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// Copyright (c) 2019 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import PromiseKit
import SignalUtilitiesKit
* Signal is actually two services - textSecure for messages and red phone (for calls).
* AccountManager delegates to both.
public class AccountManager: NSObject {
// MARK: - Dependencies
var profileManager: OWSProfileManager {
return OWSProfileManager.shared()
private var preferences: OWSPreferences {
return Environment.shared.preferences
6 years ago
private var tsAccountManager: TSAccountManager {
return TSAccountManager.sharedInstance()
// MARK: -
public override init() {
// MARK: registration
@objc func registerObjc(verificationCode: String,
pin: String?) -> AnyPromise {
return AnyPromise(register(verificationCode: verificationCode, pin: pin))
func register(verificationCode: String,
pin: String?) -> Promise<Void> {
guard verificationCode.count > 0 else {
let error = OWSErrorWithCodeDescription(.userError,
comment: "alert body during registration"))
return Promise(error: error)
Logger.debug("registering with signal server")
let registrationPromise: Promise<Void> = firstly {
return self.registerForTextSecure(verificationCode: verificationCode, pin: pin)
}.then { _ -> Promise<Void> in
return self.syncPushTokens().recover { (error) -> Promise<Void> in
switch error {
case PushRegistrationError.pushNotSupported(let description):
// This can happen with:
// - simulators, none of which support receiving push notifications
// - on iOS11 devices which have disabled "Allow Notifications" and disabled "Enable Background Refresh" in the system settings."Recovered push registration error. Registering for manual message fetcher because push not supported: \(description)")
return self.enableManualMessageFetching()
throw error
}.done { (_) -> Void in
return registrationPromise
private func registerForTextSecure(verificationCode: String,
pin: String?) -> Promise<Void> {
return Promise { resolver in
6 years ago
tsAccountManager.verifyAccount(withCode: verificationCode,
pin: pin,
success: { resolver.fulfill(()) },
failure: resolver.reject)
private func syncPushTokens() -> Promise<Void> {"")
let job = SyncPushTokensJob(accountManager: self, preferences: self.preferences)
job.uploadOnlyIfStale = false
private func completeRegistration() {"")
6 years ago
// MARK: Message Delivery
func updatePushTokens(pushToken: String, voipToken: String, isForcedUpdate: Bool) -> Promise<Void> {
return Promise { resolver in
6 years ago
tsAccountManager.registerForPushNotifications(pushToken: pushToken,
6 years ago
voipToken: voipToken,
isForcedUpdate: isForcedUpdate,
success: { resolver.fulfill(()) },
failure: resolver.reject)
func enableManualMessageFetching() -> Promise<Void> {
let anyPromise = tsAccountManager.setIsManualMessageFetchEnabled(true)
return Promise(anyPromise).asVoid()