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3 years ago
import WebRTC
import Foundation
extension WebRTCSession: RTCDataChannelDelegate {
internal func createDataChannel() {
let dataChannelConfiguration = RTCDataChannelConfiguration()
dataChannelConfiguration.isOrdered = true
dataChannelConfiguration.isNegotiated = true
dataChannelConfiguration.maxRetransmits = 30
dataChannelConfiguration.maxPacketLifeTime = 30000
dataChannel = peerConnection.dataChannel(forLabel: "DATACHANNEL", configuration: dataChannelConfiguration)
dataChannel?.delegate = self
public func sendJSON(_ json: JSON) {
if let dataChannel = self.dataChannel, let jsonAsData = try? json, options: [ .fragmentsAllowed ]) {
let dataBuffer = RTCDataBuffer(data: jsonAsData, isBinary: false)
// MARK: Data channel delegate
public func dataChannelDidChangeState(_ dataChannel: RTCDataChannel) {
print("[Calls] Data channed did change to \(dataChannel.readyState)")
public func dataChannel(_ dataChannel: RTCDataChannel, didReceiveMessageWith buffer: RTCDataBuffer) {
print("[Calls] Data channel did receive data: \(buffer)")
if let json = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with:, options: [ .fragmentsAllowed ]) {