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// This file is generated by EmojiGenerator.swift, do not manually edit it.
extension Emoji {
var name: String {
switch self {
case .grinning: return "grinning, grinning face"
case .smiley: return "smiley, smiling face with open mouth"
case .smile: return "smile, smiling face with open mouth and smiling eyes"
case .grin: return "grin, grinning face with smiling eyes"
case .laughing: return "smiling face with open mouth and tightly-closed eyes, laughing, satisfied"
case .sweatSmile: return "sweatsmile, sweat_smile, smiling face with open mouth and cold sweat"
case .rollingOnTheFloorLaughing: return "rolling_on_the_floor_laughing, rollingonthefloorlaughing, rolling on the floor laughing"
case .joy: return "joy, face with tears of joy"
case .slightlySmilingFace: return "slightly smiling face, slightlysmilingface, slightly_smiling_face"
case .upsideDownFace: return "upsidedownface, upside_down_face, upside-down face"
case .meltingFace: return "meltingface, melting_face, melting face"
case .wink: return "wink, winking face"
case .blush: return "blush, smiling face with smiling eyes"
case .innocent: return "innocent, smiling face with halo"
case .smilingFaceWith3Hearts: return "smiling face with smiling eyes and three hearts, smiling_face_with_3_hearts, smilingfacewith3hearts"
case .heartEyes: return "smiling face with heart-shaped eyes, hearteyes, heart_eyes"
case .starStruck: return "starstruck, grinning_face_with_star_eyes, star-struck, grinning face with star eyes"
case .kissingHeart: return "kissing_heart, face throwing a kiss, kissingheart"
case .kissing: return "kissing face, kissing"
case .relaxed: return "white smiling face, relaxed"
case .kissingClosedEyes: return "kissing_closed_eyes, kissing face with closed eyes, kissingclosedeyes"
case .kissingSmilingEyes: return "kissing face with smiling eyes, kissing_smiling_eyes, kissingsmilingeyes"
case .smilingFaceWithTear: return "smilingfacewithtear, smiling face with tear, smiling_face_with_tear"
case .yum: return "yum, face savouring delicious food"
case .stuckOutTongue: return "stuck_out_tongue, face with stuck-out tongue, stuckouttongue"
case .stuckOutTongueWinkingEye: return "stuckouttonguewinkingeye, stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye, face with stuck-out tongue and winking eye"
case .zanyFace: return "grinning_face_with_one_large_and_one_small_eye, zany_face, grinning face with one large and one small eye, zanyface"
case .stuckOutTongueClosedEyes: return "stuckouttongueclosedeyes, stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes, face with stuck-out tongue and tightly-closed eyes"
case .moneyMouthFace: return "moneymouthface, money_mouth_face, money-mouth face"
case .huggingFace: return "huggingface, hugging_face, hugging face"
case .faceWithHandOverMouth: return "face_with_hand_over_mouth, smiling face with smiling eyes and hand covering mouth, smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes_and_hand_covering_mouth, facewithhandovermouth"
case .faceWithOpenEyesAndHandOverMouth: return "face with open eyes and hand over mouth, facewithopeneyesandhandovermouth, face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth"
case .faceWithPeekingEye: return "face_with_peeking_eye, face with peeking eye, facewithpeekingeye"
case .shushingFace: return "shushing_face, face_with_finger_covering_closed_lips, shushingface, face with finger covering closed lips"
case .thinkingFace: return "thinkingface, thinking face, thinking_face"
case .salutingFace: return "saluting_face, saluting face, salutingface"
case .zipperMouthFace: return "zippermouthface, zipper-mouth face, zipper_mouth_face"
case .faceWithRaisedEyebrow: return "face with one eyebrow raised, face_with_one_eyebrow_raised, face_with_raised_eyebrow, facewithraisedeyebrow"
case .neutralFace: return "neutralface, neutral_face, neutral face"
case .expressionless: return "expressionless, expressionless face"
case .noMouth: return "no_mouth, face without mouth, nomouth"
case .dottedLineFace: return "dotted_line_face, dotted line face, dottedlineface"
case .faceInClouds: return "face in clouds, face_in_clouds, faceinclouds"
case .smirk: return "smirk, smirking face"
case .unamused: return "unamused face, unamused"
case .faceWithRollingEyes: return "face_with_rolling_eyes, face with rolling eyes, facewithrollingeyes"
case .grimacing: return "grimacing, grimacing face"
case .faceExhaling: return "face_exhaling, face exhaling, faceexhaling"
case .lyingFace: return "lying_face, lying face, lyingface"
case .relieved: return "relieved, relieved face"
case .pensive: return "pensive face, pensive"
case .sleepy: return "sleepy, sleepy face"
case .droolingFace: return "drooling_face, drooling face, droolingface"
case .sleeping: return "sleeping, sleeping face"
case .mask: return "face with medical mask, mask"
case .faceWithThermometer: return "face with thermometer, face_with_thermometer, facewiththermometer"
case .faceWithHeadBandage: return "face with head-bandage, face_with_head_bandage, facewithheadbandage"
case .nauseatedFace: return "nauseatedface, nauseated face, nauseated_face"
case .faceVomiting: return "face_with_open_mouth_vomiting, face_vomiting, facevomiting, face with open mouth vomiting"
case .sneezingFace: return "sneezingface, sneezing face, sneezing_face"
case .hotFace: return "hot_face, overheated face, hotface"
case .coldFace: return "freezing face, cold_face, coldface"
case .woozyFace: return "woozy_face, face with uneven eyes and wavy mouth, woozyface"
case .dizzyFace: return "dizzy_face, dizzy face, dizzyface"
case .faceWithSpiralEyes: return "face with spiral eyes, facewithspiraleyes, face_with_spiral_eyes"
case .explodingHead: return "shocked_face_with_exploding_head, explodinghead, shocked face with exploding head, exploding_head"
case .faceWithCowboyHat: return "face_with_cowboy_hat, face with cowboy hat, facewithcowboyhat"
case .partyingFace: return "partyingface, partying_face, face with party horn and party hat"
case .disguisedFace: return "disguised_face, disguisedface, disguised face"
case .sunglasses: return "sunglasses, smiling face with sunglasses"
case .nerdFace: return "nerd face, nerd_face, nerdface"
case .faceWithMonocle: return "face_with_monocle, face with monocle, facewithmonocle"
case .confused: return "confused face, confused"
case .faceWithDiagonalMouth: return "face with diagonal mouth, facewithdiagonalmouth, face_with_diagonal_mouth"
case .worried: return "worried, worried face"
case .slightlyFrowningFace: return "slightly_frowning_face, slightlyfrowningface, slightly frowning face"
case .whiteFrowningFace: return "whitefrowningface, white_frowning_face, frowning face"
case .openMouth: return "face with open mouth, open_mouth, openmouth"
case .hushed: return "hushed face, hushed"
case .astonished: return "astonished face, astonished"
case .flushed: return "flushed, flushed face"
case .pleadingFace: return "face with pleading eyes, pleading_face, pleadingface"
case .faceHoldingBackTears: return "faceholdingbacktears, face_holding_back_tears, face holding back tears"
case .frowning: return "frowning face with open mouth, frowning"
case .anguished: return "anguished, anguished face"
case .fearful: return "fearful, fearful face"
case .coldSweat: return "coldsweat, cold_sweat, face with open mouth and cold sweat"
case .disappointedRelieved: return "disappointed but relieved face, disappointedrelieved, disappointed_relieved"
case .cry: return "crying face, cry"
case .sob: return "sob, loudly crying face"
case .scream: return "face screaming in fear, scream"
case .confounded: return "confounded, confounded face"
case .persevere: return "persevere, persevering face"
case .disappointed: return "disappointed, disappointed face"
case .sweat: return "sweat, face with cold sweat"
case .weary: return "weary, weary face"
case .tiredFace: return "tired face, tired_face, tiredface"
case .yawningFace: return "yawningface, yawning face, yawning_face"
case .triumph: return "face with look of triumph, triumph"
case .rage: return "rage, pouting face"
case .angry: return "angry, angry face"
case .faceWithSymbolsOnMouth: return "serious_face_with_symbols_covering_mouth, serious face with symbols covering mouth, face_with_symbols_on_mouth, facewithsymbolsonmouth"
case .smilingImp: return "smilingimp, smiling face with horns, smiling_imp"
case .imp: return "imp"
case .skull: return "skull"
case .skullAndCrossbones: return "skull and crossbones, skull_and_crossbones, skullandcrossbones"
case .hankey: return "pile of poo, shit, poop, hankey"
case .clownFace: return "clown face, clown_face, clownface"
case .japaneseOgre: return "japanese_ogre, japaneseogre, japanese ogre"
case .japaneseGoblin: return "japanese goblin, japanese_goblin, japanesegoblin"
case .ghost: return "ghost"
case .alien: return "alien, extraterrestrial alien"
case .spaceInvader: return "spaceinvader, alien monster, space_invader"
case .robotFace: return "robot_face, robot face, robotface"
case .smileyCat: return "smiley_cat, smileycat, smiling cat face with open mouth"
case .smileCat: return "smilecat, grinning cat face with smiling eyes, smile_cat"
case .joyCat: return "joy_cat, joycat, cat face with tears of joy"
case .heartEyesCat: return "heart_eyes_cat, smiling cat face with heart-shaped eyes, hearteyescat"
case .smirkCat: return "smirk_cat, cat face with wry smile, smirkcat"
case .kissingCat: return "kissing cat face with closed eyes, kissing_cat, kissingcat"
case .screamCat: return "scream_cat, weary cat face, screamcat"
case .cryingCatFace: return "crying cat face, crying_cat_face, cryingcatface"
case .poutingCat: return "pouting_cat, poutingcat, pouting cat face"
case .seeNoEvil: return "see_no_evil, see-no-evil monkey, seenoevil"
case .hearNoEvil: return "hearnoevil, hear-no-evil monkey, hear_no_evil"
case .speakNoEvil: return "speak_no_evil, speaknoevil, speak-no-evil monkey"
case .kiss: return "kiss mark, kiss"
case .loveLetter: return "love letter, loveletter, love_letter"
case .cupid: return "heart with arrow, cupid"
case .giftHeart: return "heart with ribbon, gift_heart, giftheart"
case .sparklingHeart: return "sparklingheart, sparkling_heart, sparkling heart"
case .heartpulse: return "growing heart, heartpulse"
case .heartbeat: return "heartbeat, beating heart"
case .revolvingHearts: return "revolving hearts, revolvinghearts, revolving_hearts"
case .twoHearts: return "two hearts, twohearts, two_hearts"
case .heartDecoration: return "heart_decoration, heart decoration, heartdecoration"
case .heavyHeartExclamationMarkOrnament: return "heavy_heart_exclamation_mark_ornament, heart exclamation, heavyheartexclamationmarkornament"
case .brokenHeart: return "brokenheart, broken heart, broken_heart"
case .heartOnFire: return "heartonfire, heart on fire, heart_on_fire"
case .mendingHeart: return "mending_heart, mending heart, mendingheart"
case .heart: return "heavy black heart, heart"
case .orangeHeart: return "orange_heart, orangeheart, orange heart"
case .yellowHeart: return "yellow_heart, yellow heart, yellowheart"
case .greenHeart: return "greenheart, green heart, green_heart"
case .blueHeart: return "blue heart, blueheart, blue_heart"
case .purpleHeart: return "purpleheart, purple_heart, purple heart"
case .brownHeart: return "brown_heart, brownheart, brown heart"
case .blackHeart: return "blackheart, black_heart, black heart"
case .whiteHeart: return "white heart, whiteheart, white_heart"
case .oneHundred: return "hundred points symbol, 100, onehundred"
case .anger: return "anger symbol, anger"
case .boom: return "collision, boom, collision symbol"
case .dizzy: return "dizzy, dizzy symbol"
case .sweatDrops: return "splashing sweat symbol, sweatdrops, sweat_drops"
case .dash: return "dash symbol, dash"
case .hole: return "hole"
case .bomb: return "bomb"
case .speechBalloon: return "speech_balloon, speech balloon, speechballoon"
case .eyeInSpeechBubble: return "eyeinspeechbubble, eye-in-speech-bubble, eye in speech bubble"
case .leftSpeechBubble: return "left_speech_bubble, left speech bubble, leftspeechbubble"
case .rightAngerBubble: return "right anger bubble, rightangerbubble, right_anger_bubble"
case .thoughtBalloon: return "thought_balloon, thoughtballoon, thought balloon"
case .zzz: return "zzz, sleeping symbol"
case .wave: return "waving hand sign, wave"
case .raisedBackOfHand: return "raised_back_of_hand, raised back of hand, raisedbackofhand"
case .raisedHandWithFingersSplayed: return "raisedhandwithfingerssplayed, hand with fingers splayed, raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed"
case .hand: return "raised_hand, raised hand, hand"
case .spockHand: return "raised hand with part between middle and ring fingers, spockhand, spock-hand"
case .rightwardsHand: return "rightwardshand, rightwards hand, rightwards_hand"
case .leftwardsHand: return "leftwards hand, leftwardshand, leftwards_hand"
case .palmDownHand: return "palmdownhand, palm_down_hand, palm down hand"
case .palmUpHand: return "palmuphand, palm_up_hand, palm up hand"
case .okHand: return "ok hand sign, okhand, ok_hand"
case .pinchedFingers: return "pinched_fingers, pinchedfingers, pinched fingers"
case .pinchingHand: return "pinching hand, pinchinghand, pinching_hand"
case .v: return "v, victory hand"
case .crossedFingers: return "crossedfingers, hand_with_index_and_middle_fingers_crossed, hand with index and middle fingers crossed, crossed_fingers"
case .handWithIndexFingerAndThumbCrossed: return "hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed, handwithindexfingerandthumbcrossed, hand with index finger and thumb crossed"
case .iLoveYouHandSign: return "i_love_you_hand_sign, iloveyouhandsign, i love you hand sign"
case .theHorns: return "sign_of_the_horns, the_horns, thehorns, sign of the horns"
case .callMeHand: return "callmehand, call_me_hand, call me hand"
case .pointLeft: return "pointleft, point_left, white left pointing backhand index"
case .pointRight: return "white right pointing backhand index, point_right, pointright"
case .pointUp2: return "point_up_2, white up pointing backhand index, pointup2"
