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session-ios/Session/Media Viewing & Editing/MediaGalleryViewModel.swift

643 lines
27 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
import DifferenceKit
import SignalUtilitiesKit
import SessionUtilitiesKit
import SwiftUI
public class MediaGalleryViewModel {
public typealias SectionModel = ArraySection<Section, Item>
// MARK: - Section
public enum Section: Differentiable, Equatable, Comparable, Hashable {
case emptyGallery
case loadOlder
case galleryMonth(date: GalleryDate)
case loadNewer
// MARK: Media type
public enum MediaType {
case media
case document
// MARK: - Variables
public let threadId: String
public let threadVariant: SessionThread.Variant
private var focusedAttachmentId: String?
public private(set) var focusedIndexPath: IndexPath?
public var mediaType: MediaType
/// This value is the current state of an album view
private var cachedInteractionIdBefore: Atomic<[Int64: Int64]> = Atomic([:])
private var cachedInteractionIdAfter: Atomic<[Int64: Int64]> = Atomic([:])
public var interactionIdBefore: [Int64: Int64] { cachedInteractionIdBefore.wrappedValue }
public var interactionIdAfter: [Int64: Int64] { cachedInteractionIdAfter.wrappedValue }
public private(set) var albumData: [Int64: [Item]] = [:]
public private(set) var pagedDataObserver: PagedDatabaseObserver<Attachment, Item>?
/// This value is the current state of a gallery view
private var unobservedGalleryDataChanges: ([SectionModel], StagedChangeset<[SectionModel]>)?
public private(set) var galleryData: [SectionModel] = []
public var onGalleryChange: (([SectionModel], StagedChangeset<[SectionModel]>) -> ())? {
didSet {
// When starting to observe interaction changes we want to trigger a UI update just in case the
// data was changed while we weren't observing
if let changes: ([SectionModel], StagedChangeset<[SectionModel]>) = self.unobservedGalleryDataChanges {
let performChange: (([SectionModel], StagedChangeset<[SectionModel]>) -> ())? = onGalleryChange
switch Thread.isMainThread {
case true: performChange?(changes.0, changes.1)
case false: DispatchQueue.main.async { performChange?(changes.0, changes.1) }
self.unobservedGalleryDataChanges = nil
// MARK: - Initialization
threadId: String,
threadVariant: SessionThread.Variant,
isPagedData: Bool,
mediaType: MediaType,
pageSize: Int = 1,
focusedAttachmentId: String? = nil,
performInitialQuerySync: Bool = false
) {
self.threadId = threadId
self.threadVariant = threadVariant
self.focusedAttachmentId = focusedAttachmentId
self.pagedDataObserver = nil
self.mediaType = mediaType
guard isPagedData else { return }
// Note: Since this references self we need to finish initializing before setting it, we
// also want to skip the initial query and trigger it async so that the push animation
// doesn't stutter (it should load basically immediately but without this there is a
// distinct stutter)
self.pagedDataObserver = PagedDatabaseObserver(
pagedTable: Attachment.self,
pageSize: pageSize,
idColumn: .id,
observedChanges: [
table: Attachment.self,
columns: [.isValid]
joinSQL: Item.joinSQL,
filterSQL: Item.filterSQL(threadId: threadId, mediaType: self.mediaType),
orderSQL: Item.galleryOrderSQL,
dataQuery: Item.baseQuery(orderSQL: Item.galleryOrderSQL),
onChangeUnsorted: { [weak self] updatedData, updatedPageInfo in
updatedData: self?.process(data: updatedData, for: updatedPageInfo),
currentDataRetriever: { self?.galleryData },
onDataChangeRetriever: { self?.onGalleryChange },
onUnobservedDataChange: { updatedData, changeset in
self?.unobservedGalleryDataChanges = (changeset.isEmpty ?
