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563 lines
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#!/usr/bin/xcrun --sdk macosx swift
// Copyright © 2023 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
// This script is based on the main difference
// is canges to the localized usage regex
// stringlint:disable
import Foundation
extension ProjectState {
/// Adding `// stringlint:disable` to the top of a source file (before imports) or after a string will mean that file/line gets
/// ignored by this script (good for some things like the auto-generated emoji strings or debug strings)
static let lintSuppression: String = "stringlint:disable"
static let primaryLocalisationFile: String = "en"
static let validLocalisationSuffixes: Set<String> = ["Localizable.strings"]
static let validSourceSuffixes: Set<String> = [".swift", ".m"]
static let excludedPaths: Set<String> = [
"build/", // Files under the build folder (CI)
"Pods/", // The pods folder
"Protos/", // The protobuf files
".xcassets/", // Asset bundles
".app/", // App build directories
".appex/", // Extension build directories
"tests/", // Exclude test directories
"_SharedTestUtilities/", // Exclude shared test directory
"external/" // External dependencies
static let excludedPhrases: Set<String> = [ "", " ", ",", ", ", "null" ]
static let excludedUnlocalisedStringLineMatching: Set<MatchType> = [
.contains("[UIImage imageNamed:"),
.contains(".dateFormat ="),
.contains(".accessibilityLabel ="),
.contains(".accessibilityValue ="),
.contains(".accessibilityIdentifier ="),
.containsAnd("identifier:", .previousLine(numEarlier: 1, .contains("Accessibility("))),
.containsAnd("label:", .previousLine(numEarlier: 1, .contains("Accessibility("))),
.containsAnd("label:", .previousLine(numEarlier: 2, .contains("Accessibility("))),
.regex(".*static var databaseTableName: String"),
.regex("case .* = "),
// Execute the desired actions
let targetActions: Set<ScriptAction> = {
let args = CommandLine.arguments
// The first argument is the file name
guard args.count > 1 else { return [.lintStrings] }
return Set(args.suffix(from: 1).map { (ScriptAction(rawValue: $0) ?? .lintStrings) })
print("------------ Searching Through Files ------------")
let projectState: ProjectState = ProjectState(
path: (
ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["PROJECT_DIR"] ??
loadSourceFiles: targetActions.contains(.lintStrings)
10 months ago
print("------------ Processing \(projectState.localizationFiles.count) Localization File(s) ------------")
targetActions.forEach { $0.perform(projectState: projectState) }
// MARK: - ScriptAction
enum ScriptAction: String {
case validateFilesCopied = "validate"
case lintStrings = "lint"
func perform(projectState: ProjectState) {
// Perform the action
switch self {
case .validateFilesCopied:
print("------------ Checking Copied Files ------------")
let builtProductsPath: String = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR"],
let productName: String = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["FULL_PRODUCT_NAME"],
let enumerator: FileManager.DirectoryEnumerator = FileManager.default.enumerator(
at: URL(fileURLWithPath: "\(builtProductsPath)/\(productName)"),
includingPropertiesForKeys: [.isDirectoryKey],
options: [.skipsHiddenFiles]
let fileUrls: [URL] = enumerator.allObjects as? [URL]
else { return Output.error("Could not retrieve list of files within built product") }
let localizationFiles: Set<String> = Set(fileUrls
.filter { $0.path.hasSuffix(".lproj") }
.map { $0.lastPathComponent.replacingOccurrences(of: ".lproj", with: "") })
let missingFiles: Set<String> = Set(projectState.localizationFiles
.map { $ })
guard missingFiles.isEmpty else {
return Output.error("Translations missing from \(productName): \(missingFiles.joined(separator: ", "))")
case .lintStrings:
guard !projectState.localizationFiles.isEmpty else {
return print("------------ Nothing to lint ------------")
// Add warnings for any duplicate keys
projectState.localizationFiles.forEach { file in
// Show errors for any duplicates
