You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Script used with Drone CI to check for the existence of a build artifact.
current_dir="$(dirname "$0")"
upload_url=$("${current_dir}/" false)
upload_dir="$(dirname "${upload_url}")"
target_file_pattern="$(basename "${upload_url}")"
echo "Starting to poll ${upload_dir} every 10s to check for a build matching '${target_file_pattern}'"
# Loop indefinitely the CI can timeout the script if it takes too long
max_poll_duration=(30 * 60) # Poll for a maximum of 30 mins
while true; do
# Need to add the trailing '/' or else we get a '301' response
build_artifacts_html=$(curl -s "${upload_dir}/")
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to retrieve build artifact list"
exit 1
# Extract 'session-ios...' titles using grep and awk
current_build_artifacts=$(echo "$build_artifacts_html" | grep -o 'href="session-ios-[^"]*' | sed 's/href="//')
# Use grep to check for the combination
target_file=$(echo "$current_build_artifacts" | grep -o "$target_file_pattern" | tail -n 1)
if [ -n "$target_file" ]; then
echo -e "\n\n\n\n\e[32;1mExisting build artifact at ${upload_dir}/${target_file}\e[0m\n\n\n"
exit 0
# Sleep for 10 seconds before checking again
sleep 10
total_poll_duration=$((total_poll_duration + 10))
if [ $total_poll_duration -gt $max_poll_duration ]; then
echo -e "\n\n\n\n\e[31;1mCould not find existing build artifact after polling for 30 minutes\e[0m\n\n\n"