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417 lines

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
import PromiseKit
import SignalCoreKit
public final class Storage {
private static let dbFileName: String = "Session.sqlite"
private static let keychainService: String = "TSKeyChainService"
private static let dbCipherKeySpecKey: String = "GRDBDatabaseCipherKeySpec"
private static let kSQLCipherKeySpecLength: Int32 = 48
private static var sharedDatabaseDirectoryPath: String { "\(OWSFileSystem.appSharedDataDirectoryPath())/database" }
private static var databasePath: String { "\(Storage.sharedDatabaseDirectoryPath)/\(Storage.dbFileName)" }
private static var databasePathShm: String { "\(Storage.sharedDatabaseDirectoryPath)/\(Storage.dbFileName)-shm" }
private static var databasePathWal: String { "\(Storage.sharedDatabaseDirectoryPath)/\(Storage.dbFileName)-wal" }
public static var isDatabasePasswordAccessible: Bool {
guard (try? getDatabaseCipherKeySpec()) != nil else { return false }
return true
public static let shared: Storage = Storage()
public private(set) var isValid: Bool = false
public private(set) var hasCompletedMigrations: Bool = false
private var dbWriter: DatabaseWriter?
private var migrator: DatabaseMigrator?
private var migrationProgressUpdater: Atomic<((String, CGFloat) -> ())>?
// MARK: - Initialization
public init(
customWriter: DatabaseWriter? = nil,
customMigrations: [TargetMigrations]? = nil
) {
// Create the database directory if needed and ensure it's protection level is set before attempting to
// create the database KeySpec or the database itself
OWSFileSystem.protectFileOrFolder(atPath: Storage.sharedDatabaseDirectoryPath)
// If a custom writer was provided then use that (for unit testing)
guard customWriter == nil else {
dbWriter = customWriter
isValid = true
perform(migrations: (customMigrations ?? []), async: false, onProgressUpdate: nil, onComplete: { _, _ in })
// Generate the database KeySpec if needed (this MUST be done before we try to access the database
// as a different thread might attempt to access the database before the key is successfully created)
// Note: We reset the bytes immediately after generation to ensure the database key doesn't hang
// around in memory unintentionally
var tmpKeySpec: Data = Storage.getOrGenerateDatabaseKeySpec()
tmpKeySpec.resetBytes(in: 0..<tmpKeySpec.count)
// Configure the database and create the DatabasePool for interacting with the database
var config = Configuration()
config.maximumReaderCount = 10 // Increase the max read connection limit - Default is 5
config.prepareDatabase { db in
var keySpec: Data = Storage.getOrGenerateDatabaseKeySpec()
defer { keySpec.resetBytes(in: 0..<keySpec.count) } // Reset content immediately after use
// Use a raw key spec, where the 96 hexadecimal digits are provided
// (i.e. 64 hex for the 256 bit key, followed by 32 hex for the 128 bit salt)
// using explicit BLOB syntax, e.g.:
// x'98483C6EB40B6C31A448C22A66DED3B5E5E8D5119CAC8327B655C8B5C483648101010101010101010101010101010101'
keySpec = try (keySpec.toHexString().data(using: .utf8) ?? { throw StorageError.invalidKeySpec }())
keySpec.insert(contentsOf: [120, 39], at: 0) // "x'" prefix
keySpec.append(39) // "'" suffix
try db.usePassphrase(keySpec)
// According to the SQLCipher docs iOS needs the 'cipher_plaintext_header_size' value set to at least
// 32 as iOS extends special privileges to the database and needs this header to be in plaintext
// to determine the file type
// For more info see:
try db.execute(sql: "PRAGMA cipher_plaintext_header_size = 32")
// Create the DatabasePool to allow us to connect to the database and mark the storage as valid
do {
dbWriter = try DatabasePool(
path: "\(Storage.sharedDatabaseDirectoryPath)/\(Storage.dbFileName)",
configuration: config
isValid = true
catch {}
// MARK: - Migrations
public func perform(
migrations: [TargetMigrations],
async: Bool = true,
onProgressUpdate: ((CGFloat, TimeInterval) -> ())?,
onComplete: @escaping (Bool, Bool) -> ()
) {
guard isValid, let dbWriter: DatabaseWriter = dbWriter else { return }
typealias MigrationInfo = (identifier: TargetMigrations.Identifier, migrations: TargetMigrations.MigrationSet)
let sortedMigrationInfo: [MigrationInfo] = migrations
.reduce(into: [[MigrationInfo]]()) { result, next in
next.migrations.enumerated().forEach { index, migrationSet in
if result.count <= index {
result[index] = (result[index] + [(next.identifier, migrationSet)])