nil :
(updatedData, changeset)
// Run the initial query on a backgorund thread so we don't block the push transition
let loadInitialData: () -> () = { [weak self] in
// If we don't have a `initialFocusedId` then default to `.pageBefore` (it'll query
// from a `0` offset)
guard let initialFocusedId: String = focusedAttachmentId else {
self?.pagedDataObserver?.load(.initialPageAround(id: initialFocusedId))
// We have a custom transition when going from an attachment detail screen to the tile gallery
// so in that case we want to perform the initial query synchronously so that we have the content
// to do the transition (we don't clear the 'unobservedGalleryDataChanges' after setting it as
// we don't want to mess with the initial view controller behaviour)
guard !performInitialQuerySync else {
updateGalleryData(self.unobservedGalleryDataChanges?.0 ?? [])
} .userInitiated).async {
// MARK: - Data
public struct GalleryDate: Differentiable, Equatable, Comparable, Hashable {
private static let thisYearFormatter: DateFormatter = {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "MMMM" // stringlint:disable
return formatter
private static let olderFormatter: DateFormatter = {
// FIXME: localize for RTL, or is there a built in way to do this?
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "MMMM yyyy" // stringlint:disable
return formatter
let year: Int
let month: Int
private var date: Date? {
var components = DateComponents()
components.month = self.month
components.year = self.year
return components)
var localizedString: String {
let isSameMonth: Bool = (self.month == Calendar.current.component(.month, from: Date()))
let isCurrentYear: Bool = (self.year == Calendar.current.component(.year, from: Date()))
let galleryDate: Date = ( ?? Date())
switch (isSameMonth, isCurrentYear) {
case (true, true): return "MEDIA_GALLERY_THIS_MONTH_HEADER".localized()
case (false, true): return GalleryDate.thisYearFormatter.string(from: galleryDate)
default: return GalleryDate.olderFormatter.string(from: galleryDate)
// MARK: - --Initialization
init(messageDate: Date) {
self.year = Calendar.current.component(.year, from: messageDate)
self.month = Calendar.current.component(.month, from: messageDate)
// MARK: - --Comparable
public static func < (lhs: GalleryDate, rhs: GalleryDate) -> Bool {
switch ((lhs.year != rhs.year), (lhs.month != rhs.month)) {
case (true, _): return lhs.year < rhs.year
case (_, true): return lhs.month < rhs.month
default: return false
public struct Item: FetchableRecordWithRowId, Decodable, Identifiable, Differentiable, Equatable, Hashable, ColumnExpressible {
public typealias Columns = CodingKeys
public enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey, ColumnExpression, CaseIterable {
case interactionId
case interactionVariant
case interactionAuthorId
case interactionTimestampMs
case rowId
case attachmentAlbumIndex
case attachment
public var id: String { }
public var differenceIdentifier: String { }
let interactionId: Int64
let interactionVariant: Interaction.Variant
let interactionAuthorId: String
let interactionTimestampMs: Int64
public var rowId: Int64
let attachmentAlbumIndex: Int
let attachment: Attachment
var galleryDate: GalleryDate {
messageDate: Date(timeIntervalSince1970: (Double(interactionTimestampMs) / 1000))
var isVideo: Bool { attachment.isVideo }
var isAnimated: Bool { attachment.isAnimated }
var isImage: Bool { attachment.isImage }
var imageSize: CGSize {
guard let width: UInt = attachment.width, let height: UInt = attachment.height else {
return .zero
return CGSize(width: Int(width), height: Int(height))
var captionForDisplay: String? { attachment.caption?.filterForDisplay }
// MARK: - Query
fileprivate static let joinSQL: SQL = {
let attachment: TypedTableAlias<Attachment> = TypedTableAlias()
let interaction: TypedTableAlias<Interaction> = TypedTableAlias()
let interactionAttachment: TypedTableAlias<InteractionAttachment> = TypedTableAlias()
return """
JOIN \(InteractionAttachment.self) ON \(interactionAttachment[.attachmentId]) = \(attachment[.id])
JOIN \(Interaction.self) ON \(interaction[.id]) = \(interactionAttachment[.interactionId])
fileprivate static func filterSQL(threadId: String, mediaType: MediaType) -> SQL {
let interaction: TypedTableAlias<Interaction> = TypedTableAlias()