case .middleFinger: return "middle_finger, reversed_hand_with_middle_finger_extended, middlefinger, reversed hand with middle finger extended"
case .pointDown: return "point_down, white down pointing backhand index, pointdown"
case .pointUp: return "point_up, white up pointing index, pointup"
case .indexPointingAtTheViewer: return "index_pointing_at_the_viewer, indexpointingattheviewer, index pointing at the viewer"
case .plusOne: return "+1, thumbsup, thumbs up sign, plusone"
case .negativeOne: return "thumbsdown, -1, thumbs down sign, negativeone"
case .fist: return "fist, raised fist"
case .facepunch: return "punch, facepunch, fisted hand sign"
case .leftFacingFist: return "left-facing_fist, left-facing fist, leftfacingfist"
case .rightFacingFist: return "right-facing fist, rightfacingfist, right-facing_fist"
case .clap: return "clapping hands sign, clap"
case .raisedHands: return "person raising both hands in celebration, raised_hands, raisedhands"
case .heartHands: return "heart_hands, hearthands, heart hands"
case .openHands: return "open hands sign, open_hands, openhands"
case .palmsUpTogether: return "palms up together, palms_up_together, palmsuptogether"
case .handshake: return "handshake"
case .pray: return "pray, person with folded hands"
case .writingHand: return "writing hand, writing_hand, writinghand"
case .nailCare: return "nailcare, nail polish, nail_care"
case .selfie: return "selfie"
case .muscle: return "muscle, flexed biceps"
case .mechanicalArm: return "mechanicalarm, mechanical_arm, mechanical arm"
case .mechanicalLeg: return "mechanical leg, mechanicalleg, mechanical_leg"
case .leg: return "leg"
case .foot: return "foot"
case .ear: return "ear"
case .earWithHearingAid: return "earwithhearingaid, ear with hearing aid, ear_with_hearing_aid"
case .nose: return "nose"
case .brain: return "brain"
case .anatomicalHeart: return "anatomical heart, anatomical_heart, anatomicalheart"
case .lungs: return "lungs"
case .tooth: return "tooth"
case .bone: return "bone"
case .eyes: return "eyes"
case .eye: return "eye"
case .tongue: return "tongue"
case .lips: return "mouth, lips"
case .bitingLip: return "biting lip, bitinglip, biting_lip"
case .baby: return "baby"
case .child: return "child"
case .boy: return "boy"
case .girl: return "girl"
case .adult: return "adult"
case .personWithBlondHair: return "person with blond hair, personwithblondhair, person_with_blond_hair"
case .man: return "man"
case .beardedPerson: return "bearded_person, beardedperson, bearded person"
case .manWithBeard: return "man: beard, manwithbeard, man_with_beard"
case .womanWithBeard: return "womanwithbeard, woman_with_beard, woman: beard"
case .redHairedMan: return "man: red hair, redhairedman, red_haired_man"
case .curlyHairedMan: return "curlyhairedman, curly_haired_man, man: curly hair"
case .whiteHairedMan: return "white_haired_man, man: white hair, whitehairedman"
case .baldMan: return "baldman, man: bald, bald_man"
case .woman: return "woman"
case .redHairedWoman: return "redhairedwoman, red_haired_woman, woman: red hair"
case .redHairedPerson: return "redhairedperson, red_haired_person, person: red hair"
case .curlyHairedWoman: return "curlyhairedwoman, curly_haired_woman, woman: curly hair"
case .curlyHairedPerson: return "curlyhairedperson, person: curly hair, curly_haired_person"
case .whiteHairedWoman: return "white_haired_woman, woman: white hair, whitehairedwoman"
case .whiteHairedPerson: return "whitehairedperson, white_haired_person, person: white hair"
case .baldWoman: return "woman: bald, bald_woman, baldwoman"
case .baldPerson: return "bald_person, person: bald, baldperson"
case .blondHairedWoman: return "woman: blond hair, blondhairedwoman, blond-haired-woman"
case .blondHairedMan: return "blond-haired-man, blondhairedman, man: blond hair"
case .olderAdult: return "older_adult, older adult, olderadult"
case .olderMan: return "older_man, older man, olderman"
case .olderWoman: return "older woman, older_woman, olderwoman"
case .personFrowning: return "person_frowning, personfrowning, person frowning"
case .manFrowning: return "man frowning, manfrowning, man-frowning"
case .womanFrowning: return "woman frowning, woman-frowning, womanfrowning"
case .personWithPoutingFace: return "person with pouting face, personwithpoutingface, person_with_pouting_face"
case .manPouting: return "man pouting, man-pouting, manpouting"
case .womanPouting: return "woman-pouting, woman pouting, womanpouting"
case .noGood: return "no_good, nogood, face with no good gesture"
case .manGesturingNo: return "mangesturingno, man-gesturing-no, man gesturing no"
case .womanGesturingNo: return "woman gesturing no, womangesturingno, woman-gesturing-no"
case .okWoman: return "ok_woman, okwoman, face with ok gesture"
case .manGesturingOk: return "man gesturing ok, man-gesturing-ok, mangesturingok"
case .womanGesturingOk: return "woman-gesturing-ok, woman gesturing ok, womangesturingok"
case .informationDeskPerson: return "information desk person, informationdeskperson, information_desk_person"
case .manTippingHand: return "man-tipping-hand, man tipping hand, mantippinghand"
case .womanTippingHand: return "woman tipping hand, woman-tipping-hand, womantippinghand"
case .raisingHand: return "happy person raising one hand, raisinghand, raising_hand"
case .manRaisingHand: return "manraisinghand, man-raising-hand, man raising hand"
case .womanRaisingHand: return "woman-raising-hand, woman raising hand, womanraisinghand"
case .deafPerson: return "deafperson, deaf_person, deaf person"
case .deafMan: return "deafman, deaf_man, deaf man"
case .deafWoman: return "deaf woman, deaf_woman, deafwoman"
case .bow: return "person bowing deeply, bow"
case .manBowing: return "manbowing, man-bowing, man bowing"
case .womanBowing: return "woman-bowing, womanbowing, woman bowing"
case .facePalm: return "face palm, facepalm, face_palm"
case .manFacepalming: return "man-facepalming, man facepalming, manfacepalming"
case .womanFacepalming: return "woman facepalming, woman-facepalming, womanfacepalming"
case .shrug: return "shrug"
case .manShrugging: return "manshrugging, man-shrugging, man shrugging"
case .womanShrugging: return "woman-shrugging, womanshrugging, woman shrugging"
case .healthWorker: return "health_worker, health worker, healthworker"
case .maleDoctor: return "male-doctor, maledoctor, man health worker"
case .femaleDoctor: return "woman health worker, femaledoctor, female-doctor"
case .student: return "student"
case .maleStudent: return "male-student, malestudent, man student"
case .femaleStudent: return "femalestudent, woman student, female-student"
case .teacher: return "teacher"
case .maleTeacher: return "male-teacher, maleteacher, man teacher"
case .femaleTeacher: return "woman teacher, female-teacher, femaleteacher"
case .judge: return "judge"
case .maleJudge: return "man judge, male-judge, malejudge"
case .femaleJudge: return "female-judge, woman judge, femalejudge"
case .farmer: return "farmer"
case .maleFarmer: return "male-farmer, man farmer, malefarmer"
case .femaleFarmer: return "femalefarmer, female-farmer, woman farmer"
case .cook: return "cook"
case .maleCook: return "man cook, malecook, male-cook"
case .femaleCook: return "female-cook, woman cook, femalecook"
case .mechanic: return "mechanic"
case .maleMechanic: return "malemechanic, male-mechanic, man mechanic"
case .femaleMechanic: return "female-mechanic, woman mechanic, femalemechanic"
case .factoryWorker: return "factory_worker, factory worker, factoryworker"
case .maleFactoryWorker: return "man factory worker, male-factory-worker, malefactoryworker"
case .femaleFactoryWorker: return "female-factory-worker, woman factory worker, femalefactoryworker"
case .officeWorker: return "officeworker, office_worker, office worker"
case .maleOfficeWorker: return "male-office-worker, maleofficeworker, man office worker"
case .femaleOfficeWorker: return "female-office-worker, woman office worker, femaleofficeworker"
case .scientist: return "scientist"
case .maleScientist: return "man scientist, malescientist, male-scientist"
case .femaleScientist: return "female-scientist, femalescientist, woman scientist"
case .technologist: return "technologist"
case .maleTechnologist: return "male-technologist, maletechnologist, man technologist"
case .femaleTechnologist: return "femaletechnologist, woman technologist, female-technologist"
case .singer: return "singer"
case .maleSinger: return "male-singer, man singer, malesinger"
case .femaleSinger: return "woman singer, femalesinger, female-singer"
case .artist: return "artist"
case .maleArtist: return "man artist, maleartist, male-artist"
case .femaleArtist: return "femaleartist, female-artist, woman artist"
case .pilot: return "pilot"
case .malePilot: return "male-pilot, malepilot, man pilot"
case .femalePilot: return "female-pilot, woman pilot, femalepilot"
case .astronaut: return "astronaut"
case .maleAstronaut: return "man astronaut, male-astronaut, maleastronaut"
case .femaleAstronaut: return "femaleastronaut, female-astronaut, woman astronaut"
case .firefighter: return "firefighter"
case .maleFirefighter: return "man firefighter, male-firefighter, malefirefighter"
case .femaleFirefighter: return "woman firefighter, femalefirefighter, female-firefighter"
case .cop: return "police officer, cop"
case .malePoliceOfficer: return "malepoliceofficer, male-police-officer, man police officer"
case .femalePoliceOfficer: return "woman police officer, female-police-officer, femalepoliceofficer"
case .sleuthOrSpy: return "sleuthorspy, sleuth_or_spy, detective"
case .maleDetective: return "maledetective, male-detective, man detective"
case .femaleDetective: return "woman detective, female-detective, femaledetective"
case .guardsman: return "guardsman"
case .maleGuard: return "maleguard, male-guard, man guard"
case .femaleGuard: return "woman guard, female-guard, femaleguard"
case .ninja: return "ninja"
case .constructionWorker: return "construction_worker, constructionworker, construction worker"
case .maleConstructionWorker: return "male-construction-worker, man construction worker, maleconstructionworker"
case .femaleConstructionWorker: return "femaleconstructionworker, female-construction-worker, woman construction worker"
case .personWithCrown: return "person_with_crown, person with crown, personwithcrown"
case .prince: return "prince"
case .princess: return "princess"
case .manWithTurban: return "man with turban, manwithturban, man_with_turban"
case .manWearingTurban: return "man-wearing-turban, manwearingturban, man wearing turban"
case .womanWearingTurban: return "woman-wearing-turban, womanwearingturban, woman wearing turban"
case .manWithGuaPiMao: return "man_with_gua_pi_mao, man with gua pi mao, manwithguapimao"
case .personWithHeadscarf: return "person_with_headscarf, personwithheadscarf, person with headscarf"
case .personInTuxedo: return "person_in_tuxedo, personintuxedo, man in tuxedo"
case .manInTuxedo: return "man_in_tuxedo, manintuxedo, man in tuxedo"
case .womanInTuxedo: return "womanintuxedo, woman in tuxedo, woman_in_tuxedo"
case .brideWithVeil: return "bridewithveil, bride_with_veil, bride with veil"
case .manWithVeil: return "man_with_veil, man with veil, manwithveil"
case .womanWithVeil: return "woman with veil, womanwithveil, woman_with_veil"
case .pregnantWoman: return "pregnant woman, pregnantwoman, pregnant_woman"
case .pregnantMan: return "pregnant_man, pregnant man, pregnantman"
case .pregnantPerson: return "pregnant_person, pregnant person, pregnantperson"
case .breastFeeding: return "breast-feeding, breastfeeding"
case .womanFeedingBaby: return "womanfeedingbaby, woman_feeding_baby, woman feeding baby"
case .manFeedingBaby: return "man feeding baby, manfeedingbaby, man_feeding_baby"
case .personFeedingBaby: return "personfeedingbaby, person_feeding_baby, person feeding baby"
case .angel: return "angel, baby angel"
case .santa: return "father christmas, santa"
case .mrsClaus: return "mrsclaus, mother_christmas, mother christmas, mrs_claus"
case .mxClaus: return "mxclaus, mx claus, mx_claus"
case .superhero: return "superhero"
case .maleSuperhero: return "male_superhero, man superhero, malesuperhero"
case .femaleSuperhero: return "female_superhero, femalesuperhero, woman superhero"
case .supervillain: return "supervillain"
case .maleSupervillain: return "malesupervillain, man supervillain, male_supervillain"
case .femaleSupervillain: return "female_supervillain, woman supervillain, femalesupervillain"
case .mage: return "mage"
case .maleMage: return "male_mage, malemage, man mage"
case .femaleMage: return "female_mage, woman mage, femalemage"
case .fairy: return "fairy"
case .maleFairy: return "malefairy, man fairy, male_fairy"
case .femaleFairy: return "femalefairy, female_fairy, woman fairy"
case .vampire: return "vampire"
case .maleVampire: return "malevampire, male_vampire, man vampire"
case .femaleVampire: return "female_vampire, woman vampire, femalevampire"
case .merperson: return "merperson"
case .merman: return "merman"
case .mermaid: return "mermaid"
case .elf: return "elf"
case .maleElf: return "male_elf, man elf, maleelf"
case .femaleElf: return "female_elf, femaleelf, woman elf"
case .genie: return "genie"
case .maleGenie: return "man genie, male_genie, malegenie"
case .femaleGenie: return "woman genie, femalegenie, female_genie"
case .zombie: return "zombie"
case .maleZombie: return "malezombie, man zombie, male_zombie"
case .femaleZombie: return "woman zombie, female_zombie, femalezombie"
case .troll: return "troll"
case .massage: return "massage, face massage"
case .manGettingMassage: return "man getting massage, man-getting-massage, mangettingmassage"
case .womanGettingMassage: return "woman getting massage, womangettingmassage, woman-getting-massage"
case .haircut: return "haircut"
case .manGettingHaircut: return "mangettinghaircut, man-getting-haircut, man getting haircut"
case .womanGettingHaircut: return "woman-getting-haircut, woman getting haircut, womangettinghaircut"
case .walking: return "pedestrian, walking"
case .manWalking: return "man-walking, man walking, manwalking"
case .womanWalking: return "woman-walking, woman walking, womanwalking"