.reduce(into: []) { result, next in result.append(contentsOf: next) }
// Setup and run any required migrations
migrator = {
var migrator: DatabaseMigrator = DatabaseMigrator()
sortedMigrationInfo.forEach { migrationInfo in
migrationInfo.migrations.forEach { migration in
migrator.registerMigration(migrationInfo.identifier, migration: migration)
return migrator
// Determine which migrations need to be performed and gather the relevant settings needed to
// inform the app of progress/states
let completedMigrations: [String] = (try? { db in try migrator?.completedMigrations(db) })
.defaulting(to: [])
let unperformedMigrations: [(key: String, migration: Migration.Type)] = sortedMigrationInfo
.reduce(into: []) { result, next in
next.migrations.forEach { migration in
let key: String = next.identifier.key(with: migration)
guard !completedMigrations.contains(key) else { return }
result.append((key, migration))
let migrationToDurationMap: [String: TimeInterval] = unperformedMigrations
.reduce(into: [:]) { result, next in
result[next.key] = next.migration.minExpectedRunDuration
let unperformedMigrationDurations: [TimeInterval] = unperformedMigrations
.map { _, migration in migration.minExpectedRunDuration }
let totalMinExpectedDuration: TimeInterval = migrationToDurationMap.values.reduce(0, +)
let needsConfigSync: Bool = unperformedMigrations
.contains(where: { _, migration in migration.needsConfigSync })
self.migrationProgressUpdater = Atomic({ targetKey, progress in
guard let migrationIndex: Int = unperformedMigrations.firstIndex(where: { key, _ in key == targetKey }) else {
let completedExpectedDuration: TimeInterval = (
(migrationIndex > 0 ? unperformedMigrationDurations[0..<migrationIndex].reduce(0, +) : 0) +
(unperformedMigrationDurations[migrationIndex] * progress)
let totalProgress: CGFloat = (completedExpectedDuration / totalMinExpectedDuration)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
onProgressUpdate?(totalProgress, totalMinExpectedDuration)
// If we have an unperformed migration then trigger the progress updater immediately
if let firstMigrationKey: String = unperformedMigrations.first?.key {
self.migrationProgressUpdater?.wrappedValue(firstMigrationKey, 0)
// Store the logic to run when the migration completes
let migrationCompleted: (Error?) -> () = { [weak self] error in
self?.hasCompletedMigrations = true
self?.migrationProgressUpdater = nil
// SUKLegacy.deleteLegacyDatabaseFilesAndKey() // TODO: Add a "Delete legacy database" migration to run after the '003' migrations
if let error = error {
SNLog("[Migration Error] Migration failed with error: \(error)")
onComplete((error == nil), needsConfigSync)
// Note: The non-async migration should only be used for unit tests
guard async else {
do { try self.migrator?.migrate(dbWriter) }
catch { migrationCompleted(error) }
self.migrator?.asyncMigrate(dbWriter) { _, error in
public static func update(
progress: CGFloat,
for migration: Migration.Type,
in target: TargetMigrations.Identifier
) {
// In test builds ignore any migration progress updates (we run in a custom database writer anyway),
// this code should be the same as 'CurrentAppContext().isRunningTests' but since the tests can run
// without being attached to a host application the `CurrentAppContext` might not have been set and
// would crash as it gets force-unwrapped - better to just do the check explicitly instead
guard ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["XCTestConfigurationFilePath"] == nil else { return }
Storage.shared.migrationProgressUpdater?.wrappedValue(target.key(with: migration), progress)
// MARK: - Security
private static func getDatabaseCipherKeySpec() throws -> Data {
return try keychainService, key: dbCipherKeySpecKey)
@discardableResult private static func getOrGenerateDatabaseKeySpec() -> Data {
do {
var keySpec: Data = try getDatabaseCipherKeySpec()
defer { keySpec.resetBytes(in: 0..<keySpec.count) }
guard keySpec.count == kSQLCipherKeySpecLength else { throw StorageError.invalidKeySpec }
return keySpec
catch {
switch (error, (error as? KeychainStorageError)?.code) {
case (StorageError.invalidKeySpec, _):
// For these cases it means either the keySpec or the keychain has become corrupt so in order to
// get back to a "known good state" and behave like a new install we need to reset the storage
// and regenerate the key
if !CurrentAppContext().isRunningTests {
// Try to reset app by deleting database.