let attachment: TypedTableAlias<Attachment> = TypedTableAlias()
switch (mediaType) {
case .media:
return SQL("""
\(attachment[.isVisualMedia]) = true AND
\(attachment[.isValid]) = true AND
\(interaction[.threadId]) = \(threadId)
case .document:
2 years ago
// FIXME: Remove "\(attachment[.sourceFilename]) <> 'session-audio-message'" when all platforms send the voice message properly
return SQL("""
\(attachment[.isVisualMedia]) = false AND
\(attachment[.isValid]) = true AND
\(interaction[.threadId]) = \(threadId) AND
2 years ago
\(attachment[.variant]) = \(Attachment.Variant.standard) AND
\(attachment[.sourceFilename]) <> 'session-audio-message'
fileprivate static let galleryOrderSQL: SQL = {
let interaction: TypedTableAlias<Interaction> = TypedTableAlias()
let interactionAttachment: TypedTableAlias<InteractionAttachment> = TypedTableAlias()
/// **Note:** This **MUST** match the desired sort behaviour for the screen otherwise paging will be
/// very broken
return SQL("\(interaction[.timestampMs].desc), \(interactionAttachment[.albumIndex])")
fileprivate static let galleryReverseOrderSQL: SQL = {
let interaction: TypedTableAlias<Interaction> = TypedTableAlias()
let interactionAttachment: TypedTableAlias<InteractionAttachment> = TypedTableAlias()
/// **Note:** This **MUST** match the desired sort behaviour for the screen otherwise paging will be
/// very broken
return SQL("\(interaction[.timestampMs]), \(interactionAttachment[.albumIndex].desc)")
fileprivate static func baseQuery(orderSQL: SQL, customFilters: SQL? = nil) -> (([Int64]) -> AdaptedFetchRequest<SQLRequest<Item>>) {
return { rowIds -> AdaptedFetchRequest<SQLRequest<Item>> in
let attachment: TypedTableAlias<Attachment> = TypedTableAlias()
let interaction: TypedTableAlias<Interaction> = TypedTableAlias()
let interactionAttachment: TypedTableAlias<InteractionAttachment> = TypedTableAlias()
let numColumnsBeforeLinkedRecords: Int = 6
let finalFilterSQL: SQL = {
guard let customFilters: SQL = customFilters else {
return """
WHERE \(attachment[.rowId]) IN \(rowIds)
return """
let request: SQLRequest<Item> = """
\(interaction[.id]) AS \(Item.Columns.interactionId),
\(interaction[.variant]) AS \(Item.Columns.interactionVariant),
\(interaction[.authorId]) AS \(Item.Columns.interactionAuthorId),
\(interaction[.timestampMs]) AS \(Item.Columns.interactionTimestampMs),
\(attachment[.rowId]) AS \(Item.Columns.rowId),
\(interactionAttachment[.albumIndex]) AS \(Item.Columns.attachmentAlbumIndex),
FROM \(Attachment.self)
ORDER BY \(orderSQL)
return request.adapted { db in
let adapters = try splittingRowAdapters(columnCounts: [
return ScopeAdapter.with(Item.self, [
.attachment: adapters[1]
fileprivate static func baseQuery(orderSQL: SQL, customFilters: SQL) -> AdaptedFetchRequest<SQLRequest<Item>> {
return Item.baseQuery(orderSQL: orderSQL, customFilters: customFilters)([])
func thumbnailImage(async: @escaping (UIImage) -> ()) {
attachment.thumbnail(size: .small, success: { image, _ in async(image) }, failure: {})
// MARK: - Album
/// This is all the data the screen needs to populate itself, please see the following link for tips to help optimise
/// performance
/// **Note:** The 'trackingConstantRegion' is optimised in such a way that the request needs to be static
/// otherwise there may be situations where it doesn't get updates, this means we can't have conditional queries
/// **Note:** This observation will be triggered twice immediately (and be de-duped by the `removeDuplicates`)
/// this is due to the behaviour of `ValueConcurrentObserver.asyncStartObservation` which triggers it's own
/// fetch (after the ones in `ValueConcurrentObserver.asyncStart`/`ValueConcurrentObserver.syncStart`)
/// just in case the database has changed between the two reads - unfortunately it doesn't look like there is a way to prevent this
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
1 year ago
public typealias AlbumObservation = ValueObservation<ValueReducers.Trace<ValueReducers.RemoveDuplicates<ValueReducers.Fetch<[Item]>>>>
public lazy var observableAlbumData: AlbumObservation = buildAlbumObservation(for: nil)
private func buildAlbumObservation(for interactionId: Int64?) -> AlbumObservation {
return ValueObservation
.trackingConstantRegion { db -> [Item] in
guard let interactionId: Int64 = interactionId else { return [] }