case .standingPerson: return "standing person, standingperson, standing_person"
case .manStanding: return "manstanding, man_standing, man standing"
case .womanStanding: return "woman_standing, womanstanding, woman standing"
case .kneelingPerson: return "kneelingperson, kneeling person, kneeling_person"
case .manKneeling: return "man kneeling, man_kneeling, mankneeling"
case .womanKneeling: return "woman_kneeling, woman kneeling, womankneeling"
case .personWithProbingCane: return "person_with_probing_cane, personwithprobingcane, person with white cane"
case .manWithProbingCane: return "man with white cane, manwithprobingcane, man_with_probing_cane"
case .womanWithProbingCane: return "woman_with_probing_cane, womanwithprobingcane, woman with white cane"
case .personInMotorizedWheelchair: return "personinmotorizedwheelchair, person in motorized wheelchair, person_in_motorized_wheelchair"
case .manInMotorizedWheelchair: return "man in motorized wheelchair, maninmotorizedwheelchair, man_in_motorized_wheelchair"
case .womanInMotorizedWheelchair: return "woman in motorized wheelchair, womaninmotorizedwheelchair, woman_in_motorized_wheelchair"
case .personInManualWheelchair: return "personinmanualwheelchair, person_in_manual_wheelchair, person in manual wheelchair"
case .manInManualWheelchair: return "man_in_manual_wheelchair, maninmanualwheelchair, man in manual wheelchair"
case .womanInManualWheelchair: return "womaninmanualwheelchair, woman_in_manual_wheelchair, woman in manual wheelchair"
case .runner: return "running, runner"
case .manRunning: return "man-running, man running, manrunning"
case .womanRunning: return "woman running, womanrunning, woman-running"
case .dancer: return "dancer"
case .manDancing: return "man_dancing, mandancing, man dancing"
case .manInBusinessSuitLevitating: return "maninbusinesssuitlevitating, man_in_business_suit_levitating, person in suit levitating"
case .dancers: return "dancers, woman with bunny ears"
case .menWithBunnyEarsPartying: return "menwithbunnyearspartying, man-with-bunny-ears-partying, men with bunny ears, men-with-bunny-ears-partying"
case .womenWithBunnyEarsPartying: return "women-with-bunny-ears-partying, woman-with-bunny-ears-partying, womenwithbunnyearspartying, women with bunny ears"
case .personInSteamyRoom: return "person_in_steamy_room, person in steamy room, personinsteamyroom"
case .manInSteamyRoom: return "man in steamy room, man_in_steamy_room, maninsteamyroom"
case .womanInSteamyRoom: return "woman in steamy room, woman_in_steamy_room, womaninsteamyroom"
case .personClimbing: return "person_climbing, person climbing, personclimbing"
case .manClimbing: return "man climbing, man_climbing, manclimbing"
case .womanClimbing: return "woman climbing, womanclimbing, woman_climbing"
case .fencer: return "fencer"
case .horseRacing: return "horse_racing, horseracing, horse racing"
case .skier: return "skier"
case .snowboarder: return "snowboarder"
case .golfer: return "golfer, person golfing"
case .manGolfing: return "mangolfing, man-golfing, man golfing"
case .womanGolfing: return "womangolfing, woman golfing, woman-golfing"
case .surfer: return "surfer"
case .manSurfing: return "man surfing, man-surfing, mansurfing"
case .womanSurfing: return "woman surfing, womansurfing, woman-surfing"
case .rowboat: return "rowboat"
case .manRowingBoat: return "man-rowing-boat, man rowing boat, manrowingboat"
case .womanRowingBoat: return "womanrowingboat, woman rowing boat, woman-rowing-boat"
case .swimmer: return "swimmer"
case .manSwimming: return "man swimming, manswimming, man-swimming"
case .womanSwimming: return "woman swimming, womanswimming, woman-swimming"
case .personWithBall: return "person_with_ball, person bouncing ball, personwithball"
case .manBouncingBall: return "manbouncingball, man bouncing ball, man-bouncing-ball"
case .womanBouncingBall: return "woman-bouncing-ball, woman bouncing ball, womanbouncingball"
case .weightLifter: return "person lifting weights, weight_lifter, weightlifter"
case .manLiftingWeights: return "manliftingweights, man-lifting-weights, man lifting weights"
case .womanLiftingWeights: return "woman-lifting-weights, woman lifting weights, womanliftingweights"
case .bicyclist: return "bicyclist"
case .manBiking: return "man biking, manbiking, man-biking"
case .womanBiking: return "woman biking, womanbiking, woman-biking"
case .mountainBicyclist: return "mountain_bicyclist, mountain bicyclist, mountainbicyclist"
case .manMountainBiking: return "man mountain biking, manmountainbiking, man-mountain-biking"
case .womanMountainBiking: return "woman-mountain-biking, womanmountainbiking, woman mountain biking"
case .personDoingCartwheel: return "person doing cartwheel, persondoingcartwheel, person_doing_cartwheel"
case .manCartwheeling: return "man-cartwheeling, mancartwheeling, man cartwheeling"
case .womanCartwheeling: return "woman-cartwheeling, woman cartwheeling, womancartwheeling"
case .wrestlers: return "wrestlers"
case .manWrestling: return "man-wrestling, manwrestling, men wrestling"
case .womanWrestling: return "womanwrestling, women wrestling, woman-wrestling"
case .waterPolo: return "water polo, waterpolo, water_polo"
case .manPlayingWaterPolo: return "man playing water polo, manplayingwaterpolo, man-playing-water-polo"
case .womanPlayingWaterPolo: return "womanplayingwaterpolo, woman playing water polo, woman-playing-water-polo"
case .handball: return "handball"
case .manPlayingHandball: return "man-playing-handball, manplayinghandball, man playing handball"
case .womanPlayingHandball: return "womanplayinghandball, woman playing handball, woman-playing-handball"
case .juggling: return "juggling"
case .manJuggling: return "man-juggling, manjuggling, man juggling"
case .womanJuggling: return "woman-juggling, womanjuggling, woman juggling"
case .personInLotusPosition: return "personinlotusposition, person in lotus position, person_in_lotus_position"
case .manInLotusPosition: return "maninlotusposition, man_in_lotus_position, man in lotus position"
case .womanInLotusPosition: return "woman_in_lotus_position, woman in lotus position, womaninlotusposition"
case .bath: return "bath"
case .sleepingAccommodation: return "sleeping_accommodation, sleeping accommodation, sleepingaccommodation"
case .peopleHoldingHands: return "peopleholdinghands, people_holding_hands, people holding hands"
case .twoWomenHoldingHands: return "twowomenholdinghands, two women holding hands, women_holding_hands, two_women_holding_hands"
case .manAndWomanHoldingHands: return "man and woman holding hands, couple, man_and_woman_holding_hands, manandwomanholdinghands, woman_and_man_holding_hands"
case .twoMenHoldingHands: return "two_men_holding_hands, twomenholdinghands, men_holding_hands, two men holding hands"
case .personKissPerson: return "kiss, personkissperson, couplekiss"
case .womanKissMan: return "womankissman, kiss: woman, man, woman-kiss-man"
case .manKissMan: return "mankissman, man-kiss-man, kiss: man, man"
case .womanKissWoman: return "kiss: woman, woman, womankisswoman, woman-kiss-woman"
case .personHeartPerson: return "couple_with_heart, personheartperson, couple with heart"
case .womanHeartMan: return "womanheartman, woman-heart-man, couple with heart: woman, man"
case .manHeartMan: return "man-heart-man, couple with heart: man, man, manheartman"
case .womanHeartWoman: return "couple with heart: woman, woman, womanheartwoman, woman-heart-woman"
case .family: return "family"
case .manWomanBoy: return "family: man, woman, boy, man-woman-boy, manwomanboy"
case .manWomanGirl: return "manwomangirl, man-woman-girl, family: man, woman, girl"
case .manWomanGirlBoy: return "man-woman-girl-boy, family: man, woman, girl, boy, manwomangirlboy"
case .manWomanBoyBoy: return "family: man, woman, boy, boy, man-woman-boy-boy, manwomanboyboy"
case .manWomanGirlGirl: return "man-woman-girl-girl, family: man, woman, girl, girl, manwomangirlgirl"
case .manManBoy: return "manmanboy, man-man-boy, family: man, man, boy"
case .manManGirl: return "manmangirl, family: man, man, girl, man-man-girl"
case .manManGirlBoy: return "manmangirlboy, man-man-girl-boy, family: man, man, girl, boy"
case .manManBoyBoy: return "manmanboyboy, man-man-boy-boy, family: man, man, boy, boy"
case .manManGirlGirl: return "man-man-girl-girl, family: man, man, girl, girl, manmangirlgirl"
case .womanWomanBoy: return "family: woman, woman, boy, womanwomanboy, woman-woman-boy"
case .womanWomanGirl: return "woman-woman-girl, family: woman, woman, girl, womanwomangirl"
case .womanWomanGirlBoy: return "family: woman, woman, girl, boy, womanwomangirlboy, woman-woman-girl-boy"
case .womanWomanBoyBoy: return "womanwomanboyboy, woman-woman-boy-boy, family: woman, woman, boy, boy"
case .womanWomanGirlGirl: return "family: woman, woman, girl, girl, womanwomangirlgirl, woman-woman-girl-girl"
case .manBoy: return "manboy, man-boy, family: man, boy"
case .manBoyBoy: return "man-boy-boy, family: man, boy, boy, manboyboy"
case .manGirl: return "man-girl, mangirl, family: man, girl"
case .manGirlBoy: return "man-girl-boy, family: man, girl, boy, mangirlboy"
case .manGirlGirl: return "mangirlgirl, man-girl-girl, family: man, girl, girl"
case .womanBoy: return "womanboy, woman-boy, family: woman, boy"
case .womanBoyBoy: return "family: woman, boy, boy, woman-boy-boy, womanboyboy"
case .womanGirl: return "family: woman, girl, womangirl, woman-girl"
case .womanGirlBoy: return "family: woman, girl, boy, womangirlboy, woman-girl-boy"
case .womanGirlGirl: return "woman-girl-girl, womangirlgirl, family: woman, girl, girl"
case .speakingHeadInSilhouette: return "speaking_head_in_silhouette, speaking head, speakingheadinsilhouette"
case .bustInSilhouette: return "bustinsilhouette, bust_in_silhouette, bust in silhouette"
case .bustsInSilhouette: return "busts_in_silhouette, busts in silhouette, bustsinsilhouette"
case .peopleHugging: return "people_hugging, people hugging, peoplehugging"
case .footprints: return "footprints"
case .skinTone2: return "skin-tone-2, emoji modifier fitzpatrick type-1-2, skintone2"
case .skinTone3: return "skintone3, skin-tone-3, emoji modifier fitzpatrick type-3"
case .skinTone4: return "skintone4, skin-tone-4, emoji modifier fitzpatrick type-4"
case .skinTone5: return "emoji modifier fitzpatrick type-5, skintone5, skin-tone-5"
case .skinTone6: return "skin-tone-6, emoji modifier fitzpatrick type-6, skintone6"
case .monkeyFace: return "monkeyface, monkey_face, monkey face"
case .monkey: return "monkey"
case .gorilla: return "gorilla"
case .orangutan: return "orangutan"
case .dog: return "dog face, dog"
case .dog2: return "dog, dog2"
case .guideDog: return "guide_dog, guidedog, guide dog"
case .serviceDog: return "service dog, service_dog, servicedog"
case .poodle: return "poodle"
case .wolf: return "wolf, wolf face"
case .foxFace: return "foxface, fox_face, fox face"
case .raccoon: return "raccoon"
case .cat: return "cat, cat face"
case .cat2: return "cat2, cat"
case .blackCat: return "black cat, blackcat, black_cat"
case .lionFace: return "lion_face, lion face, lionface"
case .tiger: return "tiger face, tiger"
case .tiger2: return "tiger, tiger2"
case .leopard: return "leopard"
case .horse: return "horse face, horse"
case .racehorse: return "horse, racehorse"
case .unicornFace: return "unicorn_face, unicorn face, unicornface"
case .zebraFace: return "zebra_face, zebra face, zebraface"
case .deer: return "deer"
case .bison: return "bison"
case .cow: return "cow face, cow"
case .ox: return "ox"
case .waterBuffalo: return "water buffalo, waterbuffalo, water_buffalo"
case .cow2: return "cow, cow2"
case .pig: return "pig, pig face"
case .pig2: return "pig2, pig"
case .boar: return "boar"
case .pigNose: return "pig_nose, pig nose, pignose"
case .ram: return "ram"
case .sheep: return "sheep"
case .goat: return "goat"
case .dromedaryCamel: return "dromedary_camel, dromedary camel, dromedarycamel"
case .camel: return "bactrian camel, camel"
case .llama: return "llama"
case .giraffeFace: return "giraffe face, giraffe_face, giraffeface"
case .elephant: return "elephant"
case .mammoth: return "mammoth"
case .rhinoceros: return "rhinoceros"
case .hippopotamus: return "hippopotamus"
case .mouse: return "mouse, mouse face"
case .mouse2: return "mouse2, mouse"
case .rat: return "rat"
case .hamster: return "hamster, hamster face"
case .rabbit: return "rabbit, rabbit face"
case .rabbit2: return "rabbit2, rabbit"
case .chipmunk: return "chipmunk"
case .beaver: return "beaver"
case .hedgehog: return "hedgehog"
case .bat: return "bat"
case .bear: return "bear face, bear"
case .polarBear: return "polarbear, polar_bear, polar bear"
case .koala: return "koala"
case .pandaFace: return "panda face, pandaface, panda_face"
case .sloth: return "sloth"
case .otter: return "otter"
case .skunk: return "skunk"
case .kangaroo: return "kangaroo"
case .badger: return "badger"
case .feet: return "paw prints, feet, paw_prints"
case .turkey: return "turkey"
case .chicken: return "chicken"
case .rooster: return "rooster"
case .hatchingChick: return "hatching chick, hatching_chick, hatchingchick"
case .babyChick: return "baby_chick, baby chick, babychick"
case .hatchedChick: return "front-facing baby chick, hatchedchick, hatched_chick"
case .bird: return "bird"
case .penguin: return "penguin"
case .doveOfPeace: return "dove, doveofpeace, dove_of_peace"
case .eagle: return "eagle"
case .duck: return "duck"
case .swan: return "swan"
case .owl: return "owl"
case .dodo: return "dodo"
case .feather: return "feather"
case .flamingo: return "flamingo"
case .peacock: return "peacock"
case .parrot: return "parrot"
case .frog: return "frog, frog face"
case .crocodile: return "crocodile"
case .turtle: return "turtle"
case .lizard: return "lizard"
case .snake: return "snake"
case .dragonFace: return "dragon face, dragon_face, dragonface"
case .dragon: return "dragon"
case .sauropod: return "sauropod"
case .tRex: return "t-rex, trex"
case .whale: return "spouting whale, whale"
case .whale2: return "whale, whale2"
case .dolphin: return "flipper, dolphin"
case .seal: return "seal"
case .fish: return "fish"
case .tropicalFish: return "tropical_fish, tropical fish, tropicalfish"
