfigurationUpdateInfoMessage = infoMessage as? SMKLegacy._DisappearingConfigurationUpdateInfoMessage,
let infoMessageData: Data = try? JSONEncoder().encode(
senderName: updateMessage.createdByRemoteName,
isEnabled: updateMessage.configurationIsEnabled,
durationSeconds: TimeInterval(updateMessage.configurationDurationSeconds),
2 years ago
type: nil,
isPreviousOff: false
let infoMessageString: String = String(data: infoMessageData, encoding: .utf8)
else { break }
return infoMessageString
case .call:
let messageInfo: CallMessage.MessageInfo = CallMessage.MessageInfo(
state: {
switch infoMessage.callState {
case .incoming: return .incoming
case .outgoing: return .outgoing
case .missed: return .missed
case .permissionDenied: return .permissionDenied
case .unknown: return .unknown
let messageInfoData: Data = try? JSONEncoder().encode(messageInfo),
let messageInfoDataString: String = String(data: messageInfoData, encoding: .utf8)
else { break }
return messageInfoDataString
default: break
return ((infoMessage.body ?? "").isEmpty ?
infoMessage.customMessage :
wasRead = infoMessage.wasRead
expiresInSeconds = nil // Info messages don't expire
expiresStartedAtMs = nil // Info messages don't expire
recipientStateMap = [:]
mostRecentFailureText = nil
switch infoMessage.messageType {
case .groupCreated: variant = .infoClosedGroupCreated
case .groupUpdated: variant = .infoClosedGroupUpdated
case .groupCurrentUserLeft: variant = .infoClosedGroupCurrentUserLeft
case .disappearingMessagesUpdate: variant = .infoDisappearingMessagesUpdate
case .screenshotNotification: variant = .infoScreenshotNotification
case .mediaSavedNotification: variant = .infoMediaSavedNotification
case .call: variant = .infoCall
case .messageRequestAccepted: variant = .infoMessageRequestAccepted
SNLog("[Migration Error] Unsupported interaction type")
throw StorageError.migrationFailed
// Insert the data
let interaction: Interaction
do {
interaction = try Interaction(
serverHash: {
switch variant {
// Don't store the 'serverHash' for these so sync messages
// are seen as duplicates
case .infoDisappearingMessagesUpdate: return nil
default: return serverHash
messageUuid: {
guard variant == .infoCall else { return nil }
/// **Note:** Unfortunately there is no good way to properly match this UUID up with the correct
/// interaction (and it was previously stored as a Set so the values will be unsorted anyway); luckily
/// we are only using this value for updating and de-duping purposes at this stage so it _shouldn't_
/// matter if the values end up being assigned to the wrong interactions, we do still want to try and
/// store each value through so mutate the list as we process each UUID
/// **Note:** It looks like these values were stored against the sessionId rather than the legacy
/// thread unique id
return receivedCallUUIDs[threadId]?.popFirst()
threadId: threadId,
authorId: authorId,
variant: variant,
body: body,
timestampMs: Int64.zeroingOverflow(legacyInteraction.timestamp),
receivedAtTimestampMs: Int64.zeroingOverflow(legacyInteraction.receivedAtTimestamp),
wasRead: wasRead,
hasMention: Interaction.isUserMentioned(
threadId: threadId,
body: body,
quoteAuthorId: quotedMessage?.authorId
// For both of these '0' used to be equivalent to null
expiresInSeconds: ((expiresInSeconds ?? 0) > 0 ? { TimeInterval($0) } :
expiresStartedAtMs: ((expiresStartedAtMs ?? 0) > 0 ? { Double($0) } :
linkPreviewUrl: linkPreview?.urlString, // Only a soft link so save to set
openGroupServerMessageId: openGroupServerMessageId,
openGroupWhisperMods: false,
openGroupWhisperTo: nil
catch {
switch error {
// Ignore duplicate interactions
SNLog("[Migration Warning] Found duplicate message of variant: \(variant); skipping")
SNLog("[Migration Error] Failed to insert interaction")
throw StorageError.migrationFailed
// Insert a 'ControlMessageProcessRecord' if needed (for duplication prevention)
try ControlMessageProcessRecord(
threadId: threadId,
variant: variant,
timestampMs: Int64.zeroingOverflow(legacyInteraction.timestamp)
// Remove timestamps we created records for (they will be protected by unique
// constraints so don't need legacy process records)
guard let interactionId: Int64 = else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] Failed to insert interaction")
throw StorageError.migrationFailed
// Store the interactionId in the lookup map to simplify job creation later
let legacyIdentifier: String = identifier(
for: threadId,
sentTimestamp: legacyInteraction.timestamp,
recipients: ((legacyInteraction as? SMKLegacy._DBOutgoingMessage)?