let attachment: TypedTableAlias<Attachment> = TypedTableAlias()
let interaction: TypedTableAlias<Interaction> = TypedTableAlias()
let interactionAttachment: TypedTableAlias<InteractionAttachment> = TypedTableAlias()
return try Item
orderSQL: SQL(interactionAttachment[.albumIndex]),
customFilters: SQL("""
\(attachment[.isValid]) = true AND
\(interaction[.id]) = \(interactionId)
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
1 year ago
.handleEvents(didFail: { SNLog("[MediaGalleryViewModel] Observation failed with error: \($0)") })
@discardableResult public func loadAndCacheAlbumData(for interactionId: Int64, in threadId: String) -> [Item] {
typealias AlbumInfo = (albumData: [Item], interactionIdBefore: Int64?, interactionIdAfter: Int64?)
// Note: It's possible we already have cached album data for this interaction
// but to avoid displaying stale data we re-fetch from the database anyway
let maybeAlbumInfo: AlbumInfo? = { db -> AlbumInfo in
let attachment: TypedTableAlias<Attachment> = TypedTableAlias()
let interaction: TypedTableAlias<Interaction> = TypedTableAlias()
let interactionAttachment: TypedTableAlias<InteractionAttachment> = TypedTableAlias()
let newAlbumData: [Item] = try Item
orderSQL: SQL(interactionAttachment[.albumIndex]),
customFilters: SQL("""
\(attachment[.isVisualMedia]) = true AND
\(attachment[.isValid]) = true AND
\(interaction[.id]) = \(interactionId)
guard let albumTimestampMs: Int64 = newAlbumData.first?.interactionTimestampMs else {
return (newAlbumData, nil, nil)
let itemBefore: Item? = try Item
orderSQL: Item.galleryReverseOrderSQL,
customFilters: SQL("""
\(attachment[.isVisualMedia]) = true AND
\(attachment[.isValid]) = true AND
\(interaction[.timestampMs]) > \(albumTimestampMs) AND
\(interaction[.threadId]) = \(threadId)
let itemAfter: Item? = try Item
orderSQL: Item.galleryOrderSQL,
customFilters: SQL("""
\(attachment[.isVisualMedia]) = true AND
\(attachment[.isValid]) = true AND
\(interaction[.timestampMs]) < \(albumTimestampMs) AND
\(interaction[.threadId]) = \(threadId)
return (newAlbumData, itemBefore?.interactionId, itemAfter?.interactionId)
guard let newAlbumInfo: AlbumInfo = maybeAlbumInfo else { return [] }
// Cache the album info for the new interactionId
self.updateAlbumData(newAlbumInfo.albumData, for: interactionId)
self.cachedInteractionIdBefore.mutate { $0[interactionId] = newAlbumInfo.interactionIdBefore }
self.cachedInteractionIdAfter.mutate { $0[interactionId] = newAlbumInfo.interactionIdAfter }
return newAlbumInfo.albumData
public func replaceAlbumObservation(toObservationFor interactionId: Int64) {
self.observableAlbumData = self.buildAlbumObservation(for: interactionId)
public func updateAlbumData(_ updatedData: [Item], for interactionId: Int64) {
self.albumData[interactionId] = updatedData
// MARK: - Gallery
private func process(data: [Item], for pageInfo: PagedData.PageInfo) -> [SectionModel] {
let galleryData: [SectionModel] = data
.grouped(by: \.galleryDate)
.mapValues { sectionItems -> [Item] in
.sorted { lhs, rhs -> Bool in
if lhs.interactionTimestampMs == rhs.interactionTimestampMs {
// Start of album first
return (lhs.attachmentAlbumIndex < rhs.attachmentAlbumIndex)
// Newer interactions first
return (lhs.interactionTimestampMs > rhs.interactionTimestampMs)
.map { galleryDate, items in
SectionModel(model: .galleryMonth(date: galleryDate), elements: items)
// Remove and re-add the custom sections as needed
return [
(data.isEmpty ? [SectionModel(section: .emptyGallery)] : []),
(!data.isEmpty && pageInfo.pageOffset > 0 ? [SectionModel(section: .loadNewer)] : []),
(!data.isEmpty && (pageInfo.pageOffset + pageInfo.currentCount) < pageInfo.totalCount ?
[SectionModel(section: .loadOlder)] :
.flatMap { $0 }
.sorted { lhs, rhs -> Bool in (lhs.model > rhs.model) }
public func updateGalleryData(_ updatedData: [SectionModel]) {
self.galleryData = updatedData
// If we have a focused attachment id then we need to make sure the 'focusedIndexPath'
// is updated to be accurate
if let focusedAttachmentId: String = focusedAttachmentId {
self.focusedIndexPath = nil
for (section, sectionData) in updatedData.enumerated() {
for (index, item) in sectionData.elements.enumerated() {
if == focusedAttachmentId {
self.focusedIndexPath = IndexPath(item: index, section: section)
