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session-ios/Session/Media Viewing & Editing/MediaGalleryViewModel.swift

889 lines
38 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
import DifferenceKit
import SignalUtilitiesKit
public class MediaGalleryViewModel: TransactionObserver {
public let threadId: String
public let threadVariant: SessionThread.Variant
private var focusedAttachmentId: String?
public private(set) var focusedIndexPath: IndexPath?
/// This value is the current state of an album view
private var cachedInteractionIdBefore: Atomic<[Int64: Int64]> = Atomic([:])
private var cachedInteractionIdAfter: Atomic<[Int64: Int64]> = Atomic([:])
public var interactionIdBefore: [Int64: Int64] { cachedInteractionIdBefore.wrappedValue }
public var interactionIdAfter: [Int64: Int64] { cachedInteractionIdAfter.wrappedValue }
public private(set) var albumData: [Int64: [Item]] = [:]
/// This value is the current state of a gallery view
public private(set) var galleryData: [SectionModel] = []
// MARK: - Paging
public struct PageInfo {
public enum Target: Equatable {
case before
case around(id: String)
case after
let pageSize: Int
let pageOffset: Int
let currentCount: Int
let totalCount: Int
// MARK: - Initizliation
pageSize: Int,
pageOffset: Int = 0,
currentCount: Int = 0,
totalCount: Int = 0
) {
self.pageSize = pageSize
self.pageOffset = pageOffset
self.currentCount = currentCount
self.totalCount = totalCount
private var isFetchingMoreItems: Atomic<Bool> = Atomic(false)
private var pageInfo: Atomic<PageInfo>
// Gallery observing
private let updatedRows: Atomic<Set<TrackedChange>> = Atomic([])
public var onGalleryChange: (([SectionModel], PageInfo) -> ())?
// MARK: - Initialization
threadId: String,
threadVariant: SessionThread.Variant,
pageSize: Int = 1,
focusedAttachmentId: String? = nil
) {
self.threadId = threadId
self.threadVariant = threadVariant
self.pageInfo = Atomic(PageInfo(pageSize: pageSize))
self.focusedAttachmentId = focusedAttachmentId
// MARK: - Data
public struct GalleryDate: Differentiable, Equatable, Comparable, Hashable {
private static let thisYearFormatter: DateFormatter = {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "MMMM"
return formatter
private static let olderFormatter: DateFormatter = {
// FIXME: localize for RTL, or is there a built in way to do this?
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "MMMM yyyy"
return formatter
let year: Int
let month: Int
private var date: Date? {
var components = DateComponents()
components.month = self.month
components.year = self.year
return components)
var localizedString: String {
let isSameMonth: Bool = (self.month == Calendar.current.component(.month, from: Date()))
let isCurrentYear: Bool = (self.year == Calendar.current.component(.year, from: Date()))
let galleryDate: Date = ( ?? Date())
switch (isSameMonth, isCurrentYear) {
case (true, true): return "MEDIA_GALLERY_THIS_MONTH_HEADER".localized()
case (false, true): return GalleryDate.thisYearFormatter.string(from: galleryDate)
default: return GalleryDate.olderFormatter.string(from: galleryDate)
// MARK: - --Initialization
init(messageDate: Date) {
self.year = Calendar.current.component(.year, from: messageDate)
self.month = Calendar.current.component(.month, from: messageDate)
// MARK: - --Comparable
public static func < (lhs: GalleryDate, rhs: GalleryDate) -> Bool {
switch ((lhs.year != rhs.year), (lhs.month != rhs.month)) {
case (true, _): return lhs.year < rhs.year
case (_, true): return lhs.month < rhs.month
default: return false
public typealias SectionModel = ArraySection<Section, Item>
public enum Section: Differentiable, Equatable, Comparable, Hashable {
case emptyGallery
case loadNewer
case galleryMonth(date: GalleryDate)
case loadOlder
public struct Item: FetchableRecord, Decodable, Differentiable, Equatable, Hashable, Comparable {
fileprivate static let interactionIdKey: String = CodingKeys.interactionId.stringValue
fileprivate static let interactionVariantKey: String = CodingKeys.interactionVariant.stringValue
fileprivate static let interactionAuthorIdKey: String = CodingKeys.interactionAuthorId.stringValue