.map { $0 })
.defaulting(to: []),
destination: (threadVariant == .contact ? .contact(publicKey: threadId) : nil),
variant: variant,
useFallback: false
let legacyIdentifierFallback: String = identifier(
for: threadId,
sentTimestamp: legacyInteraction.timestamp,
recipients: ((legacyInteraction as? SMKLegacy._DBOutgoingMessage)?
.map { $0 })
.defaulting(to: []),
destination: (threadVariant == .contact ? .contact(publicKey: threadId) : nil),
variant: variant,
useFallback: true
legacyInteractionToIdMap[legacyInteraction.uniqueId] = interactionId
legacyInteractionIdentifierToIdMap[legacyIdentifier] = interactionId
legacyInteractionIdentifierToIdFallbackMap[legacyIdentifierFallback] = interactionId
// Handle the recipient states
// Note: Inserting an Interaction into the database will automatically create a 'RecipientState'
// for outgoing messages
try recipientStateMap?.forEach { recipientId, legacyState in
try RecipientState(
interactionId: interactionId,
recipientId: recipientId,
state: {
switch legacyState.state {
case .failed: return .failed
case .sending: return .sending
case .skipped: return .skipped
case .sent: return .sent
readTimestampMs: legacyState.readTimestamp,
mostRecentFailureText: (legacyState.state == .failed ?
mostRecentFailureText :
// Handle any quote
if let quotedMessage: SMKLegacy._DBQuotedMessage = quotedMessage {
var quoteAttachmentId: String? = quotedMessage.quotedAttachments
.flatMap { attachmentInfo in
return [
// Prioritise the thumbnail as it means we won't
// need to generate a new one
.compactMap { $0 }
.first { attachmentId -> Bool in attachments[attachmentId] != nil }
// It looks like there can be cases where a quote can be quoting an
// interaction that isn't associated with a profile we know about (eg.
// if you join an open group and one of the first messages is a quote of
// an older message not cached to the device) - this will cause a foreign
// key constraint violation so in these cases just create an empty profile
if !validProfileIds.contains(quotedMessage.authorId) {
SNLog("[Migration Warning] Quote with unknown author found - Creating empty profile")
// Note: Need to upsert here because it's possible multiple quotes
// will use the same invalid 'authorId' value resulting in a unique
// constraint violation
try Profile(
id: quotedMessage.authorId,
name: quotedMessage.authorId
// Note: It looks like there is a way for a quote to not have it's
// associated attachmentId so let's try our best to track down the
// original interaction and re-create the attachment link before
// falling back to having no attachment in the quote
if quoteAttachmentId == nil && !quotedMessage.quotedAttachments.isEmpty {
quoteAttachmentId = interactions[legacyThread.uniqueId]?
.first(where: {
$0.timestamp == quotedMessage.timestamp &&
// Outgoing messages don't store the 'authorId' so we
// need to compare against the 'currentUserPublicKey'
// for those or cast to a TSIncomingMessage otherwise
quotedMessage.authorId == currentUserPublicKey ||
quotedMessage.authorId == ($0 as? SMKLegacy._DBIncomingMessage)?.authorId
"[Migration Warning] Quote with invalid attachmentId found",
(quoteAttachmentId == nil ?