if self.focusedIndexPath != nil { break }
public func updateFocusedItem(attachmentId: String, indexPath: IndexPath) {
// Note: We need to set both of these as the 'focusedIndexPath' is usually
// derived and if the data changes it will be regenerated using the
// 'focusedAttachmentId' value
self.focusedAttachmentId = attachmentId
self.focusedIndexPath = indexPath
// MARK: - Creation Functions
public static func createDetailViewController(
for threadId: String,
threadVariant: SessionThread.Variant,
interactionId: Int64,
selectedAttachmentId: String,
options: [MediaGalleryOption],
useTransitioningDelegate: Bool = true
) -> UIViewController? {
// Load the data for the album immediately (needed before pushing to the screen so
// transitions work nicely)
let viewModel: MediaGalleryViewModel = MediaGalleryViewModel(
threadId: threadId,
threadVariant: threadVariant,
isPagedData: false,
mediaType: .media
viewModel.loadAndCacheAlbumData(for: interactionId, in: threadId)
viewModel.replaceAlbumObservation(toObservationFor: interactionId)
let initialItem: Item = viewModel.albumData[interactionId]?.first(where: { item -> Bool in == selectedAttachmentId
else { return nil }
let pageViewController: MediaPageViewController = MediaPageViewController(
viewModel: viewModel,
initialItem: initialItem,
options: options
let navController: MediaGalleryNavigationController = MediaGalleryNavigationController()
navController.viewControllers = [pageViewController]
navController.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
if useTransitioningDelegate {
navController.transitioningDelegate = pageViewController
return navController
public static func createMediaTileViewController(
threadId: String,
threadVariant: SessionThread.Variant,
focusedAttachmentId: String?,
performInitialQuerySync: Bool = false
) -> MediaTileViewController {
let viewModel: MediaGalleryViewModel = MediaGalleryViewModel(
threadId: threadId,
threadVariant: threadVariant,
isPagedData: true,
mediaType: .media,
pageSize: MediaTileViewController.itemPageSize,
focusedAttachmentId: focusedAttachmentId,
performInitialQuerySync: performInitialQuerySync
return MediaTileViewController(
viewModel: viewModel
public static func createDocumentTitleViewController(
threadId: String,
threadVariant: SessionThread.Variant,
focusedAttachmentId: String?,
performInitialQuerySync: Bool = false
) -> DocumentTileViewController {
let viewModel: MediaGalleryViewModel = MediaGalleryViewModel(
threadId: threadId,
threadVariant: threadVariant,
isPagedData: true,
mediaType: .document,
pageSize: MediaTileViewController.itemPageSize,
focusedAttachmentId: focusedAttachmentId,
performInitialQuerySync: performInitialQuerySync
return DocumentTileViewController(
viewModel: viewModel
public static func createAllMediaViewController(
threadId: String,
threadVariant: SessionThread.Variant,
focusedAttachmentId: String?,
performInitialQuerySync: Bool = false
) -> AllMediaViewController {
let mediaTitleViewController = createMediaTileViewController(
threadId: threadId,
threadVariant: threadVariant,
focusedAttachmentId: focusedAttachmentId,
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev' into feature/theming # Conflicts: # Session.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj # Session/Conversations/ConversationVC+Interaction.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationVC.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationViewModel.swift # Session/Conversations/Message Cells/VisibleMessageCell.swift # Session/Home/HomeVC.swift # Session/Home/Message Requests/MessageRequestsViewController.swift # Session/Media Viewing & Editing/MediaTileViewController.swift # Session/Meta/AppDelegate.swift # Session/Meta/Translations/de.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/en.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/es.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/fa.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/fi.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/hi.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/hr.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/id-ID.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/it.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/pt_BR.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/si.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/sk.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/sv.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/th.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/vi-VN.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/zh-Hant.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/zh_CN.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Onboarding/LandingVC.swift # SessionMessagingKitTests/_TestUtilities/MockGeneralCache.swift