fileprivate static let interactionTimestampMsKey: String = CodingKeys.interactionTimestampMs.stringValue
fileprivate static let attachmentRowIdKey: String = CodingKeys.attachmentRowId.stringValue
fileprivate static let attachmentAlbumIndexKey: String = CodingKeys.attachmentAlbumIndex.stringValue
public var differenceIdentifier: String {
let interactionId: Int64
let interactionVariant: Interaction.Variant
let interactionAuthorId: String
let interactionTimestampMs: Int64
let attachmentRowId: Int64
let attachmentAlbumIndex: Int
let attachment: Attachment
var galleryDate: GalleryDate {
messageDate: Date(timeIntervalSince1970: (Double(interactionTimestampMs) / 1000))
var isVideo: Bool { attachment.isVideo }
var isAnimated: Bool { attachment.isAnimated }
var isImage: Bool { attachment.isImage }
var imageSize: CGSize {
guard let width: UInt = attachment.width, let height: UInt = attachment.height else {
return .zero
return CGSize(width: Int(width), height: Int(height))
var captionForDisplay: String? { attachment.caption?.filterForDisplay }
// MARK: - Comparable
public static func < (lhs: Item, rhs: Item) -> Bool {
if lhs.interactionTimestampMs == rhs.interactionTimestampMs {
return (lhs.attachmentAlbumIndex < rhs.attachmentAlbumIndex)
return (lhs.interactionTimestampMs < rhs.interactionTimestampMs)
// MARK: - Query
private static let baseQueryFilterSQL: SQL = {
let attachment: TypedTableAlias<Attachment> = TypedTableAlias()
return SQL("\(attachment[.isVisualMedia]) = true AND \(attachment[.isValid]) = true")
private static let galleryQueryOrderSQL: SQL = {
let interaction: TypedTableAlias<Interaction> = TypedTableAlias()
let interactionAttachment: TypedTableAlias<InteractionAttachment> = TypedTableAlias()
/// **Note:** This **MUST** match the desired sort behaviour for the screen otherwise paging will be
/// very broken
return SQL("\(interaction[.timestampMs].desc), \(interactionAttachment[.albumIndex])")
/// Retrieve the index that the attachment with the given `attachmentId` will have in the gallery
fileprivate static func galleryIndex(for attachmentId: String) -> SQLRequest<Int> {
let attachment: TypedTableAlias<Attachment> = TypedTableAlias()
let interaction: TypedTableAlias<Interaction> = TypedTableAlias()
let interactionAttachment: TypedTableAlias<InteractionAttachment> = TypedTableAlias()
return """
(gallery.galleryIndex - 1) AS galleryIndex -- Converting from 1-Indexed to 0-indexed
\(attachment[.id]) AS id,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY \(galleryQueryOrderSQL)) AS galleryIndex
FROM \(Attachment.self)
JOIN \(InteractionAttachment.self) ON \(interactionAttachment[.attachmentId]) = \(attachment[.id])
JOIN \(Interaction.self) ON \(interaction[.id]) = \(interactionAttachment[.interactionId])
WHERE \(baseQueryFilterSQL)
) AS gallery
WHERE \(SQL(" = \(attachmentId)"))
/// Retrieve the indexes the given attachment row will have in the gallery
fileprivate static func galleryIndexes(for rowIds: Set<Int64>, threadId: String) -> SQLRequest<Int> {
let attachment: TypedTableAlias<Attachment> = TypedTableAlias()
let interaction: TypedTableAlias<Interaction> = TypedTableAlias()
let interactionAttachment: TypedTableAlias<InteractionAttachment> = TypedTableAlias()
return """
(gallery.galleryIndex - 1) AS galleryIndex -- Converting from 1-Indexed to 0-indexed
\(attachment.alias[Column.rowID]) AS rowid,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY \(galleryQueryOrderSQL)) AS galleryIndex
FROM \(Attachment.self)
JOIN \(InteractionAttachment.self) ON \(interactionAttachment[.attachmentId]) = \(attachment[.id])
JOIN \(Interaction.self) ON (
\(interaction[.id]) = \(interactionAttachment[.interactionId]) AND
\(SQL("\(interaction[.threadId]) = \(threadId)"))
WHERE \(baseQueryFilterSQL)
) AS gallery
WHERE \(SQL("gallery.rowid IN \(rowIds)"))
private static let baseQuery: QueryInterfaceRequest<Item> = {
let attachment: TypedTableAlias<Attachment> = TypedTableAlias()
let interaction: TypedTableAlias<Interaction> = TypedTableAlias()
let interactionAttachment: TypedTableAlias<InteractionAttachment> = TypedTableAlias()
return Attachment
.filter(literal: baseQueryFilterSQL)
required: Attachment.interactionAttachments