"Unable to reconcile, leaving attachment blank" :
"Original interaction found, using source attachment"
].joined(separator: " - "))
// Setup the attachment and add it to the lookup (if it exists)
let attachmentId: String? = try attachmentId(
for: quoteAttachmentId,
isQuotedMessage: true,
attachments: attachments,
processedAttachmentIds: &processedAttachmentIds
// Create the quote
try Quote(
interactionId: interactionId,
authorId: quotedMessage.authorId,
timestampMs: Int64.zeroingOverflow(quotedMessage.timestamp),
body: quotedMessage.body,
attachmentId: attachmentId
// Handle any LinkPreview
if let linkPreview: SMKLegacy._DBLinkPreview = linkPreview, let urlString: String = linkPreview.urlString {
// Note: The `legacyInteraction.timestamp` value is in milliseconds
let timestamp: TimeInterval = LinkPreview.timestampFor(sentTimestampMs: Double(legacyInteraction.timestamp))
// Setup the attachment and add it to the lookup (if it exists - we do actually
// support link previews with no image attachments so no need to throw migration
// errors in those cases)
let attachmentId: String? = try attachmentId(
for: linkPreview.imageAttachmentId,
attachments: attachments,
processedAttachmentIds: &processedAttachmentIds
// Note: It's possible for there to be duplicate values here so we use 'save'
// instead of insert (ie. upsert)
try LinkPreview(
url: urlString,
timestamp: timestamp,
variant: linkPreviewVariant,
title: linkPreview.title,
attachmentId: attachmentId
// Handle any attachments
try attachmentIds.enumerated().forEach { index, legacyAttachmentId in
let maybeAttachmentId: String? = (try attachmentId(
for: legacyAttachmentId,
interactionVariant: variant,
attachments: attachments,
processedAttachmentIds: &processedAttachmentIds
// It looks like somehow messages could exist in the old database which
// referenced attachments but had no attachments in the database; doing
// nothing here results in these messages appearing as empty message
// bubbles so instead we want to insert invalid attachments instead
to: try invalidAttachmentId(
for: legacyAttachmentId,
attachments: attachments,
processedAttachmentIds: &processedAttachmentIds
guard let attachmentId: String = maybeAttachmentId else {
SNLog("[Migration Warning] Failed to create invalid attachment for missing attachment")
// Link the attachment to the interaction and add to the id lookup
try InteractionAttachment(
albumIndex: index,
interactionId: interactionId,
attachmentId: attachmentId
// Increment the progress for each contact
progress: (
threadInteractionsStartProgress +
(progressPerInteraction * (interactionCounter + 1))
for: self,
in: target
interactionCounter += 1
// Clear out processed data (give the memory a change to be freed)
legacyThreads = []
disappearingMessagesConfiguration = [:]
closedGroupKeys = [:]
closedGroupName = [:]
closedGroupFormation = [:]
closedGroupModel = [:]
closedGroupZombieMemberIds = [:]
openGroupInfo = [:]
openGroupUserCount = [:]
openGroupImage = [:]
interactions = [:]
attachments = [:]
// MARK: --Received Message Timestamps
// Insert a 'ControlMessageProcessRecord' for any remaining 'receivedMessageTimestamp'
// entries as "legacy"
try ControlMessageProcessRecord.generateLegacyProcessRecords(
receivedMessageTimestamps: { Int64.zeroingOverflow($0) }
// Clear out processed data (give the memory a change to be freed)
receivedMessageTimestamps = []
// MARK: - Insert Jobs
SNLog("[Migration Info] \(target.key(with: self)) - Inserting Jobs")
// MARK: --notifyPushServer
try autoreleasepool {
try notifyPushServerJobs.forEach { legacyJob in
