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// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
import SessionUtilitiesKit
public enum MessageReceiveJob: JobExecutor {
public static var maxFailureCount: Int = 10
public static var requiresThreadId: Bool = true
public static let requiresInteractionId: Bool = false
public static func run(
_ job: Job,
queue: DispatchQueue,
success: @escaping (Job, Bool, Dependencies) -> (),
failure: @escaping (Job, Error?, Bool, Dependencies) -> (),
deferred: @escaping (Job, Dependencies) -> (),
using dependencies: Dependencies = Dependencies()
) {
let threadId: String = job.threadId,
let detailsData: Data = job.details,
let details: Details = try? JSONDecoder().decode(Details.self, from: detailsData)
else {
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev' into feature/job-runner-unit-tests # Conflicts: # Session.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj # Session/Meta/Session-Prefix.pch # Session/Notifications/SyncPushTokensJob.swift # Session/Utilities/BackgroundPoller.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Configuration.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Database/Models/Profile.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Jobs/Types/AttachmentDownloadJob.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Jobs/Types/AttachmentUploadJob.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Jobs/Types/DisappearingMessagesJob.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Jobs/Types/FailedAttachmentDownloadsJob.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Jobs/Types/FailedMessageSendsJob.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Jobs/Types/GroupLeavingJob.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Jobs/Types/MessageReceiveJob.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Jobs/Types/MessageSendJob.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Jobs/Types/NotifyPushServerJob.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Jobs/Types/RetrieveDefaultOpenGroupRoomsJob.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Jobs/Types/SendReadReceiptsJob.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Jobs/Types/UpdateProfilePictureJob.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/MessageSender.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/Pollers/ClosedGroupPoller.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Utilities/AppReadiness.m # SessionMessagingKitTests/Open Groups/OpenGroupManagerSpec.swift # SessionMessagingKitTests/_TestUtilities/TestOnionRequestAPI.swift # SessionShareExtension/ShareNavController.swift # SessionSnodeKit/Jobs/GetSnodePoolJob.swift # SessionUtilitiesKit/Configuration.swift # SessionUtilitiesKit/Database/Utilities/Database+Utilities.swift # SessionUtilitiesKit/JobRunner/JobRunner.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/Meta/SignalUtilitiesKit.h # SignalUtilitiesKit/Utilities/SSKAsserts.h
12 months ago
return failure(job, JobRunnerError.missingRequiredDetails, true, dependencies)
var updatedJob: Job = job
var lastError: Error?
var remainingMessagesToProcess: [Details.MessageInfo] = []
let messageData: [(info: Details.MessageInfo, proto: SNProtoContent)] = details.messages
.compactMap { messageInfo -> (info: Details.MessageInfo, proto: SNProtoContent)? in
do {
return (messageInfo, try SNProtoContent.parseData(messageInfo.serializedProtoData))
catch {
SNLog("Couldn't receive message due to error: \(error)")
lastError = error
// We failed to process this message but it is a retryable error
// so add it to the list to re-process
return nil
} { db in
for (messageInfo, protoContent) in messageData {
do {
try MessageReceiver.handle(
threadId: threadId,
threadVariant: messageInfo.threadVariant,
message: messageInfo.message,
serverExpirationTimestamp: messageInfo.serverExpirationTimestamp,
associatedWithProto: protoContent
catch {
// If the current message is a permanent failure then override it with the
// new error (we want to retry if there is a single non-permanent error)
switch error {
// Ignore duplicate and self-send errors (these will usually be caught during
// parsing but sometimes can get past and conflict at database insertion - eg.