required: InteractionAttachment.interaction
.asRequest(of: Item.self)
fileprivate static let albumQuery: QueryInterfaceRequest<Item> = {
let interactionAttachment: TypedTableAlias<InteractionAttachment> = TypedTableAlias()
return Item.baseQuery.order(interactionAttachment[.albumIndex])
fileprivate static let galleryQuery: QueryInterfaceRequest<Item> = {
return Item.baseQuery
.order(literal: galleryQueryOrderSQL)
fileprivate static let galleryQueryReversed: QueryInterfaceRequest<Item> = {
let interaction: TypedTableAlias<Interaction> = TypedTableAlias()
let interactionAttachment: TypedTableAlias<InteractionAttachment> = TypedTableAlias()
/// **Note:** This **MUST** always result in the same data as `galleryQuery` but in the opposite order
return Item.baseQuery
.order(interaction[.timestampMs], interactionAttachment[.albumIndex].desc)
func thumbnailImage(async: @escaping (UIImage) -> ()) {
attachment.thumbnail(size: .small, success: { image, _ in async(image) }, failure: {})
// MARK: - Album
/// This is all the data the screen needs to populate itself, please see the following link for tips to help optimise
/// performance
/// **Note:** The 'trackingConstantRegion' is optimised in such a way that the request needs to be static
/// otherwise there may be situations where it doesn't get updates, this means we can't have conditional queries
public typealias AlbumObservation = ValueObservation<ValueReducers.RemoveDuplicates<ValueReducers.Fetch<[Item]>>>
public lazy var observableAlbumData: AlbumObservation = buildAlbumObservation(for: nil)
private func buildAlbumObservation(for interactionId: Int64?) -> AlbumObservation {
return ValueObservation
.trackingConstantRegion { db -> [Item] in
guard let interactionId: Int64 = interactionId else { return [] }
let interaction: TypedTableAlias<Interaction> = TypedTableAlias()
return try Item.albumQuery
.filter(interaction[.id] == interactionId)
// MARK: - Gallery
/// This function is used to load a gallery page using the provided `limitInfo`, if a `focusedAttachmentId` is provided then
/// the `limitInfo.offset` value will be ignored and it will retrieve `limitInfo.limit` values positioning the focussed item
/// as closed to the middle as possible prioritising retrieving `limitInfo.limit` items total
/// **Note:** The `focusedAttachmentId` should only be provided during the first call, subsequent calls should solely provide
/// the `limitInfo` so content can be added before and after the initial page
private func loadGalleryPage(
_ target: PageInfo.Target,
currentPageInfo: PageInfo
) -> (items: [Item], updatedPageInfo: PageInfo) {
return GRDBStorage.shared
.read { db in
let interaction: TypedTableAlias<Interaction> = TypedTableAlias()
let totalCount: Int = try Item.galleryQuery
.filter(interaction[.threadId] == threadId)
let queryOffset: Int = {
switch target {
case .before:
return max(0, (currentPageInfo.pageOffset - currentPageInfo.pageSize))
case .around(let targetId):
// If we want to focus on a specific item then we need to find it's index in
// the queried data
guard let targetIndex: Int = try? Int.fetchOne(db, Item.galleryIndex(for: targetId)) else {
// If we couldn't find the targetId then just load the page after the current one
return (currentPageInfo.pageOffset + currentPageInfo.pageSize)
// If the focused item is within the first half of the page then we still want
// to retrieve a full page so calculate the offset needed to do so
let halfPageSize: Int = Int(floor(Double(currentPageInfo.pageSize) / 2))
// If the focused item is within the first or last half page then just
// start from the start/end of the content
guard targetIndex > halfPageSize else { return 0 }
guard targetIndex < (totalCount - halfPageSize) else {
return (totalCount - currentPageInfo.pageSize)
return (targetIndex - halfPageSize)
case .after:
return (currentPageInfo.pageOffset + currentPageInfo.currentCount)
let items: [Item] = try Item.galleryQuery
.filter(interaction[.threadId] == threadId)
.limit(currentPageInfo.pageSize, offset: queryOffset)
let updatedLimitInfo: PageInfo = PageInfo(
pageSize: currentPageInfo.pageSize,
pageOffset: (target != .after ?