_ = try Job(
failureCount: legacyJob.failureCount,
variant: .notifyPushServer,
behaviour: .runOnce,
nextRunTimestamp: 0,
details: NotifyPushServerJob.Details(
message: SnodeMessage(
recipient: legacyJob.message.recipient,
// Note: The legacy type had 'LosslessStringConvertible' so we need
// to use '.description' to get it as a basic string
ttl: legacyJob.message.ttl,
timestampMs: legacyJob.message.timestamp
// MARK: --messageReceive
try autoreleasepool {
try messageReceiveJobs.forEach { legacyJob in
// We haven't supported OpenGroup messageReceive jobs for a long time so if
// we see any then just ignore them
if legacyJob.openGroupID != nil && legacyJob.openGroupMessageServerID != nil {
// We have changed how messageReceive jobs work - we now parse the message upon receipt and
// the MessageReceiveJob only does the handling - as a result we need to do the same behaviour
// here so we don't need to support the legacy behaviour
guard let processedMessage: ProcessedMessage = try? Message.processRawReceivedMessage(db, serializedData:, serverHash: legacyJob.serverHash) else {
_ = try Job(
failureCount: legacyJob.failureCount,
variant: .messageReceive,
behaviour: .runOnce,
nextRunTimestamp: 0,
threadId: processedMessage.threadId,
details: MessageReceiveJob.Details(
messages: [processedMessage.messageInfo],
calledFromBackgroundPoller: legacyJob.isBackgroundPoll
// MARK: --messageSend
var messageSendJobLegacyMap: [String: Job] = [:]
try autoreleasepool {
try messageSendJobs.forEach { legacyJob in
// Fetch the threadId and interactionId this job should be associated with
let threadId: String = {
switch legacyJob.destination {
case .contact(let publicKey): return publicKey
case .closedGroup(let groupPublicKey): return groupPublicKey
case .openGroup(let roomToken, let server, _, _, _):
return OpenGroup.idFor(roomToken: roomToken, server: server)
case .openGroupInbox(_, _, let blindedPublicKey): return blindedPublicKey
let interactionId: Int64? = {
// The 'Legacy.Job' 'id' value was "(timestamp)(num jobs for this timestamp)"
// so we can reverse-engineer an approximate timestamp by extracting it from
// the id (this value is unlikely to match exactly though)
let fallbackTimestamp: UInt64 =
.map { UInt64($0.prefix("\(SnodeAPI.currentOffsetTimestampMs())".count)) }
.defaulting(to: 0)
let legacyIdentifier: String = identifier(
for: threadId,
sentTimestamp: (legacyJob.message.sentTimestamp ?? fallbackTimestamp),
recipients: ( { [$0] } ?? []),
destination: legacyJob.destination,
variant: nil,
useFallback: false
if let matchingId: Int64 = legacyInteractionIdentifierToIdMap[legacyIdentifier] {
return matchingId
// If we didn't find the correct interaction then we need to try the "fallback"
// identifier which is less accurate (during testing this only happened for
// 'ExpirationTimerUpdate' send jobs)
let fallbackIdentifier: String = identifier(
for: threadId,
sentTimestamp: (legacyJob.message.sentTimestamp ?? fallbackTimestamp),
recipients: ( { [$0] } ?? []),
destination: legacyJob.destination,
variant: {
switch legacyJob.message {
case is SMKLegacy._ExpirationTimerUpdate:
return .infoDisappearingMessagesUpdate
default: return nil
useFallback: true
return legacyInteractionIdentifierToIdFallbackMap[fallbackIdentifier]
// Don't botther adding any 'MessageSend' jobs VisibleMessages which don't have associated
// interactions
switch legacyJob.message {
case is SMKLegacy._VisibleMessage:
guard interactionId != nil else {
SNLog("[Migration Warning] Unable to find associated interaction to messageSend job, ignoring.")
