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import UIKit
public protocol ConstraintUtilitiesEdge { }
public extension UIView {
enum HorizontalEdge : ConstraintUtilitiesEdge { case left, leading, right, trailing }
enum VerticalEdge : ConstraintUtilitiesEdge { case top, bottom }
enum Direction { case horizontal, vertical }
enum Dimension { case width, height }
private func anchor(from edge: HorizontalEdge) -> NSLayoutXAxisAnchor {
switch edge {
case .left: return leftAnchor
case .leading: return leadingAnchor
case .right: return rightAnchor
case .trailing: return trailingAnchor
private func anchor(from edge: VerticalEdge) -> NSLayoutYAxisAnchor {
switch edge {
case .top: return topAnchor
case .bottom: return bottomAnchor
5 years ago
func pin(_ constraineeEdge: HorizontalEdge, to constrainerEdge: HorizontalEdge, of view: UIView, withInset inset: CGFloat = 0) -> NSLayoutConstraint {
translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
5 years ago
let constraint = anchor(from: constraineeEdge).constraint(equalTo: view.anchor(from: constrainerEdge), constant: inset)
constraint.isActive = true
return constraint
5 years ago
func pin(_ constraineeEdge: VerticalEdge, to constrainerEdge: VerticalEdge, of view: UIView, withInset inset: CGFloat = 0) -> NSLayoutConstraint {
translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
5 years ago
let constraint = anchor(from: constraineeEdge).constraint(equalTo: view.anchor(from: constrainerEdge), constant: inset)
constraint.isActive = true
return constraint
func pin(_ edges: [ConstraintUtilitiesEdge], to view: UIView) {
edges.forEach {
if let horizontalEdge = $0 as? HorizontalEdge {
pin(horizontalEdge, to: horizontalEdge, of: view)
} else if let verticalEdge = $0 as? VerticalEdge {
pin(verticalEdge, to: verticalEdge, of: view)
} else {
preconditionFailure() // Should never occur
func pin(to view: UIView) {
[ HorizontalEdge.leading, HorizontalEdge.trailing ].forEach { pin($0, to: $0, of: view) }
[, VerticalEdge.bottom ].forEach { pin($0, to: $0, of: view) }
func pin(to view: UIView, withInset inset: CGFloat) {
pin(.leading, to: .leading, of: view, withInset: inset)
pin(.top, to: .top, of: view, withInset: inset), to: .trailing, of: self, withInset: inset), to: .bottom, of: self, withInset: inset)
5 years ago
func center(_ direction: Direction, in view: UIView) -> NSLayoutConstraint {
translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
5 years ago
let constraint: NSLayoutConstraint = {
switch direction {
case .horizontal: return centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.centerXAnchor)
case .vertical: return centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.centerYAnchor)
constraint.isActive = true
return constraint
func center(in view: UIView) {
center(.horizontal, in: view)
center(.vertical, in: view)
5 years ago
func set(_ dimension: Dimension, to size: CGFloat) -> NSLayoutConstraint {
translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
5 years ago
let constraint: NSLayoutConstraint = {
switch dimension {
case .width: return widthAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: size)
case .height: return heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: size)
constraint.isActive = true
return constraint
func set(_ dimension: Dimension, greaterThanOrEqualTo size: CGFloat) -> NSLayoutConstraint {
translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
let constraint: NSLayoutConstraint = {
switch dimension {
case .width: return widthAnchor.constraint(greaterThanOrEqualToConstant: size)
case .height: return heightAnchor.constraint(greaterThanOrEqualToConstant: size)
constraint.isActive = true
return constraint