queryOffset :
currentCount: (currentPageInfo.currentCount + items.count),
totalCount: totalCount
return (items, updatedLimitInfo)
.defaulting(to: ([], currentPageInfo))
private func addingSystemSections(to data: [SectionModel], for pageInfo: PageInfo) -> [SectionModel] {
// Remove and re-add the custom sections as needed
return [
(data.isEmpty ? [SectionModel(section: .emptyGallery)] : []),
(!data.isEmpty && pageInfo.pageOffset > 0 ? [SectionModel(section: .loadNewer)] : []),
data.filter { section -> Bool in
switch section.model {
case .galleryMonth: return true
case .emptyGallery, .loadOlder, .loadNewer: return false
(!data.isEmpty && (pageInfo.pageOffset + pageInfo.currentCount) < pageInfo.totalCount ?
[SectionModel(section: .loadOlder)] :
.flatMap { $0 }
private func updatedGalleryData(
with existingData: [SectionModel],
dataToUpsert: [Item],
pageInfoToUpdate: PageInfo
) -> (sections: [SectionModel], pageInfo: PageInfo) {
guard !dataToUpsert.isEmpty else { return (existingData, pageInfoToUpdate) }
let updatedGalleryData: (sections: [SectionModel], pageInfo: PageInfo) = updatedGalleryData(
with: self.galleryData,
dataToUpsert: (dataToUpsert, pageInfoToUpdate)
let existingDataCount: Int = existingData
.map { $0.elements.count }
.reduce(0, +)
let updatedGalleryDataCount: Int = updatedGalleryData.sections
.map { $0.elements.count }
.reduce(0, +)
let gallerySizeDiff: Int = (updatedGalleryDataCount - existingDataCount)
let updatedPageInfo: PageInfo = PageInfo(
pageSize: pageInfoToUpdate.pageSize,
pageOffset: pageInfoToUpdate.pageOffset,
currentCount: (pageInfoToUpdate.currentCount + gallerySizeDiff),
totalCount: (pageInfoToUpdate.totalCount + gallerySizeDiff)
// Add the "system" sections, sort the sections and return the result
return (
self.addingSystemSections(to: updatedGalleryData.sections, for: updatedPageInfo)
.sorted { lhs, rhs -> Bool in (lhs.model > rhs.model) },
private func updatedGalleryData(
with existingData: [SectionModel],
dataToUpsert: (items: [Item], updatedPageInfo: PageInfo)
) -> (sections: [SectionModel], pageInfo: PageInfo) {
var updatedGalleryData: [SectionModel] = existingData
.grouped(by: \.galleryDate)
.forEach { key, items in
guard let existingIndex = galleryData.firstIndex(where: { $0.model == .galleryMonth(date: key) }) else {
// Insert a new section
model: .galleryMonth(date: key),
elements: items
// Filter out collisions, replacing them with the updated values and insert
// and new values
let itemRowIds: Set<Int64> = { $0.attachmentRowId }.asSet()
updatedGalleryData[existingIndex] = ArraySection(
model: .galleryMonth(date: key),
elements: updatedGalleryData[existingIndex].elements
.filter { !itemRowIds.contains($0.attachmentRowId) }
.appending(contentsOf: items)
// Add the "system" sections, sort the sections and return the result
return (
self.addingSystemSections(to: updatedGalleryData, for: dataToUpsert.updatedPageInfo)
.sorted { lhs, rhs -> Bool in (lhs.model > rhs.model) },
// MARK: - TransactionObserver
private struct TrackedChange: Equatable, Hashable {
let kind: DatabaseEvent.Kind
let rowId: Int64
public func observes(eventsOfKind eventKind: DatabaseEventKind) -> Bool {
switch eventKind {
case .delete(let tableName): return (tableName == Attachment.databaseTableName)
case .update(let tableName, let columnNames):
/// **Warning:** This filtering allows us to ignore all changes to attachments except
/// for the 'isValid' column, unfortunately calling the `with()` function on an attachment
/// does result in this column being seen as updated (even if the value doesn't change) so
/// we need to be careful where we set it to avoid unnecessarily triggering updates
return (
tableName == Attachment.databaseTableName &&
// We can ignore 'insert' events as we only care about valid attachments
case .insert: return false