case (_, errSecItemNotFound):
// No keySpec was found so we need to generate a new one
do {
var keySpec: Data = Randomness.generateRandomBytes(kSQLCipherKeySpecLength)
defer { keySpec.resetBytes(in: 0..<keySpec.count) } // Reset content immediately after use
try SSKDefaultKeychainStorage.shared.set(data: keySpec, service: keychainService, key: dbCipherKeySpecKey)
print("RAWR new keySpec generated and saved")
return keySpec
catch {
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 15) // Sleep to allow any background behaviours to complete
fatalError("Setting keychain value failed with error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
// Because we use kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlockThisDeviceOnly, the keychain will be inaccessible
// after device restart until device is unlocked for the first time. If the app receives a push
// notification, we won't be able to access the keychain to process that notification, so we should
// just terminate by throwing an uncaught exception
if CurrentAppContext().isMainApp || CurrentAppContext().isInBackground() {
let appState: UIApplication.State = CurrentAppContext().reportedApplicationState
// In this case we should have already detected the situation earlier and exited gracefully (in the
// app delegate) using isDatabasePasswordAccessible, but we want to stop the app running here anyway
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 5) // Sleep to allow any background behaviours to complete
fatalError("CipherKeySpec inaccessible. New install or no unlock since device restart?, ApplicationState: \(NSStringForUIApplicationState(appState))")
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 5) // Sleep to allow any background behaviours to complete
fatalError("CipherKeySpec inaccessible; not main app.")
// MARK: - File Management
public static func resetAllStorage() {
// Just in case they haven't been removed for some reason, delete the legacy database & keys
try? SUKLegacy.deleteLegacyDatabaseFilesAndKey()
Storage.shared.isValid = false
Storage.shared.hasCompletedMigrations = false
Storage.shared.dbWriter = nil
try? self.deleteDbKeys()
// TODO: Change these back to private
public/*private*/ static func deleteDatabaseFiles() {
public/*private*/ static func deleteDbKeys() throws {
try SSKDefaultKeychainStorage.shared.remove(service: keychainService, key: dbCipherKeySpecKey)
// MARK: - Functions
@discardableResult public func write<T>(updates: (Database) throws -> T?) -> T? {
guard isValid, let dbWriter: DatabaseWriter = dbWriter else { return nil }
return try? dbWriter.write(updates)
public func writeAsync<T>(updates: @escaping (Database) throws -> T) {
writeAsync(updates: updates, completion: { _, _ in })
public func writeAsync<T>(updates: @escaping (Database) throws -> T, completion: @escaping (Database, Swift.Result<T, Error>) throws -> Void) {
guard isValid, let dbWriter: DatabaseWriter = dbWriter else { return }
completion: { db, result in
try? completion(db, result)
@discardableResult public func read<T>(_ value: (Database) throws -> T?) -> T? {
guard isValid, let dbWriter: DatabaseWriter = dbWriter else { return nil }
return try?
/// Rever to the `ValueObservation.start` method for full documentation
/// - parameter observation: The observation to start
/// - parameter scheduler: A Scheduler. By default, fresh values are
/// dispatched asynchronously on the main queue.
/// - parameter onError: A closure that is provided eventual errors that
/// happen during observation
/// - parameter onChange: A closure that is provided fresh values
/// - returns: a DatabaseCancellable
public func start<Reducer: ValueReducer>(
_ observation: ValueObservation<Reducer>,
scheduling scheduler: ValueObservationScheduler = .async(onQueue: .main),
onError: @escaping (Error) -> Void,
onChange: @escaping (Reducer.Value) -> Void
) -> DatabaseCancellable {
guard isValid, let dbWriter: DatabaseWriter = dbWriter else { return AnyDatabaseCancellable(cancel: {}) }
return observation.start(
in: dbWriter,
scheduling: scheduler,
onError: onError,
onChange: onChange
public func addObserver(_ observer: TransactionObserver?) {
guard isValid, let dbWriter: DatabaseWriter = dbWriter else { return }
guard let observer: TransactionObserver = observer else { return }
dbWriter.add(transactionObserver: observer)
public func removeObserver(_ observer: TransactionObserver?) {
guard isValid, let dbWriter: DatabaseWriter = dbWriter else { return }
guard let observer: TransactionObserver = observer else { return }
dbWriter.remove(transactionObserver: observer)
// MARK: - Promise Extensions
public extension Storage {
// FIXME: Would be good to replace these with Swift Combine
@discardableResult func read<T>(_ value: (Database) throws -> Promise<T>) -> Promise<T> {
guard isValid, let dbWriter: DatabaseWriter = dbWriter else {
return Promise(error: StorageError.databaseInvalid)
do {
return try
catch {
return Promise(error: error)
@discardableResult func writeAsync<T>(updates: @escaping (Database) throws -> Promise<T>) -> Promise<T> {
guard isValid, let dbWriter: DatabaseWriter = dbWriter else {
return Promise(error: StorageError.databaseInvalid)
let (promise, seal) = Promise<T>.pending()
{ db in
try updates(db)
.done { result in seal.fulfill(result) }
.catch { error in seal.reject(error) }
completion: { _, result in
switch result {
case .failure(let error): seal.reject(error)
default: break
return promise