file.duplicates.forEach { phrase, original in Output.duplicate(phrase, original: original) }
// Show warnings for any phrases missing from the file
let allKeys: Set<String> = Set(file.keyPhrase.keys)
let missingKeysFromOtherFiles: [String: [String]] = projectState.localizationFiles.reduce(into: [:]) { result, otherFile in
guard otherFile.path != file.path else { return }
let missingKeys: Set<String> = Set(otherFile.keyPhrase.keys)
missingKeys.forEach { missingKey in
result[missingKey] = ((result[missingKey] ?? []) + [])
missingKeysFromOtherFiles.forEach { missingKey, namesOfFilesItWasFound in
Output.warning(file, "Phrase '\(missingKey)' is missing (found in: \(namesOfFilesItWasFound.joined(separator: ", ")))")
// Process the source code
print("------------ Processing \(projectState.sourceFiles.count) Source File(s) ------------")
let allKeys: Set<String> = Set(projectState.primaryLocalizationFile.keyPhrase.keys)
projectState.sourceFiles.forEach { file in
// Add logs for unlocalised strings
file.unlocalizedPhrases.forEach { phrase in
Output.warning(phrase, "Found unlocalized string '\(phrase.key)'")
// Add errors for missing localised strings
let missingKeys: Set<String> = Set(file.keyPhrase.keys).subtracting(allKeys)
missingKeys.forEach { key in
switch file.keyPhrase[key] {
case .some(let phrase): Output.error(phrase, "Localized phrase '\(key)' missing from strings files")
case .none: Output.error(file, "Localized phrase '\(key)' missing from strings files")
print("------------ Complete ------------")
// MARK: - Functionality
enum Regex {
/// Returns a list of strings that match regex pattern from content
/// - Parameters:
/// - pattern: regex pattern
/// - content: content to match
/// - Returns: list of results
static func matches(_ pattern: String, content: String) -> [String] {
guard let regex = try? NSRegularExpression(pattern: pattern, options: []) else {
fatalError("Regex not formatted correctly: \(pattern)")
let matches = regex.matches(in: content, options: [], range: NSRange(location: 0, length: content.utf16.count))
return {
guard let range = Range($0.range(at: 0), in: content) else {
fatalError("Incorrect range match")
return String(content[range])
// MARK: - Output
enum Output {
static func error(_ error: String) {
print("error: \(error)")
static func error(_ location: Locatable, _ error: String) {
print("\(location.location): error: \(error)")
static func warning(_ location: Locatable, _ warning: String) {
print("\(location.location): warning: \(warning)")
static func duplicate(
_ duplicate: KeyedLocatable,
original: KeyedLocatable
) {
print("\(duplicate.location): error: duplicate key '\(original.key)'")
// Looks like the `note:` doesn't work the same as when XCode does it unfortunately so we can't
// currently include the reference to the original entry
// print("\(original.location): note: previously found here")
// MARK: - ProjectState
struct ProjectState {
let primaryLocalizationFile: LocalizationStringsFile
let localizationFiles: [LocalizationStringsFile]
let sourceFiles: [SourceFile]
init(path: String, loadSourceFiles: Bool) {
let enumerator: FileManager.DirectoryEnumerator = FileManager.default.enumerator(
at: URL(fileURLWithPath: path),
includingPropertiesForKeys: [.isDirectoryKey],
options: [.skipsHiddenFiles]
let fileUrls: [URL] = enumerator.allObjects as? [URL]
else { fatalError("Could not locate files in path directory: \(path)") }
// Get a list of valid URLs
let lowerCaseExcludedPaths: Set<String> = Set( { $0.lowercased() })
let validFileUrls: [URL] = fileUrls.filter { fileUrl in
((try? fileUrl.resourceValues(forKeys: [.isDirectoryKey]))?.isDirectory == false) &&
!lowerCaseExcludedPaths.contains { fileUrl.path.lowercased().contains($0) }
// Localization files
let targetFileSuffixes: Set<String> = Set( { $0.lowercased() })
self.localizationFiles = validFileUrls
.filter { fileUrl in targetFileSuffixes.contains { fileUrl.path.lowercased().contains($0) } }
.map { LocalizationStringsFile(path: $0.path) }
guard let primaryLocalizationFile: LocalizationStringsFile = self.localizationFiles.first(where: { $ == ProjectState.primaryLocalisationFile }) else {