public func databaseDidChange(with event: DatabaseEvent) {
// This will get called for whenever an Attachment's 'isValid' column is
// updated (ie. an attachment finished uploading/downloading), unfortunately
// we won't know if the attachment is actually relevant yet as it could be for
// another thread or it might not be a media attachment
let trackedChange: TrackedChange = TrackedChange(
kind: event.kind,
rowId: event.rowID
updatedRows.mutate { $0.insert(trackedChange) }
// Note: We will process all updates which come through this method even if
// 'onGalleryChange' is null because if the UI stops observing and then starts again
// later we don't want them to have missed out on changes which happened while they
// weren't subscribed (and doing a full re-query seems painful...)
public func databaseDidCommit(_ db: Database) {
var committedUpdatedRows: Set<TrackedChange> = []
self.updatedRows.mutate { updatedRows in
committedUpdatedRows = updatedRows
// Note: This method will be called regardless of whether there were actually changes
// in the areas we are observing so we want to early-out if there aren't any relevant
// updated rows
guard !committedUpdatedRows.isEmpty else { return }
var updatedPageInfo: PageInfo = self.pageInfo.wrappedValue
let attachmentRowIdsToQuery: Set<Int64> = committedUpdatedRows
.filter { $0.kind != .delete }
.map { $0.rowId }
let attachmentRowIdsToDelete: Set<Int64> = committedUpdatedRows
.filter { $0.kind == .delete }
.map { $0.rowId }
let oldGalleryDataCount: Int = self.galleryData
.map { $0.elements.count }
.reduce(0, +)
var galleryDataWithDeletions: [SectionModel] = self.galleryData
// First remove any items which have been deleted
if !attachmentRowIdsToDelete.isEmpty {
galleryDataWithDeletions = galleryDataWithDeletions
.map { section -> SectionModel in
model: section.model,
elements: section.elements
.filter { item -> Bool in !attachmentRowIdsToDelete.contains(item.attachmentRowId) }
.filter { section -> Bool in !section.elements.isEmpty }
let updatedGalleryDataCount: Int = galleryDataWithDeletions
.map { $0.elements.count }
.reduce(0, +)
// Make sure there were actually changes
if updatedGalleryDataCount != oldGalleryDataCount {
let gallerySizeDiff: Int = (updatedGalleryDataCount - oldGalleryDataCount)
updatedPageInfo = PageInfo(
pageSize: updatedPageInfo.pageSize,
pageOffset: updatedPageInfo.pageOffset,
currentCount: (updatedPageInfo.currentCount + gallerySizeDiff),
totalCount: (updatedPageInfo.totalCount + gallerySizeDiff)
/// Store the 'deletions-only' update logic in a block as there are a number of places we will fallback to this logic
let sendDeletionsOnlyUpdateIfNeeded: () -> () = {
guard !attachmentRowIdsToDelete.isEmpty else { return }
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
self?.onGalleryChange?(galleryDataWithDeletions, updatedPageInfo)
// If there are no inserted/updated rows then trigger the update callback and stop here
guard !attachmentRowIdsToQuery.isEmpty else {
// Fetch the indexes of the rowIds so we can determine whether they should be added to the screen
let interaction: TypedTableAlias<Interaction> = TypedTableAlias()
let itemIndexes: [Int] = (try? Item.galleryIndexes(for: attachmentRowIdsToQuery, threadId: self.threadId)
.defaulting(to: [])
// Determine if the indexes for the row ids should be displayed on the screen and remove any
// which shouldn't - values less than 'currentCount' or if there is at least one value less than
// 'currentCount' and the indexes are sequential (ie. more than the current loaded content was
// added at once)
let itemsAreSequential: Bool = ( { $0 - 1 }.dropFirst() == itemIndexes.dropLast())
let validAttachmentRowIds: Set<Int64> = (itemsAreSequential && itemIndexes.contains(where: { $0 < updatedPageInfo.currentCount }) ?