case .blowfish: return "blowfish"
case .shark: return "shark"
case .octopus: return "octopus"
case .shell: return "shell, spiral shell"
case .coral: return "coral"
case .snail: return "snail"
case .butterfly: return "butterfly"
case .bug: return "bug"
case .ant: return "ant"
case .bee: return "bee, honeybee"
case .beetle: return "beetle"
case .ladybug: return "lady_beetle, lady beetle, ladybug"
case .cricket: return "cricket"
case .cockroach: return "cockroach"
case .spider: return "spider"
case .spiderWeb: return "spiderweb, spider_web, spider web"
case .scorpion: return "scorpion"
case .mosquito: return "mosquito"
case .fly: return "fly"
case .worm: return "worm"
case .microbe: return "microbe"
case .bouquet: return "bouquet"
case .cherryBlossom: return "cherryblossom, cherry_blossom, cherry blossom"
case .whiteFlower: return "white_flower, white flower, whiteflower"
case .lotus: return "lotus"
case .rosette: return "rosette"
case .rose: return "rose"
case .wiltedFlower: return "wilted flower, wiltedflower, wilted_flower"
case .hibiscus: return "hibiscus"
case .sunflower: return "sunflower"
case .blossom: return "blossom"
case .tulip: return "tulip"
case .seedling: return "seedling"
case .pottedPlant: return "potted plant, potted_plant, pottedplant"
case .evergreenTree: return "evergreen tree, evergreentree, evergreen_tree"
case .deciduousTree: return "deciduous_tree, deciduous tree, deciduoustree"
case .palmTree: return "palm tree, palmtree, palm_tree"
case .cactus: return "cactus"
case .earOfRice: return "earofrice, ear of rice, ear_of_rice"
case .herb: return "herb"
case .shamrock: return "shamrock"
case .fourLeafClover: return "four leaf clover, four_leaf_clover, fourleafclover"
case .mapleLeaf: return "maple_leaf, mapleleaf, maple leaf"
case .fallenLeaf: return "fallen_leaf, fallen leaf, fallenleaf"
case .leaves: return "leaves, leaf fluttering in wind"
case .emptyNest: return "emptynest, empty_nest, empty nest"
case .nestWithEggs: return "nest_with_eggs, nest with eggs, nestwitheggs"
case .grapes: return "grapes"
case .melon: return "melon"
case .watermelon: return "watermelon"
case .tangerine: return "tangerine"
case .lemon: return "lemon"
case .banana: return "banana"
case .pineapple: return "pineapple"
case .mango: return "mango"
case .apple: return "red apple, apple"
case .greenApple: return "green apple, green_apple, greenapple"
case .pear: return "pear"
case .peach: return "peach"
case .cherries: return "cherries"
case .strawberry: return "strawberry"
case .blueberries: return "blueberries"
case .kiwifruit: return "kiwifruit"
case .tomato: return "tomato"
case .olive: return "olive"
case .coconut: return "coconut"
case .avocado: return "avocado"
case .eggplant: return "aubergine, eggplant"
case .potato: return "potato"
case .carrot: return "carrot"
case .corn: return "ear of maize, corn"
case .hotPepper: return "hot pepper, hot_pepper, hotpepper"
case .bellPepper: return "bell pepper, bellpepper, bell_pepper"
case .cucumber: return "cucumber"
case .leafyGreen: return "leafygreen, leafy_green, leafy green"
case .broccoli: return "broccoli"
case .garlic: return "garlic"
case .onion: return "onion"
case .mushroom: return "mushroom"
case .peanuts: return "peanuts"
case .beans: return "beans"
case .chestnut: return "chestnut"
case .bread: return "bread"
case .croissant: return "croissant"
case .baguetteBread: return "baguette bread, baguette_bread, baguettebread"
case .flatbread: return "flatbread"
case .pretzel: return "pretzel"
case .bagel: return "bagel"
case .pancakes: return "pancakes"
case .waffle: return "waffle"
case .cheeseWedge: return "cheesewedge, cheese wedge, cheese_wedge"
case .meatOnBone: return "meatonbone, meat on bone, meat_on_bone"
case .poultryLeg: return "poultry_leg, poultry leg, poultryleg"
case .cutOfMeat: return "cut of meat, cutofmeat, cut_of_meat"
case .bacon: return "bacon"
case .hamburger: return "hamburger"
case .fries: return "french fries, fries"
case .pizza: return "slice of pizza, pizza"
case .hotdog: return "hotdog, hot dog"
case .sandwich: return "sandwich"
case .taco: return "taco"
case .burrito: return "burrito"
case .tamale: return "tamale"
case .stuffedFlatbread: return "stuffed_flatbread, stuffed flatbread, stuffedflatbread"
case .falafel: return "falafel"
case .egg: return "egg"
case .friedEgg: return "friedegg, fried_egg, cooking"
case .shallowPanOfFood: return "shallow pan of food, shallow_pan_of_food, shallowpanoffood"
case .stew: return "pot of food, stew"
case .fondue: return "fondue"
case .bowlWithSpoon: return "bowlwithspoon, bowl_with_spoon, bowl with spoon"
case .greenSalad: return "greensalad, green salad, green_salad"
case .popcorn: return "popcorn"
case .butter: return "butter"
case .salt: return "salt shaker, salt"
case .cannedFood: return "canned_food, canned food, cannedfood"
case .bento: return "bento, bento box"
case .riceCracker: return "rice_cracker, ricecracker, rice cracker"
case .riceBall: return "rice ball, riceball, rice_ball"
case .rice: return "rice, cooked rice"
case .curry: return "curry, curry and rice"
case .ramen: return "steaming bowl, ramen"
case .spaghetti: return "spaghetti"
case .sweetPotato: return "sweet_potato, roasted sweet potato, sweetpotato"
case .oden: return "oden"
case .sushi: return "sushi"
case .friedShrimp: return "fried_shrimp, friedshrimp, fried shrimp"
case .fishCake: return "fish_cake, fish cake with swirl design, fishcake"
case .moonCake: return "mooncake, moon_cake, moon cake"
case .dango: return "dango"
case .dumpling: return "dumpling"
case .fortuneCookie: return "fortune_cookie, fortune cookie, fortunecookie"
case .takeoutBox: return "takeoutbox, takeout_box, takeout box"
case .crab: return "crab"
case .lobster: return "lobster"
case .shrimp: return "shrimp"
case .squid: return "squid"
case .oyster: return "oyster"
case .icecream: return "icecream, soft ice cream"
case .shavedIce: return "shaved ice, shavedice, shaved_ice"
case .iceCream: return "ice cream, icecream, ice_cream"
case .doughnut: return "doughnut"
case .cookie: return "cookie"
case .birthday: return "birthday cake, birthday"
case .cake: return "cake, shortcake"
case .cupcake: return "cupcake"
case .pie: return "pie"
case .chocolateBar: return "chocolate bar, chocolate_bar, chocolatebar"
case .candy: return "candy"
case .lollipop: return "lollipop"
case .custard: return "custard"
case .honeyPot: return "honey pot, honeypot, honey_pot"
case .babyBottle: return "baby_bottle, baby bottle, babybottle"
case .glassOfMilk: return "glass of milk, glassofmilk, glass_of_milk"
case .coffee: return "hot beverage, coffee"
case .teapot: return "teapot"
case .tea: return "tea, teacup without handle"
case .sake: return "sake bottle and cup, sake"
case .champagne: return "champagne, bottle with popping cork"
case .wineGlass: return "wine_glass, wine glass, wineglass"
case .cocktail: return "cocktail, cocktail glass"
case .tropicalDrink: return "tropicaldrink, tropical drink, tropical_drink"
case .beer: return "beer, beer mug"
case .beers: return "beers, clinking beer mugs"
case .clinkingGlasses: return "clinkingglasses, clinking_glasses, clinking glasses"
case .tumblerGlass: return "tumbler glass, tumblerglass, tumbler_glass"
case .pouringLiquid: return "pouring_liquid, pouring liquid, pouringliquid"
case .cupWithStraw: return "cup with straw, cupwithstraw, cup_with_straw"
case .bubbleTea: return "bubbletea, bubble_tea, bubble tea"
case .beverageBox: return "beverage box, beverage_box, beveragebox"
case .mateDrink: return "mate_drink, mate drink, matedrink"
case .iceCube: return "ice_cube, ice cube, icecube"
case .chopsticks: return "chopsticks"
case .knifeForkPlate: return "fork and knife with plate, knifeforkplate, knife_fork_plate"
case .forkAndKnife: return "forkandknife, fork and knife, fork_and_knife"
case .spoon: return "spoon"
case .hocho: return "hocho, knife"
case .jar: return "jar"
case .amphora: return "amphora"
case .earthAfrica: return "earth globe europe-africa, earth_africa, earthafrica"
case .earthAmericas: return "earth globe americas, earthamericas, earth_americas"
case .earthAsia: return "earthasia, earth_asia, earth globe asia-australia"
case .globeWithMeridians: return "globewithmeridians, globe_with_meridians, globe with meridians"
case .worldMap: return "world_map, world map, worldmap"
case .japan: return "japan, silhouette of japan"
case .compass: return "compass"
case .snowCappedMountain: return "snow_capped_mountain, snow-capped mountain, snowcappedmountain"
case .mountain: return "mountain"
case .volcano: return "volcano"
case .mountFuji: return "mount_fuji, mount fuji, mountfuji"
case .camping: return "camping"
case .beachWithUmbrella: return "beach with umbrella, beach_with_umbrella, beachwithumbrella"
case .desert: return "desert"
case .desertIsland: return "desert_island, desert island, desertisland"
case .nationalPark: return "nationalpark, national_park, national park"
case .stadium: return "stadium"
case .classicalBuilding: return "classical_building, classical building, classicalbuilding"
case .buildingConstruction: return "building_construction, buildingconstruction, building construction"
case .bricks: return "brick, bricks"
case .rock: return "rock"
case .wood: return "wood"
case .hut: return "hut"
case .houseBuildings: return "housebuildings, house_buildings, houses"
case .derelictHouseBuilding: return "derelict_house_building, derelict house, derelicthousebuilding"
case .house: return "house, house building"
case .houseWithGarden: return "house with garden, house_with_garden, housewithgarden"
case .office: return "office building, office"
case .postOffice: return "post_office, japanese post office, postoffice"
case .europeanPostOffice: return "european post office, european_post_office, europeanpostoffice"
case .hospital: return "hospital"
case .bank: return "bank"
case .hotel: return "hotel"
case .loveHotel: return "love_hotel, love hotel, lovehotel"
case .convenienceStore: return "convenience store, conveniencestore, convenience_store"
case .school: return "school"
case .departmentStore: return "department_store, department store, departmentstore"
case .factory: return "factory"
case .japaneseCastle: return "japanese_castle, japanese castle, japanesecastle"
case .europeanCastle: return "europeancastle, european_castle, european castle"
case .wedding: return "wedding"
case .tokyoTower: return "tokyo tower, tokyotower, tokyo_tower"
case .statueOfLiberty: return "statue of liberty, statueofliberty, statue_of_liberty"
case .church: return "church"
case .mosque: return "mosque"
case .hinduTemple: return "hindu temple, hindu_temple, hindutemple"
case .synagogue: return "synagogue"
case .shintoShrine: return "shinto shrine, shintoshrine, shinto_shrine"
case .kaaba: return "kaaba"
case .fountain: return "fountain"
case .tent: return "tent"
case .foggy: return "foggy"
case .nightWithStars: return "night with stars, nightwithstars, night_with_stars"
case .cityscape: return "cityscape"
case .sunriseOverMountains: return "sunrise_over_mountains, sunrise over mountains, sunriseovermountains"
case .sunrise: return "sunrise"
case .citySunset: return "cityscape at dusk, city_sunset, citysunset"
case .citySunrise: return "city_sunrise, sunset over buildings, citysunrise"
case .bridgeAtNight: return "bridge at night, bridge_at_night, bridgeatnight"
case .hotsprings: return "hotsprings, hot springs"
case .carouselHorse: return "carousel horse, carousel_horse, carouselhorse"
case .playgroundSlide: return "playground_slide, playground slide, playgroundslide"
case .ferrisWheel: return "ferris_wheel, ferriswheel, ferris wheel"
case .rollerCoaster: return "roller_coaster, rollercoaster, roller coaster"
case .barber: return "barber pole, barber"
case .circusTent: return "circus tent, circustent, circus_tent"
case .steamLocomotive: return "steam_locomotive, steam locomotive, steamlocomotive"
case .railwayCar: return "railwaycar, railway_car, railway car"
case .bullettrainSide: return "high-speed train, bullettrain_side, bullettrainside"
case .bullettrainFront: return "high-speed train with bullet nose, bullettrain_front, bullettrainfront"
case .train2: return "train2, train"
case .metro: return "metro"
case .lightRail: return "light rail, light_rail, lightrail"
case .station: return "station"
case .tram: return "tram"
case .monorail: return "monorail"
case .mountainRailway: return "mountain railway, mountainrailway, mountain_railway"
case .train: return "train, tram car"
case .bus: return "bus"
case .oncomingBus: return "oncoming bus, oncomingbus, oncoming_bus"
case .trolleybus: return "trolleybus"
case .minibus: return "minibus"
case .ambulance: return "ambulance"
case .fireEngine: return "fire_engine, fire engine, fireengine"
case .policeCar: return "police_car, policecar, police car"
case .oncomingPoliceCar: return "oncoming_police_car, oncomingpolicecar, oncoming police car"
case .taxi: return "taxi"
case .oncomingTaxi: return "oncoming_taxi, oncoming taxi, oncomingtaxi"
case .car: return "car, red_car, automobile"
case .oncomingAutomobile: return "oncoming automobile, oncoming_automobile, oncomingautomobile"
case .blueCar: return "bluecar, blue_car, recreational vehicle"
case .pickupTruck: return "pickup_truck, pickup truck, pickuptruck"
case .truck: return "delivery truck, truck"
case .articulatedLorry: return "articulated_lorry, articulated lorry, articulatedlorry"
case .tractor: return "tractor"
case .racingCar: return "racing car, racingcar, racing_car"
case .racingMotorcycle: return "racing_motorcycle, motorcycle, racingmotorcycle"
case .motorScooter: return "motor scooter, motor_scooter, motorscooter"
case .manualWheelchair: return "manual_wheelchair, manualwheelchair, manual wheelchair"
case .motorizedWheelchair: return "motorized_wheelchair, motorized wheelchair, motorizedwheelchair"
case .autoRickshaw: return "auto rickshaw, auto_rickshaw, autorickshaw"
case .bike: return "bicycle, bike"
case .scooter: return "scooter"
case .skateboard: return "skateboard"
case .rollerSkate: return "roller skate, rollerskate, roller_skate"
case .busstop: return "bus stop, busstop"
case .motorway: return "motorway"