default: break
let job: Job? = try Job(
failureCount: legacyJob.failureCount,
variant: .messageSend,
behaviour: .runOnce,
nextRunTimestamp: 0,
threadId: threadId,
// Note: There are some cases where there isn't a link between a
// 'MessageSendJob' and an interaction (eg. ConfigurationMessage),
// in these cases the 'interactionId' value will be nil
interactionId: interactionId,
details: MessageSendJob.Details(
destination: legacyJob.destination,
message: legacyJob.message.toNonLegacy()
if let oldId: String = {
messageSendJobLegacyMap[oldId] = job
// MARK: --attachmentUpload
try autoreleasepool {
try attachmentUploadJobs.forEach { legacyJob in
guard let sendJob: Job = messageSendJobLegacyMap[legacyJob.messageSendJobID], let sendJobId: Int64 = else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] attachmentUpload job missing associated MessageSendJob")
throw StorageError.migrationFailed
let uploadJob: Job? = try Job(
failureCount: legacyJob.failureCount,
variant: .attachmentUpload,
behaviour: .runOnce,
threadId: sendJob.threadId,
interactionId: sendJob.interactionId,
details: AttachmentUploadJob.Details(
messageSendJobId: sendJobId,
attachmentId: legacyJob.attachmentID
// Add the dependency to the relevant MessageSendJob
guard let uploadJobId: Int64 = uploadJob?.id else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] attachmentUpload job was not created")
throw StorageError.migrationFailed
try JobDependencies(
jobId: sendJobId,
dependantId: uploadJobId
// MARK: --attachmentDownload
try autoreleasepool {
try attachmentDownloadJobs.forEach { legacyJob in
guard let interactionId: Int64 = legacyInteractionToIdMap[legacyJob.tsMessageID] else {
// This can happen if an UnsendRequest came before an AttachmentDownloadJob completed
SNLog("[Migration Warning] attachmentDownload job with no interaction found - ignoring")
guard processedAttachmentIds.contains(legacyJob.attachmentID) else {
// Unsure how this case can occur but it seemed to happen when testing internally
SNLog("[Migration Warning] attachmentDownload job unable to find attachment - ignoring")
_ = try Job(
failureCount: legacyJob.failureCount,
variant: .attachmentDownload,
behaviour: .runOnce,
nextRunTimestamp: 0,
threadId: legacyThreadIdToIdMap[legacyJob.threadID],
interactionId: interactionId,
details: AttachmentDownloadJob.Details(
attachmentId: legacyJob.attachmentID
// MARK: --sendReadReceipts
try autoreleasepool {
try outgoingReadReceiptsTimestampsMs.forEach { threadId, timestampsMs in
_ = try Job(
variant: .sendReadReceipts,
behaviour: .recurring,
threadId: threadId,
details: SendReadReceiptsJob.Details(
destination: .contact(publicKey: threadId),
timestampMsValues: timestampsMs
Storage.update(progress: 0.99, for: self, in: target)
// MARK: - Preferences
SNLog("[Migration Info] \(target.key(with: self)) - Inserting Preferences")
db[.defaultNotificationSound] = Preferences.Sound(rawValue: legacyPreferences[SMKLegacy.soundsGlobalNotificationKey] as? Int ?? -1)
.defaulting(to: Preferences.Sound.defaultNotificationSound)
db[.playNotificationSoundInForeground] = (legacyPreferences[SMKLegacy.preferencesKeyNotificationSoundInForeground] as? Bool == true)
db[.preferencesNotificationPreviewType] = Preferences.NotificationPreviewType(rawValue: legacyPreferences[SMKLegacy.preferencesKeyNotificationPreviewType] as? Int ?? -1)
.defaulting(to: .defaultPreviewType)
if let lastPushToken: String = legacyPreferences[SMKLegacy.preferencesKeyLastRecordedPushToken] as? String {
db[.lastRecordedPushToken] = lastPushToken
if let lastVoipToken: String = legacyPreferences[SMKLegacy.preferencesKeyLastRecordedVoipToken] as? String {
db[.lastRecordedVoipToken] = lastVoipToken
db[.areReadReceiptsEnabled] = (legacyPreferences[SMKLegacy.readReceiptManagerAreReadReceiptsEnabled] as? Bool == true)
db[.typingIndicatorsEnabled] = (legacyPreferences[SMKLegacy.typingIndicatorsEnabledKey] as? Bool == true)
db[.isScreenLockEnabled] = (legacyPreferences[SMKLegacy.screenLockIsScreenLockEnabledKey] as? Bool == true)
// Note: 'screenLockTimeoutSeconds' has been removed, but we want to avoid changing the behaviour
// of old migrations when possible
key: "screenLockTimeoutSeconds",
value: (legacyPreferences[SMKLegacy.screenLockScreenLockTimeoutSecondsKey] as? Double)
.defaulting(to: (15 * 60))