// for open group messages) we also don't bother logging as it results in
// excessive logging which isn't useful)
DatabaseError.SQLITE_CONSTRAINT, // Sometimes thrown for UNIQUE
case let receiverError as MessageReceiverError where !receiverError.isRetryable:
SNLog("MessageReceiveJob permanently failed message due to error: \(error)")
SNLog("Couldn't receive message due to error: \(error)")
lastError = error
// We failed to process this message but it is a retryable error
// so add it to the list to re-process
// If any messages failed to process then we want to update the job to only include
// those failed messages
guard !remainingMessagesToProcess.isEmpty else { return }
updatedJob = try job
details: Details(
messages: remainingMessagesToProcess,
calledFromBackgroundPoller: details.calledFromBackgroundPoller
.defaulting(to: job)
// Handle the result
switch lastError {
case let error as MessageReceiverError where !error.isRetryable:
failure(updatedJob, error, true, dependencies)
case .some(let error):
failure(updatedJob, error, false, dependencies)
case .none:
success(updatedJob, false, dependencies)
// MARK: - MessageReceiveJob.Details
extension MessageReceiveJob {
public struct Details: Codable {
public struct MessageInfo: Codable {
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case message
case variant
case threadVariant
case serverExpirationTimestamp
case serializedProtoData
public let message: Message
public let variant: Message.Variant
public let threadVariant: SessionThread.Variant
public let serverExpirationTimestamp: TimeInterval?
public let serializedProtoData: Data
public init(
message: Message,
variant: Message.Variant,
threadVariant: SessionThread.Variant,
serverExpirationTimestamp: TimeInterval?,
proto: SNProtoContent
) throws {
self.message = message
self.variant = variant
self.threadVariant = threadVariant
self.serverExpirationTimestamp = serverExpirationTimestamp
self.serializedProtoData = try proto.serializedData()
private init(
message: Message,
variant: Message.Variant,
threadVariant: SessionThread.Variant,
serverExpirationTimestamp: TimeInterval?,
serializedProtoData: Data
) {
self.message = message
self.variant = variant
self.threadVariant = threadVariant
self.serverExpirationTimestamp = serverExpirationTimestamp
self.serializedProtoData = serializedProtoData
// MARK: - Codable
public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container: KeyedDecodingContainer<CodingKeys> = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
guard let variant: Message.Variant = try? container.decode(Message.Variant.self, forKey: .variant) else {
SNLog("Unable to decode messageReceive job due to missing variant")
throw StorageError.decodingFailed
self = MessageInfo(
message: try variant.decode(from: container, forKey: .message),
variant: variant,
threadVariant: (try? container.decode(SessionThread.Variant.self, forKey: .threadVariant))
.defaulting(to: {
/// We used to store a 'groupPublicKey' value within the 'Message' type which was used to
/// determine the thread variant, now we just encode the variant directly but there may be
/// some legacy jobs which still have `groupPublicKey` so we have this mechanism
/// **Note:** This can probably be removed a couple of releases after the user config
/// update release (ie. after June 2023)
class LegacyGroupPubkey: Codable {
let groupPublicKey: String?
if (try? container.decode(LegacyGroupPubkey.self, forKey: .message))?.groupPublicKey != nil {
return .legacyGroup
return .contact
serverExpirationTimestamp: try? container.decode(TimeInterval.self, forKey: .serverExpirationTimestamp),
serializedProtoData: try container.decode(Data.self, forKey: .serializedProtoData)
public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container: KeyedEncodingContainer<CodingKeys> = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
guard let variant: Message.Variant = Message.Variant(from: message) else {
SNLog("Unable to encode messageReceive job due to unsupported variant")
throw StorageError.objectNotFound
try container.encode(message, forKey: .message)
try container.encode(variant, forKey: .variant)
try container.encode(threadVariant, forKey: .threadVariant)
try container.encodeIfPresent(serverExpirationTimestamp, forKey: .serverExpirationTimestamp)
try container.encode(serializedProtoData, forKey: .serializedProtoData)
public let messages: [MessageInfo]
private let isBackgroundPoll: Bool
// Renamed variable for clarity (and didn't want to migrate old MessageReceiveJob
// values so didn't rename the original)
public var calledFromBackgroundPoller: Bool { isBackgroundPoll }
public init(
messages: [ProcessedMessage],
calledFromBackgroundPoller: Bool
) {
self.messages = messages.compactMap { processedMessage in
switch processedMessage {
case .config: return nil
case .standard(_, _, _, let messageInfo): return messageInfo
self.isBackgroundPoll = calledFromBackgroundPoller
public init(
messages: [MessageInfo],
calledFromBackgroundPoller: Bool
) {
self.messages = messages
self.isBackgroundPoll = calledFromBackgroundPoller