case .railwayTrack: return "railwaytrack, railway track, railway_track"
case .oilDrum: return "oil_drum, oil drum, oildrum"
case .fuelpump: return "fuelpump, fuel pump"
case .wheel: return "wheel"
case .rotatingLight: return "police cars revolving light, rotating_light, rotatinglight"
case .trafficLight: return "horizontal traffic light, trafficlight, traffic_light"
case .verticalTrafficLight: return "verticaltrafficlight, vertical traffic light, vertical_traffic_light"
case .octagonalSign: return "octagonal_sign, octagonalsign, octagonal sign"
case .construction: return "construction sign, construction"
case .anchor: return "anchor"
case .ringBuoy: return "ring_buoy, ringbuoy, ring buoy"
case .boat: return "sailboat, boat"
case .canoe: return "canoe"
case .speedboat: return "speedboat"
case .passengerShip: return "passenger_ship, passenger ship, passengership"
case .ferry: return "ferry"
case .motorBoat: return "motorboat, motor_boat, motor boat"
case .ship: return "ship"
case .airplane: return "airplane"
case .smallAirplane: return "small_airplane, smallairplane, small airplane"
case .airplaneDeparture: return "airplane departure, airplane_departure, airplanedeparture"
case .airplaneArriving: return "airplane arriving, airplane_arriving, airplanearriving"
case .parachute: return "parachute"
case .seat: return "seat"
case .helicopter: return "helicopter"
case .suspensionRailway: return "suspension_railway, suspension railway, suspensionrailway"
case .mountainCableway: return "mountain_cableway, mountain cableway, mountaincableway"
case .aerialTramway: return "aerial tramway, aerialtramway, aerial_tramway"
case .satellite: return "satellite"
case .rocket: return "rocket"
case .flyingSaucer: return "flying saucer, flyingsaucer, flying_saucer"
case .bellhopBell: return "bellhop_bell, bellhop bell, bellhopbell"
case .luggage: return "luggage"
case .hourglass: return "hourglass"
case .hourglassFlowingSand: return "hourglass with flowing sand, hourglass_flowing_sand, hourglassflowingsand"
case .watch: return "watch"
case .alarmClock: return "alarm_clock, alarmclock, alarm clock"
case .stopwatch: return "stopwatch"
case .timerClock: return "timer_clock, timerclock, timer clock"
case .mantelpieceClock: return "mantelpiece_clock, mantelpiece clock, mantelpiececlock"
case .clock12: return "clock12, clock face twelve oclock"
case .clock1230: return "clock face twelve-thirty, clock1230"
case .clock1: return "clock face one oclock, clock1"
case .clock130: return "clock130, clock face one-thirty"
case .clock2: return "clock face two oclock, clock2"
case .clock230: return "clock230, clock face two-thirty"
case .clock3: return "clock3, clock face three oclock"
case .clock330: return "clock330, clock face three-thirty"
case .clock4: return "clock face four oclock, clock4"
case .clock430: return "clock430, clock face four-thirty"
case .clock5: return "clock face five oclock, clock5"
case .clock530: return "clock530, clock face five-thirty"
case .clock6: return "clock6, clock face six oclock"
case .clock630: return "clock face six-thirty, clock630"
case .clock7: return "clock face seven oclock, clock7"
case .clock730: return "clock face seven-thirty, clock730"
case .clock8: return "clock face eight oclock, clock8"
case .clock830: return "clock face eight-thirty, clock830"
case .clock9: return "clock face nine oclock, clock9"
case .clock930: return "clock930, clock face nine-thirty"
case .clock10: return "clock10, clock face ten oclock"
case .clock1030: return "clock1030, clock face ten-thirty"
case .clock11: return "clock face eleven oclock, clock11"
case .clock1130: return "clock1130, clock face eleven-thirty"
case .newMoon: return "new moon symbol, newmoon, new_moon"
case .waxingCrescentMoon: return "waxing crescent moon symbol, waxing_crescent_moon, waxingcrescentmoon"
case .firstQuarterMoon: return "firstquartermoon, first_quarter_moon, first quarter moon symbol"
case .moon: return "waxing gibbous moon symbol, waxing_gibbous_moon, moon"
case .fullMoon: return "full_moon, full moon symbol, fullmoon"
case .waningGibbousMoon: return "waning_gibbous_moon, waning gibbous moon symbol, waninggibbousmoon"
case .lastQuarterMoon: return "lastquartermoon, last_quarter_moon, last quarter moon symbol"
case .waningCrescentMoon: return "waning_crescent_moon, waning crescent moon symbol, waningcrescentmoon"
case .crescentMoon: return "crescent_moon, crescent moon, crescentmoon"
case .newMoonWithFace: return "newmoonwithface, new_moon_with_face, new moon with face"
case .firstQuarterMoonWithFace: return "first quarter moon with face, first_quarter_moon_with_face, firstquartermoonwithface"
case .lastQuarterMoonWithFace: return "lastquartermoonwithface, last_quarter_moon_with_face, last quarter moon with face"
case .thermometer: return "thermometer"
case .sunny: return "black sun with rays, sunny"
case .fullMoonWithFace: return "full_moon_with_face, full moon with face, fullmoonwithface"
case .sunWithFace: return "sun_with_face, sunwithface, sun with face"
case .ringedPlanet: return "ringed_planet, ringed planet, ringedplanet"
case .star: return "star, white medium star"
case .star2: return "star2, glowing star"
case .stars: return "shooting star, stars"
case .milkyWay: return "milky way, milky_way, milkyway"
case .cloud: return "cloud"
case .partlySunny: return "partly_sunny, sun behind cloud, partlysunny"
case .thunderCloudAndRain: return "thunder_cloud_and_rain, cloud with lightning and rain, thundercloudandrain"
case .mostlySunny: return "sun_small_cloud, mostlysunny, sun behind small cloud, mostly_sunny"
case .barelySunny: return "sun_behind_cloud, barely_sunny, sun behind large cloud, barelysunny"
case .partlySunnyRain: return "sun behind rain cloud, partly_sunny_rain, partlysunnyrain, sun_behind_rain_cloud"
case .rainCloud: return "cloud with rain, raincloud, rain_cloud"
case .snowCloud: return "snow_cloud, snowcloud, cloud with snow"
case .lightning: return "cloud with lightning, lightning, lightning_cloud"
case .tornado: return "tornado, tornado_cloud"
case .fog: return "fog"
case .windBlowingFace: return "wind face, wind_blowing_face, windblowingface"
case .cyclone: return "cyclone"
case .rainbow: return "rainbow"
case .closedUmbrella: return "closed_umbrella, closedumbrella, closed umbrella"
case .umbrella: return "umbrella"
case .umbrellaWithRainDrops: return "umbrella with rain drops, umbrellawithraindrops, umbrella_with_rain_drops"
case .umbrellaOnGround: return "umbrella on ground, umbrella_on_ground, umbrellaonground"
case .zap: return "high voltage sign, zap"
case .snowflake: return "snowflake"
case .snowman: return "snowman"
case .snowmanWithoutSnow: return "snowman without snow, snowman_without_snow, snowmanwithoutsnow"
case .comet: return "comet"
case .fire: return "fire"
case .droplet: return "droplet"
case .ocean: return "ocean, water wave"
case .jackOLantern: return "jack-o-lantern, jack_o_lantern, jackolantern"
case .christmasTree: return "christmastree, christmas_tree, christmas tree"
case .fireworks: return "fireworks"
case .sparkler: return "sparkler, firework sparkler"
case .firecracker: return "firecracker"
case .sparkles: return "sparkles"
case .balloon: return "balloon"
case .tada: return "tada, party popper"
case .confettiBall: return "confetti_ball, confettiball, confetti ball"
case .tanabataTree: return "tanabatatree, tanabata tree, tanabata_tree"
case .bamboo: return "bamboo, pine decoration"
case .dolls: return "dolls, japanese dolls"
case .flags: return "flags, carp streamer"
case .windChime: return "windchime, wind_chime, wind chime"
case .riceScene: return "moon viewing ceremony, rice_scene, ricescene"
case .redEnvelope: return "red gift envelope, redenvelope, red_envelope"
case .ribbon: return "ribbon"
case .gift: return "gift, wrapped present"
case .reminderRibbon: return "reminder ribbon, reminderribbon, reminder_ribbon"
case .admissionTickets: return "admission_tickets, admission tickets, admissiontickets"
case .ticket: return "ticket"
case .medal: return "medal, military medal"
case .trophy: return "trophy"
case .sportsMedal: return "sportsmedal, sports medal, sports_medal"
case .firstPlaceMedal: return "first place medal, firstplacemedal, first_place_medal"
case .secondPlaceMedal: return "secondplacemedal, second_place_medal, second place medal"
case .thirdPlaceMedal: return "third_place_medal, thirdplacemedal, third place medal"
case .soccer: return "soccer ball, soccer"
case .baseball: return "baseball"
case .softball: return "softball"
case .basketball: return "basketball and hoop, basketball"
case .volleyball: return "volleyball"
case .football: return "football, american football"
case .rugbyFootball: return "rugby_football, rugby football, rugbyfootball"
case .tennis: return "tennis, tennis racquet and ball"
case .flyingDisc: return "flying_disc, flyingdisc, flying disc"
case .bowling: return "bowling"
case .cricketBatAndBall: return "cricket_bat_and_ball, cricketbatandball, cricket bat and ball"
case .fieldHockeyStickAndBall: return "field_hockey_stick_and_ball, field hockey stick and ball, fieldhockeystickandball"
case .iceHockeyStickAndPuck: return "ice_hockey_stick_and_puck, ice hockey stick and puck, icehockeystickandpuck"
case .lacrosse: return "lacrosse stick and ball, lacrosse"
case .tableTennisPaddleAndBall: return "table tennis paddle and ball, table_tennis_paddle_and_ball, tabletennispaddleandball"
case .badmintonRacquetAndShuttlecock: return "badminton_racquet_and_shuttlecock, badminton racquet and shuttlecock, badmintonracquetandshuttlecock"
case .boxingGlove: return "boxing_glove, boxing glove, boxingglove"
case .martialArtsUniform: return "martial_arts_uniform, martial arts uniform, martialartsuniform"
case .goalNet: return "goalnet, goal net, goal_net"
case .golf: return "golf, flag in hole"
case .iceSkate: return "ice skate, iceskate, ice_skate"
case .fishingPoleAndFish: return "fishing pole and fish, fishingpoleandfish, fishing_pole_and_fish"
case .divingMask: return "divingmask, diving_mask, diving mask"
case .runningShirtWithSash: return "running shirt with sash, running_shirt_with_sash, runningshirtwithsash"
case .ski: return "ski, ski and ski boot"
case .sled: return "sled"
case .curlingStone: return "curling_stone, curling stone, curlingstone"
case .dart: return "dart, direct hit"
case .yoYo: return "yo-yo, yoyo"
case .kite: return "kite"
case .eightBall: return "8ball, billiards, eightball"
case .crystalBall: return "crystal ball, crystalball, crystal_ball"
case .magicWand: return "magic wand, magicwand, magic_wand"
case .nazarAmulet: return "nazar amulet, nazaramulet, nazar_amulet"
case .hamsa: return "hamsa"
case .videoGame: return "video_game, video game, videogame"
case .joystick: return "joystick"
case .slotMachine: return "slotmachine, slot_machine, slot machine"
case .gameDie: return "gamedie, game die, game_die"
case .jigsaw: return "jigsaw, jigsaw puzzle piece"
case .teddyBear: return "teddy_bear, teddy bear, teddybear"
case .pinata: return "pinata"
case .mirrorBall: return "mirrorball, mirror ball, mirror_ball"
case .nestingDolls: return "nesting dolls, nestingdolls, nesting_dolls"
case .spades: return "black spade suit, spades"
case .hearts: return "black heart suit, hearts"
case .diamonds: return "diamonds, black diamond suit"
case .clubs: return "clubs, black club suit"
case .chessPawn: return "chess_pawn, chess pawn, chesspawn"
case .blackJoker: return "black_joker, blackjoker, playing card black joker"
case .mahjong: return "mahjong, mahjong tile red dragon"
case .flowerPlayingCards: return "flower playing cards, flowerplayingcards, flower_playing_cards"
case .performingArts: return "performingarts, performing_arts, performing arts"
case .frameWithPicture: return "framed picture, framewithpicture, frame_with_picture"
case .art: return "art, artist palette"
case .thread: return "thread, spool of thread"
case .sewingNeedle: return "sewing needle, sewingneedle, sewing_needle"
case .yarn: return "ball of yarn, yarn"
case .knot: return "knot"
case .eyeglasses: return "eyeglasses"
case .darkSunglasses: return "sunglasses, darksunglasses, dark_sunglasses"
case .goggles: return "goggles"
case .labCoat: return "lab_coat, lab coat, labcoat"
case .safetyVest: return "safety_vest, safetyvest, safety vest"
case .necktie: return "necktie"
case .shirt: return "t-shirt, shirt, tshirt"
case .jeans: return "jeans"
case .scarf: return "scarf"
case .gloves: return "gloves"
case .coat: return "coat"
case .socks: return "socks"
case .dress: return "dress"
case .kimono: return "kimono"
case .sari: return "sari"
case .onePieceSwimsuit: return "one-piece swimsuit, onepieceswimsuit, one-piece_swimsuit"
case .briefs: return "briefs"
case .shorts: return "shorts"
case .bikini: return "bikini"
case .womansClothes: return "womans_clothes, womansclothes, womans clothes"
case .purse: return "purse"
case .handbag: return "handbag"
case .pouch: return "pouch"
case .shoppingBags: return "shopping bags, shoppingbags, shopping_bags"
case .schoolSatchel: return "school satchel, schoolsatchel, school_satchel"
case .thongSandal: return "thong_sandal, thongsandal, thong sandal"
case .mansShoe: return "mans_shoe, shoe, mans shoe, mansshoe"
case .athleticShoe: return "athletic_shoe, athletic shoe, athleticshoe"
case .hikingBoot: return "hikingboot, hiking boot, hiking_boot"
case .womansFlatShoe: return "flat shoe, womansflatshoe, womans_flat_shoe"
case .highHeel: return "high-heeled shoe, high_heel, highheel"
case .sandal: return "sandal, womans sandal"
case .balletShoes: return "balletshoes, ballet_shoes, ballet shoes"
case .boot: return "boot, womans boots"
case .crown: return "crown"
case .womansHat: return "womans_hat, womanshat, womans hat"
case .tophat: return "tophat, top hat"
case .mortarBoard: return "mortarboard, mortar_board, graduation cap"
case .billedCap: return "billed_cap, billed cap, billedcap"
case .militaryHelmet: return "militaryhelmet, military helmet, military_helmet"
case .helmetWithWhiteCross: return "helmet_with_white_cross, helmetwithwhitecross, rescue workers helmet"
case .prayerBeads: return "prayer beads, prayer_beads, prayerbeads"
case .lipstick: return "lipstick"
case .ring: return "ring"