attachmentRowIdsToQuery :
zip(itemIndexes, attachmentRowIdsToQuery)
.filter { index, _ -> Bool in index < updatedPageInfo.currentCount }
.map { _, rowId -> Int64 in rowId }
// If there are no valid attachment row ids then stop here
guard !validAttachmentRowIds.isEmpty else {
// Fetch the inserted/updated rows
let updatedItems: [Item] = (try? Item.galleryQuery
.filter(interaction[.threadId] == self.threadId)
.defaulting(to: [])
// If the inserted/updated rows we irrelevant (eg. associated to another thread, a quote or a link
// preview) then trigger the update callback (if there were deletions) and stop here
guard !updatedItems.isEmpty else {
// Process the upserted data
let updatedGalleryData: (sections: [SectionModel], pageInfo: PageInfo) = updatedGalleryData(
with: galleryDataWithDeletions,
dataToUpsert: updatedItems,
pageInfoToUpdate: updatedPageInfo
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
self?.onGalleryChange?(updatedGalleryData.sections, updatedGalleryData.pageInfo)
public func databaseDidRollback(_ db: Database) {}
// MARK: - Functions
@discardableResult public func loadAndCacheAlbumData(for interactionId: Int64) -> [Item] {
typealias AlbumInfo = (albumData: [Item], interactionIdBefore: Int64?, interactionIdAfter: Int64?)
// Note: It's possible we already have cached album data for this interaction
// but to avoid displaying stale data we re-fetch from the database anyway
let maybeAlbumInfo: AlbumInfo? = GRDBStorage.shared
.read { db -> AlbumInfo in
let interaction: TypedTableAlias<Interaction> = TypedTableAlias()
let newAlbumData: [Item] = try Item.albumQuery
.filter(interaction[.id] == interactionId)
guard let albumTimestampMs: Int64 = newAlbumData.first?.interactionTimestampMs else {
return (newAlbumData, nil, nil)
let itemBefore: Item? = try Item.galleryQueryReversed
.filter(interaction[.timestampMs] > albumTimestampMs)
let itemAfter: Item? = try Item.galleryQuery
.filter(interaction[.timestampMs] < albumTimestampMs)
return (newAlbumData, itemBefore?.interactionId, itemAfter?.interactionId)
guard let newAlbumInfo: AlbumInfo = maybeAlbumInfo else { return [] }
// Cache the album info for the new interactionId
self.updateAlbumData(newAlbumInfo.albumData, for: interactionId)
self.cachedInteractionIdBefore.mutate { $0[interactionId] = newAlbumInfo.interactionIdBefore }
self.cachedInteractionIdAfter.mutate { $0[interactionId] = newAlbumInfo.interactionIdAfter }
return newAlbumInfo.albumData
public func replaceAlbumObservation(toObservationFor interactionId: Int64) {
self.observableAlbumData = self.buildAlbumObservation(for: interactionId)
public func updateAlbumData(_ updatedData: [Item], for interactionId: Int64) {
self.albumData[interactionId] = updatedData
public func updateGalleryData(_ updatedData: [SectionModel], pageInfo: PageInfo) {
self.galleryData = updatedData
self.pageInfo.mutate { $0 = pageInfo }
// If we have a focused attachment id then we need to make sure the 'focusedIndexPath'
// is updated to be accurate
if let focusedAttachmentId: String = focusedAttachmentId {
self.focusedIndexPath = nil
for (section, sectionData) in updatedData.enumerated() {
for (index, item) in sectionData.elements.enumerated() {
if == focusedAttachmentId {
self.focusedIndexPath = IndexPath(item: index, section: section)
if self.focusedIndexPath != nil { break }
public func loadNewerGalleryItems() {
// Only allow on 'load older' fetch at a time
guard !isFetchingMoreItems.wrappedValue else { return }
// Prevent more fetching until we have completed adding the page
isFetchingMoreItems.mutate { $0 = true }
// Load the page before the current data (newer items) then merge and sort
// with the current data
let updatedGalleryData: (sections: [SectionModel], pageInfo: PageInfo) = updatedGalleryData(
with: galleryData,
dataToUpsert: loadGalleryPage(