2 years ago
performInitialQuerySync: performInitialQuerySync
let documentTitleViewController = createDocumentTitleViewController(
threadId: threadId,
threadVariant: threadVariant,
focusedAttachmentId: focusedAttachmentId,
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev' into feature/theming # Conflicts: # Session.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj # Session/Conversations/ConversationVC+Interaction.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationVC.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationViewModel.swift # Session/Conversations/Message Cells/VisibleMessageCell.swift # Session/Home/HomeVC.swift # Session/Home/Message Requests/MessageRequestsViewController.swift # Session/Media Viewing & Editing/MediaTileViewController.swift # Session/Meta/AppDelegate.swift # Session/Meta/Translations/de.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/en.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/es.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/fa.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/fi.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/hi.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/hr.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/id-ID.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/it.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/pt_BR.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/si.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/sk.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/sv.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/th.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/vi-VN.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/zh-Hant.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/zh_CN.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Onboarding/LandingVC.swift # SessionMessagingKitTests/_TestUtilities/MockGeneralCache.swift
2 years ago
performInitialQuerySync: performInitialQuerySync
return AllMediaViewController(
mediaTitleViewController: mediaTitleViewController,
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev' into feature/theming # Conflicts: # Session.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj # Session/Conversations/ConversationVC+Interaction.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationVC.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationViewModel.swift # Session/Conversations/Message Cells/VisibleMessageCell.swift # Session/Home/HomeVC.swift # Session/Home/Message Requests/MessageRequestsViewController.swift # Session/Media Viewing & Editing/MediaTileViewController.swift # Session/Meta/AppDelegate.swift # Session/Meta/Translations/de.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/en.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/es.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/fa.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/fi.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/hi.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/hr.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/id-ID.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/it.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/pt_BR.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/si.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/sk.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/sv.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/th.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/vi-VN.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/zh-Hant.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/zh_CN.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Onboarding/LandingVC.swift # SessionMessagingKitTests/_TestUtilities/MockGeneralCache.swift
2 years ago
documentTitleViewController: documentTitleViewController