You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright © 2023 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import SessionUtil
import SignalCoreKit
// MARK: - LibSession
public enum LibSession {
private static let logLevels: [LogCategory: LOG_LEVEL] = [
.config: LOG_LEVEL_INFO,
3 months ago
.network: LOG_LEVEL_INFO,
.manual: LOG_LEVEL_INFO,
public static var version: String { String(cString: LIBSESSION_UTIL_VERSION_STR) }
// MARK: - Logging
extension LibSession {
public static func addLogger() {
3 months ago
/// Set the default log level first (unless specified we only care about semi-dangerous logs)
3 months ago
/// Then set any explicit category log levels we have
logLevels.forEach { cat, level in
guard let cCat: [CChar] = cat.rawValue.cString(using: .utf8) else { return }
session_logger_set_level(cCat, level)
3 months ago
/// Finally register the actual logger callback
session_add_logger_full({ msgPtr, msgLen, _, _, lvl in
guard let msg: String = String(pointer: msgPtr, length: msgLen, encoding: .utf8) else { return }
msg.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines),
withPrefixes: false,
silenceForTests: false
// MARK: - Internal
fileprivate enum LogCategory: String {
case config
case network
case quic
3 months ago
case manual
init?(_ catPtr: UnsafePointer<CChar>?, _ catLen: Int) {
switch String(pointer: catPtr, length: catLen, encoding: .utf8).map({ LogCategory(rawValue: $0) }) {
case .some(let cat): self = cat
case .none: return nil
// MARK: - Convenience
fileprivate extension Log.Level {
init(_ level: LOG_LEVEL) {
switch level {
case LOG_LEVEL_TRACE: self = .trace
case LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG: self = .debug
case LOG_LEVEL_INFO: self = .info
case LOG_LEVEL_WARN: self = .warn
case LOG_LEVEL_ERROR: self = .error
case LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL: self = .critical
default: self = .off