case .gem: return "gem, gem stone"
case .mute: return "mute, speaker with cancellation stroke"
case .speaker: return "speaker"
case .sound: return "sound, speaker with one sound wave"
case .loudSound: return "loud_sound, speaker with three sound waves, loudsound"
case .loudspeaker: return "public address loudspeaker, loudspeaker"
case .mega: return "mega, cheering megaphone"
case .postalHorn: return "postal horn, postal_horn, postalhorn"
case .bell: return "bell"
case .noBell: return "nobell, no_bell, bell with cancellation stroke"
case .musicalScore: return "musical_score, musicalscore, musical score"
case .musicalNote: return "musical_note, musical note, musicalnote"
case .notes: return "multiple musical notes, notes"
case .studioMicrophone: return "studio microphone, studio_microphone, studiomicrophone"
case .levelSlider: return "levelslider, level slider, level_slider"
case .controlKnobs: return "control_knobs, control knobs, controlknobs"
case .microphone: return "microphone"
case .headphones: return "headphones, headphone"
case .radio: return "radio"
case .saxophone: return "saxophone"
case .accordion: return "accordion"
case .guitar: return "guitar"
case .musicalKeyboard: return "musicalkeyboard, musical keyboard, musical_keyboard"
case .trumpet: return "trumpet"
case .violin: return "violin"
case .banjo: return "banjo"
case .drumWithDrumsticks: return "drum_with_drumsticks, drum with drumsticks, drumwithdrumsticks"
case .longDrum: return "long drum, long_drum, longdrum"
case .iphone: return "iphone, mobile phone"
case .calling: return "calling, mobile phone with rightwards arrow at left"
case .phone: return "black telephone, phone, telephone"
case .telephoneReceiver: return "telephone receiver, telephonereceiver, telephone_receiver"
case .pager: return "pager"
case .fax: return "fax machine, fax"
case .battery: return "battery"
case .lowBattery: return "lowbattery, low_battery, low battery"
case .electricPlug: return "electricplug, electric plug, electric_plug"
case .computer: return "personal computer, computer"
case .desktopComputer: return "desktop_computer, desktop computer, desktopcomputer"
case .printer: return "printer"
case .keyboard: return "keyboard"
case .threeButtonMouse: return "computer mouse, threebuttonmouse, three_button_mouse"
case .trackball: return "trackball"
case .minidisc: return "minidisc"
case .floppyDisk: return "floppydisk, floppy_disk, floppy disk"
case .cd: return "optical disc, cd"
case .dvd: return "dvd"
case .abacus: return "abacus"
case .movieCamera: return "movie camera, moviecamera, movie_camera"
case .filmFrames: return "filmframes, film frames, film_frames"
case .filmProjector: return "film_projector, filmprojector, film projector"
case .clapper: return "clapper, clapper board"
case .tv: return "television, tv"
case .camera: return "camera"
case .cameraWithFlash: return "camera with flash, camerawithflash, camera_with_flash"
case .videoCamera: return "video_camera, video camera, videocamera"
case .vhs: return "vhs, videocassette"
case .mag: return "mag, left-pointing magnifying glass"
case .magRight: return "mag_right, magright, right-pointing magnifying glass"
case .candle: return "candle"
case .bulb: return "electric light bulb, bulb"
case .flashlight: return "electric torch, flashlight"
case .izakayaLantern: return "izakaya_lantern, izakaya lantern, lantern, izakayalantern"
case .diyaLamp: return "diyalamp, diya_lamp, diya lamp"
case .notebookWithDecorativeCover: return "notebook_with_decorative_cover, notebook with decorative cover, notebookwithdecorativecover"
case .closedBook: return "closed_book, closed book, closedbook"
case .book: return "book, open_book, open book"
case .greenBook: return "greenbook, green book, green_book"
case .blueBook: return "blue_book, bluebook, blue book"
case .orangeBook: return "orange book, orangebook, orange_book"
case .books: return "books"
case .notebook: return "notebook"
case .ledger: return "ledger"
case .pageWithCurl: return "page with curl, page_with_curl, pagewithcurl"
case .scroll: return "scroll"
case .pageFacingUp: return "pagefacingup, page_facing_up, page facing up"
case .newspaper: return "newspaper"
case .rolledUpNewspaper: return "rolledupnewspaper, rolled_up_newspaper, rolled-up newspaper"
case .bookmarkTabs: return "bookmarktabs, bookmark_tabs, bookmark tabs"
case .bookmark: return "bookmark"
case .label: return "label"
case .moneybag: return "money bag, moneybag"
case .coin: return "coin"
case .yen: return "banknote with yen sign, yen"
case .dollar: return "dollar, banknote with dollar sign"
case .euro: return "banknote with euro sign, euro"
case .pound: return "pound, banknote with pound sign"
case .moneyWithWings: return "money_with_wings, money with wings, moneywithwings"
case .creditCard: return "creditcard, credit card, credit_card"
case .receipt: return "receipt"
case .chart: return "chart, chart with upwards trend and yen sign"
case .email: return "email, envelope"
case .eMail: return "email, e-mail, e-mail symbol"
case .incomingEnvelope: return "incomingenvelope, incoming_envelope, incoming envelope"
case .envelopeWithArrow: return "envelope with downwards arrow above, envelopewitharrow, envelope_with_arrow"
case .outboxTray: return "outbox tray, outboxtray, outbox_tray"
case .inboxTray: return "inboxtray, inbox_tray, inbox tray"
case .package: return "package"
case .mailbox: return "closed mailbox with raised flag, mailbox"
case .mailboxClosed: return "mailbox_closed, closed mailbox with lowered flag, mailboxclosed"
case .mailboxWithMail: return "mailboxwithmail, mailbox_with_mail, open mailbox with raised flag"
case .mailboxWithNoMail: return "open mailbox with lowered flag, mailboxwithnomail, mailbox_with_no_mail"
case .postbox: return "postbox"
case .ballotBoxWithBallot: return "ballotboxwithballot, ballot box with ballot, ballot_box_with_ballot"
case .pencil2: return "pencil2, pencil"
case .blackNib: return "black nib, black_nib, blacknib"
case .lowerLeftFountainPen: return "lowerleftfountainpen, lower_left_fountain_pen, fountain pen"
case .lowerLeftBallpointPen: return "pen, lowerleftballpointpen, lower_left_ballpoint_pen"
case .lowerLeftPaintbrush: return "lowerleftpaintbrush, paintbrush, lower_left_paintbrush"
case .lowerLeftCrayon: return "crayon, lowerleftcrayon, lower_left_crayon"
case .memo: return "memo, pencil"
case .briefcase: return "briefcase"
case .fileFolder: return "filefolder, file folder, file_folder"
case .openFileFolder: return "openfilefolder, open file folder, open_file_folder"
case .cardIndexDividers: return "card index dividers, cardindexdividers, card_index_dividers"
case .date: return "calendar, date"
case .calendar: return "calendar, tear-off calendar"
case .spiralNotePad: return "spiralnotepad, spiral notepad, spiral_note_pad"
case .spiralCalendarPad: return "spiralcalendarpad, spiral calendar, spiral_calendar_pad"
case .cardIndex: return "card index, cardindex, card_index"
case .chartWithUpwardsTrend: return "chartwithupwardstrend, chart with upwards trend, chart_with_upwards_trend"
case .chartWithDownwardsTrend: return "chartwithdownwardstrend, chart with downwards trend, chart_with_downwards_trend"
case .barChart: return "barchart, bar chart, bar_chart"
case .clipboard: return "clipboard"
case .pushpin: return "pushpin"
case .roundPushpin: return "round pushpin, round_pushpin, roundpushpin"
case .paperclip: return "paperclip"
case .linkedPaperclips: return "linked paperclips, linked_paperclips, linkedpaperclips"
case .straightRuler: return "straightruler, straight ruler, straight_ruler"
case .triangularRuler: return "triangular ruler, triangularruler, triangular_ruler"
case .scissors: return "black scissors, scissors"
case .cardFileBox: return "card file box, card_file_box, cardfilebox"
case .fileCabinet: return "file_cabinet, filecabinet, file cabinet"
case .wastebasket: return "wastebasket"
case .lock: return "lock"
case .unlock: return "open lock, unlock"
case .lockWithInkPen: return "lock_with_ink_pen, lock with ink pen, lockwithinkpen"
case .closedLockWithKey: return "closedlockwithkey, closed_lock_with_key, closed lock with key"
case .key: return "key"
case .oldKey: return "oldkey, old key, old_key"
case .hammer: return "hammer"
case .axe: return "axe"
case .pick: return "pick"
case .hammerAndPick: return "hammerandpick, hammer and pick, hammer_and_pick"
case .hammerAndWrench: return "hammerandwrench, hammer_and_wrench, hammer and wrench"
case .daggerKnife: return "daggerknife, dagger_knife, dagger"
case .crossedSwords: return "crossedswords, crossed_swords, crossed swords"
case .gun: return "gun, pistol"
case .boomerang: return "boomerang"
case .bowAndArrow: return "bow_and_arrow, bowandarrow, bow and arrow"
case .shield: return "shield"
case .carpentrySaw: return "carpentry_saw, carpentry saw, carpentrysaw"
case .wrench: return "wrench"
case .screwdriver: return "screwdriver"
case .nutAndBolt: return "nut_and_bolt, nut and bolt, nutandbolt"
case .gear: return "gear"
case .compression: return "clamp, compression"
case .scales: return "balance scale, scales"
case .probingCane: return "probing cane, probing_cane, probingcane"
case .link: return "link, link symbol"
case .chains: return "chains"
case .hook: return "hook"
case .toolbox: return "toolbox"
case .magnet: return "magnet"
case .ladder: return "ladder"
case .alembic: return "alembic"
case .testTube: return "test tube, testtube, test_tube"
case .petriDish: return "petri dish, petri_dish, petridish"
case .dna: return "dna, dna double helix"
case .microscope: return "microscope"
case .telescope: return "telescope"
case .satelliteAntenna: return "satelliteantenna, satellite_antenna, satellite antenna"
case .syringe: return "syringe"
case .dropOfBlood: return "drop of blood, dropofblood, drop_of_blood"
case .pill: return "pill"
case .adhesiveBandage: return "adhesive bandage, adhesive_bandage, adhesivebandage"
case .crutch: return "crutch"
case .stethoscope: return "stethoscope"
case .xRay: return "x-ray, xray"
case .door: return "door"
case .elevator: return "elevator"
case .mirror: return "mirror"
case .window: return "window"
case .bed: return "bed"
case .couchAndLamp: return "couch_and_lamp, couchandlamp, couch and lamp"
case .chair: return "chair"
case .toilet: return "toilet"
case .plunger: return "plunger"
case .shower: return "shower"
case .bathtub: return "bathtub"
case .mouseTrap: return "mousetrap, mouse_trap, mouse trap"
case .razor: return "razor"
case .lotionBottle: return "lotionbottle, lotion_bottle, lotion bottle"
case .safetyPin: return "safety pin, safetypin, safety_pin"
case .broom: return "broom"
case .basket: return "basket"
case .rollOfPaper: return "roll_of_paper, rollofpaper, roll of paper"
case .bucket: return "bucket"
case .soap: return "soap, bar of soap"
case .bubbles: return "bubbles"
case .toothbrush: return "toothbrush"
case .sponge: return "sponge"
case .fireExtinguisher: return "fire extinguisher, fire_extinguisher, fireextinguisher"
case .shoppingTrolley: return "shopping_trolley, shopping trolley, shoppingtrolley"
case .smoking: return "smoking, smoking symbol"
case .coffin: return "coffin"
case .headstone: return "headstone"
case .funeralUrn: return "funeralurn, funeral urn, funeral_urn"
case .moyai: return "moyai"
case .placard: return "placard"
case .identificationCard: return "identification_card, identification card, identificationcard"
case .atm: return "atm, automated teller machine"
case .putLitterInItsPlace: return "putlitterinitsplace, put_litter_in_its_place, put litter in its place symbol"
case .potableWater: return "potablewater, potable water symbol, potable_water"
case .wheelchair: return "wheelchair symbol, wheelchair"
case .mens: return "mens, mens symbol"
case .womens: return "womens symbol, womens"
case .restroom: return "restroom"
case .babySymbol: return "baby_symbol, babysymbol, baby symbol"
case .wc: return "wc, water closet"
case .passportControl: return "passport_control, passport control, passportcontrol"
case .customs: return "customs"
case .baggageClaim: return "baggageclaim, baggage claim, baggage_claim"
case .leftLuggage: return "left luggage, leftluggage, left_luggage"
case .warning: return "warning, warning sign"
case .childrenCrossing: return "children crossing, childrencrossing, children_crossing"
case .noEntry: return "no entry, no_entry, noentry"
case .noEntrySign: return "no entry sign, noentrysign, no_entry_sign"
case .noBicycles: return "no bicycles, no_bicycles, nobicycles"
case .noSmoking: return "nosmoking, no_smoking, no smoking symbol"
case .doNotLitter: return "donotlitter, do not litter symbol, do_not_litter"
case .nonPotableWater: return "nonpotablewater, non-potable_water, non-potable water symbol"
case .noPedestrians: return "nopedestrians, no pedestrians, no_pedestrians"
case .noMobilePhones: return "no mobile phones, nomobilephones, no_mobile_phones"
case .underage: return "underage, no one under eighteen symbol"
case .radioactiveSign: return "radioactive, radioactivesign, radioactive_sign"
case .biohazardSign: return "biohazard, biohazardsign, biohazard_sign"
case .arrowUp: return "arrowup, arrow_up, upwards black arrow"
case .arrowUpperRight: return "north east arrow, arrow_upper_right, arrowupperright"
case .arrowRight: return "arrowright, black rightwards arrow, arrow_right"
case .arrowLowerRight: return "arrowlowerright, arrow_lower_right, south east arrow"
case .arrowDown: return "downwards black arrow, arrowdown, arrow_down"
case .arrowLowerLeft: return "arrow_lower_left, south west arrow, arrowlowerleft"
case .arrowLeft: return "arrow_left, leftwards black arrow, arrowleft"
case .arrowUpperLeft: return "arrow_upper_left, north west arrow, arrowupperleft"
case .arrowUpDown: return "arrowupdown, arrow_up_down, up down arrow"
case .leftRightArrow: return "left_right_arrow, left right arrow, leftrightarrow"
case .leftwardsArrowWithHook: return "leftwards_arrow_with_hook, leftwardsarrowwithhook, leftwards arrow with hook"
case .arrowRightHook: return "arrow_right_hook, rightwards arrow with hook, arrowrighthook"
case .arrowHeadingUp: return "arrow_heading_up, arrow pointing rightwards then curving upwards, arrowheadingup"