db[.areLinkPreviewsEnabled] = (legacyPreferences[SMKLegacy.preferencesKeyAreLinkPreviewsEnabled] as? Bool == true)
db[.areCallsEnabled] = (legacyPreferences[SMKLegacy.preferencesKeyAreCallsEnabled] as? Bool == true)
db[.hasHiddenMessageRequests] = CurrentAppContext().appUserDefaults()
.bool(forKey: SMKLegacy.userDefaultsHasHiddenMessageRequests)
// Note: The 'hasViewedSeed' was originally stored on standard user defaults
db[.hasViewedSeed] = UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: SMKLegacy.userDefaultsHasViewedSeedKey)
db[.hasSavedThread] = (legacyPreferences[SMKLegacy.preferencesKeyHasSavedThreadKey] as? Bool == true)
db[.hasSentAMessage] = (legacyPreferences[SMKLegacy.preferencesKeyHasSentAMessageKey] as? Bool == true)
db[.isReadyForAppExtensions] = CurrentAppContext().appUserDefaults().bool(forKey: SMKLegacy.preferencesKeyIsReadyForAppExtensions)
Fixed a number of reported bugs, some cleanup, added animated profile support Added support for animated profile images (no ability to crop/resize) Updated the message trimming to only remove messages if the open group has 2000 messages or more Updated the message trimming setting to default to be on Updated the ContextMenu to fade out the snapshot as well (looked buggy if the device had even minor lag) Updated the ProfileManager to delete and re-download invalid avatar images (and updated the conversation screen to reload when avatars complete downloading) Updated the message request notification logic so it will show notifications when receiving a new message request as long as the user has read all the old ones (previously the user had to accept/reject all the old ones) Fixed a bug where the "trim open group messages" toggle was accessing UI off the main thread Fixed a bug where the "Chats" settings screen had a close button instead of a back button Fixed a bug where the 'viewsToMove' for the reply UI was inconsistent in some places Fixed an issue where the ProfileManager was doing all of it's validation (and writing to disk) within the database write closure which would block database writes unnecessarily Fixed a bug where a message request wouldn't be identified as such just because it wasn't visible in the conversations list Fixed a bug where opening a message request notification would result in the message request being in the wrong state (also wouldn't insert the 'MessageRequestsViewController' into the hierarchy) Fixed a bug where the avatar image wouldn't appear beside incoming closed group message in some situations cases Removed an error log that was essentially just spam Remove the logic to delete old profile images when calling save on a Profile (wouldn't get called if the row was modified directly and duplicates GarbageCollection logic) Remove the logic to send a notification when calling save on a Profile (wouldn't get called if the row was modified directly) Tweaked the message trimming description to be more accurate Cleaned up some duplicate logic used to determine if a notification should be shown Cleaned up some onion request logic (was passing the version info in some cases when not needed) Moved the push notification notify API call into the PushNotificationAPI class for consistency
2 years ago
// We want this setting to be on by default
db[.trimOpenGroupMessagesOlderThanSixMonths] = true
Storage.update(progress: 1, for: self, in: target) // In case this is the last migration
// MARK: - Convenience
private static func attachmentId(
_ db: Database,
for legacyAttachmentId: String?,
interactionVariant: Interaction.Variant? = nil,
isQuotedMessage: Bool = false,
attachments: [String: SMKLegacy._Attachment],
processedAttachmentIds: inout Set<String>
) throws -> String? {
guard let legacyAttachmentId: String = legacyAttachmentId else { return nil }
guard !processedAttachmentIds.contains(legacyAttachmentId) else {
guard isQuotedMessage else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] Attempted to process duplicate attachment")
throw StorageError.migrationFailed
return legacyAttachmentId
guard let legacyAttachment: SMKLegacy._Attachment = attachments[legacyAttachmentId] else {
SNLog("[Migration Warning] Missing attachment - interaction will show a \"failed\" attachment")
return nil
let processedLocalRelativeFilePath: String? = (legacyAttachment as? SMKLegacy._AttachmentStream)?