fatalError("Could not locate primary localization file: \(ProjectState.primaryLocalisationFile)")
self.primaryLocalizationFile = primaryLocalizationFile
guard loadSourceFiles else {
self.sourceFiles = []
// Source files
let lowerCaseSourceSuffixes: Set<String> = Set( { $0.lowercased() })
self.sourceFiles = validFileUrls
.filter { fileUrl in lowerCaseSourceSuffixes.contains(".\(fileUrl.pathExtension)") }
.compactMap { SourceFile(path: $0.path) }
protocol Locatable {
var location: String { get }
protocol KeyedLocatable: Locatable {
var key: String { get }
extension ProjectState {
// MARK: - LocalizationStringsFile
struct LocalizationStringsFile: Locatable {
struct Phrase: KeyedLocatable {
let key: String
let value: String
let filePath: String
let lineNumber: Int
var location: String { "\(filePath):\(lineNumber)" }
let name: String
let path: String
let keyPhrase: [String: Phrase]
let duplicates: [(Phrase, original: Phrase)]
var location: String { path }
init(path: String) {
let result = LocalizationStringsFile.parse(path) = (path
.replacingOccurrences(of: "/Localizable.strings", with: "")
.replacingOccurrences(of: ".lproj", with: "")
.components(separatedBy: "/")
.last ?? "Unknown")
self.path = path
self.keyPhrase = result.keyPhrase
self.duplicates = result.duplicates
static func parse(_ path: String) -> (keyPhrase: [String: Phrase], duplicates: [(Phrase, original: Phrase)]) {
let data: Data = FileManager.default.contents(atPath: path),
let content: String = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)
else { fatalError("Could not read from path: \(path)") }
let lines: [String] = content.components(separatedBy: .newlines)
var duplicates: [(Phrase, original: Phrase)] = []
var keyPhrase: [String: Phrase] = [:]
lines.enumerated().forEach { lineNumber, line in
let key: String = Regex.matches("\"([^\"]*?)\"(?= =)", content: line).first,
let value: String = Regex.matches("(?<== )\"(.*?)\"(?=;)", content: line).first
else { return }
// Remove the quotation marks around the key
let trimmedKey: String = String(key
.prefix(upTo: key.index(before: key.endIndex))
.suffix(from: key.index(after: key.startIndex)))
// Files are 1-indexed but arrays are 0-indexed so add 1 to the lineNumber
let result: Phrase = Phrase(
key: trimmedKey,
value: value,
filePath: path,
lineNumber: (lineNumber + 1)
switch keyPhrase[trimmedKey] {
case .some(let original): duplicates.append((result, original))
case .none: keyPhrase[trimmedKey] = result
return (keyPhrase, duplicates)
// MARK: - SourceFile
struct SourceFile: Locatable {
struct Phrase: KeyedLocatable {
let term: String
let filePath: String
let lineNumber: Int
var key: String { term }
var location: String { "\(filePath):\(lineNumber)" }
let path: String
let keyPhrase: [String: Phrase]
let unlocalizedKeyPhrase: [String: Phrase]
let phrases: [Phrase]
let unlocalizedPhrases: [Phrase]
var location: String { path }
init?(path: String) {
guard let result = SourceFile.parse(path) else { return nil }
self.path = path
self.keyPhrase = result.keyPhrase
self.unlocalizedKeyPhrase = result.unlocalizedKeyPhrase
self.phrases = result.phrases
self.unlocalizedPhrases = result.unlocalizedPhrases
static func parse(_ path: String) -> (keyPhrase: [String: Phrase], phrases: [Phrase], unlocalizedKeyPhrase: [String: Phrase], unlocalizedPhrases: [Phrase])? {
let data: Data = FileManager.default.contents(atPath: path),
let content: String = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)
else { fatalError("Could not read from path: \(path)") }
// If the file has the lint supression before the first import then ignore the file
let preImportContent: String = (content.components(separatedBy: "import").first ?? "")
guard !preImportContent.contains(ProjectState.lintSuppression) else {
print("Explicitly ignoring \(path)")
return nil
// Otherwise continue and process the file
let lines: [String] = content.components(separatedBy: .newlines)
var keyPhrase: [String: Phrase] = [:]
var unlocalizedKeyPhrase: [String: Phrase] = [:]
var phrases: [Phrase] = []
