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// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
// stringlint:disable
import Foundation
import SessionUtil
public enum LibSessionError: LocalizedError {
case unableToCreateConfigObject
case nilConfigObject
case userDoesNotExist
case getOrConstructFailedUnexpectedly
case processingLoopLimitReached
case invalidCConversion
case libSessionError(String)
case unknown
public init(_ cError: [CChar]) {
self = LibSessionError.libSessionError(String(cString: cError))
public init(_ errorString: String) {
switch errorString {
default: self = LibSessionError.libSessionError(errorString)
public var errorDescription: String? {
switch self {
case .unableToCreateConfigObject: return "Unable to create config object."
case .nilConfigObject: return "Null config object."
case .userDoesNotExist: return "User does not exist."
case .getOrConstructFailedUnexpectedly: return "'getOrConstruct' failed unexpectedly."
case .processingLoopLimitReached: return "Processing loop limit reached."
case .invalidCConversion: return "Invalid conversation to C type."
case .libSessionError(let error): return "\(error)\(error.hasSuffix(".") ? "" : ".")"
case .unknown: return "An unknown error occurred."