.map { filePath -> String in
// The old 'localRelativeFilePath' seemed to have a leading forward slash (want
// to get rid of it so we can correctly use 'appendingPathComponent')
guard filePath.starts(with: "/") else { return filePath }
return String(filePath.suffix(from: filePath.index(after: filePath.startIndex)))
let state: Attachment.State = {
switch legacyAttachment {
case let stream as SMKLegacy._AttachmentStream: // Outgoing or already downloaded
switch interactionVariant {
case .standardOutgoing: return (stream.isUploaded ? .uploaded : .uploading)
default: return .downloaded
// All other cases can just be set to 'pendingDownload'
default: return .pendingDownload
let size: CGSize = {
switch legacyAttachment {
case let stream as SMKLegacy._AttachmentStream:
// First try to get an image size using the 'localRelativeFilePath' value
let localRelativeFilePath: String = processedLocalRelativeFilePath,
let specificImageSize: CGSize = Attachment.imageSize(
contentType: stream.contentType,
originalFilePath: URL(fileURLWithPath: Attachment.attachmentsFolder)
specificImageSize != .zero
return specificImageSize
// Then fallback to trying to get the size from the 'originalFilePath'
guard let originalFilePath: String = Attachment.originalFilePath(id: legacyAttachmentId, mimeType: stream.contentType, sourceFilename: stream.sourceFilename) else {
return .zero
return Attachment
contentType: stream.contentType,
originalFilePath: originalFilePath
.defaulting(to: .zero)
case let pointer as SMKLegacy._AttachmentPointer: return pointer.mediaSize
default: return
let (isValid, duration): (Bool, TimeInterval?) = {
let stream: SMKLegacy._AttachmentStream = legacyAttachment as? SMKLegacy._AttachmentStream,
let originalFilePath: String = Attachment.originalFilePath(
id: legacyAttachmentId,
mimeType: stream.contentType,
sourceFilename: stream.sourceFilename
else {
return (false, nil)
if stream.isAudio {
if let cachedDuration: TimeInterval = stream.cachedAudioDurationSeconds?.doubleValue, cachedDuration > 0 {
return (true, cachedDuration)
let attachmentVailidityInfo = Attachment.determineValidityAndDuration(
contentType: stream.contentType,
localRelativeFilePath: processedLocalRelativeFilePath,
originalFilePath: originalFilePath
return (attachmentVailidityInfo.isValid, attachmentVailidityInfo.duration)
if stream.isVisualMedia {
let attachmentVailidityInfo = Attachment.determineValidityAndDuration(
contentType: stream.contentType,
localRelativeFilePath: processedLocalRelativeFilePath,
originalFilePath: originalFilePath
return (attachmentVailidityInfo.isValid, attachmentVailidityInfo.duration)
return (true, nil)
_ = try Attachment(
// Note: The legacy attachment object used a UUID string for it's id as well
// and saved files using these id's so just used the existing id so we don't
// need to bother renaming files as part of the migration
id: legacyAttachmentId,
serverId: "\(legacyAttachment.serverId)",
variant: (legacyAttachment.attachmentType == .voiceMessage ? .voiceMessage : .standard),
state: state,
contentType: legacyAttachment.contentType,
byteCount: UInt(legacyAttachment.byteCount),
creationTimestamp: (legacyAttachment as? SMKLegacy._AttachmentStream)?