var unlocalizedPhrases: [Phrase] = []
lines.enumerated().forEach { lineNumber, line in
let trimmedLine: String = line.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
// Ignore the line if it doesn't contain a quotation character (optimisation), it's
// been suppressed or it's explicitly excluded due to the rules at the top of the file
trimmedLine.contains("\"") &&
.contains(where: { $0.matches(trimmedLine, lineNumber, lines) })
else { return }
// Split line based on commented out content and exclude the comment from the linting
let commentMatches: [String] = Regex.matches(
content: line
let targetLine: String = (commentMatches.isEmpty ? line :
line.components(separatedBy: commentMatches[0])[0]
// Use regex to find `NSLocalizedString("", "")`, `"".localised()` and any other `""`
// values in the source code
// Note: It's more complex because we need to exclude escaped quotation marks from
// strings and also want to ignore any strings that have been commented out, Swift
// also doesn't support "lookbehind" in regex so we can use that approach
var isUnlocalized: Bool = false
var allMatches: Set<String> = Set(
content: targetLine
.map { match in
// If we didn't get any matches for the standard `NSLocalizedString` then try our
// custom extension `"".localized()`
if allMatches.isEmpty {
allMatches = allMatches.union(Set(
content: targetLine
.map { match in
/// If we still don't have any matches then try to match any strings as unlocalized strings (handling
/// nested `"Test\"string\" value"`, empty strings and strings only composed of quotes `"""""""`)
/// **Note:** While it'd be nice to have the regex automatically exclude the quotes doing so makes it _far_ less
/// efficient (approx. by a factor of 8 times) so we remove those ourselves)
if allMatches.isEmpty {
// Find strings which are just not localised
let potentialUnlocalizedStrings: [String] = Regex
.matches("\\\"[^\\\"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\\\"\\\\]*)*(?:\\\")", content: targetLine)
// Remove the leading and trailing quotation marks
.map { $0.removingPrefixIfPresent("\"").removingSuffixIfPresent("\"") }
// Remove any empty strings
.filter { !$0.isEmpty }
// Remove any string conversations (ie. `.map { "\($0)" }`
.filter { value in !value.hasPrefix("\\(") || !value.hasSuffix(")") }
allMatches = allMatches.union(Set(potentialUnlocalizedStrings))
isUnlocalized = true
// Remove any excluded phrases from the matches
allMatches = allMatches.subtracting( { "\($0)" })
allMatches.forEach { match in
// Files are 1-indexed but arrays are 0-indexed so add 1 to the lineNumber
let result: Phrase = Phrase(
term: match,
filePath: path,
lineNumber: (lineNumber + 1)
if !isUnlocalized {
keyPhrase[match] = result
else {
unlocalizedKeyPhrase[match] = result
return (keyPhrase, phrases, unlocalizedKeyPhrase, unlocalizedPhrases)
indirect enum MatchType: Hashable {
case prefix(String)
case contains(String)
case containsAnd(String, MatchType)
case regex(String)
case previousLine(numEarlier: Int, MatchType)
func matches(_ value: String, _ index: Int, _ lines: [String]) -> Bool {
switch self {
case .prefix(let prefix):
return value
.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
case .contains(let other): return value.contains(other)
case .containsAnd(let other, let otherMatch):
guard value.contains(other) else { return false }
return otherMatch.matches(value, index, lines)
case .regex(let regex): return !Regex.matches(regex, content: value).isEmpty
case .previousLine(let numEarlier, let type):
guard index >= numEarlier else { return false }
let targetIndex: Int = (index - numEarlier)
return type.matches(lines[targetIndex], targetIndex, lines)
extension String {
func removingPrefixIfPresent(_ value: String) -> String {
guard hasPrefix(value) else { return self }
return String(self.suffix(from: self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: value.count)))
func removingSuffixIfPresent(_ value: String) -> String {
guard hasSuffix(value) else { return self }
return String(self.prefix(upTo: self.index(self.endIndex, offsetBy: -value.count)))