case .arrowHeadingDown: return "arrow_heading_down, arrow pointing rightwards then curving downwards, arrowheadingdown"
case .arrowsClockwise: return "clockwise downwards and upwards open circle arrows, arrowsclockwise, arrows_clockwise"
case .arrowsCounterclockwise: return "arrowscounterclockwise, arrows_counterclockwise, anticlockwise downwards and upwards open circle arrows"
case .back: return "back, back with leftwards arrow above"
case .end: return "end with leftwards arrow above, end"
case .on: return "on, on with exclamation mark with left right arrow above"
case .soon: return "soon with rightwards arrow above, soon"
case .top: return "top, top with upwards arrow above"
case .placeOfWorship: return "place_of_worship, placeofworship, place of worship"
case .atomSymbol: return "atomsymbol, atom_symbol, atom symbol"
case .omSymbol: return "omsymbol, om, om_symbol"
case .starOfDavid: return "star_of_david, star of david, starofdavid"
case .wheelOfDharma: return "wheel of dharma, wheelofdharma, wheel_of_dharma"
case .yinYang: return "yin yang, yinyang, yin_yang"
case .latinCross: return "latin_cross, latin cross, latincross"
case .orthodoxCross: return "orthodox cross, orthodoxcross, orthodox_cross"
case .starAndCrescent: return "starandcrescent, star_and_crescent, star and crescent"
case .peaceSymbol: return "peacesymbol, peace_symbol, peace symbol"
case .menorahWithNineBranches: return "menorah_with_nine_branches, menorahwithninebranches, menorah with nine branches"
case .sixPointedStar: return "six_pointed_star, six pointed star with middle dot, sixpointedstar"
case .aries: return "aries"
case .taurus: return "taurus"
case .gemini: return "gemini"
case .cancer: return "cancer"
case .leo: return "leo"
case .virgo: return "virgo"
case .libra: return "libra"
case .scorpius: return "scorpius"
case .sagittarius: return "sagittarius"
case .capricorn: return "capricorn"
case .aquarius: return "aquarius"
case .pisces: return "pisces"
case .ophiuchus: return "ophiuchus"
case .twistedRightwardsArrows: return "twisted rightwards arrows, twistedrightwardsarrows, twisted_rightwards_arrows"
case .`repeat`: return "repeat, clockwise rightwards and leftwards open circle arrows, `repeat`"
case .repeatOne: return "repeatone, repeat_one, clockwise rightwards and leftwards open circle arrows with circled one overlay"
case .arrowForward: return "arrowforward, arrow_forward, black right-pointing triangle"
case .fastForward: return "fast_forward, fastforward, black right-pointing double triangle"
case .blackRightPointingDoubleTriangleWithVerticalBar: return "next track button, black_right_pointing_double_triangle_with_vertical_bar, blackrightpointingdoubletrianglewithverticalbar"
case .blackRightPointingTriangleWithDoubleVerticalBar: return "black_right_pointing_triangle_with_double_vertical_bar, blackrightpointingtrianglewithdoubleverticalbar, play or pause button"
case .arrowBackward: return "arrow_backward, black left-pointing triangle, arrowbackward"
case .rewind: return "black left-pointing double triangle, rewind"
case .blackLeftPointingDoubleTriangleWithVerticalBar: return "last track button, blackleftpointingdoubletrianglewithverticalbar, black_left_pointing_double_triangle_with_vertical_bar"
case .arrowUpSmall: return "up-pointing small red triangle, arrowupsmall, arrow_up_small"
case .arrowDoubleUp: return "arrow_double_up, black up-pointing double triangle, arrowdoubleup"
case .arrowDownSmall: return "arrow_down_small, down-pointing small red triangle, arrowdownsmall"
case .arrowDoubleDown: return "arrowdoubledown, arrow_double_down, black down-pointing double triangle"
case .doubleVerticalBar: return "doubleverticalbar, double_vertical_bar, pause button"
case .blackSquareForStop: return "blacksquareforstop, black_square_for_stop, stop button"
case .blackCircleForRecord: return "record button, black_circle_for_record, blackcircleforrecord"
case .eject: return "eject button, eject"
case .cinema: return "cinema"
case .lowBrightness: return "lowbrightness, low brightness symbol, low_brightness"
case .highBrightness: return "high brightness symbol, highbrightness, high_brightness"
case .signalStrength: return "signal_strength, signalstrength, antenna with bars"
case .vibrationMode: return "vibration_mode, vibration mode, vibrationmode"
case .mobilePhoneOff: return "mobilephoneoff, mobile phone off, mobile_phone_off"
case .femaleSign: return "femalesign, female sign, female_sign"
case .maleSign: return "male sign, male_sign, malesign"
case .transgenderSymbol: return "transgender symbol, transgender_symbol, transgendersymbol"
case .heavyMultiplicationX: return "heavymultiplicationx, heavy_multiplication_x, heavy multiplication x"
case .heavyPlusSign: return "heavy plus sign, heavy_plus_sign, heavyplussign"
case .heavyMinusSign: return "heavy_minus_sign, heavy minus sign, heavyminussign"
case .heavyDivisionSign: return "heavy division sign, heavydivisionsign, heavy_division_sign"
case .heavyEqualsSign: return "heavy equals sign, heavyequalssign, heavy_equals_sign"
case .infinity: return "infinity"
case .bangbang: return "bangbang, double exclamation mark"
case .interrobang: return "exclamation question mark, interrobang"
case .question: return "question, black question mark ornament"
case .greyQuestion: return "greyquestion, grey_question, white question mark ornament"
case .greyExclamation: return "white exclamation mark ornament, greyexclamation, grey_exclamation"
case .exclamation: return "heavy exclamation mark symbol, exclamation, heavy_exclamation_mark"
case .wavyDash: return "wavy_dash, wavy dash, wavydash"
case .currencyExchange: return "currency exchange, currencyexchange, currency_exchange"
case .heavyDollarSign: return "heavydollarsign, heavy_dollar_sign, heavy dollar sign"
case .medicalSymbol: return "medical symbol, medical_symbol, medicalsymbol, staff_of_aesculapius"
case .recycle: return "recycle, black universal recycling symbol"
case .fleurDeLis: return "fleurdelis, fleur-de-lis, fleur_de_lis"
case .trident: return "trident, trident emblem"
case .nameBadge: return "namebadge, name_badge, name badge"
case .beginner: return "japanese symbol for beginner, beginner"
case .o: return "o, heavy large circle"
case .whiteCheckMark: return "white heavy check mark, white_check_mark, whitecheckmark"
case .ballotBoxWithCheck: return "ballotboxwithcheck, ballot_box_with_check, ballot box with check"
case .heavyCheckMark: return "heavy check mark, heavycheckmark, heavy_check_mark"
case .x: return "x, cross mark"
case .negativeSquaredCrossMark: return "negative_squared_cross_mark, negative squared cross mark, negativesquaredcrossmark"
case .curlyLoop: return "curly_loop, curlyloop, curly loop"
case .loop: return "double curly loop, loop"
case .partAlternationMark: return "part alternation mark, part_alternation_mark, partalternationmark"
case .eightSpokedAsterisk: return "eight_spoked_asterisk, eight spoked asterisk, eightspokedasterisk"
case .eightPointedBlackStar: return "eight pointed black star, eight_pointed_black_star, eightpointedblackstar"
case .sparkle: return "sparkle"
case .copyright: return "copyright, copyright sign"
case .registered: return "registered, registered sign"
case .tm: return "trade mark sign, tm"
case .hash: return "hash key, hash"
case .keycapStar: return "keycapstar, keycap_star, keycap: *"
case .zero: return "keycap 0, zero"
case .one: return "keycap 1, one"
case .two: return "two, keycap 2"
case .three: return "three, keycap 3"
case .four: return "keycap 4, four"
case .five: return "five, keycap 5"
case .six: return "six, keycap 6"
case .seven: return "seven, keycap 7"
case .eight: return "eight, keycap 8"
case .nine: return "keycap 9, nine"
case .keycapTen: return "keycap_ten, keycap ten, keycapten"
case .capitalAbcd: return "input symbol for latin capital letters, capitalabcd, capital_abcd"
case .abcd: return "abcd, input symbol for latin small letters"
case .oneTwoThreeFour: return "1234, input symbol for numbers, onetwothreefour"
case .symbols: return "input symbol for symbols, symbols"
case .abc: return "abc, input symbol for latin letters"
case .a: return "a, negative squared latin capital letter a"
case .ab: return "negative squared ab, ab"
case .b: return "b, negative squared latin capital letter b"
case .cl: return "cl, squared cl"
case .cool: return "squared cool, cool"
case .free: return "free, squared free"
case .informationSource: return "informationsource, information_source, information source"
case .id: return "id, squared id"
case .m: return "circled latin capital letter m, m"
case .new: return "squared new, new"
case .ng: return "ng, squared ng"
case .o2: return "o2, negative squared latin capital letter o"
case .ok: return "ok, squared ok"
case .parking: return "parking, negative squared latin capital letter p"
case .sos: return "sos, squared sos"
case .up: return "squared up with exclamation mark, up"
case .vs: return "squared vs, vs"
case .koko: return "squared katakana koko, koko"
case .sa: return "squared katakana sa, sa"
case .u6708: return "squared cjk unified ideograph-6708, u6708"
case .u6709: return "squared cjk unified ideograph-6709, u6709"
case .u6307: return "squared cjk unified ideograph-6307, u6307"
case .ideographAdvantage: return "circled ideograph advantage, ideograph_advantage, ideographadvantage"
case .u5272: return "u5272, squared cjk unified ideograph-5272"
case .u7121: return "u7121, squared cjk unified ideograph-7121"
case .u7981: return "u7981, squared cjk unified ideograph-7981"
case .accept: return "circled ideograph accept, accept"
case .u7533: return "squared cjk unified ideograph-7533, u7533"
case .u5408: return "squared cjk unified ideograph-5408, u5408"
case .u7a7a: return "squared cjk unified ideograph-7a7a, u7a7a"
case .congratulations: return "congratulations, circled ideograph congratulation"
case .secret: return "secret, circled ideograph secret"
case .u55b6: return "squared cjk unified ideograph-55b6, u55b6"
case .u6e80: return "squared cjk unified ideograph-6e80, u6e80"
case .redCircle: return "red_circle, large red circle, redcircle"
case .largeOrangeCircle: return "large_orange_circle, large orange circle, largeorangecircle"
case .largeYellowCircle: return "largeyellowcircle, large_yellow_circle, large yellow circle"
case .largeGreenCircle: return "largegreencircle, large green circle, large_green_circle"
case .largeBlueCircle: return "large_blue_circle, large blue circle, largebluecircle"
case .largePurpleCircle: return "large_purple_circle, large purple circle, largepurplecircle"
case .largeBrownCircle: return "largebrowncircle, large brown circle, large_brown_circle"
case .blackCircle: return "black_circle, blackcircle, medium black circle"
case .whiteCircle: return "white_circle, medium white circle, whitecircle"
case .largeRedSquare: return "large red square, largeredsquare, large_red_square"
case .largeOrangeSquare: return "large orange square, largeorangesquare, large_orange_square"
case .largeYellowSquare: return "large yellow square, large_yellow_square, largeyellowsquare"
case .largeGreenSquare: return "large_green_square, large green square, largegreensquare"
case .largeBlueSquare: return "large blue square, largebluesquare, large_blue_square"
case .largePurpleSquare: return "large purple square, large_purple_square, largepurplesquare"
case .largeBrownSquare: return "largebrownsquare, large_brown_square, large brown square"
case .blackLargeSquare: return "black_large_square, blacklargesquare, black large square"
case .whiteLargeSquare: return "whitelargesquare, white_large_square, white large square"
case .blackMediumSquare: return "black medium square, blackmediumsquare, black_medium_square"
case .whiteMediumSquare: return "white_medium_square, white medium square, whitemediumsquare"
case .blackMediumSmallSquare: return "black medium small square, blackmediumsmallsquare, black_medium_small_square"
case .whiteMediumSmallSquare: return "white_medium_small_square, whitemediumsmallsquare, white medium small square"
case .blackSmallSquare: return "black_small_square, blacksmallsquare, black small square"
case .whiteSmallSquare: return "white_small_square, white small square, whitesmallsquare"
case .largeOrangeDiamond: return "largeorangediamond, large orange diamond, large_orange_diamond"
case .largeBlueDiamond: return "large_blue_diamond, large blue diamond, largebluediamond"
case .smallOrangeDiamond: return "smallorangediamond, small orange diamond, small_orange_diamond"
case .smallBlueDiamond: return "small blue diamond, smallbluediamond, small_blue_diamond"
case .smallRedTriangle: return "small_red_triangle, up-pointing red triangle, smallredtriangle"
case .smallRedTriangleDown: return "small_red_triangle_down, down-pointing red triangle, smallredtriangledown"
case .diamondShapeWithADotInside: return "diamond shape with a dot inside, diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside, diamondshapewithadotinside"
case .radioButton: return "radio button, radiobutton, radio_button"
case .whiteSquareButton: return "whitesquarebutton, white_square_button, white square button"
case .blackSquareButton: return "blacksquarebutton, black_square_button, black square button"
case .checkeredFlag: return "chequered flag, checkered_flag, checkeredflag"
case .triangularFlagOnPost: return "triangularflagonpost, triangular_flag_on_post, triangular flag on post"
case .crossedFlags: return "crossed flags, crossedflags, crossed_flags"
case .wavingBlackFlag: return "waving black flag, waving_black_flag, wavingblackflag"
case .wavingWhiteFlag: return "wavingwhiteflag, waving_white_flag, white flag"
case .rainbowFlag: return "rainbowflag, rainbow-flag, rainbow flag"
case .transgenderFlag: return "transgender flag, transgender_flag, transgenderflag"
case .pirateFlag: return "pirate flag, pirateflag, pirate_flag"
case .flagAc: return "flag-ac, ascension island flag, flagac"
case .flagAd: return "flagad, flag-ad, andorra flag"
case .flagAe: return "united arab emirates flag, flagae, flag-ae"
case .flagAf: return "afghanistan flag, flagaf, flag-af"
case .flagAg: return "antigua & barbuda flag, flagag, flag-ag"
case .flagAi: return "flagai, flag-ai, anguilla flag"