currentPageInfo: pageInfo.wrappedValue
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
self?.onGalleryChange?(updatedGalleryData.sections, updatedGalleryData.pageInfo)
self?.isFetchingMoreItems.mutate { $0 = false }
public func loadOlderGalleryItems() {
// Only allow on 'load older' fetch at a time
guard !isFetchingMoreItems.wrappedValue else { return }
// Prevent more fetching until we have completed adding the page
isFetchingMoreItems.mutate { $0 = true }
// Load the page after the current data (older items) then merge and sort
// with the current data
let updatedGalleryData: (sections: [SectionModel], pageInfo: PageInfo) = updatedGalleryData(
with: galleryData,
dataToUpsert: loadGalleryPage(
currentPageInfo: pageInfo.wrappedValue
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
self?.onGalleryChange?(updatedGalleryData.sections, updatedGalleryData.pageInfo)
self?.isFetchingMoreItems.mutate { $0 = false }
public func updateFocusedItem(attachmentId: String, indexPath: IndexPath) {
// Note: We need to set both of these as the 'focusedIndexPath' is usually
// derived and if the data changes it will be regenerated using the
// 'focusedAttachmentId' value
self.focusedAttachmentId = attachmentId
self.focusedIndexPath = indexPath
// MARK: - Creation Functions
public static func createDetailViewController(
for threadId: String,
threadVariant: SessionThread.Variant,
interactionId: Int64,
selectedAttachmentId: String,
options: [MediaGalleryOption]
) -> UIViewController? {
// Load the data for the album immediately (needed before pushing to the screen so
// transitions work nicely)
let viewModel: MediaGalleryViewModel = MediaGalleryViewModel(
threadId: threadId,
threadVariant: threadVariant
viewModel.loadAndCacheAlbumData(for: interactionId)
viewModel.replaceAlbumObservation(toObservationFor: interactionId)
let initialItem: Item = viewModel.albumData[interactionId]?.first(where: { item -> Bool in == selectedAttachmentId
else { return nil }
let pageViewController: MediaPageViewController = MediaPageViewController(
viewModel: viewModel,
initialItem: initialItem,
options: options
let navController: MediaGalleryNavigationController = MediaGalleryNavigationController()
navController.viewControllers = [pageViewController]
navController.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
navController.transitioningDelegate = pageViewController
return navController
public static func createTileViewController(
threadId: String,
threadVariant: SessionThread.Variant,
focusedAttachmentId: String?
) -> MediaTileViewController {
let viewModel: MediaGalleryViewModel = MediaGalleryViewModel(
threadId: threadId,
threadVariant: threadVariant,
pageSize: MediaTileViewController.itemPageSize,
focusedAttachmentId: focusedAttachmentId
// Load the data for the album immediately (needed before pushing to the screen so
// transitions work nicely)
let pageTarget: PageInfo.Target = {
// If we don't have a `focusedAttachmentId` then default to `.before` (it'll query
// from a `0` offset
guard let targetId: String = focusedAttachmentId else { return .before }
return .around(id: targetId)
let initialGalleryData: (sections: [SectionModel], pageInfo: PageInfo) = viewModel.updatedGalleryData(
with: [],
dataToUpsert: viewModel.loadGalleryPage(
currentPageInfo: PageInfo(pageSize: MediaTileViewController.itemPageSize)
pageInfo: initialGalleryData.pageInfo
return MediaTileViewController(
viewModel: viewModel
// MARK: - Objective-C Support
// FIXME: Remove when we can
public class SNMediaGallery: NSObject {
static func pushTileView(threadId: String, isClosedGroup: Bool, isOpenGroup: Bool, fromNavController: OWSNavigationController) {
threadId: threadId,
threadVariant: {
if isClosedGroup { return .closedGroup }
if isOpenGroup { return .openGroup }
return .contact
focusedAttachmentId: nil
animated: true