You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

295 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import Combine
import GRDB
import DifferenceKit
import SessionUIKit
import SignalUtilitiesKit
import SessionMessagingKit
final class ThreadPickerVC: UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate, AttachmentApprovalViewControllerDelegate {
private let viewModel: ThreadPickerViewModel = ThreadPickerViewModel()
private var dataChangeObservable: DatabaseCancellable?
private var hasLoadedInitialData: Bool = false
var shareNavController: ShareNavController?
// MARK: - Intialization
deinit {
// MARK: - UI
private lazy var titleLabel: UILabel = {
let titleLabel: UILabel = UILabel()
titleLabel.font = .boldSystemFont(ofSize: Values.veryLargeFontSize)
titleLabel.text = "vc_share_title".localized()
titleLabel.themeTextColor = .textPrimary
return titleLabel
private lazy var tableView: UITableView = {
let tableView: UITableView = UITableView()
tableView.themeBackgroundColor = .backgroundPrimary
tableView.separatorStyle = .none
tableView.register(view: SimplifiedConversationCell.self)
tableView.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = false
tableView.dataSource = self
tableView.delegate = self
return tableView
// MARK: - Lifecycle
override func viewDidLoad() {
navigationItem.titleView = titleLabel
view.themeBackgroundColor = .backgroundPrimary
// Notifications
selector: #selector(applicationDidBecomeActive(_:)),
name: UIApplication.didBecomeActiveNotification,
object: nil
selector: #selector(applicationDidResignActive(_:)),
name: UIApplication.didEnterBackgroundNotification, object: nil
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
// Stop observing database changes
@objc func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ notification: Notification) {
/// Need to dispatch to the next run loop to prevent a possible crash caused by the database resuming mid-query
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
@objc func applicationDidResignActive(_ notification: Notification) {
// Stop observing database changes
// MARK: Layout
private func setupLayout() { view)
// MARK: - Updating
private func startObservingChanges() {
// Start observing for data changes
dataChangeObservable = Storage.shared.start(
onError: { _ in },
onChange: { [weak self] viewData in
// The defaul scheduler emits changes on the main thread
private func handleUpdates(_ updatedViewData: [SessionThreadViewModel]) {
// Ensure the first load runs without animations (if we don't do this the cells will animate
// in from a frame of
guard hasLoadedInitialData else {
hasLoadedInitialData = true
UIView.performWithoutAnimation { handleUpdates(updatedViewData) }
// Reload the table content (animate changes after the first load)
using: StagedChangeset(source: viewModel.viewData, target: updatedViewData),
with: .automatic,
interrupt: { $0.changeCount > 100 } // Prevent too many changes from causing performance issues
) { [weak self] updatedData in
// MARK: - UITableViewDataSource
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return self.viewModel.viewData.count
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell: SimplifiedConversationCell = tableView.dequeue(type: SimplifiedConversationCell.self, for: indexPath)
cell.update(with: self.viewModel.viewData[indexPath.row])
return cell
// MARK: - Interaction
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
tableView.deselectRow(at: indexPath, animated: true)
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
1 year ago
.subscribe(on: .userInitiated))
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main, immediatelyIfMain: true)
receiveValue: { [weak self] attachments in
guard let strongSelf = self else { return }
let approvalVC: UINavigationController = AttachmentApprovalViewController.wrappedInNavController(
threadId: strongSelf.viewModel.viewData[indexPath.row].threadId,
attachments: attachments,
approvalDelegate: strongSelf
strongSelf.navigationController?.present(approvalVC, animated: true, completion: nil)
func attachmentApproval(_ attachmentApproval: AttachmentApprovalViewController, didApproveAttachments attachments: [SignalAttachment], forThreadId threadId: String, messageText: String?) {
// Sharing a URL or plain text will populate the 'messageText' field so in those
// cases we should ignore the attachments
let isSharingUrl: Bool = (attachments.count == 1 && attachments[0].isUrl)
let isSharingText: Bool = (attachments.count == 1 && attachments[0].isText)
let finalAttachments: [SignalAttachment] = (isSharingUrl || isSharingText ? [] : attachments)
let body: String? = (
isSharingUrl && (messageText?.isEmpty == true || attachments[0].linkPreviewDraft == nil) ?
(messageText?.isEmpty == true || (attachments[0].text() == messageText) ?
attachments[0].text() :
"\(attachments[0].text() ?? "")\n\n\(messageText ?? "")"
) :
shareNavController?.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
ModalActivityIndicatorViewController.present(fromViewController: shareNavController!, canCancel: false, message: "vc_share_sending_message".localized()) { activityIndicator in
// Resume database Database.resumeNotification, object: self)
.writePublisher { db -> MessageSender.PreparedSendData in
let threadVariant: SessionThread.Variant = try SessionThread
.filter(id: threadId)
.asRequest(of: SessionThread.Variant.self)
else { throw MessageSenderError.noThread }
// Create the interaction
let interaction: Interaction = try Interaction(
threadId: threadId,
authorId: getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db),
variant: .standardOutgoing,
body: body,
timestampMs: SnodeAPI.currentOffsetTimestampMs(),
hasMention: Interaction.isUserMentioned(db, threadId: threadId, body: body),
expiresInSeconds: try? DisappearingMessagesConfiguration
.filter(id: threadId)
.filter(DisappearingMessagesConfiguration.Columns.isEnabled == true)
.asRequest(of: TimeInterval.self)
linkPreviewUrl: (isSharingUrl ? attachments.first?.linkPreviewDraft?.urlString : nil)
guard let interactionId: Int64 = else {
throw StorageError.failedToSave
// If the user is sharing a Url, there is a LinkPreview and it doesn't match an existing
// one then add it now
let linkPreviewDraft: LinkPreviewDraft = attachments.first?.linkPreviewDraft,
(try? interaction.linkPreview.isEmpty(db)) == true
try LinkPreview(
url: linkPreviewDraft.urlString,
title: linkPreviewDraft.title,
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
1 year ago
attachmentId: LinkPreview
imageData: linkPreviewDraft.jpegImageData,
mimeType: OWSMimeTypeImageJpeg
// Prepare any attachments
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
1 year ago
try Attachment.process(
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
1 year ago
data: Attachment.prepare(attachments: finalAttachments),
for: interactionId
// Prepare the message send data
return try MessageSender
interaction: interaction,
threadId: threadId,
threadVariant: threadVariant
.subscribe(on: .userInitiated))
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
1 year ago
.flatMap { MessageSender.performUploadsIfNeeded(preparedSendData: $0) }
.flatMap { MessageSender.sendImmediate(preparedSendData: $0) }
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
1 year ago
.subscribe(on: .userInitiated))
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
receiveCompletion: { [weak self] result in
// Suspend the database Database.suspendNotification, object: self)
activityIndicator.dismiss { }
switch result {
case .finished: self?.shareNavController?.shareViewWasCompleted()
case .failure(let error): self?.shareNavController?.shareViewFailed(error: error)
3 years ago
func attachmentApprovalDidCancel(_ attachmentApproval: AttachmentApprovalViewController) {
dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
func attachmentApproval(_ attachmentApproval: AttachmentApprovalViewController, didChangeMessageText newMessageText: String?) {
func attachmentApproval(_ attachmentApproval: AttachmentApprovalViewController, didRemoveAttachment attachment: SignalAttachment) {
func attachmentApprovalDidTapAddMore(_ attachmentApproval: AttachmentApprovalViewController) {