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// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
import SignalCoreKit
import SessionUtilitiesKit
public enum RetrieveDefaultOpenGroupRoomsJob: JobExecutor {
public static let maxFailureCount: Int = -1
public static let requiresThreadId: Bool = false
public static let requiresInteractionId: Bool = false
public static func run(
_ job: Job,
success: @escaping (Job, Bool) -> (),
failure: @escaping (Job, Error?, Bool) -> (),
deferred: @escaping (Job) -> ()
) {
// Don't run when inactive or not in main app
guard (UserDefaults.sharedLokiProject?[.isMainAppActive]).defaulting(to: false) else {
deferred(job) // Don't need to do anything if it's not the main app
.done { _ in success(job, false) }
.catch { error in failure(job, error, false) }