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import SessionUtilitiesKit
import SessionSnodeKit
4 years ago
public final class MessageSendJob : NSObject, Job, NSCoding { // NSObject/NSCoding conformance is needed for YapDatabase compatibility
4 years ago
public let message: Message
4 years ago
public let destination: Message.Destination
public var delegate: JobDelegate?
public var id: String?
4 years ago
public var failureCount: UInt = 0
// MARK: Settings
public class var collection: String { return "MessageSendJobCollection" }
4 years ago
public static let maxFailureCount: UInt = 10
// MARK: Initialization
4 years ago
@objc public convenience init(message: Message, publicKey: String) { self.init(message: message, destination: .contact(publicKey: publicKey)) }
@objc public convenience init(message: Message, groupPublicKey: String) { self.init(message: message, destination: .closedGroup(groupPublicKey: groupPublicKey)) }
4 years ago
public init(message: Message, destination: Message.Destination) {
self.message = message
self.destination = destination
// MARK: Coding
public init?(coder: NSCoder) {
guard let message = coder.decodeObject(forKey: "message") as! Message?,
var rawDestination = coder.decodeObject(forKey: "destination") as! String?,
let id = coder.decodeObject(forKey: "id") as! String? else { return nil }
self.message = message
if rawDestination.removePrefix("contact(") {
guard rawDestination.removeSuffix(")") else { return nil }
let publicKey = rawDestination
destination = .contact(publicKey: publicKey)
} else if rawDestination.removePrefix("closedGroup(") {
guard rawDestination.removeSuffix(")") else { return nil }
let groupPublicKey = rawDestination
destination = .closedGroup(groupPublicKey: groupPublicKey)
} else if rawDestination.removePrefix("openGroup(") {
guard rawDestination.removeSuffix(")") else { return nil }
let components = rawDestination.split(separator: ",").map { String($0).trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines) }
guard components.count == 2, let channel = UInt64(components[0]) else { return nil }
let server = components[1]
destination = .openGroup(channel: channel, server: server)
} else if rawDestination.removePrefix("openGroupV2(") {
guard rawDestination.removeSuffix(")") else { return nil }
let components = rawDestination.split(separator: ",").map { String($0).trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines) }
guard components.count == 2 else { return nil }
let room = components[0]
let server = components[1]
destination = .openGroupV2(room: room, server: server)
} else {
return nil
} = id
self.failureCount = coder.decodeObject(forKey: "failureCount") as! UInt? ?? 0
public func encode(with coder: NSCoder) {
coder.encode(message, forKey: "message")
switch destination {
case .contact(let publicKey): coder.encode("contact(\(publicKey))", forKey: "destination")
case .closedGroup(let groupPublicKey): coder.encode("closedGroup(\(groupPublicKey))", forKey: "destination")
case .openGroup(let channel, let server): coder.encode("openGroup(\(channel), \(server))", forKey: "destination")
case .openGroupV2(let room, let server): coder.encode("openGroupV2(\(room), \(server))", forKey: "destination")
4 years ago
coder.encode(id, forKey: "id")
coder.encode(failureCount, forKey: "failureCount")
// MARK: Running
public func execute() {
if let id = id {
let storage =
4 years ago
if let message = message as? VisibleMessage {
4 years ago
guard TSOutgoingMessage.find(withTimestamp: message.sentTimestamp!) != nil else { return } // The message has been deleted
let attachments = message.attachmentIDs.compactMap { TSAttachment.fetch(uniqueId: $0) as? TSAttachmentStream }
4 years ago
let attachmentsToUpload = attachments.filter { !$0.isUploaded }
attachmentsToUpload.forEach { attachment in
if storage.getAttachmentUploadJob(for: attachment.uniqueId!) != nil {
// Wait for it to finish
} else {
let job = AttachmentUploadJob(attachmentID: attachment.uniqueId!, threadID: message.threadID!, message: message, messageSendJobID: id!)
4 years ago
storage.write(with: { transaction in
4 years ago
JobQueue.shared.add(job, using: transaction)
}, completion: { })
if !attachmentsToUpload.isEmpty { return } // Wait for all attachments to upload before continuing
4 years ago
4 years ago
storage.write(with: { transaction in // Intentionally capture self
4 years ago
MessageSender.send(self.message, to: self.destination, using: transaction).done(on: .userInitiated)) {
}.catch(on: .userInitiated)) { error in
SNLog("Couldn't send message due to error: \(error).")
if let error = error as? MessageSender.Error, !error.isRetryable {
self.handlePermanentFailure(error: error)
} else if let error = error as? OnionRequestAPI.Error, case .httpRequestFailedAtDestination(let statusCode, _, _) = error,
statusCode == 429 { // Rate limited
self.handlePermanentFailure(error: error)
} else {
4 years ago
self.handleFailure(error: error)
}, completion: { })
private func handleSuccess() {
4 years ago
private func handlePermanentFailure(error: Error) {
delegate?.handleJobFailedPermanently(self, with: error)
private func handleFailure(error: Error) {
4 years ago
SNLog("Failed to send \(type(of: message)).")
if let message = message as? VisibleMessage {
guard TSOutgoingMessage.find(withTimestamp: message.sentTimestamp!) != nil else { return } // The message has been deleted
4 years ago
delegate?.handleJobFailed(self, with: error)
// MARK: Convenience
private extension String {
mutating func removePrefix<T : StringProtocol>(_ prefix: T) -> Bool {
guard hasPrefix(prefix) else { return false }
return true
mutating func removeSuffix<T : StringProtocol>(_ suffix: T) -> Bool {
guard hasSuffix(suffix) else { return false }
return true