case .flagAl: return "flagal, flag-al, albania flag"
case .flagAm: return "armenia flag, flagam, flag-am"
case .flagAo: return "flag-ao, angola flag, flagao"
case .flagAq: return "flag-aq, antarctica flag, flagaq"
case .flagAr: return "argentina flag, flag-ar, flagar"
case .flagAs: return "american samoa flag, flag-as, flagas"
case .flagAt: return "flag-at, austria flag, flagat"
case .flagAu: return "flag-au, flagau, australia flag"
case .flagAw: return "aruba flag, flag-aw, flagaw"
case .flagAx: return "flag-ax, flagax, åland islands flag"
case .flagAz: return "flagaz, flag-az, azerbaijan flag"
case .flagBa: return "flagba, flag-ba, bosnia & herzegovina flag"
case .flagBb: return "barbados flag, flagbb, flag-bb"
case .flagBd: return "flag-bd, bangladesh flag, flagbd"
case .flagBe: return "belgium flag, flagbe, flag-be"
case .flagBf: return "burkina faso flag, flagbf, flag-bf"
case .flagBg: return "flagbg, bulgaria flag, flag-bg"
case .flagBh: return "bahrain flag, flagbh, flag-bh"
case .flagBi: return "flagbi, flag-bi, burundi flag"
case .flagBj: return "flagbj, flag-bj, benin flag"
case .flagBl: return "flag-bl, st. barthélemy flag, flagbl"
case .flagBm: return "bermuda flag, flag-bm, flagbm"
case .flagBn: return "flag-bn, brunei flag, flagbn"
case .flagBo: return "flag-bo, flagbo, bolivia flag"
case .flagBq: return "flagbq, caribbean netherlands flag, flag-bq"
case .flagBr: return "flag-br, flagbr, brazil flag"
case .flagBs: return "flagbs, flag-bs, bahamas flag"
case .flagBt: return "flagbt, flag-bt, bhutan flag"
case .flagBv: return "bouvet island flag, flag-bv, flagbv"
case .flagBw: return "botswana flag, flag-bw, flagbw"
case .flagBy: return "flag-by, belarus flag, flagby"
case .flagBz: return "belize flag, flag-bz, flagbz"
case .flagCa: return "flag-ca, flagca, canada flag"
case .flagCc: return "flag-cc, cocos (keeling) islands flag, flagcc"
case .flagCd: return "flag-cd, flagcd, congo - kinshasa flag"
case .flagCf: return "central african republic flag, flagcf, flag-cf"
case .flagCg: return "congo - brazzaville flag, flagcg, flag-cg"
case .flagCh: return "switzerland flag, flagch, flag-ch"
case .flagCi: return "flagci, côte divoire flag, flag-ci"
case .flagCk: return "flagck, cook islands flag, flag-ck"
case .flagCl: return "flagcl, chile flag, flag-cl"
case .flagCm: return "flagcm, flag-cm, cameroon flag"
case .cn: return "china flag, cn, flag-cn"
case .flagCo: return "flagco, flag-co, colombia flag"
case .flagCp: return "clipperton island flag, flagcp, flag-cp"
case .flagCr: return "flagcr, costa rica flag, flag-cr"
case .flagCu: return "flag-cu, cuba flag, flagcu"
case .flagCv: return "flag-cv, flagcv, cape verde flag"
case .flagCw: return "flagcw, flag-cw, curaçao flag"
case .flagCx: return "christmas island flag, flag-cx, flagcx"
case .flagCy: return "cyprus flag, flagcy, flag-cy"
case .flagCz: return "flag-cz, czechia flag, flagcz"
case .de: return "flag-de, de, germany flag"
case .flagDg: return "diego garcia flag, flagdg, flag-dg"
case .flagDj: return "flag-dj, djibouti flag, flagdj"
case .flagDk: return "flag-dk, denmark flag, flagdk"
case .flagDm: return "flag-dm, flagdm, dominica flag"
case .flagDo: return "dominican republic flag, flagdo, flag-do"
case .flagDz: return "flag-dz, algeria flag, flagdz"
case .flagEa: return "ceuta & melilla flag, flagea, flag-ea"
case .flagEc: return "flag-ec, ecuador flag, flagec"
case .flagEe: return "flag-ee, estonia flag, flagee"
case .flagEg: return "egypt flag, flag-eg, flageg"
case .flagEh: return "flag-eh, western sahara flag, flageh"
case .flagEr: return "flag-er, eritrea flag, flager"
case .es: return "es, spain flag, flag-es"
case .flagEt: return "flag-et, ethiopia flag, flaget"
case .flagEu: return "flag-eu, european union flag, flageu"
case .flagFi: return "finland flag, flagfi, flag-fi"
case .flagFj: return "flagfj, flag-fj, fiji flag"
case .flagFk: return "flag-fk, flagfk, falkland islands flag"
case .flagFm: return "flagfm, flag-fm, micronesia flag"
case .flagFo: return "flag-fo, faroe islands flag, flagfo"
case .fr: return "flag-fr, france flag, fr"
case .flagGa: return "gabon flag, flag-ga, flagga"
case .gb: return "gb, uk, united kingdom flag, flag-gb"
case .flagGd: return "flaggd, flag-gd, grenada flag"
case .flagGe: return "georgia flag, flagge, flag-ge"
case .flagGf: return "flag-gf, french guiana flag, flaggf"
case .flagGg: return "guernsey flag, flaggg, flag-gg"
case .flagGh: return "flaggh, flag-gh, ghana flag"
case .flagGi: return "flag-gi, gibraltar flag, flaggi"
case .flagGl: return "flag-gl, flaggl, greenland flag"
case .flagGm: return "flag-gm, gambia flag, flaggm"
case .flagGn: return "flaggn, guinea flag, flag-gn"
case .flagGp: return "guadeloupe flag, flag-gp, flaggp"
case .flagGq: return "flag-gq, equatorial guinea flag, flaggq"
case .flagGr: return "flag-gr, flaggr, greece flag"
case .flagGs: return "flag-gs, south georgia & south sandwich islands flag, flaggs"
case .flagGt: return "flag-gt, flaggt, guatemala flag"
case .flagGu: return "flaggu, guam flag, flag-gu"
case .flagGw: return "guinea-bissau flag, flag-gw, flaggw"
case .flagGy: return "flaggy, flag-gy, guyana flag"
case .flagHk: return "flag-hk, hong kong sar china flag, flaghk"
case .flagHm: return "flag-hm, flaghm, heard & mcdonald islands flag"
case .flagHn: return "flag-hn, honduras flag, flaghn"
case .flagHr: return "flaghr, croatia flag, flag-hr"
case .flagHt: return "flag-ht, haiti flag, flaght"
case .flagHu: return "flaghu, flag-hu, hungary flag"
case .flagIc: return "flagic, flag-ic, canary islands flag"
case .flagId: return "flagid, flag-id, indonesia flag"
case .flagIe: return "ireland flag, flagie, flag-ie"
case .flagIl: return "flag-il, israel flag, flagil"
case .flagIm: return "isle of man flag, flag-im, flagim"
case .flagIn: return "india flag, flagin, flag-in"
case .flagIo: return "flag-io, british indian ocean territory flag, flagio"
case .flagIq: return "flagiq, iraq flag, flag-iq"
case .flagIr: return "flag-ir, iran flag, flagir"
case .flagIs: return "flag-is, iceland flag, flagis"
case .it: return "it, italy flag, flag-it"
case .flagJe: return "jersey flag, flagje, flag-je"
case .flagJm: return "flag-jm, jamaica flag, flagjm"
case .flagJo: return "flag-jo, jordan flag, flagjo"
case .jp: return "japan flag, jp, flag-jp"
case .flagKe: return "kenya flag, flag-ke, flagke"
case .flagKg: return "kyrgyzstan flag, flagkg, flag-kg"
case .flagKh: return "cambodia flag, flagkh, flag-kh"
case .flagKi: return "flagki, flag-ki, kiribati flag"
case .flagKm: return "flag-km, comoros flag, flagkm"
case .flagKn: return "st. kitts & nevis flag, flagkn, flag-kn"
case .flagKp: return "flag-kp, north korea flag, flagkp"
case .kr: return "kr, south korea flag, flag-kr"
case .flagKw: return "flag-kw, flagkw, kuwait flag"
case .flagKy: return "flagky, cayman islands flag, flag-ky"
case .flagKz: return "flag-kz, kazakhstan flag, flagkz"
case .flagLa: return "flagla, flag-la, laos flag"
case .flagLb: return "flaglb, lebanon flag, flag-lb"
case .flagLc: return "st. lucia flag, flag-lc, flaglc"
case .flagLi: return "flag-li, liechtenstein flag, flagli"
case .flagLk: return "flag-lk, flaglk, sri lanka flag"
case .flagLr: return "flaglr, liberia flag, flag-lr"
case .flagLs: return "flagls, flag-ls, lesotho flag"
case .flagLt: return "lithuania flag, flaglt, flag-lt"
case .flagLu: return "luxembourg flag, flaglu, flag-lu"
case .flagLv: return "flaglv, latvia flag, flag-lv"
case .flagLy: return "libya flag, flagly, flag-ly"
case .flagMa: return "flag-ma, morocco flag, flagma"
case .flagMc: return "flag-mc, monaco flag, flagmc"
case .flagMd: return "flagmd, flag-md, moldova flag"
case .flagMe: return "montenegro flag, flag-me, flagme"
case .flagMf: return "flagmf, flag-mf, st. martin flag"
case .flagMg: return "flag-mg, madagascar flag, flagmg"
case .flagMh: return "flag-mh, flagmh, marshall islands flag"
case .flagMk: return "flagmk, flag-mk, north macedonia flag"
case .flagMl: return "flag-ml, mali flag, flagml"
case .flagMm: return "flag-mm, flagmm, myanmar (burma) flag"
case .flagMn: return "flag-mn, flagmn, mongolia flag"
case .flagMo: return "flag-mo, macao sar china flag, flagmo"
case .flagMp: return "flagmp, northern mariana islands flag, flag-mp"
case .flagMq: return "martinique flag, flagmq, flag-mq"
case .flagMr: return "flagmr, mauritania flag, flag-mr"
case .flagMs: return "montserrat flag, flagms, flag-ms"
case .flagMt: return "flag-mt, malta flag, flagmt"
case .flagMu: return "flag-mu, flagmu, mauritius flag"
case .flagMv: return "maldives flag, flag-mv, flagmv"
case .flagMw: return "flagmw, flag-mw, malawi flag"
case .flagMx: return "mexico flag, flagmx, flag-mx"
case .flagMy: return "flag-my, malaysia flag, flagmy"
case .flagMz: return "flagmz, flag-mz, mozambique flag"
case .flagNa: return "flagna, namibia flag, flag-na"
case .flagNc: return "new caledonia flag, flagnc, flag-nc"
case .flagNe: return "flagne, niger flag, flag-ne"
case .flagNf: return "flagnf, flag-nf, norfolk island flag"
case .flagNg: return "nigeria flag, flag-ng, flagng"
case .flagNi: return "flag-ni, nicaragua flag, flagni"
case .flagNl: return "flag-nl, netherlands flag, flagnl"
case .flagNo: return "norway flag, flagno, flag-no"
case .flagNp: return "flagnp, flag-np, nepal flag"
case .flagNr: return "flagnr, flag-nr, nauru flag"
case .flagNu: return "flag-nu, niue flag, flagnu"
case .flagNz: return "new zealand flag, flagnz, flag-nz"
case .flagOm: return "flagom, oman flag, flag-om"
case .flagPa: return "panama flag, flagpa, flag-pa"
case .flagPe: return "peru flag, flagpe, flag-pe"
case .flagPf: return "flagpf, flag-pf, french polynesia flag"
case .flagPg: return "flagpg, flag-pg, papua new guinea flag"
case .flagPh: return "flag-ph, flagph, philippines flag"
case .flagPk: return "flagpk, flag-pk, pakistan flag"
case .flagPl: return "flag-pl, flagpl, poland flag"
case .flagPm: return "flag-pm, st. pierre & miquelon flag, flagpm"
case .flagPn: return "flagpn, pitcairn islands flag, flag-pn"
case .flagPr: return "puerto rico flag, flagpr, flag-pr"
case .flagPs: return "flag-ps, palestinian territories flag, flagps"
case .flagPt: return "flag-pt, portugal flag, flagpt"
case .flagPw: return "palau flag, flagpw, flag-pw"
case .flagPy: return "flagpy, flag-py, paraguay flag"
case .flagQa: return "flagqa, qatar flag, flag-qa"
case .flagRe: return "flag-re, flagre, réunion flag"
case .flagRo: return "flag-ro, romania flag, flagro"
case .flagRs: return "flagrs, flag-rs, serbia flag"
case .ru: return "russia flag, ru, flag-ru"
case .flagRw: return "rwanda flag, flag-rw, flagrw"
case .flagSa: return "flag-sa, flagsa, saudi arabia flag"
case .flagSb: return "solomon islands flag, flag-sb, flagsb"
case .flagSc: return "flagsc, seychelles flag, flag-sc"
case .flagSd: return "flag-sd, flagsd, sudan flag"
case .flagSe: return "flag-se, sweden flag, flagse"
case .flagSg: return "flag-sg, singapore flag, flagsg"
case .flagSh: return "flagsh, st. helena flag, flag-sh"
case .flagSi: return "flag-si, slovenia flag, flagsi"
case .flagSj: return "flag-sj, svalbard & jan mayen flag, flagsj"
case .flagSk: return "slovakia flag, flagsk, flag-sk"
case .flagSl: return "sierra leone flag, flag-sl, flagsl"
case .flagSm: return "flag-sm, san marino flag, flagsm"
case .flagSn: return "senegal flag, flagsn, flag-sn"
case .flagSo: return "flagso, flag-so, somalia flag"
case .flagSr: return "flag-sr, suriname flag, flagsr"
case .flagSs: return "flag-ss, south sudan flag, flagss"
case .flagSt: return "flagst, flag-st, são tomé & príncipe flag"
case .flagSv: return "flag-sv, el salvador flag, flagsv"
case .flagSx: return "flag-sx, sint maarten flag, flagsx"
case .flagSy: return "flag-sy, syria flag, flagsy"
case .flagSz: return "flagsz, eswatini flag, flag-sz"
case .flagTa: return "flag-ta, flagta, tristan da cunha flag"
case .flagTc: return "flagtc, turks & caicos islands flag, flag-tc"
case .flagTd: return "flagtd, flag-td, chad flag"
case .flagTf: return "flag-tf, french southern territories flag, flagtf"
case .flagTg: return "flagtg, togo flag, flag-tg"
case .flagTh: return "thailand flag, flagth, flag-th"
case .flagTj: return "tajikistan flag, flagtj, flag-tj"
case .flagTk: return "tokelau flag, flag-tk, flagtk"
case .flagTl: return "flag-tl, timor-leste flag, flagtl"
case .flagTm: return "flag-tm, turkmenistan flag, flagtm"
case .flagTn: return "flagtn, tunisia flag, flag-tn"
case .flagTo: return "flag-to, flagto, tonga flag"
case .flagTr: return "flagtr, flag-tr, turkey flag"
case .flagTt: return "flag-tt, trinidad & tobago flag, flagtt"
case .flagTv: return "tuvalu flag, flag-tv, flagtv"
case .flagTw: return "flag-tw, taiwan flag, flagtw"
case .flagTz: return "flag-tz, flagtz, tanzania flag"
case .flagUa: return "ukraine flag, flagua, flag-ua"
case .flagUg: return "flagug, uganda flag, flag-ug"
case .flagUm: return "flag-um, flagum, u.s. outlying islands flag"
case .flagUn: return "united nations flag, flag-un, flagun"
case .us: return "flag-us, us, united states flag"
case .flagUy: return "flaguy, uruguay flag, flag-uy"
case .flagUz: return "flag-uz, uzbekistan flag, flaguz"
case .flagVa: return "flag-va, flagva, vatican city flag"
case .flagVc: return "flag-vc, st. vincent & grenadines flag, flagvc"
case .flagVe: return "flag-ve, venezuela flag, flagve"
case .flagVg: return "flag-vg, flagvg, british virgin islands flag"
case .flagVi: return "flagvi, u.s. virgin islands flag, flag-vi"
case .flagVn: return "flagvn, flag-vn, vietnam flag"
case .flagVu: return "flagvu, vanuatu flag, flag-vu"
case .flagWf: return "flag-wf, wallis & futuna flag, flagwf"
case .flagWs: return "flag-ws, samoa flag, flagws"
case .flagXk: return "flagxk, kosovo flag, flag-xk"
case .flagYe: return "flagye, yemen flag, flag-ye"
case .flagYt: return "flag-yt, flagyt, mayotte flag"
case .flagZa: return "south africa flag, flagza, flag-za"
case .flagZm: return "flag-zm, zambia flag, flagzm"
case .flagZw: return "flagzw, zimbabwe flag, flag-zw"
case .flagEngland: return "flagengland, england flag, flag-england"
case .flagScotland: return "scotland flag, flagscotland, flag-scotland"
case .flagWales: return "flagwales, flag-wales, wales flag"