sourceFilename: legacyAttachment.sourceFilename,
downloadUrl: legacyAttachment.downloadURL,
localRelativeFilePath: processedLocalRelativeFilePath,
width: (size == .zero ? nil : UInt(size.width)),
height: (size == .zero ? nil : UInt(size.height)),
duration: duration,
isValid: isValid,
encryptionKey: legacyAttachment.encryptionKey,
digest: {
switch legacyAttachment {
case let stream as SMKLegacy._AttachmentStream: return stream.digest
case let pointer as SMKLegacy._AttachmentPointer: return pointer.digest
default: return nil
caption: legacyAttachment.caption
return legacyAttachmentId
private static func invalidAttachmentId(
_ db: Database,
for legacyAttachmentId: String,
interactionVariant: Interaction.Variant? = nil,
attachments: [String: SMKLegacy._Attachment],
processedAttachmentIds: inout Set<String>
) throws -> String {
guard !processedAttachmentIds.contains(legacyAttachmentId) else {
return legacyAttachmentId
_ = try Attachment(
// Note: The legacy attachment object used a UUID string for it's id as well
// and saved files using these id's so just used the existing id so we don't
// need to bother renaming files as part of the migration
id: legacyAttachmentId,
serverId: nil,
variant: .standard,
state: .invalid,
contentType: "",
byteCount: 0,
creationTimestamp: (TimeInterval(SnodeAPI.currentOffsetTimestampMs()) / 1000),
sourceFilename: nil,
downloadUrl: nil,
localRelativeFilePath: nil,
width: nil,
height: nil,
duration: nil,
isValid: false,
encryptionKey: nil,
digest: nil,
caption: nil
return legacyAttachmentId
private static func mapLegacyTypesForNSKeyedUnarchiver() {
forClassName: "TSThread"
forClassName: "TSContactThread"
forClassName: "TSGroupThread"
forClassName: "TSGroupModel"
forClassName: "SNOpenGroupV2"
forClassName: "SNContact"
forClassName: "TSInteraction"
forClassName: "TSMessage"
forClassName: "TSQuotedMessage"
forClassName: "OWSAttachmentInfo"
forClassName: "SessionServiceKit.OWSLinkPreview" // Very old legacy name
forClassName: "SessionMessagingKit.OWSLinkPreview"
forClassName: "TSIncomingMessage"
forClassName: "TSOutgoingMessage"
forClassName: "TSOutgoingMessageRecipientState"
forClassName: "TSInfoMessage"
forClassName: "OWSDisappearingConfigurationUpdateInfoMessage"
forClassName: "SNDataExtractionNotificationInfoMessage"
forClassName: "TSAttachment"
forClassName: "TSAttachmentStream"
forClassName: "TSAttachmentPointer"
forClassName: "SessionMessagingKit.NotifyPNServerJob"
forClassName: "SessionSnodeKit.SnodeMessage"
forClassName: "SessionMessagingKit.SNMessageSendJob"
forClassName: "SessionMessagingKit.MessageReceiveJob"
forClassName: "SessionMessagingKit.AttachmentUploadJob"
forClassName: "SessionMessagingKit.AttachmentDownloadJob"
forClassName: "SNMessage"
forClassName: "SNVisibleMessage"
forClassName: "SNQuote"
forClassName: "SNLinkPreview"
forClassName: "SNProfile"
forClassName: "SNOpenGroupInvitation"
forClassName: "SNControlMessage"
forClassName: "SNReadReceipt"
forClassName: "SNTypingIndicator"
forClassName: "SessionMessagingKit.ClosedGroupControlMessage"
forClassName: "ClosedGroupControlMessage.SNKeyPairWrapper"
forClassName: "SessionMessagingKit.DataExtractionNotification"
forClassName: "SNExpirationTimerUpdate"
forClassName: "SNConfigurationMessage"
forClassName: "SNClosedGroup"
forClassName: "SNConfigurationMessage.SNConfigurationMessageContact"
forClassName: "SNUnsendRequest"
forClassName: "SNMessageRequestResponse"
fileprivate extension Int64 {
static func zeroingOverflow(_ value: UInt64) -> Int64 {
return (value > UInt64(Int64.max) ? 0 : Int64(value))